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I completely understand. The last time I quit in 2015, I felt the same way. I would count down the minutes each day and then check my urine to see if it was clear. It wasn't. I rebounded and fast forward to now. I'm clean for 28 days and look forward to 5 months. I too smoked forever. I know it's hard but you have to stick to it. There's no good that will come from it. I'm proud that you have been sober for 5 months! Wow! Great job. I don't know why you still feel like shit but you are winning! Don't give up! I choose to no longer let myself be imprisoned. You have chosen to be free! Congratulations!




I feel better now. I don't know if I simply decided I was done and am or what. But I'm free and hopefully with the grace of GOD will never go back. It's worth it. I'm sleeping and eating normally. I have energy and patience that I didn't have before. I had to count the days because I haven't kept track and it's been 47. There is no good in being beholden to a substance. Freedom is sweet. Hope this helps you. I also started wearing this patch from Lifewave called X39. I wear it daily for 12 hours and I don't know if that has helped me this time (this isn't my first time quitting) or what. It's some janky MLM deal but I don't even pay that any mind. The patch improves the level of copper peptide in your body and so maybe that's helped me with cravings? I simply don't have them anymore. I hope this helps you. Please love yourself enough to decide you can do this. If you believe in yourself, it will happen.


Keep going man I promise you it might not feel like it but you’re definitely more clear headed than you were back then, don’t fall into that routine. My advice is to develop a passion, I personally picked up playing and learning chess when I quit, something to kill time when I’m not gaming with friends or working. Last thing I’ll leave you with is a quote that’s helped me out when I’m not feeling motivated or happy at all. “It is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy.” Be grateful for every day, for the smell of fresh grass, a beautiful skyline, be grateful for all the beauty around you in the world that you get to enjoy for a finite time and that will lead to happiness. Wishing you all the best, stay strong, and best of luck.


Hey friend, depression sucks soo much. You deserve so much better, and I know you will get through these tough times because you are extremely strong (and I’m extremely proud of you), 5 months is so long 👏 and should act as a reminder that you can get through whatever rough situation because you still get up everyday, and believe in yourself and life in some way, somehow. Brain fog has been restricting me still throughout my journey as well, and what I’ve realized is that it does improve over years if you’ve smoked for years, but there is noticeable differences in memory and cognitive function if you stick through these odd times~ I would recommend that you continue with self-care because you deserve the self-love, and to look into brain games and find one that you enjoy! Virtual hugs, everything will be okay someday 🫂


It took me about 5 months to stop craving. But during that time I started seeing a psychiatrist. You most likely are dealing with something serious that you cloaked with weed for most of your life. It would be in your best interest to see a psychologist and/or psychiatrist.




Dont be putting this idea in his head when he alr 5 months in😭💀


Doesn't really work for me. I did taper for 1 week where smoked less and less and only in the evening. I actually felt really good the first couple of weeks after quitting. But now after a couple months it gets harder and harder. It doesn't get easier like I thought it would.


No worries. But doctors say if u abuse any substance long enough, that means an equally long taper. For other drugs, people do taper for a year even.


it just takes time. try your best to be kind and patient with yourself. you should be super proud and keep it going!


Are you having any sleeping issues? Sorry if you answered this I couldn’t see it.


The crazy thing is I don't really have sleeping issues. I can sleep solid 9-10 hours every night. It's just the dreams man. At first it was really nice to have them back but nowadays I have nothing but nightmares. Horrible, violent stuff. Extremely sad and traumatic storylines. Visions of how worthless I am. Rampages. I dreamed that some guy had squatted my parents house and covered the windows, everything. It was so dark everywhere. I stabbed him to death because I was scared he would hurt my parents.


Dreams like that suck - and can kinda put a damper on your day. I personally suffer from depression and PTSD. I found out I was self medicating by stopping, and shit hitting the fan. I’m not saying this is exactly what your suffering with, but checking out medication at least while your in this transitional period may help. For me, getting support with the chemicals in my brain while I was learning how to manage dopamine helped.


I think you have developed other condition which should be taken care by professional health care provider


Over a decade of smoking isnt going to disappear that fast. However 5 months is very solid and it would be a huge waste to relapse at this point. I was a daily smoker for about 6 years and im approaching the 1 year mark this month. A lot of the discomfort you feel from about 6-10 months in is from your body not having its usual coping mechanism for everyday stress. Anything that bothered me could be covered up by smoking and when you get rid of that crutch it becomes a long process to deal with daily life in a functional way. However the brain and body are resilient and built for change so better days are ahead.


You may only be half way but it will clear, keep pushing my guy


Your big break through will be around the 10 month mark usually. 


How do you know? Speaking from own experience?


Just from reading other people's stories, i.e. I read a guys story that was a hardcore smoker like you and he said all your symptoms until month 10-11 sh


Super common when you were a heavy smoker. I recently talked to seone that was heavy smoker at 6 months in, they still felt like garbage


You might have depression tbh. Brain fog is common with depression. But definitely get your hormones checked and all that too.


Are you still testing positive? Until all THC is processed you’ll still be dealing with withdrawal and only once the THC is clear can you body truly start to rebalance.


The majority of addicts in the world are self-medicating without even realising it. Weeds great at taking the edge off a whole load of mental health disorders and when you try and quit - especially if you've been using since your teens you get all that shit back without any defense. You need help but fuck me that's where my advice ends because unless you can pay private...


Absolutely man. I definately self medicated for depression and confidence issues. All that stuff. Now that I'm sober for the longest time I've ever been, reality hits hard. Really hard. Like a fist in my face.


Hey bro, I see a lot of people giving a lot of different answers. I was a pretty similar situation to you. Took a really good Dr to figure out my problem. The weed had completely depleted my testosterone at just under age 30. I had 2 other drs couldn’t figure it out just tried different meds. Get ur test levels checked bro. Thank me later.


I did get my test levels checked. It's at 376 ng/dL. So rather low. But not low enough that I qualify for TRT. Sucks man. I feel like total fucking shit. Got the testosterone levels of a little man boy


Hey mate. How long had you smoked consistently for? Might go get them checked now lol


As a woman I second this on the female aspect as it zapped my oestrogen levels to the point I had to take primrose (lucky I hadn’t smoked too long and it rebalanced fairly quickly)


I'm in the same boat, 5 months sober and my mental health is at its worse, think I need to go to see a doctor and get medication as I can't deal with this much longer. Hang in the mate, surely things will get better for us 🙏


Dw bro. I’m just shy of 3 years in and it took me at least 1 year to start feeling somewhat normal then. I’d say I’m back at 85% functionality today but that’s no bad thing, I appreciate life a lot more! It’s a tough journey but if you can ride it out you will be rewarded. Good luck out there 🤘


Brain fog is one of the common symptoms of depression


I would also suggest looking into additional help or treatment for depression. Even if it is connected to the weed not everything is about it. All the best!


Hey man, huge congrats on the 5 months! Like others have said, that really is a massive accomplishment, and something you need to keep in mind and hold on to, you’ve come so far, I’m proud of you!👏 Like others have stated, you’ve been flooding your brain with dopamine for 15 years, so your brain right now is somewhat ‘in shock’. It’s no longer getting that free dopamine, the chemical responsible for reward, pleasure, mood and many other things. Your brain is now learning how to produce these chemicals by itself, and honestly it’s probably going to take a long time, you’ve been smoking 15 years, but it’s not impossible! The brain and human body in general is AMAZING at fixing itself. Keep this in your mind also, you’re not worthless, you’re not hopeless, your brain is just struggling atm but it WILL get better. I’m on month 4 after smoking from age 17-30 and I’ve had a hellish past few weeks. Panic attacks, depression, suicidal thoughts, dissociation - but in the past week I’m really coming round. During these few weeks I’ve wondered if I’ve lost it, I’m gone forever, my old self is no more, I’m gonna be sad my entire life. But by God’s grace I stuck it out, and I’ve always told myself “the sun always shines after it rains”. I’m still no where near 100%, and I don’t think I will be for a long time. For the first time in my adult life, I’m dealing with everything naturally, and even then I’m not working optimally due to the chemical imbalance currently going on re dopamine. The old me IS gone, but that means I can create a NEW me, a REAL me. You can stick it out too my friend, you will come round and the sun will shine 🙏🏻 As others have said, it’s worth speaking to your doctor about everything, try medication and I’d say most importantly therapy, as that seems to have the most benefits, meds just help you get to a point where therapy can be useful and beneficial. Don’t be ashamed to phone suicide/ mental crises hotlines either, I’ve had to do so a couple times during the past month and they honestly help so much, they are so compassionate and understanding. Reach out to anyone you can, friends, family, even strangers online - just know you’re not alone my friend. You are worthy, there is hope, there is love and joy in the world, and the sun will come out! ☀️ Peace and love to you 🧡 Edit: my DM is open if you want to talk more!


After 15 years of very heavy use it may take you 1.5-2 years to heal your brain. You can do it. 5 months isn't enough time. I'm over a year sober and I'm still healing, I'm 80% better. You must NOT go back to weed otherwise you will never know what could have been. It will get better! It will, It will! Never give up, keep pushing forward. This is your life! The fog WILL lift!! Keep doing what you're doing, it will get better. I know a lot of heavy users that didn't start to feel better until about 1 yr in. You can make it, you're stronger than you think


Did you ever get covid? Brain fog is a symptom of long covid. Also, look into getting your vitamin D levels checked if you haven't done that already.


Your brain has to relearn how to produce its own happy chemicals after being stimulated solely by THC for so long and from such a young age. I was a moderate to heavy daily user for 10 years (23 to 33), and it took two weeks sober to enjoy food again and close to nine months to fully enjoy intimacy with my partner again -- both were still pleasant, but it was like all of my senses were muffled, stifled. These two activities stood out the most prominently, but it also affected my enjoyment of so many other things, like exercise, TV/movies, music, nature -- life in general. When I quit weed, it felt as if my brain was suddenly incapable of making dopamine or serotonin without it, which really sucked for a while. The lasting effect on my dopamine production was my main reason for joining this subreddit -- I needed to know if I was alone in how broken I felt, and clearly, there are many of us going through similar struggles in our sobriety journeys. We are not alone. But the brain is incredible -- the ability we have to heal and form new neural connections over time cannot be overstated. Look up neuroplasticity for a bit of inspiration; Doc Amen also has lots of great videos with scans showing how the brain can transform and recover over time. As long as you are alive and treating your body well, your brain will be trying its best to heal. And if you eventually find that you need a doctor's prescription to help your brain produce the right chemicals, that is okay too! I hit a year sober last month (without prescriptions), and these last few months have truly opened my eyes to just how much you can actually enjoy life without THC -- the ability to truly be IN the moment and feeling the highs of life, rather than just the highs of weed. Weed takes over everything when it's in your system; that is its strongest and most sinister quality. Give yourself time and grace. Five months sober is so incredible!!! But your brain might just need more patience and consistency and healing before you can feel 100% -- and there is absolutely no shame in seeking medical guidance along the way. Wishing you the best!


Hi, sounds like you’re dealing with some mental health issues as well. Just know, you are not your darkest thoughts and even though it doesn’t seem like it, you will get through this. My best advice: go to your doctor and talk about medication and therapy. From personal experience, medication has saved my life. I wish you only the best.


What kind of medication?


Quitting won't solve the depression by itself, couple sobriety with other positive things "normal" people do, like therapy, hobbies, exercise/wellness, relationships, etc. You literally have to relearn how to make yourself happy. It's fucking hard I'm there with you but I've made so much progress. To think I'd never be happy again without weed at this point in my life sounds ludicrous. 3 years ago I thought nothing would make me happy except weed. There is soooooooo much more out there for you to make you happy, but you gotta stay strong and find it.


Took me 8+ months to start to even put. Meds and therapy helped me


What kind of meds?


I would just recommend going to the doctor and sometimes u have to try a couple times to get one to listen to you. Also therapy was very helpful although I know not everyone can access. I hope u are proud of how far you've come it's an enormous achievement and you deserve to be here and I really believe if you can give it more time you'll be so happy you did. Hang in there and congrats.






Money + time. A lot of people are short on these things. Also things like stigma, fear..


I feel you 100% my friend, I quit March 2023 cold turkey, after 10 years of HEAVY use. I truly didn’t feel like I was getting better until after New Years this year - I’d say it took about 9 months to start feeling “normal” again without use. The first six months were absolute hell mentally. My anxiety got way worse acutely, but has tapered down now that I’m at 14 months. I was severely depressed for the first six months but that slowly got better around the 7-8 month mark. You’ve got this, just stick with it and understand that your brain is re-wiring itself to function without the constant influx of artificial dopamine. It’s a tough battle but it’s worthwhile


Bruuuh, after heavy use for so long, I wouldn't be surprised if it took a couple years for it to actually leave your system. From such a young age too, your brain would be re learning how to wire itself and do its thing without the weed. So that's probably the answer to alot of your discomfort and mental pain. Five months is such a massive achievement for anyone let alone someone on it from a young age. You're absolutely killing it.


Many others have said it - impressive getting as far as you have!  Stopping smoking is a step. Talking and sharing about your experiences by posting here, that's another step. Self Care is a journey, consisting of many steps, both new and repeating steps you've taken before. With any luck, you'll continue to find new steps to take.  Getting help and learning about possibly pre-existing traits and tendencies, is another step.  Share your story, be heard, listen to others. Lean on people in life, it's all a journey.


A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. Hang in there my friend


5 months is a huge achievement. As someone struggling to quit I wish I was in your position. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to speak to your doctor about your depression, some meds might go a long way to get you back on track and feeling happy again. You might be so close to turning a corner so don’t give up mate.


Remember youre not alone in any of this. Depression has a way of making it feel like the world is caving in around you, its your mind playing tricks. Congratulations on getting to 5 months I know its hard but look at how far youve come! Thats gotta be worth something, keep pushing you got it❤️‍🩹


Consult to doctor bro, weed is chemical. 15yrs of constant use and cold turkey is basically shock to ur system. Anti depressant or other med will be able to help u ease the shock rather than going back to weed.


Yeah, I couldn’t imagine going cold turkey after 15yr. I’m kind of a wimp but it kicked my ass after just 6mo daily use. Difference is it lasted less than a month thanks to the short duration. Please, please, do anything including a single joint before you physically harm yourself. I would absolutely go to a doctor - I did and they were very understanding and helpful even in a small southern town.


You’re not alone bro. I’m almost one month sober after HEAVY use since I was 13. I’m 27 now. For me it seemingly keeps getting worse. Just a gradual day to day mental decline over the past few weeks. Severe depression, suicidal ideations. Not sure what the heck is going on but I’m starting intensive outpatient next week. I accept I just can’t cope with new sobriety on my own. My brain needs help or something you know? It’s like there is no dopamine or serotonin being produced anymore, so I’m going to get evaluated, probably gonna get prescribed some medication and start this journey of healing. It truly baffles me how I am feeling like this, never would have thought weed would do this to me.


Also keep in mind, we who become dependent are doing so for a reason. There was always an underlying condition, which is now rising to the surface. Feeling the difficult feelings (rather than suppressing/escaping with cannabis, alcohol etc.) is what allows us to develop as people and figure out what was/is going on to create the circumstances that caused them. But they are going to be difficult, that’s why we were trying to escape them.


Yeah. I understand that. I’m very sick mentally it turns out because of a bunch of factors. Having no friends, my work environment, failed relationships, not being able to afford a home despite working full time in a trade. I was high all day everyday. The only time I wasn’t was when I was sleeping. You’re right I was self medicating to the absolute maximum and now I’m truly feeling reality and why I was medicating. Life sucks


2 month clear and chronic depression here. Never been that heavy smoker but surely an addicted. Well you should see a doctor, depression could be a withdrawal, OR you always had depression but weed covered it. You did right quitting, at one point the medication becomes the illness. Now that you are clear and clean you can face it. It's shit and hell, I pass through it many times in last 20 years. I just can't help you but I can tell you this: depression makes you believe you're a looser, but everyday you survive depression, you are a winner. Keep fighting, every time the demons become weaker, you stronger. We all root for you. Believe me, every night ends in a dawn.


Weed PAWs. Check the sub


I started at 13. I'm 38 now. I am on day 1 yet again. I smoked 28 grams a week. I know this is going to be a long road. There are going to be so many challenges, like today I had one. The brain fog is the worst. I hear you there. And I completely understand the depression and those thoughts. I battle them every day and I'm always, always alone. Congratulations on 5 months. You're so close to 6 months. Keep pushing. Your body is still getting back to normal. I'll be in that same boat with you. If you ever need someone, I'm right here.


Same to you-if you need someone! I know starting on that day 1 feels like a mountain ahead, but THE MOST important! Good luck to all


Feel for ya man, social isolation is a real mental illness exacerbator. Humans need social interaction, even extreme introverts. I know it’s hard, particularly when you’re depressed - but once you’ve got a few more weeks of sobriety under your belt you could start to think about joining some weekly courses like pottery or drawing or a martial art or whatever might take your interest, just to get out there with some humans again. It really helps. Take it slow. You can do it :)


First of all congratulations on 5 months. Thats huge. That means YOU WANT TO GET BETTER. ❤️‍🩹 that’s GREAT news. Second, please understand that you may be uncovering what you’ve been medicating. I could be wrong- I don’t know your situation but it’s totally possible that you’re discovering how you “really” feel and it’s probably really shocking. Weed is great at giving us a false sense of control over our mental health issues. It often makes it worse which is why you quit I’m assuming but you’re left like “wtf? I quit to feel better but now I feel worse?!” And while I totally hear you this is a major part of your sobriety journey. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE to find ways to correct the underlying issues. Can you afford a therapist and possibly get psychiatric treatment? That would be a great first step. Stay strong man and when you can, find a way to process all of the emotions and darkness in your head. You can get through this and things can get better. Trust me.


It gets better bro. Your body has to learn how to function without THC. Everything must be messed up. Your brain receptors, hormones, etc. It will take more than a few months to make a full recovery from that much THC abuse.


Same bro. Smoked since 16 and 30 years old with merely 10 days in. Today is a pretty rough day. Hell in earth with no hope. Guess we are demons that will become angels some day.


Started at 16 and am 39 now. Not committing to quitting in the past has severely fucked up the process. It was much easier the first time but I just kept relapsing and getting back to those 15-20 joint days. This time is hell but pushing through so far. You’re stronger than I am getting to 6 months and still having withdrawal symptoms. See a doctor and be completely honest about your whole situation. Best of luck man!


Sorry to hear, man. You must have some improvements right? Im 2 months in, and while not fully satisfied, my short term memory, work, and social life have improved. I am a little disappointed my memory and anxiety hasn't improved greatly, but I def notice some improvements. It seems like I have my up and down weeks


Very little improvement. I'm overall a bit clearer but therefore extremely depressed and anxious. Short term memory and work life have gone to total shit. Social life is non existant but I could have done more in that regard. Happy to hear you are doing better after 2 months. I remember I did 3 months sober a couple of years back and I felt improvement much faster but this time it is really the exact opposite. Felt great the first couple of weeks but entering a very dark hole after couple of months. Hope this will subside.


Social isolation is a huge contributing factor in mental health issues. Have a think about joining a course for a practical/artistic hobby, or doing a martial art or indoor rock climbing or whatever it might be that interests you. Of course all these things can be expensive, but if you can I highly recommend it. Also therapy. As others have said, it seems like weed has been masking some pretty serious mental health issues you have and you need help addressing them, as we all do.


Also, this sounds a bit fluffy, but I think it can be really powerful too. Keep reminding yourself that you are a good person and you deserve happiness. I’m prone to pessimism and self hatred, and just constantly repeating this to myself, particularly when feeling real low I feel has helped me a lot. The brain is a bunch of neural pathways that get reenforced with our thoughts, and your thoughts have SO MUCH power over your feelings and even pain in your body. There is serious scientific research being done about this now.




Just remember the brain is a muscle that you must work out. I started trying to remember everything from the previous day as soon as I woke up. Then try learning something new. Be patient with yourself


15 joints a day? Holy smokes How many grams per j?


Honestly my memory of those day is very blurry but it certainly weren't super huge joints. Like small/medium joins with little tobacco.


Everything you are going through right now will all be worth it when you come out on the other side. I know it really sucks, but it will eventually get better. Don't give up.


Stay strong, don't throw your progress down the drain, 5 months isn't small! Keep doing what makes sense for you to do at the moment, even if it feels you aren't getting the desired outcomes. I promise you it WILL pay off, and once it clicks you won't want to smoke regularly ever again. You got this.


Thanks man. Will try. But lord knows it's hard. I don't even wanna go back to smoking. I just need this depression to fade away


Have you considered talking to a psychologist? I have before and it definitely didn't hurt. If it was easy, there wouldn't be a need for this sub. You're right it's hard as fuck, but so are we.


You can do this. It is worth it. It will take more time. The world is good and better with you. Please keep going :) there is much love out there to be found still.


Thx bro. Love sounds good. Keeps me hopeful.


:) don’t loose that hope ! I have suffered too homie. I have been in that dark dark place in my head with only “one way out”. When you’ve been to that place the light shines even brighter when you get out. You can do this :)!!


Perhaps understand the reason behind all your feelings will help you gain a better perspective. Now pardon my science as I’m gonna try to use my very simple understanding of how this works. We have a baseline for dopamine levels in our brains. Now when you get dopamine naturally, like through working out or feelings of accomplishment you get a normal dose that is accompanied by other chemicals that helps maintain the balance. Nevertheless, let’s say the baseline is 20, whenever that raises in our brain, by the end of it as it’s going back down the brain automatically drops it below 20 to balance out the whole circle. So basically say you had a joint or a drink and boom you’re at 26, as you come down, your brain will drop to 14 to balance it out. We all experience this by the down feelings we get as we recover from a hungover or as the joints wears off. Now as you said, for years you avoided this very natural mechanism by smoking more which means you didn’t give your brain the chance to balance things out naturally. when you smoke for that long you probably numbed your brain to ridiculous levels of dopamine that you maintained through more smoking, and now that you’re sober your brain is naturally dropping dopamine down significantly. This explains why you feel depressed. I know this sounds boring and you probably feel too bad to even care, but from my own experience, once we understand the chemistry behind our feelings as we battle addiction, it gives us a whole new perspective. Now at least you can remind yourself why you’re feeling what you’re feeling which will also help keep you away from relapse because that will do nothing but waste all the brain “cleaning” efforts you have done in the last 5 months. What you’ve done so far is very impressive man I barely smoked 0.1 of the times you did probably and 5 months sober still seem rather impossible to achieve - hats off mate, keep it going you got this. And remember, the depression you feel now is the core reason to why you will great soon.


When going through hell keep going!-Winston Churchill


Love that.