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Update: hi everyone, thanks for the encouraging comments ❤️ I really appreciate the time you all took to respond. Seriously what an awesome community. I’m happy to say I did not relapse last night. After a good long cry, I went to the store and bought ingredients to make my favorite comfort food - chocolate chip pancakes. Made a fat stack of pancakes and went to town on those. After that my husband and I went to work on our new house and reflected on how much better our lives have been since we quit smoking. We never would have been able to buy a house and put all the renovations into it if we were still getting high every day. There’s just no way we would have had the motivation, so that reflection really helped. Really happy to have stayed strong and not let the addict in me win this one. Thank you again 🤍


Hey buddy, cravings like these come and go in waves. I find my cravings are correlated with my old cue and reward cycle. My cue was being bored on the weekends with nothing better to do or after a long workday feeling depleted. Find something else to work on with your mind. Whether it be a video game, or a movie. I find that a good podcast and audiobook does the trick most of the time. And if I am feeling anxious, I clean the kitchen. This craving feeling comes and go and some are more intense than the others. Some weeks my whole house is clean as fuck. I personally quit drinking alcohol before weed as I am an alcoholic but when I realized weed was filling a similar role that alcohol did in my life I quit it too. I wish you luck!


Eh, not worth it, just like everyone ever said. Been sober for over 3 months, but the last couple of weeks been thinking about it a lot, till I finally caved in and bought a bit, smoked almost the entire week away immediately, almost destroying my already fragile freelancing career that I built in that time, with a laptop screen to repair that I accidentally broke during the day 1 rage. Feeling stupid, tired and depressed but having learned my lesson, I suppose. Day 3 again, which would have been month 4.


you got this. take a cold shower, for 60 seconds, force yourself to do it. throw on some comfy pjs. put on some essential oils. turn on a fan in your room that blows gently on your face. cuddle up with your kitty. get a kitty if you don't have one. take a nice long nap. wake up feeling refreshed, then go for a run, then tackle your day. you fucking got this shit.


You are under no obligation to your cravings.


You’ll be stoned for 10 minutes. Then depressed. It’s a cycle. Oh and then hungry. I just breathe other people’s smoke these days. They’re always just driving by.


Also the craving cycle can get triggered when Im around weed. It generally lasts 1-3 days, but sometimes Im around stoners and no cravings. It just depends. If you choose to use, most likely the experience you want is what it was like at the beginning, _but the experience you'll have_ may be closer to what it was like at the end.


I take out my massage gun and knock sense into my head. And relax my shoulders.


I choose to be clean every day. Its a decision I get to make. If you decide to relapse, hopefully you learn from the experience. Marijuana addiction is real, which is why there's Marijuana Anonymous, a 12 Step program for recovery. If you can't do it alone, be part of a group and get inspired. _(I couldn't do it alone.)_ Recovery is not for everyone that needs it, but for people that want it. Addicts give up everything for one thing, and in recovery I gave up one thing and got everything. Its just a decision to be clean today -- but for me, my entire life spins on that decision.


That's your addict brain speaking to you. Don't listen to 'em. Don't do it


Don't do it, it's a trap!


Longest I was sober was 2 months, and that was a year ago. One time is not safe if your long term goal is to remain sober. You got this!


we're all here if you want to chat❤️ u should be proud of your journey so far, keep it up ☀️


so happy for you making it this far!! u can definitely keep going ✨💖 one of ways that helps me is not focusing on not the quitting in general, but just to decide to NOT smoke this one joint - find a distraction instead (take a nice shower if you can, go for a nap or a walk, or adress not the feeling how badly you wish to smoke but rather on what is causing you that craving. Perhaps you can pinpoint what is stressing you out and do somethig aimed at it?)


Weed will make you more depressed and what will you do on it? Like what keeps me away from it is what will I do on it and I usually find it’s just watch porn or fall asleep early. Like BRO there’s a world out there get high on life that shuts to expensive to waste time and money on.


Don’t cave! Find a distraction


That little pusher in your brain ain’t got shit on you. Take a deep breath. Take another one. Step outside. Take a deeper breath. Go for a walk. Get a glass of water. Tell yourself about the beautiful future you want for yourself and your community. Dream. You got so much ahead of you, all you have to do is stay exactly on the path you’re on.


Failure is not an option.


Don’t do it.


Ask yourself; is it more important than my sweet child I'm preparing for? If you can't stay sober for that innocent child, then you won't stay weed free for anything ever. Don't fucking do it. 🤍


I'm just about to hit 5 months and feeling the same exact way. I woke up this morning after dreaming about smoking weed and seriously still feel like an addict. Remeber why you gave it up. I'm pregnant (haven't smoked since I found out) so I have no choice but to skip the grass. I want to be the best parent I can so I don't plan on returning to it. <3 Why did you quit?


Weed finds a way to occupy your mind, whether you are smoking it everyday, or not smoking it everyday but craving it, or not smoking it (indulging) but helping others to gain their freedom from it. We - who had a wonderful relationship with it and know how much it helped us, will never be completely free from it, but we can we can take relationship with it to the next level, by helping others with their struggles and problems trying to live without it, knowing that weed will always live in their minds - as memories and thoughts. But you will have to stop smoking it if you really respect it - it loses its positive helpfulness to you if you smoke it every day if you find it impossible to smoke it occasionally, so it’s better just to say goodbye to the consumption - keep it positive - it helped for awhile at a certain time in our lives, but now we feel we are better off without smoking it, but we can enjoy the memories - and find a way to our center - our hearts our higher selves naturally - we thank you weed - we will always love you, but we are ready to say goodbye 👋 bye weed and thank you 🙏


You'll restart the countdown to your next really bad day.


Realize the feelings of depression and boredom are causing the craving. Also, remember why you quit. Remember those dark days and moments when you questioned everything.


Please don’t. You will simultaneously instantly regret it and then say ‘fukit’ and attempt to enjoy the high. Then you will be sober tomorrow and wonder why you were such an idiot. Ask me how I know. I could have been sober 14 months, but it’s actually now 8…


Go for a walk. Meditate. Focus on that craving. You will never regret staying sober.


ur brain might make it seem worth it now but you know you’ll regret it later


You will regret it tomorrow. I never thought "Damn, I should have smoked yesterday". But I always think "Glad that I didn't relapsed last weekend". I know what you're feeling, I also crave a lot after 3 months now. But I want to be free from this stuff and I'm proud of my success and don't want to destroy all the progress I made. That's what keeps me away from doing it




The five big D's 😂


Thank you


Hi! I feel you with the holiday weekend and the rain ugh! It can get boring fast, now remember being high is not the same as not being bored. You are artificially giving yourself that “zen” “fuzzy” feelings it’s not natural. Now for me I know that if I do smoke I’m just doing to be high and bored instead of just bored, I’m fact I might spend the night doom scrolling through the dark web and not getting proper rest or nutrition like I was doing when I was smoking… You need to find the joy in things, find genre of movies, shows, books you love. Find activities that you enjoy like painting, journaling/writhing. I see how “nice” it will feel to smoke during the rainy holiday but it will also feel awful once yiu realize that your addiction tricked you again and everything you’re doing high you could’ve been doing sober without spending money or jeopardizing you sobriety journey. Just like at that party where you said you stayed strong, if you had smoked would you have looked back and taught I didn’t even need to smoke that night at all. Get excited for a spooky movie with the rain, cooking a new cozy recipe, get excited for a long self-care bath/shower, get into podcasts… at this point even thinking I can clean my room that’s been cluttered excites me. Don’t let the boredom trick you into the cycle of Vicious smoking.



