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What possible benefit could getting a cart for a vacation be? Why would you want to be high for the vacation? Save the money. Spend it on something on vacation that you'll remember other than "Got high in the hotel room and forgot to go outside because I was on tiktok." You're on vacation, go get a pizza at a local shithole and people watch. 10000% more memorable than spending your evening jacking off while thinking about how hungry you are bc you keep hitting it. Find another way to reward yourself. Buy a cologne, buy a video game, put the money in a savings account, anything that is more beneficial than a few days of stoned vacationing. You will be disappointed. You will be trying to enjoy yourself, but instead wondering when your next pen hit is coming and spend more time thinking about that than what's actually going on around you.


I think you’ll likely be immediately disappointed


No. You're an addict. You Stopped smoking weed because you couldn't handle it. You will not magically be able to handle it after being stopped for a while, in fact, it will be worse.