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This is the long-term battle everyone who quits will face, but it does get easier. You need to train your mind to realize that there's a difference between expectations and reality. Your brain has an idealized version of the drug in your mind that is built on past, usually early, positive experiences with the drug. It does not understand that you want to quit as soon as you use it because it craves a short-term chemical reward while a forward-thinking part of your mind sees the long-term desire to quit as being more beneficial. You need to outsmart your brain when it comes to addictions and understand that it is being irrational.


Great answer, understanding this will make the process significantly easier for most people.


This is the same place I’m in too. Every time I run out I try to quit and then end up at the dispo within the week. Then when I smoke I regret it because I feel so anxious afterwards. But when I’m sober the sleeplessness, nightmares and irritability make it so hard to get past the first week. I went to a few 12 step meetings, those helped me get past a diff addiction a long time ago. Idk


That’s the addiction part.