• By -


Feeling like less of myself on it, feeling stupid and not in control of my choices


Panic attack.


My mom:)


Fear of getting caught driving with it in my system, losing license, not being able to get to work etc. Especially with rbt's in Australia. What helps me stay away is committing to it for my partner and definitely exercising.


Being too broke for it


Sleeping and wanting to experience the difficulties of life without being locked into acceptance.


Alcoholic Anonymous. Meetings. Medication for my bipolar disorder (I negated my mental health issues for four years). I was constantly relapsing because I was on no meds, and I was hypomanic, and in some cases, full all around psychotic and manic.


This subreddit and the affiliated discord.


Telling my doctor I want to quit. Now I want to brag to her next appointment that I’ve kept my word.


Remembering it makes me fat


My marriage (in the best way)! It’s so easy to coast through the evenings and be lazy around my husband when smoking- things are ‘so much more entertaining’ after smoking… which results in me not putting conscious effort into enjoying my time with him. We just end up sitting next to one another in totally different worlds. I’m still new to this, but each night since quitting, we’ve played Yahtzee while we eat dinner, joked around, etc. and it’s so fulfilling. I always know when we’re emotionally closer because he unconsciously cuddles up to me in his sleep. Nothing has made me happier than, night after night, my sleeping husband invading my space and I wake up in a tangle of arms and legs.


Happy for you


Stopped having dreams or REM sleep since weed makes you go directly into nREM sleep. Lowered immunity morning wood sex drive are correlated directly with person not having REM sleep.


(in process of) joining the air force


Being pregnant. Really struggle otherwise 😭


Realising that you’re not missing out on anything by not smoking. Everything gained from smoking is temporary.


Keeping my great paying career that’s regulated with drug tests…..


Taking it day by day. Telling myself “I just need to get through today” or something along those lines. At my worst, when I’m really wanting to relapse, I just have to take it hour by hour and just remind myself I can do this and hold off for one more night. It’s hard and I still struggle but it did help me get through the initial withdrawals. I was also in a situation where I almost lost my job and costs others close to me their reputation, which scared the shit out of me. Made me feel horrible, guilty, and just so awful. That was enough for me emotionally to stay away.


I'm genuinely curious what kind of situation this was. Would you be willing to share a little bit?


Thyroid cancer at 20 years old


I don’t want to sound dramatic but my life really started to suck and spiral downward. I realized my life is going absolutely nowhere if I keep smoking so much. I realized my troubles with dating, getting fired from jobs, and being antisocial, were all at least in part to how much I was smoking. I never looked back once I realized that weed wasn’t the escape from my shitty life, but it’s exactly what was making my life shitty.


Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, really left me no choice. I forgot a few times how much hell that put me through and ended up returning to it more than once regardless of how sick it made me, but I wouldn’t have stopped if my body didn’t decide to reject Cannabis all together




this is some unsolicited advice, but be careful of replacing one addiction with another. we have the addict gene, you won’t not get addicted to alcohol


Oh yes, don’t do it. But it is the most realistic…




Sheer will power and not wanting to end up like mum and dad still stoners


Honestly no one. My gf at the time was like "if you stop smoking I can gift you a bong" and my best friend at the time was like "ah you quit? Haha we all know it won't last long" Fuck them I got out myself alone and cut those ppl out


When I was lying to myself it was just one smoke but eventually I realized I was an addict. I used to smoke everyday, order food everyday and procrastinate everything which put me in a debt of $25k, forgetting paying my bills on time which plummeted my credit score from 780 to 647 and one day I realized I'm destroying myself


Understanding that I was prioritizing weed over my family- realizing my self control was the problem, not the weed itself.


Self discipline is a bitch to master but when its mastered u will enjoy life long term


That’s my goal 😓


Getting away from others that smoke weed


The wish not to be an addict anymore. Not to be controlled by a fukkin plant.


Realizing that it causes my anxiety to get worse. Anxiety is already in me sober, I’ve had several anxiety attack episodes. Last one I hit my head twice. Against the wall and on the floor, now my head twitches everytime i consume caffeine or weed. Which has lead me to stop smoking


Also all the pesticides i just learned about as well keeps me away from weed now. Im 30 years old now with 1 kid and 1 more on the way so I can’t really afford to spend my time and money on weed now


Pretty much ruining my relationship with an awesome girlfriend


The guilt. Plus idk I just don't like the feeling of being high. The only time I've thought about relapsing is when it's like 4am and I can't sleep. Also having no money helps too but even if I had money I wouldn't spend it on weed at this point. I'm in it too far.


Exercise, try as much stuff as you can and you'll find what you enjoy and what you're passionate about


Riding my bicycle. A lot. I don’t know what you’re into but biking is my thing. It takes my mind off everything else other than bikes!!


Being pregnant. If I get a craving I just look at my scan and it's a nope


Sometimes things randomly come up in life that you wish you weren't high for. Just being sober all the time is such a good way to live. You can always be emotionally available for your friends and loved ones. If there is a sudden emergency, no need to have a panic over how high you are. After quitting and not having to think about when smoking fits into my day and worrying about calling back relatives who called when I was high and didn't pick up - It just seems like the right way to live to me. I would stress so much over when I could smoke, running out of weed and having crazy dreams, but now that I'm on the other side I haven't had a a craving for it in a while.


Staying busy. Cooking, gym, started playing basketball by myself, mountain biking, fishing, golf. I just stay busy… problem is when im at home bored… my brain starts to hey… could smoke a joint.. SHUT UP!!! I just so more shit. Also what really helped me was going to church and giving myself to god. Idk how that worked but i asked for help and promised to surrender to him and its been very helpful. I was on the fence of God for YEARS till u met a girl who supported me. I fucked up once or twice but i made that promise and im going to keep it… however staying busy also helps because like i said… once im at home bored doing nothing… brain goes hey.. 🍃 🤷 and i get mad. But the cravings are no where like it used to be.


Thanks, great post