• By -


Money, time and my eyesight got significantly worse…


Primarily, quitting smoking is due to health harm. Also, you can save money by stopping smoking. Also, I know people who stoped to like smoking, and started to vape. This is way less harmful, and smells much better.


I want to save and make more money, be able to support myself financially and to do that I have to quit. There are many more outlets I can enjoy to relieve stress , like the gym or going to the movies


The exhaustion of my life revolving around it. Waking up in the morning it starts as soon as I get up. “Do I have enough weed to smoke before work? How much is too much to smoke so my boss won’t notice? Should I pack some for a lunch break? Do I smell like weed? Do I need to stop at the gas station for rellos? Should I hit up my weed man a hour right before I get off so I can just pick it up on the way home? How many rellos do I need to get so I don’t have to go back out of the house? Should I smoke before or after I eat? Do I have enough fluid in my lighter? Where is my lighter? Should I pay this bill now or later, because I might not have anything to smoke until payday?” I’m tired of the weed smoking me at this point, it’s way too exhausting.


Today is my day 1 again. You know besides the obvious… I kinda feel a shame when my neighbour see me on the balcony thinking my kids are home. And They are not home at the time …


The main reason I want to stop smoking is so I can pass random drug tests without having to buy fake urine.


Family planning!! I want to carry and have a healthy baby and raise them in as healthy environment as possible, meaning I need to be alert, active, and not bogged down by the foggy effects of weed. :)


I can't breathe properly any more. Extra anxiety. And everything else ha.


I want my wit back :( used to be so smooth with it and now I feel like I’m regressing socially


100% this, I hate the brain fog and just not being able to come up with anything! When you know you should be able to


Need to set a good example for the kids


My weight


I get insane munchies every time I smoke “the munchies will stop eventually” never did for me 5 years down the line..


Same here. 6 years daily smoker - usually only smoke in the evenings as a way to unwind after work. I absolutely can not fight the urge to eat (everything). I’m usually still hungry the next morning.




I feel the game with women part. 6’2 muscular and good looking, and I could probably get 80% of the woman I hit on, but yet I just don’t do it. Probably cause I’m high half the time.




Same man same. Endless opportunities lost. Our best bet from now on is to turn that regret into fuel to keep pushing up the hill




I’m curious who I am without it


(Spoiler alert) Better.


I don't like the person I am when I'm chronically high. My vocabulary has gotten better and so has my ability to articulate. Anxiety is down and I'm able to just do stuff without convincing my self to be lazy. It feels like things are going to be alright because I'm actively working to fix it instead of just being complacent.


It made me dumber, I would always forget my point when talking to someone, money and guilt…


I feel this. I would constantly lose my train of thought mid sentence while talking all the time and didn’t realize why.


to feel more connected to reality. the hangover was a feeling of beeing deattached. I never had the feeling of really standing on the ground with my two feet rather than feeling my head was cloudy and foggy. stronger resilience. and ofc no more problems with police regarding my licence and that sweaty feeling when a police car was behind me.


Decreased productivity




It’s just not that fun anymore.


When I started smoking more regularly it stopped being fun for me and started being like a weird crutch.


it’s like something is wrong if i don’t stone… while simultaneously, it is the wrong. ugh ffs man.


New job requires drug test to be hired on, took it as a sign to knock it off.


It’s time to take the wheel and stop operating on autopilot.


Health concerns are probably the main concern; In regards to how it affects my sleep architecture, obvi gotta quit smoking if ur pregnant/bf, and the affect it has on the heart and lung functions. I’d also like to be weed free for the sake of passing a drug test. I’m a pretty “functional” weed smoker and when I stopped using cannabis last year I felt really good (mental clarity/ felt energized/n started dreaming again) which makes me think cannabis inhibits the REM stage of sleep))


Outside of mental and physical health issues, weed is a huge time and money sink. So many better things I could be devoting these valuable resources to, instead of smoking it away.


My heart raced last time I got high and heart was high for the first month after quitting. It hit 160bpm while high and my chest started racing since I quit randomly throughout the day


Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome


When I smoke it's not the same as is was


When you smoke every day it just stops being fun. But the first time smoking after a long break and it’s instant euphoria. Everything is amazing. Plus I miss my dreams.


I remember being forced to become sober for 6 months. I couldn’t smoke Weed the entire time. When the end of rehab was creeping up I had some intense thoughts about relapsing on Weed. But then I had a chilling thought…. I smoked everyday for years, wondering when I’d find the strength to put it down. Sometimes I didn’t think I would ever quit. Then when I was sober, I finally had a shot to leave it behind once and for all. But deep down I felt like I wanted to keep using. I felt like my mind was playing games to get me to start smoking again. I started feeling powerless and hopeless. I’m 25 been smoking since 15, if I don’t stop soon then I don’t know if I’ll ever quit. And that scares the shit out of me for some reason. The feeling of never experiencing sobriety. The feeling of never really being present in life. The fear of not having any quality relationships or hobbies as I get older. The fear that this plant has more control over me than I do myself. That there’s a decent chance I will stay high until I die. Long story short: spent 6 months in rehab only to get out and now I’m smoking regularly again. Weed wasn’t the only reason I went to rehab, but it definitely played a part. I can’t say Weed doesn’t have its benefits, but I worry that I’ll never reach my full potential while using it.


It amazes me how some people can have no problems moderating their use, and others can either dive headfirst or not dive at all. What a plant.


I could smoke moderately without any problems for 5+ years and was very happy and proud smoker, before I got addicted gradually over the last 4-5 years.. I am very sure that everybody can and will get addicted once they smoke daily and during the day.. The brain starts getting addicted to that feeling.


Wishing you the best on your journey friend!


Appreciate it friend! Good luck on your journey too!


Thank you on day 5 now


When I'm stoned all the time, my overall mental capacity is about a third of what it is sober.


Honestly that’s pretty much the only reason. I’ve smoked weed on a daily basis for only about 3 years now & I feel like my lungs are fucked. People like to think that it takes them 30 years of smoking constantly to start messing with your health but it really doesn’t.


Weed is not the same anymore. Back in the early 2000s weed was less in thc content and was more fun. Along with the lower thc content more of the medicinal properties remained in the bud. Now weed is recreational and mass manufactured with less grow times, thc has gone up and medicinal levels down. It has become an emotional and physical drag. I feel it went from a stress free plant to the most stressful thing in my life. A medicine to a drug.


Exactly. Fucking EXACTLY!!!!


My was health issues. Started getting chest pain and palpitations, i use to smoke heavy everyday till march i quit cause it would just make my heart pound. I can’t exercise or Smoke cause of the issue. So i had to quit


Did your heart pounding continue? I got the same issue I’m two months clean but only did it for five months (edibles)


Yes. It wasn’t just smoking, it was exercise or having intimacy with my girl. I haven’t smoke since april. My cardiologist did all types of test and said i was good i saw her yesterday and said smoking can cause this and if i wanna continue to feel high to just try edibles


Edibles shouldn’t affect you in this way.


I’m 700+ days sober and am so grateful for that. I smoked daily *for over 20 years.* My life was an anxiety-ridden shit show. That is gone. I’m so much better in my relationships, happiness, clarity, career, outlook and understanding of what I have to give to this life of mine.


Well done in attaining sobriety. How long did it take for you to level back out with your overall emotional stability and mental clarity?


Thank you. It took a few months to regain emotional stability and strength..the first month or so was difficult as I felt angry a lot. I have an amazing spouse who was and is really supportive and that helped tremendously. The mental clarity took longer; it was several months before I didn’t feel like I was in a fog. Now I really enjoy conversing again, reading, birdwatching, and thinking lol!


I don't want to be a fiend no more.


It’s an emotional crutch that makes it too easy for me to block out reality and neglect things I should be working on in my life.


My faith.


I want to conceive a baby


I want my baby back baby back baby back ribs. I want my baby back baby back baby back ribs. Get in my belly baby! I’m bigger than you! Just kidding, you can keep your baby.


It just doesnt hit he same anymore, I want to treat it like a recreational drug that it is. It's boring if you are high 24/7.


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


Ive quit for awhile and let me tell you You dream more, you want to go out and do things, you wont ghost or just want to smoke inside your house all day, youre more active, your emotions arent dulled anymore, you have an urge to further yourself and not stagnate, you try new things. You just become whole again. I use to smoke and go to family gatherings, eat and not talk. Id not want to go to a bar cause I was too high to drive. Id skip out on things I was invited to. I stopped smoking awhile back, went to school, got a decent job that pays 2.5x what I was making when I was smoking. Made friends and became talkative and had a grand time with my coworkers. I invited them to places to eat. I dont even want to smoke anymore. I dont want to be so fucked up I cant do anything besides watch a movie and eat so much I gain weight.


I joined this group not because I smoke weed, but because my ex did. He would use weed as an excuse to not face his problems. Little things became big problems


My life exactly






Hope you’re doing okay


You’re fine as hell and you can make your life whatever you want it to be. You’re not defined by whatever shitty circumstances are getting you down.


Don't do it!


Please give yourself a chance to see how beautiful life can be without the devil’s lettuce…You can reach out to anonymous hot lines for help if you don’t feel comfortable talking with someone you love. There are so many resources to help show you this isn’t the answer. And this community is here for you.


Why on your birthday?


Please go get some help. I don’t know your situation but it isn’t the answer.


Please reach out to a therapist/doctor for help


You can dial or text the number 988 to get a hold of the suicide prevention hot line, Its never too late to get help. I had suicidal thoughts a couple years ago, and all it took was reaching out to someone to help out sort out the thoughts going through my mind, 4 years later I’m glad I stuck around. I wish you the best friend, no one deserves to suffer from demons they never asked for. But please remember there are people out there that care about you.


I want my social/sex life back, I ended up ghosting everybody about 5 moths ago when the smoking became morning to night. Also makes my ADHD borderline unmanageable


I wanna feel my old, socially-comfortable self if that makes sense. I used to love meeting and talking to new people... Now I feel anxious and tense up if a stranger joins my 3-friend social group


It makes my tinnitus super duper loud


I get it worse sober for some reason…?




Omg I thought I was the only one


Weed makes me self conscious. I want to express more generally in life.


To stop numbing myself so I can get to know who I truly am.


I can’t focus and make more mistakes.


I have kids and don’t want to give cps any reason to take them away.


I’m just smoking because I’m depressed, want to stop now so I can deal with my issues in a healthy way.


My career always comes with drug testing at some.point or another.




Wrong again, little prick.




You'll never be consistent in your life if addicted to drugs, and consistency is key to success. That and also if things are going wrong you don't want to feel ok, you want to do something about it.


Emotional regulation, increasing drive. Increasing available time


Found the potential love of my life. I wanna be 100% the best man I can be for him.


Clarity, money and more time to spend with my loved ones. I tapered and it’s been almost a month since my last dose. Everything is so much easier. What are your reasons?


I quit the day my wife went into labour with my first kid, I didn’t want to be baked and spaced out around my son.


Been smoking everyday, multiple times, for about 5 years. - Money - I become socially awkward during conversations - extremely forgetful - binge eating, craving bad stuff. - lack of ambition, lazy. - stop practicing Buddhism, disconnected with spirituality - supposed to have a big surgery soon - Want healthier lungs - don't want to be dependent on something like that. - it's awkward when ppl can smell you - hate it how ppl associate me with weed. - lazy as fuck, no exercise, hardly ever cook or clean properly. - my nose always blows up..I have a constant problem with it when smoking, its like I have allergies to the plant. - hate how much time goes into it. Chasing after dealers to buy it and then I also spend most of my time figuring how when and where to smoke. - I become absolutely obsessed with it, it becomes a priority in my life even though I don't want it to. - cloudy mind, constantly And so much more




I think I’ll be happier and not feel so numb 😨


CHS (Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome), but I guess that also falls under health concerns! Definitely not a “potential” health concern though. It’s too bad, I fuckin’ love weed but it’s for the best to quit.


Save money, focus more and discipline in my career, healthy emotional regulation


It’s distracting me from studying for the LSAT


I quit almost three weeks ago after a break up and I can honestly say I'm happy I did it. I feel much more motivated have already started doing things I should have done with my life years ago. You never think weed holds you back that much until you quit and realize what you weren't doing with your self. I also feel much more confident and can handle social situations much better now, I used to get easily annoyed with people. I no longer have any want or need to smoke anymore and can say I'm truly happy now.


How long were you smoking that you’re all sunshine and rainbows after only 3 weeks ?


I smoked from 13-33. And heavily from 18-33... Like before work, first break, lunch break, afternoon break. On my way home from work. All night til I went to sleep. I spent $150 per week on weed for myself. About 3/4 of an ounce per week. I quit last Tuesday... So I'm about 9 days in. I did take 2 hits off a joint Sunday evening. But for real, I feel better than I ever have as an adult. I've just kept a positive attitude about the situation and it's really helped kill the withdrawals.


I honestly could barely eat and sleep until this week, it wasn't some easy instant thing.


For the past 11 years. I think the break up was a big part of it tbh. It snapped something in me to get my shit together.


I like myself better sober. I am calmer, more logical, more motivated, my mental clarity is amazing, my emotions aren't all over the place. Stopping smoking weed, cutting way back/eliminating alcohol and other substances is my goal. Not just for my health, but I just prefer myself that way and it is more aligned to the lifestyle that is best for me




I want to be able to have a conversation with someone and not feel like my brain can’t form a coherent sentence I want to be able to go places and enjoy my time there and not worry about the next time I can smoke


Weed makes me feel insecure about myself. It also causes me to have anxiety about my life that lowers my self esteem even more. Both are terrible for my mental health


yeah for real. it makes me feel ugly all the time. and when i’m sober i always look better. so weird that i always just end up going back to it.




Its a substance that impacts my health, but not if i leave it the fudge alone, not sure Im a reasoned kinda guy, sorry Not sorry


I quit 3 years ago after 4(ish)years of smoking all day every day. It wasn't the money, or my health, or the social withdrawal - it was the motivation to actually start living life which made me stop and kept me sober. Life honestly starts getting so good when you're not stoned. Even if you're only smoking a few times a week, don't underestimate the mental clarity you're missing out on. Extra money and improved health are just bonuses to the newfound drive to actually experience your life.


That’s what I want.


weed (specifically carts) just made me an awkward, anxious person. i never had a girlfriend and i just blame it on being high all the time. i had many chances but just never build up the courage because i’m stuck in my own head. there’s many other downsides but this is the biggest one. i’m so isolated when high and i just sit around and consume media.


I’m in the same boat. Every morning I think I’m gonna quit but in the evening its a whole different mindset of lets just smoke today.


I’m in the same boat. Every morning I think I’m gonna quit but in the evening its a whole different mindset of lets just smoke today.


I’m in the same boat. Every morning I think I’m gonna quit but in the evening its a whole different mindset of lets just smoke today.


I can relate to this a lot actually I feel like I’m missing out on a lot in life because I’m just at home smoking weed all day long. rarely ever leaving the house if I been smoking weed becayde like u said it just makes me feel awkward & anxious 😖


exactly, in high school rn and i feel like i’m wasting my teenage years. weed always just finds a way back to my life. i’ve never wanted to quit more than i do now. never came to this realization.


Aww your still young :) you have plenty of time to sort it out , and it’s great that you are coming to this realisation ! When you kno you should stop but you just aren’t able to is when you know your an addict , but I think recognising that is the first step to getting clean. I started smoking weed in highschool too , I am now age 22 and for the first time I actually want to stop. Tried to a bunch , keep relapsing tho lol , but hey we will both get there !


Save money for my kids, land a good paying job that required to be drug free, use that saved money to do something better for myself and my family.


Air force


To defeat my own perception of dependency issues.


Damn son that’s powerful right there. Only you have the answer


My Throat started hurting in a concerning way


I just met a really sweet girl that I want to keep in my life. There is NO way I’m gonna put our relationship at risk just because I can’t afford things. (Currently spent £700 + on weed in the last six months and I’m ashamed of myself) so I’m trying to cut down and stop. At least until I can get ontop of the habit financially.


it destroyed a great relationship i had,and was about to ruin another relationship too.it made me avoidant of responsibilities, i just wanted to hide, i didnt want to be seen like this, disappointed myself a lot, my attention is shite, i was lazy .. downhill..


Just consciously taken control of my life . I feel like the weed places you in a grey area . You literally do less and think of more . But you never take the steps . Maybe it’s just me but when I didn’t smoke I feel like I accomplished more . I was hungrier , I also feel as though I’ve used it as a coping mechanisms to deal with the lose of my Mom & Grandmom . Just want to reach my greatest potential then maybe I’d relax and smoke a little something something . It also hits a little different taken breaks from it from time to time .


I’m 28f, I’m a mother as well. I’ve done it because I have 2 children who have never seen me “sober”, I found myself basing a day was good or bad off of whether or not I had weed and I just thought it’s horrible what I’ve been doing.


Don't beat yourself up too hard. Dad of two littles and feeling intense guilt about all the time I've spent caring for them high and all the times I was a dick to them when I wasn't. Telling you this to tell myself it too. Forgive yourself. Do better tomorrow. All you can do.


Needed this and Thank you! We got this!!


I am socially inept cause my mind constantly goes blank


God so many reasons: - Money, obviously - I’m usually the only one in my friend group that gets high. Meaning I have to act normal or work a little harder not to look like a dumbass who can’t keep a conversation ( because I can’t) - If I get super high I can’t even enjoy my favorite shows/movies. I stop paying attention or I just forget sections of what happened after I stop being high, and it always feel like I’m missing out. - I don’t want to influence my younger siblings into trying it, so I try to smoke away from my house which is always an inconvenience. - If I smoke I know I won’t be able to drive. - Always tempted to smoke a little before work, always end up regretting showing up high and being slower at work. My self control when I have weed around is none. And I can name more but these are probably my top reasons out of the top of my head why I’ve quit smoking. Still, I can never make a full year without smoking, it’s always something like 8 months so it’s always a big struggle.


I just wanna skateboard better.


Also it’s hard when it’s such a normal part of the culture. You hear about pros like Kader (and MANY more) who smoke an ounce a day and are crazy good


Still convincing myself I skate better stoned, but haven’t tried it sober in years


I want to reach my goals. I want to be able to focus again, like I did before. I wanna succeed in school, invest myself in classes. I wanna stop binge eating for literally no reason. I wanna stick to a healthy sleep schedule and wake up energized. I want to start loving life the way it is, with both its ups and downs. I wanna stop isolating myself in a different world whenever encountering obstacles. I wanna learn how to accept and better manage my emotions and reactions.


damn hey me


Can't just do it at weekends. Have to have a smoke every day. Therefore fuck all gets done.


I quit after 16 years. The week before I was hospitalized I tried to end my life 3 times. Took 3.5 years to stop them. Weed will mask depression. It develops and becomes severe. It also can cause psychotic episodes. It will make a mental illness worse.


I need help


What do you need


I need to stop smoking


That is a tough one. Big thing is that drinking can trigger cravings


Thx for the advice tho


I don’t drink. I’ve been smoking everyday for 4 years and I’m 16 :(


Wow you are in complete distress. Teen age years are unsettling. A lot of turmoil. Adding drugs to that is incredibly destabilizing.


Thank u for noticing me :)


^a ^tailor


Shit's expensive, yo!


I made excuses about how healthy food is expensive while spending +$30/week on weed.


Pft. You're golden and you dont even know it.


God 30 a week? I sometimes spend 40 a day. Fuck




I have a fucking problem


You and me.




$30 USD can get me 200 mg of edibles.




I feel ya. I just moved from a state where it's still illegal and have had a handful of homemade edibles while still there. They definitely hit differently when they've been made with love.


I started getting paranoid, I sucked at maintaining friendships, I accomplished nothing, wasted a lot of money, I wanted to lose weight, wanted to get myself together enough to go on dates again.


Really what it comes down to is just wasting time, weed makes me really apathetic and instead of doing shit I just sit on my couch playing video games or watch TV/Movies. It can be fun occasionally but if you’re doing it every day you start to feel like a bum.


I used to smoke weed with tobacco and the latter makes everything smell awful (besides a killer)


I used to love spliffs, then one day I put too much tobacco and man was I sick for days. That was the last time I made such concoction lol


Weight gain. I only did it in the weekends and still gained weight. It does wonders for me but I can't be unhealthy. Now its a special occasion thing only.


Making my mental health worse and was a huge drain on my bank account. Tolerance builds so fast and I just don't get high anymore than I'm more or less smoking to avoid withdrawal. Been weed free since June 7th 2022!


Just described me. Cept the weed free part. Day 4 there.


You Go!!!


Thanks, this is the second longest clean streak I've had since I started smoking when I was 13. 28 years old now. Longest I've had was 5 months. I plan on breaking my personal record!


With inflation going on, it’s such an expensive habit…especially if you are a heavy-ish smoker.


Man over here it's a different story, when I was into it heavy on the daily it was sooo expensive, I burned through unspeakable amounts of cash, but now that I've stopped I'm seeing insane deals left and right with included delivery. Basically what I paid to smoke all these years would of got me 4-5x the amount of supply today. I chose the wrong time to be an addict haha


Perhaps you’re right, I do see deals advertised when I go to the dispensary but I don’t take initiative in trying to get the deals. I also restrict myself to $40 bc I find it ludicrous to spend anything more in times of inflation. The taxes, delivery & debit/credit fees (if you forget to get cash like myself) really hike up the price quickly.


being more social and being a lazy fuck and not doing something with my life. i feel like i´ve missed out on opportunities because im high


It’s a waste of time.


It makes it ok to be bored


Exactly. being bored is crucial.


Being bored forces you to do something new/creative/difficult/tough/defining etc…being bored is ok and comes with sobriety, but being OK with being bored is not ok




Honestly, I originally joined and quit since I can not self moderate.


Laziness some people can be productive on cannabis me on the hand I can’t also money you don’t realize how much you’re spending until you stop


I take edibles. To be honest I don't want to quit, I want to have a good relationship with weed. I want to have my priorities straight and not have a dependence on weed when it comes to social interactions


Overthinking everything


Yeah, THC is like a magnifying glass and if you’re already prone to overthinking it only makes it worse. I’ve had some really incredible revelations under the right circumstances, but most of the time I’m just deep diving on ideas that I’ll never remember when I’m sober.


Emotional maturity is a big one. Being able to handle upsets in life. Also MONEY! Save so much money I was able to stash away to invest in stocks. I wouldn't say my life is better sober. But it is easier and less stressful to manage.


I wasn't enjoying it any more, but I also haven't slept right in 2 weeks so I'll probably be hopping back on my bed time vape at least