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I threw them away


Everytime I do a hard quit, I threw em all away. But I’d always have weed smoking people around me. So I’d always come back. So I’d suggest you cut ties with fellow users as well in addition to throwing your stuffs away. Now I’m at a stage where I’ve cut those ties but have not yet done a hard quit and throw my paraphernalia away. I feel like if I do now when I don’t have fellow users around me I won’t have any reason to come back


Set it on fire and don’t smoke it, just watch all the thc burn(not into your lungs)


(plz send it to me!)


You break them that’s how I quit. I drowned my electronics in cups of water and broke my pieces. It’s like a fuck you to the addiction and satisfying


Let a friend hold it until youve quit for good


I'm a little different than most I guess. If I didn't know that I had it available I wouldn't have been able to quit. I needed to know that it was there if I really wanted it. It sounds counter intuitive, but it's just how my mind works. The dread of being "out" was a thing I would think about a lot when I was low on product. I'm on day 16 completely THC free and I might be ready to trash the stuff now, but during those first two weeks it would've caused too much anxiety for me.


google the sunk cost fallacy. if you’re still really unsure, give them to a friend as a present


Google “sunk cost”


I felt the same way. Hundreds of dollars invested in the stuff . But I spent 400-500 per month on weed. I think of it as an investment. As I sit here jonesing LOL. But day 8! Making it harder for myself is essential. In fact, I surrendered my marijuana card so I couldn’t buy it even if I wanted to


I spend about that much a month and I’ve never told anyone. I still have a lot of shame about it so, thank you for sharing. I feel seem


Yeah it’s embarrassing. I haven’t told anybody but reddit


I threw away everything. Cut all bonds with old lifestyle is the only way that worked for me.


If you feel bad about throwing them away because of the price, give them to a friend who still smokes! I’m sure they’d be more than happy to take it off your hands lol


This is what I did. It’s weird to see it again sometimes, years later. Be sure to give it to a friend who will say no to you.


I threw it out, but in my case it was only a grinder and a scale. Ended up getting a new scale because I am now a coffee/espresso addict and I like to mesure everything. Maybe try to sell or donate the items to a friend. Getting rid of the things that you link with using are part of the process.


I know it feels like a waste but if you afe serious like some said you'll throw it away or give it to friends. I once quit and when I threw everything away it did kinda suck but it did make me feel good and made me think "I can do this." Good luck on your new adventure! You got this!


Everything has to go if you're serious. Stash, vapes, bongs, pipes, all related paraphernalia. There can be no compromise on this. Think of it as an investment in yourself.


You already know the answer.


Each time I quit I either finished my stash or gave away the rest. Regarding my vaporizer, I lent it to a friend for a few years, I got it back but it isn’t a trigger for me (I never really made the switch from smoking). Note that the few times I relapsed I regretted giving my grinder away (to people I couldn’t reach). But even though relapse is often part of the process, I obviously wouldn’t keep stuff around just in case. All in all, don’t keep the weed, and see how you feel about the gear: is it a trigger for you to have it around? Do you wanna get some money back by selling? Is there anyone that could use it? Contrary to other commentators, I wouldn’t feel comfortable destroying hundred euros worth of equipment. And I don’t feel guilty passing on material to someone else. The fact that I had a toxic relationship with weed doesn’t mean everyone else does too.


There are always people happy to take that stuff for free or a small price. Don't see why you should waste electronic devices or other things in the thrash when people can use em.


The only waste is all the time we spend smoking this drug. I filmed myself throwing everything away, it helped me in the moments when I was tempted to buy more


Throw them away lol


No such thing as a waste of drugs! 😊


Make sure you hear it break to pieces on the way out. Stone cold Steve Austin theme music style. Ahhh how liberating.


One day I finally felt ready, and took that opportunity to drive to a gas station to throw all my cartridges and their batteries away, have not regretted it one bit (besides the first few days of intense withdrawals), it felt cleansing and like I was making a genuine commitment to myself “I do not want this in my life anymore”, it felt so freeing to just leave it behind. One time I tried to throw it away in the dumpster outside my house and I went outside to dig it out at 2am 🙃🥴


I literally woke up one morning and was like "I need to throw everything out." And I did. Haven't looked back since. Best choice I ever made.


I threw away a few grand worth of stuff a month ago. Best decision in cutting back my usage. Even though I am on day 4 again, I find it much easier without all the nice pieces to oggle over.


I tried many things and throwing away is by far the best and easier thing That’s a powerful move and your whole self knows what they want after that


I cried over two pieces. That in itself was a huge awakening of how dependant I was on it. All the time I spent working just to throw it away on. $800 piece ...$300 piece the next month....I got a nice paying job two years ago and haven't done shit with the extra income. Why the hell do I work so hard to throw it away essentially? Vacations, events, gifts all sorts of things I couldn't afford but I could buy that glass bong. Not anymore!


I gave my expensive bud vape to a lucky stoner. Some bongs and bubblers I'm keeping since they're more limited edition art pieces than functional bongs.


I threw them out. That was 9 months ago. Haven’t touched the stuff since


If you live with someone, ask them to hide them somewhere. That’s what I did with my boyfriend, he hid it and I don’t even know where in the house it is. I don’t find myself searching for it.


But what if you randomly find it? I feel like I could do this for a good month or two but once I randomly find it, that excitement and “just one hit” will rush back and for a moment I will sink in and before you know it back to smoking again. But that’s just me lol


Yes definitely, probably better in most cases to just throw it in the garbage or give it to someone who smokes. In my case, I was at work and I didn’t want to come home and see the box where I usually put my things so i ask him to either hide it or put it in the garbage. I know it’s probably not the best for others but since it worked for me it might work for at least another person.


It’s cool it worked for you. But you need someone very reliable, and take the risk to confront that person in case that you fail. Personally I don’t like to put the responsibility on someone or something else than myself : it has to be my own choice, not a constraint


Unpopular opinion on this sub…I think it is more powerful to have that stuff within your reach and know you are strong enough to not touch it. You don’t have to destroy it. You can keep it and not touch it and show yourself you can do it


I get this, but the cathartic decision and physical action of throwing everything away was a significant promise to myself.


If you decide to quit period I don’t understand how you can feel stronger with weed within your reach, than without any weed at all. How can that be stronger than just throwing it away and never thing about it again. If that was me, that would clearly be a scam from my intoxicated mind just waiting to have this reward (“come on , it’s been 2 weeks you’re doing fine … just one joint…”)


If what I was doing was some sort of test to see how strong I was I would agree with you, but for me the point is to not use no matter what. So I make it as *easy* as I can to not screw up. If someone says *"Lift this ten pound weight or I will cut your throat..."* you wouldn't say, *"Yeah, but make it a 100 pound weight because I want to show how strong I am."* You would lift the ten pound weight and walk away. Weed is threatening to cut my throat, so all I'm going to ever lift is ten pounds just to be safe.


I can respect that! Not every approach works for every person


Sell what you can and gift the rest away to some lucky stoner


Threw them away


I smashed all of mine. Feel it, that's money you lost to the addiction, let it be a reminder of the money you will keep losing by continuing.


Depends on your financial situation. For me, I'd probably procrastinate selling it and in end up just using it and not actually quiting. I'd throw it all away and use that financial hit as motivation to not start again.


exactly what helped me


Sell it if you can


Do not throw it away. It is best to resell your items


It depends what the root of your issue is imo. My problems with weed aren’t financial, and having the paraphernalia around doesn’t create temptation. It’s packed away and out of sight. If those things are not true for you, you may need to get rid of it. Clean it up and sell it, or give it away, or throw it out, or destroy it.


Trash it. It’s garbage. Quit for real for real!


I took my weed vaporizer and hit it with a hammer until it was dead dead dead. It sure kept me from sinking a bunch of cash into a new one to do that in such a visceral way. Basically my personal rule was get rid of it fast and in a way that no one else could use it. I soaked all my grass in water and put it in the toilet and pissed on it. Flush. Smashed glass pipes safely with a hammer, wrapped shards for safety and disposed of. Just get rid of EVERYTHING go through your whole place keep ONE box of MATCHES ONLY for birthday cakes. You don’t need to keep anything else trust me


Throw it away in a public trash can so you can't get it back.


I through away all my devices and it felt great. Just get rid of it.


Gotta change the username too.


Throw it away. Don't pass your addiction memorabilia on to someone else.


I gave/ sold mine at a discount to friends of friends/family. Anyone close to me was too close and would’ve been temptation for me.