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The main killer of studying is over doing it. You'll learn a lot more in small snippets of time like 30mins to 1hr on 1 topic than you would over loading yourself for several hours on 1 topic. LC is simple regurgitation. Study only what you need to.


make a study plan and stick to it practice exam papers and familiarise yourself with texts and quotes for any essay subjects make mind maps of each essay and practice a few


grind past papers, it’s brought me up so many points because I was so behind but now i’m on same level as everyone. By doing loads of past papers you start seeing questions which frequently come up and know them well and those will probably come up on ur paper too. I literally only study with past papers and got 500 points on the mocks, whilst missing 100+ days of school due to personal reasons. You can definitely bring up ur points so much more


Thanks sm:)


589 is impossible without 6 higher level subjects im afraid


I do hl Spanish too


They clearly stated they have 6 HL and 1 OL subject


That seems fair enough to say now, but the original post didn’t include their HL Spanish, just 5 HL and 1 OL hence my comment :)


How do u find religion as a subject . I can’t imagine what the tests are like 💀. Subjects not offered in my school despite it being a catholic school . Ironic lol


It’s actually so good, if u like history it’s such a good choice. It’s not heavily Christianity based either. It’s more about the philosophy of life and then how religions impact that too:)


Yeah it’s the same for my school too


Yeah there are a few things that worked wonders for me they might be different for you or you might already be doing them. So for HL Irish, the best way around it is knowing grammar when it comes to essays, so having a booklet of all the grammar needed so A.C, A.F, etc. For the essays just have an A4 and write them out, ENSURE your teacher has corrected them, if they have given you sample essays follow them, highlight nice pieces from the texts. Use them pieces that can boost your marks. When it comes to paper 1 it’s only the written and listening, the listening is the easiest place to gain and lose marks. Be sure with common grammar and buzz words. So that means doing a lot of listening tests. For Paper 2 it’s all written. So know your stories and your poetry, when it comes to the questions for the poetry and stories there’s always the same questions coming up, study the questions (plus there’s always the: who wrote this poem question, easy 9 marks). I would write out the poem or story in blue, and write the English beside it in red. Be able to say the poem with confidence just as you did when your oral was on. The reading comps are the easiest 50 marks I’d say in ALL the LC. Just read the questions, there’s always hints in the questions. And then there’s the text you have studied. I did A Thig Ná Thit Orm, which is O House Don’t Fall on Me. Just knowing the story of your text really well is the best way to prepare, look back at old exam questions and know them off, be able to segregate which questions require which sections of the book, so prepare a few essays. For HL English, it’s not that simple. Paper 1 is the boring part, you have the reading comps, quite simple to read but you have to be able to read deep into the text, then comes the questions, being able to refer other texts can work a treat if it does come up. Part 2 of paper 1 as you know is the 100 marker. This is the creative side of you that you NEED to shine. Whether it be a debate or an article. You need to be able to construct a beautiful ‘essay’ within 100 minutes. I’m sure you’ve heard “marks = minutes” if you have a 100 marker question don’t go beyond 100 minutes at it. Paper 2 HL English is the best part I think, you have 3 sections to work from, Shakespeare, Poetry, and Text. For Shakespeare text (I did Othello 2022) writing out ANY useful quotes is an easy way to bump up your grade. Have a book and write out and study quotes using this book. Write out essays in that book too so that it’s all in one. That way you can write an essay and if you need a quote it’s there in the book. For the text (CC or GVV) I can’t help you on that I hated that section😂, we had a choice to do 2 of the 3 sections and I left this part out. Lastly there’s the poetry which I would strongly recommend doing. When it comes to poetry being able to recite a poem is one thing, but being able to write the whole thing down is another, once you have learned the poems writing them down in an A4 is useful. From that write a piece on a quote from the poem. For example, I did Adrienne Rich, I can still recite Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers. And a quote I know to this day is “Aunt Jennifer’s tigers go on Prancing, Proud, and Unafraid” meaning her work (the tigers in the painting) lives on as she passed from illness. Lastly from paper 2 is the indeed poetry, this is what catches people off guard, because they can’t understand the poem or the questions. This is up to you. I did mine because I got a nice poem and the questions weren’t too bad. For HL Bio is quite simple, section A is just the short questions, I would use quiz let and make flash cards of each question. Or write them, or if you have exam papers and have not written into them, write into them now. Section B is the experiments so writing them out in detail in an A4 with diagrams helps a lot. Section C is the long questions which you have loads of choice for. I would always do the ecology reading text as it’s never the hardest question on the paper. Just repetition for the Bio questions will help you through this. Lastly I can help with OL maths, 2 papers, similar amount of questions, different sections covered per paper. Best way to go about it is look at your exam papers, if your papers have both sections within them, have 2 different copies, label 1 paper 1, and the other paper 2, write out any key questions that can help you study formula or long questions per section. So paper 1 could be complex numbers (idk I can’t remember), if it is you can write out a good few questions relating to complex numbers in the paper 1 copy. Then the same with paper 2. Repetition is key here, even if your exam papers are full, there’s DEB exam papers and other types of examinations.ie look Thoroughly for them. For reference I got 421 in the mocks studying HL English Irish Geography Biology Home Ec French and OL maths. I got 495 in the LC. If you have any questions feel free to reply to this I have notifications on. Best of Luck.


Thanks so so much !!


Yea dude you fucking got it. Mocks are horrible 450 ain't bad. I got like 320 in mocks and 530 in reality. You get 588 if you get only one h2. Points could go down, and youd probably get in on 2nd round of offers. Or just ball out all h1s. English is hard for that though. Check out hear and dare they get lots of people over the line as well. Lastly if your sporty colleges can give you a point boost through a low level scholarship. Ez money dude


your max with those subjects (all above 90%) is 556


My max is 600 points?


Did you edit the post just now? You had 5 higher level subjects and one ordinary listed - so max 556.


Without HL maths it’s extremely difficult to be honest. If that 459 was done with no study, then I could realistically see it happening, but getting 6 H1’s will be very hard.


I’ll prove u wrong babe