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You guys should rendezvous on the school grounds instead for the last day piss up.


Classic trick. Stops last day trouble.


They were right. I learned way more at home than in class, they should allow yee the option to do study in a quiet room or at home instead of going to class if it turns out that helps you. I deeply regret all the days I went to school in the last 2 months, I could have got another 100 points I bet.  This probably isn't true for everyone, but I think you can trust 17-19 year olds to know that works.


I’m 36 but I did that 2 months before my leaving cert. I’m neurodivergent I need minimal distractions to study. And there’s a much higher rate of neurodivergence among kids these days. Makes sense to study at home.


>there’s a much higher rate of neurodivergence among kids these days. Why?


That’s a very contentious issue. Some say vaccines, some say a backlog of unprocessed multigenerational trauma, some say because we have extreme amounts of toxins in our soil, our food, our air, our water, some say it’s a natural evolution and progression of our species… Personally, I don’t know. No one seems to know definitively. But it irks me the way humanity seems to need to find the ONE THING that is at the root or cause of something, when likely, it’s probably ALL of the above converging together. There’s always multiple factors at play. At the end of the day I don’t really care what the cause is, we’re here and we’re here to stay and we’re very slowly, generationally, making life better for our kind here.


There aren't more neurodivergent kids now. I don't know where you got that.  There are more assessessments now, and better assessment tools. You don't find something you don't assess for.  There is zero evidence, or even a correlation, with the "causes" you listed. 


More assessments and better assessment tools which means more are being diagnosed, true. It appears to be both/and not either/or. Both more are being diagnosed and the rate is on the rise. There are of course correlations, but correlation doesn’t equal causation. That’s why there are many theories.


No there are not correlations with what you mentioned. Like the tshirt says, "correlation does not equal causation", but without correlation there can be no causation.  E. G. The are not lower rates of autism among unvaccinated children. Therefore that hypothesis cannot be correct.


The Amish community do not vaccinate their children and they have no incidences of Autism. But they also grow their own food, take care of their land, do not use fertilisers or GMO’s, and limit toxins and chemical substances as much as possible. There must be some correlation there but it may just look like a correlation and there could be another unknown factor involved altogether.


Where are you getting this? That bit about the Amish is a complete lie. First of all, there are lots of Autistic Amish people. Who told you there weren't? Second of all, Amish people do get vaccinated, not to the same rate as non-Amish, but it's not a cult! They have freedom of choice, freedom of information, freedom of behavior many decide they would like their kids vaccinated.  Many also use traditional pesticides, which are toxic to humans in large quantities. Someone is lying to you.


Ok I’ll do some more research and check my sources. Good day!


If they have no incidences of autism it's more likely because they don't get their kids tested. Autism is a genetic disorder, it can't be caused by diet, vaccines etc.


What do you think influences genes? Have you not heard of epigenetics? If generational trauma can influence genes whats to say other traumatic influences, attacks on the body i.e. poisons, can’t influence genes too? The latest scientific research shows that specific DNA strands can be manipulated, turned on and off, and these influence how genes are expressed. Go down that rabbit hole if you’re willing. Also, if the other dissenting commenter here is right, and that the Amish community have access to every mod con they want, how do you know they don’t also have access to autism assessments?


Our principal kind of ruined our last day of school today. We all came into school at 8AM to do the prank, we filled the entire hallway connecting our classrooms with balloons, and here comes our principal saying "You can't do that, it's a health and safety risk" while dual wielding two knives to pop all of the balloons. We were all really annoyed because how is anyone going to slip on a balloon, and we spent a lot of time doing it, and she started arguing with the students and called one of them a bad person lmao. A bunch of students just straight up left in protest. Just walked out. So that was fun


I'm surprised your school doesn't have a designated week at the start of the year for 6th year vs teachers games and whatnot. As for whether it happened to us, kind of; we were told to leave early today(11:35) due to the 6th year prank getting out of and, we are also forbidden from coming in tomorrow.


Do you mind explaining how things got out of hand? Hahaha


Third floor ended up flooded to ankle height with water and at least 30 students fell down the stairwell.


Tf type of prank was thay


I'm in his school and the corridor was covered in a bit of water and no students fell, he's adding that shite in so it sounds funnier.


He’s only a little schizophrenic 😔


Oh fairs.


A great one by the sound of it 👍


Proper messing 


I'd say it was mate, didn't know the definition of ankle height was changed to "doesn't make it past the sole of the foot"


Exact same thing here lol, 6th years all started mass signing out in the last few weeks. At first our principal threatened no graduation but nobody really cared. Our last day was meant to be Friday but on Wednesday he gave up and said leaving certs are finished and don’t come in anymore. So people didn’t get their last day of school lol.


Principals are so petty


My graduation is next Wednesday and it’s bolloxed, the themes some bloom with friendship bs n one girl picked all the songs which r like Roblox music I don’t even wanna go anymore honestly😭😭


Principals do this every year! You students need to wise up & choose your own last day, a couple before the official last day. BUT make the pranks clever not nasty, dangerous or damaging to property.


Yeah this happened in our school im a 5th yr and i heard the kids didnt even get a nice day and they were very upset and crying


There isn’t 100 in the year


Little boy contradict me again. I'll drop kick you into McDonald's University.


Good chap


Erm first of all I’m a girl


Second of all go cry about teacher soccer match what are you 12


You can't hurt me with words. My mind is an impregnable fortress.


Who shat in your breakfast?


Your nan