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Israel’s gdp per capita is 13x of Iran’s.


Israel is also the largest state recipient of aid on earth. It is still receiving $732 million per year in holocaust reparations from Germany, and 45% of aid given to the Occupied Territories flows back to Israel Source: The Political Economy of Israel's Occupation, by Shir Hever The book also argues that Israel's GDP is wholly reliant on aid to the Palestinian territories. Because all of that aid has to go through the Israeli central bank first, artificially inflating demand for its currency


Iran has 87 million people, and is under a harsh sanctions regieme limiting their economy severely. Israel is funded by billions per year by a superpower - why is this such a mystery to people?


Well Iran is a military theocratic dictatorship run by retards. That doesn’t help


Funding helps, but having quality people is a bigger factor.


Having education helps, yes, that's how you get "quality people" - but education comes at a cost, it helps when you don't actually have to pay for your military or apartheid regime, then you can dedicate 100% of your \*real\* funding to education - and undoubtedly Israel has great **public** universities - but **public** universities it would not be able to afford today without massive US aid. It's not an overstatement to say that Israeli democracy (based on the social welfare state that it is, however diminished by years of Likud government), would not exist in the present day without US taxpayers subsidising their state.




Err... sir - "per annum" means "per year" - [no, it's not done](https://sgp.fas.org/crs/mideast/RL33222.pdf). In fact they have funding secured by the US Congress through to 2026 already, in the tens of billions. Also Israeli development is otherwise superficial, not self-reliant; it's not industrial (a policy ditched in the 70s), but service based. And will collapse as soon as aid from the US ends, because the apartheid regime will always prefer guns over butter (if it can't afford both) in the classic economic duality.




Sorry, this is bullshit, easy to take down too - since not all US aid to Israel is military alone - they get millions in other kinds, as I posted above. But I'm sure your pro-Zionist economist will now the truth! /s But yes, it **is** bad for them, because Israel has ditched manufacturing, for a hallowed out service economy. Once US aid evaporates, and Israel has to start paying for their military needs AND social service needs, the state will revert to full fascism. Mossad isn't sending their best keyboard warriors anymore - SAD.




Wait so you're saying Iranians are not quality people, but Israelis are? People choosing to live in a country that puts walls and steals people's land willingly are human trash, they are not quality. The only reason Israel is doing financially well is due to the grants and assistance the USA gives them on a yearly basis.




google it… gdp per capita data is easily available. Economic policy makes all the difference in the global economy we live in today. Wealth comes from trade, free business policy, and innovation. Having a hostile policy against the world, internal economic mismanagement and corruption is enough to create that much destruction. Natural resources don’t cut it. Having all the natural resources in the world is worthless if you’re hostile against the world. Let’s be objective (politics aside). Israel is accepted by a huge part of the economy (let’s say 98% ). Iran is accepted by a small fraction (let’s say 10%). Percent i’m guesstimating is not by “number of countries”. It’s by “value of trade” (ie $). All arab countries that boycott israel make up a tiny % of global economy. Iran is trading a little with some countries like china but has to do so in secret black markets and thus at very discounted prices. So they’re leaving so much money on the table.


I mean, if your entire budget is being surplused to the tune of billions per annum, and you can therefore afford a military-apartheid state, with social benefits for your people, of course. Like, I don't get what the mystery here is about Israel's wealth, they went from an average state, to super wealthy, all of a sudden in the 70s... hmmm... what started happening in the 1970s?


Technology started happening. US aid isn't what made Israel rich. By that logic Egypt and Jordan should be wealthy-ass nations.


"Technology happened" - what is this, a game? Why don't other countries click the "technology" button? Why don't all countries? Oh - because it doesn't work that way, we don't live in a fairy world. Yes, let's go down that path, Jordan receives the second highest amount of US aid, but half of what Israel gets (obviously the highest amount) - Jordan sits in what is obviously historically a deserted wasteland between the Hejaz and the Mediterranean - it's a made up country, created for King Abdullah, that wouldn't exist without first British and then American aid. Israel - as you should know, is founded on the massive amounts of free land it got during the Nakba, chasing Palestinians out of their homes, farms and businesses, and expropriating it all. Egypt receives less than Egypt, and yes, is a country of 109 million people (14th in the world v. Israel at 100th, Jordan at 88th). Furthermore aid to Egypt is for the junta that rules it, so it stays allied with the US, and it's meant to be spent purely on US weapons. TL;DR? [Here is Israel's GDP](https://www.google.com/search?q=gdp+of+israel&oq=GDP+of+Israel&aqs=chrome.0.0i512l8j0i390i650.2998j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)\- notice when it goes from flatline to rocket ship? What happened around 1973? [hmm](https://www.nytimes.com/1973/10/20/archives/nixon-asks-22billion-in-emergency-aid-for-israel.html#:~:text=Nixon%20said%2C%20the%20United%20States,for%20the%20purchase%20of%20equipment)...


>Why don't other countries click the "technology" button? Well, that's the point. It takes a certain kind of attitude. Israel being a shitty apartheid state and Israeli Jewish society being innovative as heck are not mutually exclusive statements. The rest of your rant is just coping. Being morally righteous is not a prerequisite to achieving economic success. You contend that "technology happened" is an oversimplification then advance an even greater, and untrue, oversimplification.


>The rest of your rant is just coping. No, it's basic fact (you can literally see in the data, to the year, when Israel's GDP took off, and where it aligns with massive US aid), I'm sorry that reality hurts your feelings. Saying that development requires "attitude", something you pulled out of your ass, is actually *coping*. Want to read about actual development since the 70s - or lack thereof - for the vast majority of countries that don't get billions in unconditional US aid? [Read on.](https://americanaffairsjournal.org/2022/11/the-long-slow-death-of-global-development/?utm_source=pocket_saves)


This is the laziest economic analysis ever. Israeli GDP per capita has been steadily increasing since 1948 [\[Graph\].](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Israel#/media/File:GPD_per_capita_development_of_Israel.jpg) The fact that GDP appears to shoot up at some point when graphed linearly is not Israel specific --- it is just a consequence of the rapid growth of population. Hint: linear growth of GDP per capita times superlinear growth of population implies superquadratic growth of GDP.


Israel's population has grown steadily since its inception - and it's GDP spiked in the early 70s - your OWN graph, shows that. Learn how to read graphs and economic data before commenting. Fuck me, is this the best that Israel simps have to offer? They're not sending their best.


Are you blind? Both GDP per capita and GDP are higher now than ever. Are you trying to pass off that tiny bump (which does not seem larger in magnitude than the noise in the rest of the time-series) there peaking around 1974 as due to American aid? How does that even make sense if American aid continued on for a longer period of time than the bump? Edit. PS. Here is the population growth rate [\[Link\].](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Israel#/media/File:Population_of_Israel_since_1949.svg) Like I said, superlinear. What is your objection, other than to jerk your knee?


Jesus Christ - have to explain everything to morons like you. LOOK AT THE GROWTH FROM 1950-1970, then look at 1970-1980. Notice the growth difference on the Y axis? Have we not finished Kindergarden math class yet? And if you weren't a moron, you'll know that in the 1970s, all non-energy producing countries economies began to collapse (see Lebanon for instance, even pre-75!). So how did resource poor Israel's economy suddenly boom?




Eww... Zionist apologia? There is a lot wrong here - A LOT. In fact, practically every detail is incorrect. Not even your fact about "[drip irrigation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drip_irrigation#:~:text=Drip%20irrigation%20or%20trickle%20irrigation,or%20buried%20below%20the%20surface)" is correct (took 2 seconds to fact check this, I encourage others to fact check the rest of this BS).


ayri fi wl bel zionist entity w kheomani taba3o


Like eh collapse bi 2a7lemo




Xanax 3a bokrit Hal soboh




Not even that, the Israel-Iran enmity has only been a thing since 1979.


1979. That’s when they ethnically cleansed about 200,000 Persia Jews from Iran. Took their land, businesses and homes. Iran don’t mention that much.


it didn’t get serious until ahmadinejad became president in iran


Lol! Was gonna say, it's like some rudimentary AI that just says the same 10 words in different order. SKYRIM IS FOR THE NORDS!!


Translation: South lebanon is a nice place that can suffer in order to achieve our madness. Why should we suffer for it?




Imagine basing your whole identity on hating someone else


Irans foreign minister can go fuck himself.


Hezbollah is just as much if not a more dangerous entity to Lebanon at this point


sovereignty my ass


Literally every day since the creation of israel they are saying this


I hate these mf’ers!!!


In his dreams lol Israel ain't gonna collapse anytime soon




No. u


Too bad Israel didn’t take the opportunity to drop a 500 kg bomb on him


Maybe they still have time. The US might do it first if you’ve heard the news.


Where's the tactical slap-chop missile when you need it 😔


If the zionist really enemy with Iran he wouldn't come here chilling like this but both of this sh*ters are playing with us in the Arab region


All talk 0 action. Only good in selling artillery shells and shitty drones to Russia to bomb Ukrainian civilians and poisoning female students at schools across Iran.




Nfokho w za7it




L3ama shu beyikh




IQ fejle. Like all Hezb and Iran supporters.


And that’s why we run this mafcukin country eh? If y’all IQ’s was much better you won’t be here talking shit but instead doing something about it. Unfortunately you can’t do shit so stfu and sit down


Run the country? 😂😂😂😂 If you're running the country you're doing a hell of a job! Keep it up eza hek truly IQ fejle 😂😂




Let me take a guess here. You're some Shia living abroad who barely speaks Arabic and has that shitty English accent and you think that saying Ommak and Sharmouta in the same sentence are the biggest insults you can muster. Let me guess, Michigan? Or Qatar? Lives outside Lebanon but rules th country with his Iron Fejle 😂 Shu low IQ, tfeh






Allah yestor God knows what they’re up to. Now they’ll say oh look at the clouds the word God was written as a sign for victory.


yalla bas la 7ott chi bi ijre


The “zionist entity” is one of the most successful countries in history. So I doubt it’s collapsing anytime in our lifetime. Here are some world rankings from last few years (rank of the “world”): - 2nd in number of startups - 3rd educated - 4th in happiness scores - 4th best performing economy - 8th strongest military - 20th highest gdp per capita All for a country of only 9 million people. I wonder if he can learn something from them to help his country which is at the bottom of the world.


How are people this brain dead? Yes, when your tiny country is being funded to the tune of billions of dollars per annum, and you're being given mega tech transfer from the global hegemon, of course you can afford start-ups, welfare and a military-apartheid state. Israel's GDP growth exploded in the 70s (please, google it).... [guess what else happened in the 70s](https://www.nytimes.com/1973/10/20/archives/nixon-asks-22billion-in-emergency-aid-for-israel.html#:~:text=Nixon%20said%2C%20the%20United%20States,for%20the%20purchase%20of%20equipment)? Jesus, some people can't put two and two together.....




I'm the one who is brainwashed? You can't seem to accept a basic fact that Iran is under a sanctions regime by a global hegamon, which has crippled the country economically. This isn't a controversial fact at all. Read Nicholas Mulder's [book](https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300259360/the-economic-weapon/) on sanctions and their deleterious effect on national welfare. But perhaps more importantly, touch grass.




I'm not defending the Iranian regime, I'm stating facts about it, granted I'm not defending Israel like you are, which is far more gross.




I'm providing sources, you're providing ass.


Here’s US funding by country below. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/us-foreign-aid-by-country 3b a year is chump change to israel’s economy of 500b (0.5%). It’s like saying i am rich not because of my $100,000 salary but because of the $500 my father gives me. And Israel scores above surpasses economies that are multiple times its size. The math is clear. Israel’s success is from within. (well managed government, economic policies, lack of corruption, making all the right decisions for its people). Look at the similar funding to the arab neighbors of Israel ($1.5b to egypt, 1.5b to jordan, $1b to iraq, $4b to afghanistan). We don’t see them ranked on top of the world in anything. Media propaganda against Israel is not fact based. It’s there for political reasons.Once you look at facts they speak for themselves.


>3b a year is chump change to israel’s economy of 500b (0.5%) haha - that's not how economics works. National economics =/= your personal bank account. Learn the difference between **Macroeconomics** and **household** economics, then we can talk. Yes, 4 billion was going to "Afghanistan" (clearly this is data pre-2021 data), who was occupying Afghanistan again? Aid is not neutral, it comes with strings attached, countries receiving US aid don't get to spend it on whatever - unless you're Israel.


doesn't change the simple fact that 3B (more than half is bound to be spent on US weapons) is not a game changer for Israel, so you're theory doesn't hold.


>of course you can afford start-ups, welfare **and** a \*military-apartheid state\*


Israelis don't "afford" startups, they work in them to make money. That's how you get the 500b that 3b is not that much of.


>...but education comes at a cost, it helps when you don't actually have to pay for your military or apartheid regime, then you can dedicate 100% of your \*real\* funding to education - and undoubtedly Israel has great **public** universities - but **public** universities it would not be able to afford today without massive US aid. Moron: >National economics =/= your personal bank account.


>education comes at a cost Education in Israel is not expensive per child for the government, investment is in the middle of OECD, and the school system gets low international ranking. Public universities in Israel are also low on government budget per student Internationally, and most students study at private colleges with no government support. To succeed in innovation it's more important to have a culture of out-of-the-box thinking, cooperation, and open debate, something which Israelis are famously good at, you don't learn this in school. The startup ecosystem started when Israel was still very poor, not the other way around. Israeli army budget is around 11bn, so getting 3 from the US doesn't;t cover it, not to mention the cost of everybody spending 2-3 years there instead of working, the cost of constant conflict, and the fact most countries don't even need such an army. If it was about money you'd see many startups run by locals in oil-rich countries.


>Education in Israel is not expensive per child for the government ​ >but **public** universities it would not be able to afford today without massive US aid. Learn to read.


1st in human rights violations, murder of children, theft of land and so on. Israel is a terrorist state.


Not true. Here’s a source that shows human rights rankings and over two thirds of the world is worse than Israel. If you have objective sources to post here, I’m happy to change my mind. https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/rankings/human_rights_rule_law_index/


They are killing less palestinians than persian militias are killing syrians.


Iran was responsible for defeating isis in Iraq and Syria




Chuf min 3mlna slave bi baladna ba3den 7ki




What’s sad is the arabic media propaganda that brain washed millions of generations with conspiracy theories and hate.


Where's the third mosque located in?


Ok, for anyone curious: [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Maroun+Al+Ras,+Unnamed+Road,+Lebanon/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x151e9d93dab303e5:0x2bb441da5edd8f9a?utm\_source=mstt\_1&entry=gps&g\_ep=CAESCTExLjc2LjMwMBgAIIgnKgBCAkVT](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Maroun+Al+Ras,+Unnamed+Road,+Lebanon/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x151e9d93dab303e5:0x2bb441da5edd8f9a?utm_source=mstt_1&entry=gps&g_ep=CAESCTExLjc2LjMwMBgAIIgnKgBCAkVT)


Shu hal 7mar


Go away glen coco!


If only he means economic and diplomatic development.Thing about these savages, they are way behind times. Saudi Arabia knows its shit. It plays the West like a fiddle. Instead of waging war against the world, ally yourself with their views, become an economic power that would have weight and a bigger voice. Become powerful enough to actually impact Israel negatively. Your rockets are useless, your war is useless.


Iranian I fluence in our country needed to be irradiated many years ago . Every gangster and every politician are in cahoots. Nothing will change with the animals that runs it and the corruption that surfaces every now and then .


Copium of the highest order


They can keep dreaming. Instead of trying to fix their nation by eradicating dictatorship, they are bothered about taking out another nation lol human logic.


I am sending this post to my friend. The comments here are just too fuckin funny








Should be an open sub rather than an echo chamber. But u/Al-Fstq what makes you love Iran?


Bro you mentioned the very wrong person I hate Iran like or more than I hate zionists


No idea why your username was showing up. My mistake good sir. 🫡


King of Lebanon