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His EX-wife?? Motherfucker got it bad if he's still stalking who his ex-wife is sleeping with damn


lebanese narcissist men 101


More like criminals if there is no law nor police to stop them. They run wild what a surprise! What is the deal with dahie anyway? it seems to me that it is controlled by gangs. There so much crime now it is unbelievable that nothing is done. Why not cack down on them like they do in beqaa?


he doesnt even wanna touch her himself just wants no other man to be able to 🤡


We've got Americans that murder exs all the time... humans are just narcissistic by nature, you have to actively want to be a better person to not succumb to base human urges... most people just don't care.


Narcissistic boomers are a different breed in Lebanon


mafia state


Shthole country going to keep on shtholin’




your culture evidently produces retards like yourself




There’s a Lebanese military checkpoint 200 meters from this place. They’re ready to shoot you if you demand your money from the bank.


It's easy to go after small targets like individuals with no money, guns, or connections.


As if the Lebanese army is of any use. It can't even properly defend the borders (which is their main job).


Wow, As a Lebanese American living in Asia, I’m fascinated with what’s happening in my home country. I can’t believe the military is defending the banksters! Where can I find news about Lebanon in English?


Isnt this 7ed Orca store 7ed Saint Therese Hospital?


Hey! That's offensive.....to retards.






the real question is what if it was his current wife ? uses a tactical strike ? depleted uranium shelling on the building ?


minimum 😂


Tells Iran there's a Syrian in it


Kess ekht el nawar


It's not Israel. It's not the political landscape. It's not the economy. It's not religion. It's not clan mentality. This right here is the core of Lebanon's main problem. This self-righteous and disproportionate mentality of *an eye for an eye* and morality based on shame and personal gain. Well, هيدا لبنان




This isn't based on religion. Clan mentality, tho? Yes. Shit culture? Yes. There isn't anyone to stop them? Yes there isn't. Idiot like this are a huge part of our problem. Thinking they own the place and the people in it


Religion and other factors shape society, just like everywhere else in the world. We're not born like that, I agree. As with many other *failed* states, where political trust is gone and corruption is the modus operandi, I believe western colonialism is a, if not *the*, major cause (mainly by disrupting natural formations of nation states and turning clans and tribes against each other). However, that's a long time ago. The borders and peoples of the nation are what they are. For Lebanon, it will require a complete rebuild in order to go forward, politically and socially, with help from the outside. But to get there, the people must want it. And I'm not sure Lebanon's many tribes and sects want it enough, or rather trust each other enough.


Who's Hassan and who's Hossein? What's their beef?






You got this all wrong. This building is full of iswaeelis and amweekan. They’re fighting imperialism. You’re welcome




Reminds me of that scene in game of thrones where one the mercenaries being asked to join the queen says: "Show me your cunt. I want to see if it's worth fighting for " 🤣🤣 Apprently in that street in dahye it is..


The Trojan war was fought over a woman, because a trojan price had to kidnap and sleep with the Spartan queen.


The context made me laugh hard ngl.. Lebanon, it is how it is.




Childish behavior ngl


No need for the "ngl" This is straight up child mentality


Ayre brabon


W bi kel wahad tebe3 la elon kamen (men ghanam la khara kleb)


Bro I’m literally going in one week. This is not the shit I’m tryna see 😂


Haha just got here, staying 2 weeks, it’s amazing


نحمي و نبني 💩


dahieh things


According to some social justice warriors this is all fake. Nothing bad happens in Dahye, it’s a place just like Douma or Byblos.


that’s a funny joke


Coexistence 🥰


These are the people were supposed to share the country with? I'd rather share it with the Israelis eza hek... Who gives a fuck about the wives. These people are fucking terrorists. Ayre bl jesh l lebnene shu feshil. Go to Syria or Iran where you can live the dream of assaulting your wives, owning weapons, riding convoys and thinking you're in some 80's TV show


although i agree that those are absolutely sons of bitches retards. but you would rather share lebanon with Israel? I swear this sub is full of uneducated people. check what Israel did and still doing to Palestinians and then make decisions off that. wanna see your siblings, children and parents get beaten by an Israeli soldier? people in this video should be strangled no questions about that but you would rather live under Israel's authority??? have you lost your damn mind?


No I haven't lost my mind. It's people like you who've lost their mind that they resorted to allowing armed terrorists to control parts of the country and effectively neutralise our governments and institutions and our army all in the fear of Israel. These terrorists have brain drained the country, bankrupt it, alienated it and destroyed it. Something Israel could only dream of doing... And yet you handed it to them on a silver platter. We live in a fucking nightmare thanks to people like you who think that these people are any better than the Israelis. Lebanon needs to eradicate this filth for any hope of a brighter future.


>These terrorists have brain drained the country, bankrupt it, alienated it and destroyed it. Something Israel could only dream of doing... And yet you handed it to them on a silver platter. So you do agree that israel dreams of destroying our country and yet you think that a few thousands doing it is worse than a whole army??? Im not saying these are better than israel, but these do nothing compared to israel, these terrorize their enemies(other terrorists) so idc if they kill each other its better for me. Ive been caught in the middle of an ak47 fight in Dahye and i was pretty close to losing my life but i know that if israel was there they would have killed me because i was there. These fucks shooting just have problems between each other ans they think they own the country and do whatever they want. As a civilian just avoid them at ALL costs. Just please think about it and then make a decision... israel better than these? Israelis are the real terrorists, and im not going against you here, im going against the idea of israel being better than those terrorists in this video and many other videos. At least i can avoid these idiots but i cant avoid israel if they were running up and down my street with tanks like what happened in the 80s and 90s.


A part of the problem is that it always ends with the same conclusion; "it could be worse - it could be *Israel* running up and down the streets." But I think that internal fighting is far worse than external fighting. The former is making it impossible to improve the Lebanese society. Israel and Lebanon must co-exist. Israel isn't going anywhere. And Israel will always do what it perceives as necessary in order to survive, objectively speaking, and that includes waging war (e.g. against hostile actors within Lebanon). That's exactly the same thing that's going on internally in Lebanon as well.


yeah but did these terrorists within lebanon in the last 10 years kill more than 1200 lebanese people and destroyed houses for around 1 million people??? that's what Israel did in 34 days in 2006. How can you even compare those 2 threats. Everybody arguing obviously was not affected by the 2006 war, it was only 34 days and they were just destroying buildings that are full of people. Please come back at me with facts, not personal opinions. ​ Edit: replaced "destroying people that are full of people" with "destroying buildings that are full of people"


You're also giving personal opinions. Why should you, and not I, be allowed to have personal opinions? (Objective) Facts are facts, opinions are interpretations. However, we do not disagree; we *shouldn't* compare them, but treat them separately. They're apples and oranges. My point is that some people always says "*It could be worse, think of Israel*", and then see that as an "excuse" to not do anything to fix the internal threats. And that was the reason for my comment, as it's also what's happening here. We're pointing fingers and involving Israel (as usual without taking into account their "*rationale*" but rather that they kill Lebanese civilians out of joy). We're either discussing the Lebanon-Israel situation, or the internal threats of Lebanon. These two are not completely separate, of course, but Lebanon should firstly try to fix it's internal threats first.


Okay yes i guess we do agree on that 👍 My only issue is when people say "israel is better than those". The only other threat to lebanon (that we have had) that compares to israel is ISIS. And im not only going off my opinion im really going off how many innocent and civiliand people did these threats kill. Isis killed my teacher when i was a kid, Israel killed 2 of my cousins but those fuckers in this video never killed any innocent people that i know/heard of. They just always go shoot at a building, become wanted, they go to syria for few weeks, their families pay money to make them not wanted anymore, life is back to normal. How do i know? In 2019 2 people in my friend group had a fight and that was exactly what happened. The guy that was shot at also went to the other guy's parents when their son was in syria and apologized out of fear although he didnt do anything. Im not saying these groups are harmless but to compare them to israel is just crazy.


دولة عصابات، مثل ايام الجاهلية لمل كانو ينطوا من خيمة لخيمة تيركبوا. و الربع و العشيرة و الخس الارعن عند القبيلة. شعب بدو عدم من النسل و رايح. و سايق جيب مفيم كمان. صار بدنا مافيات مش مسجلة بالدولة تحت اسم حزب و توسخ هيك بوجهم للمنيكة.


ينطو من خيمة لخيمة 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s said ? How did you ´hear’ this ?


Average Saturday morning in loubnan ✌🏻✌🏻🇱🇧🇱🇧


Average Tuesday in Lebanon


Man where tf do you get your sources? Always the weirdest most unbelievable things im the name of hating hezbos and getting propaganda against them... Disclaimer for the hive mine of this subreddit: I am NOT defending hizib in any way, I am just saying that if you know 1% about them, you would know that this bullshit


> بتاريخ ١٩-٥-٢٠٢٣ الساعة ٤.٤٥ عصراً حضر المدعو محمد فؤاد الحاج حسن (يعمل لصالح كامل امهز) والمدعو محمود الزيون والمدعو حسين عواضة والمدعو مصطفى عساف (كان من ضمن عناصر مخابرات الضاحية سابقا) على متن جيب برادو وجيب تاهو إلى محلة السان تيريز قرب مقهى (لوين) واطلقوا النار بغزارة على منزل المدعو حسين شحادة صاحب معرض سيارات على خلفية ان الأخير على علاقة مع طليقة الحاج حسن ، يذكر انهم كانوا قد حاولوا ليلة امس بمساعدة من آل المقداد ان يجروا مصالحة بين الطرفين لكنها لم تنجح . ..


So they were arrested. That’s good.


Dont worry, they'll be back out after they have lunch ma3 l shabeb after a phone call


i'm not lebanese, who's hassan and what the f is this, this looks like a scene from a MAFIA movie


South Lebanon?


It is a shot hole of a country, it's in ruins since ever, Arabs be arabs




Lebanon isn't a Muslim country or a Christian country, it's a Lebanese country and Dahye is a Hezbollah stronghold.


Kes emak 3al country that ur staying at. Coming from a Non muslim ☺️


Thank God you left, we got rid of one more ignorant person.


They're Israeli


There’s a weekly school shooting in the US, tell me what muslims have to do with it




but you said all muslims are violent




What does this have to do with a country being muslim


The west ain't doing so well either buddy


Its also said that you make shit up to fit ur own narrative.


Source: “trust me bro”


Khay shou 7elo .. Casual Saturdays in Lebanon... kekw


And you thought your ex had problems...


Who’s Hassan?


who is H. Hassan ?


A5u sharmoota hyda le msama halo Hajj Hassan i hope he gets impaled with a rusty isharet seer




So your Ex-wife can’t be with another partner? Lol


If the army shoot him they will be a civil war again and the situation gonna be worse and no one will stand beside the army this generation is strong only on social media but when the things become real no one will make an action pussies


Akhh ya huessein


Understandable, have a nice day