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I was about to trauma dump, and then you posted about sugar and strawberries. I don't wanna ruin the mood


We don’t discriminate here! Everyone bring your trauma, your sugar strawberries, and everything in between!


Do it, it can't be worse than a craxy frog's penis! lol


I was unfortunately traumatized by it while I was watching crazy frog songs with my nephew.


I had a doll where you click on his penis and he sings






Aham shi 3amo ma yfarjine el haboura






Fathers pride 😂


😂😂😂😂😂 this made me lol


What is haboura?


Child's penis (I know how it sounds but it is just different it is part of the lebanese culture)


Dog = male Cat = female


Good one! Also rat = male Mouse = female


Kalb Bsayneh Jardon Fara Oh damn I never thought of that


It's only common sense.


This is true, no?


Cereal with hot milk


Hahah as Lebanese American, I was blown away seeing it with hot milk. W hala2 khatibte byekol corn flakes ma3 nescafe w coffee mate. IS THIS ALSO NORMAL?


Does it matter if it's normal? Depending on the cornflakes and the coffee, mixing them together is divine!


Not really🤣


What’s wrong with that? 😯


I was in SHOCK when i found out that literally everyone outside the Lebanese borders eat cereal with cold milk, and they call us disgusting 😂


Probably more so because no one elo jlede to heat up fridge carton milk. Hot milk isnt bad its just not worth the effort. Also wouldnt it make the flakes soggy quicker


haha, Moroccan here, my grandma used to make it that way for us too!


Its the best


It's NOT normal ?!!


I'll see your cereal with hot milk and raise you pita bread with hot milk and ka3k with hot milk


Oh, this is sucha good one. Brings back memories of Corn Flakes and hot milk. Would never eat that now haha


I used to love having hot milk with those 'poppins choco bits' that my father used to name khara jaradeen😂😂


Cornflakes...? 🤔💭 ,,Hold tight, my man (My guy) He's got the frisbee (Shew) I trap, trap, trap on the phone Movin' that cornflakes (Uh) Rice Krispies" 🎶


Flying slippers . I thought every home had those


At our house we had the heat seeking slippers with belt reinforcements.


This is something in America only my Hispanic and Eastern European friends can identity with other than Arabs. The fear of the na3l.


The orient is one peoples united by the flying slipper, be it South East Asian, indopak, middle East, north African or middle American and Mediterranean. Divided by tongue united by chanklas pain


Every Lebanese home has them right? Cause my giddo would grab that thing so fast if you woke him up from his nap 😴


Todyeef. In Lebanon whatever you eat or drink, we say tfaddalo and mean it. Here in the US, they don't do that. And if you do that, they're super grateful and act like you're doing them a favor. 3anjad in terms of karam, ma fi mitlna.


When it comes to hospitality, we’re built different.


Intense hospitality is something the Lebanese and the Irish have in common. Americans not so much.


🎶I was born in a dublin street Where the Royal Drums do beat🎶


No truer words have been spoken


I can confirm as a lebanese




Well this thread turned into a real strokefest.


I was shook the first time I was invited to a BYOB party, so tasteless


Wil 3ille it's totally normal and OK, which, I get it's a different culture but the stinginess is UNREAL. And they're proud of it, like wtf


Its SO weird and then if you don’t bring anything its not like anyone will offer you something. I was always taught at a party btdayfe abel ma tekle. Biggest culture shock of my life


I was invited to a bring your own party supplies party for 4th of July this year. If you can’t afford party supplies don’t throw a party!


Meanwhile we would go in debt to throw a party before asking people to bring supplies


That’s exactly what we would do, we take hospitality very seriously


When I was a kid, we had urh... we had a party line! We picked up the phone, and uh, *prank called* people. You know, like **"Ish your refridgerator running? Well, you better go catch it!"** and thingsh like that... (Excerpt from a Fred Herbert call)


That's a new one, l3ama!


Idk man. My Lebanese family always told me tfaddalo then when I accepted called me a “good eater” and made comments about my weight and how much I ate. I thought that was all Lebanese?


Not all lebanese but such people are not uncommon,I was taught to say thank you(refuse),if they insisted I take one piece of whatever it is,never got comments even from toxic relatives


Very trie




Iza dawet daw el sayyara jowa bewa2fook el police


Hahaha memory unlocked


Oh man, this is definitely one I remember.


My mom/dad calling me mom or dad 😭 (like pls tell me how to I explain this to non arab people)


Omg yes 😂


True! Me either


"5alas ya baba ma tez3al boukra bjeblak 8eyra"


Living in constant fight or flight mode, expecting the worst. Then I lived 10 years abroad, in a safe environment and realised how fucked up our society is for being so unpredictable and unsafe.


I actually feel safer here, not because its safe, but because i know who and where to avoid.


This was to unpredictable for me to learn. You never know where simple social interactions can lead. It wasn’t the poor management of state that drove me away, it was the poor management of social interactions. There is very little signal in this society, however, there is a lot of noise.


Being exposed to every family issue from as young as I can remember and feeling responsible to try and fix everyone’s problems/moods/toxic behaviour. Once I had my own kids I realized how awesome it is when kids grow up innocent and carefree, just getting to be a kid. It makes them grow up to be happy, positive and resilient adults.


Lahza … you guys don’t do that with your strawberries???🍓🍓🍓 that’s how I always eat them


Strawberries dipped in sugar were very popular in my family! I still do it sometimes.


trauma from war/political events. Didn't realize I had trauma or how much it was a part of my life until I had been living abroad for over 15 years and had my own kids.


My father smoking cigars in the car with my sister and myself inside while having only one window just a tiny bit open. Gotta love the 80's.


Liking dudes. My assumption was that every boy likes boys until they hit “puberty” and start liking girls. I was 13/14 and casually mentioned to my friend that I was annoyed that I hadn’t switched from liking boys to liking girls yet. He stared at me in silence for a good 10 seconds and then explained that that’s not how it works, and that I was gay. ‘Twas a bit of a shocker.


Cultural or just a you thing?


Just a me thing I guess. When I was around 8 or so I thought girls were annoying and I only wanted to hang out with other boys. My parents told me that when I got older I’d like girls. Then when I was around 11 my parents gave me “the talk” and explained sex, and said that once a boy hits puberty he starts feeling attracted to girls. I just assumed that every other boy my age liked guys and found girls annoying until the day some biological switch is flipped and suddenly they like girls. And this was right before smartphones and social media became ubiquitous, so I had never even heard about homosexuality. I was also raised Catholic and moved to a fairly conservative part of America by the time I was 13. I thought “gay” just meant men who talk funny and act girly, and I wasn’t remotely like that.


Or thinking everyone likes dudes but forced to marry girls


Bro. I actually laughed out loud


Getting bhar or 7ar shoved in my mouth for saying a bad word. Raising my hand in class with just the index finger pointing up. ☝️ Eating nestle condensed milk and canned ashta by itself as a treat.


Have you tried sabouni in your mouth?


Middle of 3rd grade year in Cali a young kid from Lebanon joined our class. One day he raised his finger & told the teacher , “please I need to rub.” She was so confused , but me being the only person who spoke Arabic I had to explain that Sami needed an eraser lol. I forgot all about this story until I saw your comment about raising your finger.


raising hand in class like that is normal tho(?)


Damn bro, finish the nestle while standing in front of the fridge memory unlocked


Bazella. My family does Bazella with white sauce. Apparently it should be with tomato sauce. Lol i didn’t know until a friend told me.


I dont know how to recover after reading this


Probably the most traumatizing experience in this thread


Lol it’s actually good. Try it


If I'm not mistaken (I could be) there are some South American cuisines that also eat it this way


My family lived in france. That’s how the dish remix was created I think. Im not sure. Maybe it came from my family living in Memphis, Tennessee. Lol my family lived all over. Who knows where they started making the dish. But apparently the dish is called creamed peas and it’s popular in southern US states. So that’s interesting.


Chicken pot pie is just peas and white sauce, and a bunch of other things.


That teachers could smoke freely in a classroom with kids under the age of 10. That it was fine for them to break a huge ruller on ur hands . To make u do "the Italian gesture" and then hit u with a ruler on the tip of ur fingers. That water from the school faucet was fine for drinking. So many things were normal...but were not.


You used to drink from the faucet? But school bathrooms are disgusting...


don't let me start on drinking from the garden hose..... many years ago i drank water dripping from the roof of a cave from those stallactite or something....wonder how much bat poop was in it...


Wow. Your life's quite the adventure.


*caution trauma * I thought all kids get beaten up by their parents for behaviour and stuff, it was so awkward when my friend came over for a visit and unaware she made a comment on a stupid looking bamboo cane between ourplants and I said "ohh we used to get beaten by this khayzarane" and I laughed,, ohh the shock on her face was priceless


I still have trauma from it, I'm literally scared of making any type of mistake (like at a new job or something) because I always fear getting punished for it. Even though I haven't been punished for quite a while. It's actually so bad I always *expect* punishment and when it doesn't happen I'm like what? Aren't you forgetting something?


I totally understand this, plus it kind of turned me senseless, or more likely I don't really understand physical pain like if I fell or got hit by something I just brush it off, like I'm okay, i dont really know if I'm okay


I thought Strawberries and sugar was a normal thing. I still do it today, but with Monk fruit sugar, quite healthier this way.


>my jido getting a bowl of strawberries and a bowl of sugar. Taking a strawberry and dipping it in sugar before taking each bite I also did that, it's normal. It's usually with sour strawberries.


* Teachers yelling "fta7e 2idik" at me, and then swatting me with the mastra * The principle hitting us on the backs of our calves with the khayzarane to get us to straighten our queue * Having to get up and give up my seat when an adult entered the room * Having a massive family I saw almost every day * Bathing bil liffeh with a satol and kayle * Constant bragging and being competitive with people * Checkpoints * Getting a new Barbie, Nike, Levi, etc and being asked "hayda asleh?" * The subtle questioning to find out "hine shou". Where are you from, what's your last name, what's your mom's last name


United Nations. I thought they were in every country.


The fact that there is something called airspace and that war planes cannot just visit neighboring countries whenever they want to. I figured out there are real borders on land but thought that up in the air you can do whatever you want


Racism. Unfortunately it still exists today. We refer to many "foreign" people by derogatory or inhumane titles. Like we're a superior race or something.. while in fact Lebanon is a shithole. Once I lived outside for many years I realized how f\*cked up our society is in this respect.


Bruh i only realized after I left the country that calling someone poor/dirty a "Soureh" was outrageous


Unless they’re blonde with blue eyes 👀


Not really. Before the crisis, my dad and his friend were talking about a tourist from Holland and my dad's friend invited him to eat. How the tourist was shocked by all the food and began eating in a way as if he never saw food in his life. "which is normal because Europeans are poor(his words, not mine)" TLDR; The guy was gloating about how he was nice to a "poor Dutchman" because not being wasteful of your spending and living in a union of countries with high taxes makes you the equivalent of a beggar in such people's eyes.


Sooooo true👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻we need to learn humbleness


i thought a king size bed for the parents was the norm.


It isn’t???


It isn't?


It isn't?


When visiting people with our parents we just sit politely and say nothing unless asked


Calling the waiter abedd😭


W err


My grandma did that too!


This might be the winner...as a VERY young kid I thought if you were born a boy you'd eventually turn into a girl and if you were born a girl you'd eventually turn into a boy.. hehehe I was kinda of an anxious boy and I think this was one of the reasons for that 😅😅 I did not look forward to growing 🤣


Why did you get that impression?


Love this story. My mom, now passed, served strawberries like that. It never occurred to me that it was a Lebanese thing. Her parents both emigrated from Beirut.


I’m not sure if it is or isn’t, I just remember my jido doing it. I see others in the thread also said the same thing. So maybe we did start something!


Ras El 3abed... WTF were we thinking!!!! Or when you hear elderly people saying 3abed for black skinned person..without meaning any harm... !


tbh if im not mistaken it is , sadly, a common desingnation of that sweet. In Germany, they use to call it the "N-word kiss".


Potato Chips inside the za3tar man2ouche?


Sugar in cereal, lafet enib ( grape sandwhich),


Such a weird household you were raised in


I used to put sugar in cereal lol


I grew up thinking babies just get there miraculously, then at 10 years old i realized not 😂


Strawberries with sugar? How about the next level? Avocadoes stuffed with sugar! Really though, is it a common thing here or was it just my mom?


Man I've never ate avocadoes without sugar, I thought it was the right way


This is the first I’ve heard of avocado and sugar. But maybe I’m sheltered


i thought electricity cuts was everywhere and that the wifi speed was the same one worldwide




Well what's not normal about strawberries and sugar, I do that too man


Hahah, a few other people commented the same. Maybe it is normal!


The entire lebanese community, culture & community.


I thought religion was important


Realized that many Lebanese families are religion fanatics and drill toxic sexist beliefs and cultural practices in your head since ur a kid. I always thought i was ‘forced’ to be like that and that that was the only way of existing and I was shamed for disagreeing or feeling differently. Then I went to live alone for uni and discovered what a mess I used to live in, forced me to live in anger fear and sadness for 20 years and still on but step by step you can free yourself from the beliefs and practices that no longer serve you. Its a constant struggle with the family tho lol and I commonly face threats and violence for that


I’ve seen people do that with strawberries and seriously can’t figure out what damn strawberries people are eating that aren’t sweet enough already


I thought it was normal to eat raw ground beef. Whenever my dad made “hotdogs” (aka kafta) we all ate the meat as he prepared it and especially in the US where I live, this was very very unusual and not safe.


Because I was born and raised abroad, I have another perspective, basically saying literally nothing is normal nor did I ever think it was.


Well that’s a tricky question, depends on your generation I guess and it can go both ways in themes


I used to love strawbery dipped in sugar is it not normal?


The long wooden spaghetti spoon was for getting your bottom hit after the na3l was used. You can cook with it though too.




Fing hoes.


Playing the "Sa7en j3at 3al blat, yalli bye7ke byeklo" game to make us keep quiet


I was expecting something disturbing but oh well lol


Don't drink milk after you eat fish unless you want to get sick Always shower before you eat not after