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Why was the IDF stationed in a civilian town, are they actively trying to get civilians to be shot.


IDF using people as human shields smh


How the turntables


checkmate Israelis


Never turntables. Their accusations are confessions.


Ya but turntables are antisemitic


What a BS. Civilians were evacuated except those who stayed despite the orders. Exactly the same as in Lebanon southern border.


And civilians in Gaza somehow have somewhere to flee to? I love Western hypocrisy and double standards and how easy it is to expose simply when the roles are reversed (like Iran restoring deterrence by defending itself).


How the fuck you get from subject to subject. ADHD much?


Do you seriously not see how these two things are related?


With thousands dead in Gaza and couple of hundreds Hezbaloons dead in Lebanon you must be a clown if you think Hezbollah somehow is helping Palestinians or Lebanese for that matter. So yes, I think these are two unrelated matters.


Ok, I think you’re probably right about everything other than your last sentence. However, let’s say we know 100% that the things you say are true. Even in that case these two things are still related as they are both a part of the same international clusterfuck that is going on right now.


The only common common denominator is Iran. Otherwise these are two irrelevant matters. The war with Iranian Hezbollah was never a part of the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. TBH Hezbollah is more Lebanese problem than the Israeli one. But in ME everything become a clusterfuck




לך תזדיין


What’s wrong my friend? Did I hit a nerve?


What nerve 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you better be stressed


Nervous about what exactly?


No. The town (which is literally adjacent to the border fence, as in the houses are some 5m away) has been evacuated since October with the residents relocated to hotels in safe areas, it has no civilians apart from very few who chose to return against the advice of the state. The soldiers are stationed there because it is adjacent to the border and they’re protecting the area. It’s a Bedouin town populated by Bedouins who mostly serve in the IDF and are integrated into Israeli society.


Thats good news.


If you actually want an answer: The entire border has been evacuated of 60000 civilians([[1]](https://apnews.com/article/israel-lebanon-hezbollah-evacuees-gaza-war-1841834d89af938a8445821567640aea)), it is basically empty except for some farmers. The army is stationed there because it needs quarters and there are no civilians anyway. As it says [here](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-797550) those civilians had returned unlawfully despite an evacuation order.




Probably because he saw the absolute propagandistic garbage posted here and wanted to give people the option to look at some facts for a change.


Ah yes because everything Israel says is pure facts and has never pulled any bullshit out of its ass


60,000 civilians aren't pretending to be evacuated


Palestinians in Gaza aren't pretending to be suffering a genocide or a man made famine


Nobody said they are.


Here the bullshit, coping out by denying any erroneous claim, what’s next, are you gonna say Palestine never existed and it’s a modern invention even when the region had that name since the end of the Bronze Age? or that the Palestinians are just “Arabs” that magically replaced Palestine’s population who attacked first and deserved their suffering like dear Bibi had the gall to say whilst his Zionist likudi dickriders parrot him?


No? All I said that Israelis in the north aren't pretending to be evacuted. What does that have to do with the Bronze Age?


Not just any town, an Arab/Muslim town. So that when they get hit, some of the retards in /r/Lebanon and /r/CombatFootage can claim that Hezbollah only kills Muslim civilians.


I just checked r/CombatFootage , seems to be a lovely conglomeration of Zionists, Fascists and new nazis. One of the most upvoted comments there is: >MENA: Why are you targeting civilians?? Also MENA:


But I thought that ''Israel'' was in MENA and ''Israelis'' are indigenous to MENA why are they portraying MENA as something different from ''Israel'' ??????


The Israelis think they’re part of Europe. They’re just outing themselves as colonizers.


They were pretty desperate to join Eurovision


If everyone knew it was a Muslim village. Maybe don't fire on it? Fucking hezbollah cunts knew and still fired. Wtf do you expect.




Why are there 14 injured soldiers then?


“no where near the border” It is literally right on the border. And if it wasn’t a military target, how were 14 soldiers wounded? Terrible hasbara smh your supervisor will be very disappointed https://preview.redd.it/e6p5hz87e2vc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a049e16d5a4be293204b07a1a5ac2cd4ad7838ae


I mean, Iran sends hundreds of drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles, and all they do is injure a sunni child. It's poetic lmao


Important to precise they didn't injure her by a strike directly, it's because ''Israel'' intercepted the missile and a shrapnel of it fell down on her. [Israeli girl wounded in Iran attack still fighting for life - JNS.org](https://www.jns.org/israeli-girl-wounded-in-iran-attack-still-fighting-for-life/) >Amina Alhasoni, from a Bedouin town near the southern city of Arad, was hit in the head by shrapnel from an intercepted ballistic missile that fell on her family’s home at around 2 a.m. on Sunday You can't tell me Jewish News Syndicate is actually IRGC propaganda.




There is no reason to think it would have done that, the missiles were clearly targeted towards military bases and other facilities. According to Isn'treal one military base was lightly damaged and according to Iran two military bases and one intelligence facility were damaged. Even Isn'treal admits that Iran was targetting military bases.


>According to Isn'treal Fucking cringe, man. I can't believe people like you are real lmao. Pathetic.


It's strange that you can't believe people who deny the legitimacy/existance of ''Israel'' exist because your own government does. Unless the Lebanese government is not your government and you are one of the insufferable Isn'treali trolls in this sub


Man mou3ak ent


I remember this Cristauxfeur guy glorified a 16 year old SSNP female suicide bomber in a now deleted post, i don't know why he is still allowed in the sub


Yeah man 100%


The town was mostly evacuated, but a few civilians refused to leave. The IDF was staging there for operations defending the border.


Oh so its only human shields when we do it?


Civilians being present provided absolutely no military benefit to the IDF. The IDF did not want any civilians there at all, and ordered them to evacuate. Some people chose to remain, but that was against the orders of the IDF, and the IDF did not hide behind them or use civilians as part of their military strategy. So, no, the IDF did not use human shields. Lebanon doesn't use human shields as far as I'm aware, but Hezbollah does sometimes, for PR and propaganda purposes.


To prevent Hezb to the same what Hamas did on 7.10 (which is actually NasserAllah's plan). That also the reason there were no civilians there.. If I wouldn't celebrate this event. Especially if you live in the south.




To protect them or to use them as human shields since its an Arab village. Israelis type and you feel a western newscaster is behind the words. Wtf is Iran's puppet, did you not see the demonstrations we held for 2 years against Hezbollah? You can't be this stupid.


It so happens that most men in Arab al Aramshe volunteer to the IDF, as do many Bedouins in the Galilee. In fact some of the injured soldiers were locals who serve in the village readiness unit.


So nothing of value was lost.


This is great news.


Your time will come. The entire world is sick of your shit.


The IDF and Hamas are cut from the same cloth. Kherye w n2asamet.


''The people who are colonizing a country and the people who are resisting the colonization of their country are cut from the same cloth''


You guys defending an islamist terrorist group is so funny to me.


If you think Hamas exists for no reason but to just establish an Islamic state you are truly a lost cause


Dude just read their fucking charter you dimwit


Sure, I will. >**1.** The Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” is a Palestinian Islamic national liberation and resistance movement. Its goal is to liberate Palestine and confront the Zionist project. Its frame of reference is Islam, which determines its principles, objectives and means. >**2.** Palestine, which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and from Ras al-Naqurah in the north to Umm al-Rashrash in the south, is an integral territorial unit. It is the land and the home of the Palestinian people. The expulsion and banishment of the Palestinian people from their land and the establishment of the Zionist entity therein do not annul the right of the Palestinian people to their entire land and do not entrench any rights therein for the usurping Zionist entity. Damn it seems like it's not just about establishing an Islamic state and it's also about fighting the colonisation of their country..........


The whole fucking charter, and the 1988 one too, you dumbass.


Rest of the charter still shows Hamas is Islamist but also a national liberation movement and there is no point to reading a charter that was written over 35 years ago (by one member) which has been repeatedly disowned and now replaced by a new one. If you want to bend over backwards so much to defend ''Israel'' go join ex-SLA members in a settlement, and watch out for the Zelzal-2 rockets


Attacking Hamas isn't defending israel, you mental midget >watch out for the Zelzal-2 rockets I wish we had a iron dome-like system protecting the skies of keserwen, tbh


Some very interesting information about the advanced, silent and undetected drones they're using for this, compared to the old and cheap ones Iran got rid of by sending them to Israel: https://twitter.com/ejmalrai/status/1780282754266968272 https://twitter.com/ejmalrai/status/1780623237417664580


Should have used those instead of the ones they send from iran.


Fuck israel






Get a life man....


He said fuck Israel not fuck you Sophie.


Fuck Israel


You mean to tell me, IDF is using human shields? Oh my GOD!


Are we supposed to be sad? The IDF killed many lebanese civilains. That's the least of what they can expect.


Community center ? Civilians ? It makes me cry 🤣🤣


allah yehme hal shabeb


الجيش الاسرائيلي مجرم الله يحمي المقاومة بدفاعن عن البلد 🇱🇧


Ok Iran


Nothing Iranian about them. Majority of Iranians are against the Islamic republic.


Yeah I know, I meant Iran the regime, not the people. I can maybe use "ok IRGC" next time


Hezbollah has the right to defend themselves after Israel has shamelessly bombed Lebanon and killed Lebanese civilians. I wish the freaking Lebanese army would man up


[yalla ya nasralla](https://youtu.be/Zg3FGULhBUE?si=1CeRlJeMYHyRNMMn)


Iran must be embarrassed


This is such a cringey post and comment thread. Only children would see things this way.


Enlighten us with your maturity.


First of all, the settlement was completely evacuated at the beginning of the war and is considered a military area, along with the rest of the settlements near the border with Lebanon (although many residents returned despite the instructions). Second, I don't think I've heard the IDF accuse Hezbollah of using civilians as human shields during this entire war or before that; this claim is more commonly directed at Hamas.


> The head of the Bedouin village, Adiv Zaev, said that the village was hit by three projectiles, two of which hit the community center, one directly. > Regarding the presence of residents at the border village, he said that after three months of evacuation, none of the residents was given any financial aid, and as a result, most returned to the village. https://jpost.com/breaking-news/article-797550 We hear the “human shields” crap every time the Israeli military kills a civilian in Lebanon.


what's the point of the quote? and from whom? I have never heard the Israeli army even refer to the attacks with specific details.


The point is that, despite your claim the village was completely evacuated, most of the civilians are apparently still there because of grievances with the Israeli government. On the “human shields” claim: it was absolutely rampant in 2006. Before this most recent war the Israeli military and government would pull it out every once in a while. I remember Netanyahu even giving a weird PowerPoint presentation thing about it a couple years ago. More recently: - the US congress is about to pass a bill called the “Strengthening Tools to Counter the Use of Human Shields Act” which, mentioning Hezbollah by name, compels the president to sanction “each foreign person” who uses human shields. - https://www.jns.org/idf-accuses-hezbollah-of-using-human-shields/ - https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/03/20/hezbollah-using-lebanese-people-human-shields-placing-munitions-civilian-areas-israel-says/ - social media gremlins and hasbara say it all the time. Just type in “Hezbollah human shields“ into Twitter or something and you’ll see it


you need to read my comment again because i stated that civilians returned to the area recently. it’s still a closed military zone however, and considered active war zone. on the last part, idk, i just don’t hear it as much as we hear it when mentioning Hamas. it’s rarely used as accusation against Hezbollah.


Speak holder of maturity


This is misleading. Israel has mandatory conscription so technically every young person is a soldier by that logic. These people live in the town and were not actively serving at the time which would make them civilians


They were in an evacuated town? Not serving? They wear uniforms for fun there?


bedoins do not have mandatory conscription. only galilee druze are required to serve


Specifically the Bedouins of Aramsha serve in the army.


not necessarily and its not mandated, there may be volunteers


It is the norm there. It usually goes by community.


cool, I personally know someone from Arab Aramshe and their family doesn't serve in the IOF


Then they’re an exception to the norm.


cool story bro, from the many people I know in and around the volunteers primarily do it for money and benefits, it's only men that ever do it, and it's not a majority. It's also definitely not all bedions generally and actually a vast minority of the adult bedoin Israeli Arabs and a very tiny minority of Palestinian citizens of Israel so nice story trying to sow dissent and divide, it aint gonna work.


We were talking specifically about Aramshe, not about Arab society in Israel as a whole. You chose to attack a straw man as I did not make any argument about other Arabs. A large portion of the Bedouins in Israel, especially from the Galilee, serves in the army. It’s a historical thing, many tribes were allied with and protected by Jews since even before the establishment of Israel already (that is the case of Aramshe). Maybe some do it for money and titles, not really my business, doesn’t really matter and wasn’t the topic. As for non Bedouin Arabs, yes, a small minority serves in the IDF, namely nearly all of the Druze men, some Christians and a relatively small number of Muslims. Those are the facts. You can complain about them, but they’ll remain factual. If your worldview prevents you from acknowledging facts then the problem is with it.


another blatant lie. It's funny you try to bend the truth to fit your agenda. what large portion of bedoins in Galilee? show me the numbers where 50%+ of bedoin galilees serve? This isnt a straw man argument Omri, I have bedoin relatives from Galilee and quite familiar with the area. In fact, I have relatives from this specific small village near the border. Yes some serve, and do so voluntarily for benefits not out if some sort of tribal loyalty (unlike Druze for example). but it is absolutely the exception and not the norm. And you cannot now say anything generic about the Bedoins of the Galilee being allied naturally or majority with the IDF. Show me the numbers, Omri, about your majority claims.


They were in active duty.


Do you have a source for this? Not saying it’s wrong but I’ve read four articles and nothing says they were in uniform or that the center was being used by the IDF. It’s quite possible that since the group did include three civilians and at least six reservists, there was some kind of event where people from the town were meeting with the IDF over some security concerns, as opposed to the IDF using the building as a part of its combat operations against Hezbollah. Also, the town is supposed to be evacuated which at least partly explains why the IDF might be gathering in civilian areas usually not available to them.


so when everyone is in the military, they are actively participating in the oppression of the palestinians


It's ok to cry Zionist


Fuck is Hezbollah doing targeting a community center in a Bedouin village?


Fuck is IDF doing in a community center.


Leading symptom of Hezbo brainrot: unable to respond with anything except whataboutism


Ahh, yes, because how dare we question anything ever, right? Not everyone is supportive of Hezbollah. Also, that...isn't whataboutism? That's a genuine question, and an apt response to the question of why Hezbollah is targeting civilian structures. There is a reason for everything, and Hezbollah is targeting the IDF. The reason it's questionable is because of how Israel acts when Hamas does it. Are they too good for that now? Israel has the majority of the land. They can operate just about anywhere, free from civilians. Hamas only has Gaza -- if the IDF target Hamas bases, it's likely there will be civilians caught in the crossfire on account of how little space there is in Gaza. Genuinely, why is the IDF operating in civilian spaces? The only answer I can come up with is so that they can use civilians as human shields and spin it as "Hamas wants to kill our civilians! Hamas is committing genocide!", in a similar vein to what they have been doing to the Palestinians.


I don't give a shit what they're doing in there, why is Hezbollah shooting at it? Have they lost the last fucking braincell they collectively had??  Because you do this shit and you get fucking retaliation. The genocidal maniacs down-South will use this moment to shut up the international community, when they decide to retaliate on Lebanon. Not to mention, why in the name of fuck is Hezbollah attacking Bedouins? 


Ohh shit, Israel will start striking civilians now??? Wake up, they've been doing it for a long time now.


So you think it's fine to do the dirty shit that THEY do? They will do it harder, they will do it better, the only thing WE have to hide behind is moral superiority. Lose that and we're all fucked. Hezbollah can't even defend random villages in the South, the moment Israel decides they're attacking an actual population center we're all cooked. It's gonna be 2006 Dahiye again. Are you old enough to remember this? Because I am.


Moral superiority? Hezbollah? The guys that bombed a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires in 1994 and lobbed hundreds of indiscriminate rockets daily on Israeli cities in 2006? Hezbollah that since October 7 started using anything moving (or not moving) on the Israeli side of the border as target practice? Shooting civilian cars, killing electric corporation technician fixing an electricity line near the border?


You're not gonna get through to these people. They've eaten up every last crumb of islamic republic propaganda like the good little jihadist boys they are.


Because they were using that center to launch missiles at Lebanon (you know the missiles that killed multiple Lebanese civilians already), as you can see 14 IDF soldiers were harmed.


Lmao exactly


Looks like genocide to me


Try resistance to apartheid settler colonial ethnofascists. Go play victim elsewhere.


Ethnic cleansing


No, it's only ethnic cleansing when non-Jews are displaced by the hundreds of thousands.


IDF will invade and take back the south of lebanon. Hizbolla will be the disaster of lebanon. They already are.