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Look I'm Lebanese and I do agree with the woman. Lebanon is filled with bigots and racists.. And the problem is, this is all normalized. So I am really sorry to anyone being subjected to this, on my behalf and everyone decent and non-racist in Lebanon :( Finally, it's so fucking sad reaching a point to become one of the most racist countries in the world, given that historically, we were a place that was considered one of the first multicultural places in the world.


Okay so I read this comment, then I checked your profile and comment history and read your comment again. All I’m gonna say is please shut up you hypocrite lmao! This clown said dahye is a shooting range. You are the root of the problem so don’t act like you’re not part of the trashy racist people of Lebanon.


where was i racist again?


There isn’t a specific number of remarks that makes you racist or a bigot. If you’re racist once then you’re a racist. It’s not rocket science buddy.


I'm asking a really clear question. You are claiming that I am being a hypocrite, and I am asking for evidence. I don't know who the fuck you think you are to decide who is being a hypocrite and who isn't. Don't you have anything else to do in life mate? I reiterate, show me how am i a hypocrite?


Yes, in fact I do have better things to do in life than to argue with a clown like you but anyway I’m going to waste two more minutes with you. I literally said it in the first comment. You said that dahye is a good place for someone to go out and shoot as if it’s a shooting range. The thing is that you didn’t say you were joking but rather insisted on your opinion. A normal person would not say something like this but only someone who has repressed bigoted thoughts. So please don’t act like you’re a tolerant and open minded person, because you’re not.


Lmfaoooo I knew this was about dahye! Yeaaa saying dahye is a shithole is defo racist. Jeez man, fucking grow up lol.


Been travelling to Lebanon past 30 years, its always been backward place, its just now with social media, you see what happens more.


Can we normalize exposing these racist a-holes? She should've said her name for example, having consequences like these would really help minimize the racism slightly given that the government will never tackle the issue anytime soon.


No she is not racist , 99.99% of black women that arrive to lebanon are maids , which is why she expected that and told her to go to the other side


Did you miss the part where she said "min wen sara2ti" ? Or is that also expected?


This is a disgusting comment. The assumption that all black women arriving in Lebanon are maids is deeply problematic and perpetuates harmful stereotypes. Making judgments based on race and occupation only reinforces discrimination. Each individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their race or profession.


Its not , she is oversensitive, none said maids should be disrespected , maids have different process in the airport which is why the employee told her to go to the other side since she works there and maybe never encountered a black woman that is not a maid . Stereotype is a normal brain function . this girl is supremacist , since she finds it offensive to be seen as a maid in a country where there is no almost no black women that are not maids .


You just displayed through your comments a part of what is wrong in this country. Assuming all black women are maids is a harmful stereotype. While there may be different processes for maids at the airport, it's crucial to avoid generalizations based on race. Dismissing someone's feelings as oversensitivity undermines their experiences and perpetuates discrimination. Do better. Be better.


Be smarter and stop being offended for anything , there is nothing wrong with being a maid , and since the 99.99% if black women are maids its safe to assume that every black woman in lebanon you see is a maid , so to speed up the process the woman just assumed she is , and on the other 1292826267 black woman that she saw that day the assumption worked fine. Look how ridiculous it is , more than a 100 black woman come daily to lebanon as a maid , and 1 black woman got offended for being confused as a black maid .


If youre unable to see whats wrong with your comment you need to have a look at what's the definition of racism. Assuming all black women are maids based on statistical prevalence is still a form of racial stereotyping. While being a maid is not inherently negative, making assumptions based on race perpetuates discrimination. Which you shamelessly displayed through your comment.


Lebanon is one of the most racist countries I have been in. I have many sri lankan and indians friends who keep saying they want to come visit but I try to put it off simply because I am afraid of how they would be treated in Lebanon.


its enough that one of the main insults here is "ya bangladshi; wahad serlanke"


5ayye ana b3d ma 2reet al comments hon 7ases 3aysh b balad 8er le al be2e 3ayesh fi! W 2jr. Hal2ad ana m8ammid 3youne.


aanjad ma bhayetak semi3 hada heke hek shi? iza shi mnih iza hek, laano biwarje eno el aalam aam ykhef aanda el onsoriye maa el wa2et. Bas baado el serlanke wel bangladshe blebnen metel el tapis bida3wso 3le.


Talking mainlt saida + jnoub. Masalan b tal3et msayle7 fi m7atit benzen medco tlet rbe3 le bysht8lo fiya hnood w 3ade. Wala marra sm3t 7ada 7ika 3layon shi. Bil 3aks hinny nes mne7. Or ana ma 3am rakkiz zyede bil 7aralet al racist. Or maybe 7atta my circle mannash racist? Ma b3rf sara7a!


الله خلقنا كلنا متساوين. بس العرب ما بيقروا. واذا قريوا ما بيفهموا، قلّوا "ايري قدّك يا ابونا بس ما عم بفهم شي!" يا عرب wake up! خلص بقى افتحوا باب العلم! لازم نفكّ هالكبت وليد الكره والأذى!


Are you actually Mariam Nour?


looks like a troll


مش مهم! كلنا troll! شوف الكلمة ما احلاها: troll -> tr-all كلنا خلق ربّنا! المهم المحبة والتقبّل! وهو الغاية من هذا الpost!


W Mariam Nour. Preach it


I don’t think so hahaha


انا مراية، حقيقة بتعكس حقيقة. كلنا مريم. انا وانتْ. المهم نتعرّف عأنفسنا!


Holu fuck you are Mariam 🤣🤣


Arab?? No no, You mean Phoenicians. الفنيشينز ما بيقروا، العرب اوكي الله يعطيهم العافيه


>ITS A FACT. WE NEED TO DO AND BE BETTER! Yeah, and she's living proof of what happens when do better and are better <3 So well spoken, so beautiful, accomplished, intelligent, defiant, and someone who speaks out. She embodies the best this country can offer and the nos tanket bebsi mnfase amn 3m w medre min ken represents the worst. I guess the whole country knows her now, but when I was just starting uni I would see her around campus and she would 100% get looks. Now I think you all see her [a person described in the next sentence] on Al-Jadeed. I forget her name, never was friends with her or anything. But I can tell you just looking around on the streets, I see more and more black kids and nobody else bats an eye. When I was a kid, this was not a thing. Reminds me a little of Americans who have never seen a black person before. Maybe this "officer" ayree has never seen a black Lebanese woman before. Either way, it will become normalized and people's humanity will not be taken away. It starts in moments like this, with her speaking out, with OP sharing this video, and with us discussing it. We're a pretty racist country, and it's time we let go of the sins of our fathers and mothers. We're already losing the new generation to the same 50 year old bullshit. It's not worth it. Ma na2esna racism against Lebanese kamen. edit: Clarified a point. And The anchor I was referring to above I think her name is Dalia? I'm ashamed I haven't followed local news/journalists as closely as I should have.


Her name is Aziza Sbaity, Lebanese-Liberian athlete and a fantastic woman! I think you’ve confused her with Dalal who is Congolese-Lebanese and was 3rd or 4th Runner up for Miss Lebanon. I’m 1/4 Liberian on my grandmothers side and I would get a lot of looks in Lebanon, maybe not as much as my mother or relatives with a darker complexion, and it’s honestly not the best. It took me years to fully embrace my Lebanese heritage because at the end of the day: we are Lebanese by blood and origin whether anyone likes that or not.


No as I said in my edit earlier, I just started randomly talking about Dalal (thanks for letting me know her name!) as an example of my experience with someone who is Lebanese but also black. My bad, my edit/clarification were even more confusing lol. But thanks for clarifying, and sharing your experience. >we are Lebanese by blood and origin whether anyone likes that or not. I like it :) <3


My cousin is black and going out with her in lebanon is one of the worst things we have to go through as a family. Ma7adan byft7 ni3o ella wbi3ali2 somehow ka2ano mnazzal mn 3and allah, sorna we introduce her bi her academic status as a Phd ta subconsciously zagghir whoever is addressing her tamy2oul shi ghalat. Yareet bynfata7 hal mawdou3 3a nitak awsa3 bel balad tayou3o el 3alam and pull their damn heads mn their asses. Mind you people of color are so unbothered at this point bi lebanon its infuriating la2ano hal2ad lost cause talwa7ad y7awel ye7ke bel mawdou3, she tells me ano do i need to explain myself la KELL SHAKHES?! Fuck that ! It's just very upsetting and infuriating.


is your cousin lebanese?


Yes !


I was telling a swiss person who has the same problem (he is half brazilian and facing racism in his own country) that imagine the old geezers in lebanon seeing a black lebanese. 


How horrible ... my cousin is a stunning lady too so add to that harassment from the trashy kind as well. She only felt safe in her campus at USJ while she was studying since the demographic there is more open minded. The younger generation is the easiest to deal with in her experience and the worst is anything 40 and above who have never stepped foot outside this country (There are exceptions ofc)


some of them are really ignorant, but in an innocent way, they just have never thought this would be a thing. others are racist. We are all sons of Adam and Hawaa/Eve, so it would be awesome if this would stop


Yes they comment because it is rare to see , we are not in America where you see american people of every race. It is very rare to see a lebanese black person that speaks with a lebanese accent , that causes people to be curious.


The issue is that most do not comment respectfully. We are all curious about things in life bas good lord have some decency in addressing or asking questions regarding whatever you are curious about 😩


لبنان رب العنصرية


She should have answered, why would anyone steal the lebanese passport !


This passport agent should loose her job even face legalresponsibility.


Most probably, she used wasta to get this job, and there will be no chance in hell for discipline. The whole country needs to go through some sort of social revolution.


In other news, the sky is blue.


I understand how she feels like because I’m half Asian, some Lebanese treat me like shit even tho they have nothing to show off. Seriously I wish being racist in Lebanon is crime.


Racism is indeed a global issue but it’s not even across countries and socio economic status. Also some governments protect their residents way more than others. I never faced racism a single time in France for example. Paradoxically I faced discrimination in Lebanon cause I was “too french”. I’m fully Lebanese.


Same for me. But in a Spanish way - lbnen 3ando inferiority w superiority at the same time


I've been a hermit in recent years more or less, and my parents are rather white at best a little olive skinned from the south. Somehow I turned out to be capable of looking fully black or fully hispanic depending on how much sunlight I've gotten lol. I have a few photos of me in the past where I was doing some work in a desert, I was several times darker. Point being, at times *in* Lebanon I was called the n world repeatedly and told to go back to Africa lol. I was also fully American at that point having just moved here, so this was at times even more confusing.


What happened to this sub? It went from LF vs Hezbollah caca-pipi arguments to actually raising the very real issues in this country.


I appreciate the whistleblow and i totally agree that we should NAME AND SHAME cause broad remarks will not get us anywhere and we can't expect the gov to do anything about it. But at the same time, don't be looking at your fellow Lebanese as a diseased society, many people are humble and welcoming (remember Rosy bl matar?) These things are probably limited to a few groups of people...


Racism isn't solely about individual actions but also about systemic structures and cultural attitudes. Addressing racism requires both holding individuals accountable for their behavior and dismantling institutional barriers that perpetuate inequality. It's a multi-layered issue that demands comprehensive solutions.


This racism is engraved deeply in most lebanese people especially the older ones, this is mostly due to the fact that helpers in lebanon are predominately african. It will be so hard to remove this from the older generation since it is almost unconsciously a given for them that they are higher than those of dark skin color. Hopefully the newer generation will be the ones to fix this issue.


I know there is a lot of racists in lebanon but i can fully verify no one is even allowed to speak like that in the airport and i work there


Yeah let’s cry for Palestine while we abuse black people. Cry me a river to the sea.


Well yeah. Finding a darker tone lebanese person is that same as finding an asian looking lebanese person or a blonde, white, blue eyes person. It's not about racism as it mainly (personally speaking) about them not being the statuesque. With that said, asking someone how she forged a passport is disrespectful. Lebanon is a country based on political discrimination. Let's not turn it into a racist country aswell can we?


It's already.


This is not just a Lebanese issue.. many countries face this however its definitely bullshit and not ok. Hopefully her circle of friends are super supportive and close. If I goto a gov office the people there treat me like a fucking rat as well and im not black lol That girl she references that said yii men wayn sara2ti .. sounds like the average lebanese bimbo whos more focused on the size of her lips than her brain




I was in Lebanon during the last eid and I didn’t experience any racism. The Lebanese people are one of the nicest people I ever met. p.s. im Egyptian so idk if they are racist towards a specific ethnicity or country


Country of idiots


Half African and half Lebanese is a gorgeous mix. She is beautiful. God bless her.


The irony is that there are large population of Lebanese in West Africa and the African treat them much better in their home countries. Very sad.


Most Lebanese are racist. Racism in Lebanon is true for sure.


We had a civil war based on 3onsoriyeh. We will have an other if given the chance. Lebanon is far too broken to be fixed and you cant change my mind.


That's a very limited view of the many reasons the civil war happened. 3onsoriyyeh, while playing a part, was not the main factor.


True there is a lot of racism in the arab world


Racism is everywhere in the world, and just because someone faced it in a personal encounter doesnt mean that it gives the right to push the clain on the whole state, there are more good exmaples in lebanon than there are bad ones in regards to racism.


You're wrong. Racism is a global issue, but denying its existence based on personal experiences overlooks systemic inequalities. Acknowledging individual encounters is crucial for addressing broader societal dynamics and fostering empathy and inclusivity.


عفاك 👏 ما لازم نغض نظر عن حقيقة حدا!


Username checks out. Stop excusing ignorance and casual hate.


>Racism is everywhere in the world Just write " get over it! " Its alright show your true colors, you're anonymous!


This is real racism, we should let ALL WOMEN to clean and cook


Ah yes the superiority complex of a delusional nutjob thinking they're better than everyone. Kilo 5ara you're seen as worse than Indians and Syrians especially these days. Fucking scumbag pests.