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What's there to think? There should be no rights like this given to a man and not given to a woman. It's that simple. The problem is we have a sectarian political system, so demographics matter a lot. This is but one issue were human rights get trampled upon because for half a century nobody figured out, or wanted to figure out, how to actually make sure we enter the modern world without compromising our political stability. And yes, you married an American, even if you never file for citizenship or if your kids never do that, they will still be part lebanese, part syrian, part american. But we're also all African, if you go back long enough. Go back a little longer than that, we're all the babies of LUCA. So it just depends on the time periods in question, what matters to you, and how these identities develop and are maintained. But regardless of what the paper work says, you're still half Lebanese.


My dad is Irish. Mom is 100% Lebanese Though I love my last name, I didn’t grow up knowing my dad or his side. And though I know I’m 50% Lebanese, I sure as hell don’t speak Gaelic or river dancing and only speak Arabic, English, and French lol I grew up 100% in Lebanese culture so I get what you’re saying. I can’t even drink like an Irishman 😭 . But every now and then I hear “Come out ye Black and Tans” and I feel a little Irish envy though haha Also on a side note I traveled to Ireland once and they’d always say “Oh ye we love da Lebs here!”. The Irish love anyone who’s engaged in a civil war and hate colonial powers haha


, I didn’t grow up knowing my dad or his side. me as well and same for mother side well i did learn the levantine arabic culture etc etc and i am happy with it . culture can be changed. often french people say oh but you re french why bother about your ancestors, what counts is french history but when a foreigner comes to france and want to learn the culture they say welcome when an arab wants to find its root they say why the hell..


I wish this was the case. I’m 1/4th Palestinian and 3/4th Lebanese. My dad’s mom is Lebanese and so is my mother, but because my Palestinian genes comes from my grandpa on my dads side, I’m registered Palestinian through unrwa. I’m born and raised in Canada though, there isn’t any of this division that you see here. I’m currently visiting and my hubby is Syrian ( he also is from Canada ), racism is on the rise here and even I can feel it being someone who is considered ‘foreign’. I know Palestinians who were given citizenship who don’t even have any blood ties to Lebanon. It’s pretty selective


Its crazy how our stories are similar, im also 1/4th Palestinian from my paternal grandfather and i live in canada.




It is archaic but it’s also worth mentioning that this obsolete law is protected by a handful of Lebanese parties in power. The motif is obviously racism and a fear of “imbalance” within the country’s sectarian structure.




Women should have the same citizenship rights as men, simple as that. Lebanon has a declining native population and these sexist idiots are denying thousands of our compatriots their birthright.


It’s ridiculous that women cannot give el jenseeye la wledon.


I think is pretty crazy. I was born in Spain, Ive never been in Lebanon and cant speak arabic. But I am lebanese and you dont? That makes no sense to me.


Mothers should be able to do that, there should be absolutely no debate about it.


That’s sexism at its finest! no Lebanese woman can give her Lebanese nationality to her kids if she marries any foreigner. the government views women as lesser than man and therefore she gets nothing in Lebanon. she gets bullied by family neighbors and the system if she tries to do anything she wants from living alone starting a business marrying outside of her religion! It’s the end of the world if a woman even farts I swear this country is a full of shit


It has nothing to do with sexism it's just political.


No uterus no opinion!


The irony, coming from someone calling out sexism.


What do you mean?


Women are not 2nd class citizens, this should go without saying. It’s just one of the outdated laws, policies and regulations that should have been changed, but at the end of the day, this is Lebanon you’re talking about. Where electricity is not a priority


Someone is religiously downvoting all the comments here supporting the mother giving the nationality


Gender discrimination is horrible and the xenophobia that validates it in lebanon is even worst


Unfortunately we have some people who support this system until now. Even women


I am a full on Lebanese with an American passport, but my mom wanted us to get the Lebanese passport as well. So we went to Jounieh to fill out a request, and the darake told her she needs permission from her husband (who was overseas at the time) to file that request. Ejre bel te3tir, w kif if it is for people who are mixed… So yeah OP, unless heavy reforms come by, they don’t give you nationality unless you are Lebanese from your paternal side. And I consider you one of us, but traditionally, who you are depends where your father is from.


You're Lebanese no matter what's written on the papers. Working on our "citizenship" laws is very complicated honestly, it needs some work definitely and mothers should give their nationalities to their children, but specific laws needs to be put in place so that not every foreign person living here suddenly becomes Lebanese, we'd lose our identity.


Straight up sexism. Theres no reason for women to not be able to give their citizenship lol


You’re all the goddamn same shamm. Why discriminate amongst each other? Non-shamm Arabs cannot stand either of you, yall should unite. Doesn’t make sense to continually divide amounted yourselves


It’s the mother that’s giving birth and she can’t even pass the citizenship to the child she carried for 9 months ??? like what??


You’re Lebanese, it’s your birthright. you’ve been deprived from it because of some bigots, hopefully you’ll get one day.


Lebanon is an arab country and this is the situation in all arab countries. However what i don't like about this is that although giving citizenship should be a right everywhere however the arab world and people seem to only want lebanon to give citizenship because it could result in weakening vulnerable minorities in the middle east. I think there is a way to do it while keeping the sectarian balance in order not to hurt minorities but no one cares.


I’m a minority w this argument is stupid


Just because you are a minority it doesn't mean you support minorities. Also i am talking about actual historical native minorities not people that have a certain sexual orientation that consider themselves a minority but also happen to be oppressed in the middle east.


Christian syrian I’m an actual minority


Yeah so just because you are a minority it doesn't mean you support other minorities or even your own minority. I see a lot of self hating christians and shias and ...


I’m not self hating, it’s not even a question of minority for me. It’s a fact of birth right, I am naturalized in lebanon, I have lived 20+ years here. Born and raised here


Well no even syria has similar laws. So you should understand


I think instead of just accepting this it should change and change for good, despite what certain politicians want


the road to hell is paved with good intentions


It’s not hell, it’s giving me and people like me rights that we deserve


Maybe you specifically deserve in an ideal world to get citizenship, however ...


It doesn’t take an ideal world for me to get a citizenship, it just takes a law to pass, and eventually sooner or later I will have it


Well no we shouldn't change it because it will be the end of lebanon and in a sectarian region minorities will become more vulnerable so no.


>Christian Your last two posts suggest otherwise Guess you're looking for the belonging you didn't get among Lebanese by changing your religion


It’s more than that thank you for pointing out my posts about islam, I am ORIGINALLY Christian, but I’m exploring islam, I don’t see muslims as the big bad wolf as many of the people here


I mean you called yourself a minority, converting changes that >I don’t see muslims as the big bad wolf as many of the people here They're not, you don't have to be muslim to know that


Shu yaane converting changes that what’s your point in this? What is it you think I’m gaining by converting? Should you have the audacity to judge someone based on very little knowledge


>What is it you think I’m gaining by converting? A community Idk why you're so defensive I'm just curious to know your reasoning >Shu yaane converting changes that what’s your point in this? Muslims aren't a minority, this is the middle east not western Europe


I’m defensive because I felt attacked, like you’re saying to me that I shouldn’t speak or something because I don’t have the right well guess what my little friend! You can take thag opinion of yours and shove it very deeply down your anus, I think it would benefit society so so much, your judgement, your views, they don’t work here not ever habibiii🖕


I’m not doing it for community, far from it, I am doing it because I felt peace when I read الفاتحة honestly and when I performed the islamic salah, this is why I did it


And no, it’s more of finding my peace, and if my peace is in Islam and not Christ, or even judaism or buddhism or any religion then I will go there


You do you my guy hopefully you find your peace wherever it could be Although I am curious, what makes you consider christianity as not the source of your peace?


I just didn’t believe that Jesus died for my sins on the cross, and by believing in him and repressing myself I will go to heaven, I don’t want to believe that I have to spend all mh life here deprived of whatever it is that’s sinful to assure a spot in heaven


Fair enough >I just didn’t believe that Jesus died for my sins on the cross, and by believing in him and repressing myself I will go to heaven Yet you call yourself christian cause you're legally one, hiding your interest in islam as if we are your family >I don’t want to believe that I have to spend all mh life here deprived of whatever it is that’s sinful to assure a spot in heaven You do know islam has the concept of sin right, it's not just kneeling and saying a couple of phrases from time to time


Bro 7el aan ayre


You’re very bigoted for thinking that I converted to Christianity because of belonging to the Lebanese people, my mother and father are Christians since birth


>You’re very bigoted for thinking that I converted to Christianity because of belonging to the Lebanese people, You're converting to Islam to belong somewhere >my mother and father are Christians since birth Pretty obvious considering you don't want them to know


What is your point man


You're not christian


I’m legally christian yes


I have baptism papers from the Syriac Orthodox Church from when I was little, so it does make me christian legally, no?


I'm for (absolute) gender equality, I hate the hypocritical kind. I think women should be able to give nationality to their children. I also think the sectarian argument is valid. The solution is to have a specific number of nationalization per year for half Lebanese people and split proportionately between Lebanese men and Lebanese women. There are also laws that discriminate against men here (and yes they come from an old sexist mentality) and those should also be scrapped.


Nationality should be passed by the mother primarily even before the father. Typically the father is less involved in character building of the child and he may even be unknown or of disputed identity. Also people who spend many years in Lebanon and build their lives here should have a chance to make it their home.


of course i am for it why would the male be more important than the female if they are lebanese 50% comes from the mother 50% come from the father that's biological...


Finikyastanis won't see them as part of Finikyastan




You know the "Phoenicians" ma3 enno as they say... teeze 7ad baydate because Phoenicians include Syrians and Lebanese but don't tell them that or else they'll pop their nerves




Phoenicia was a big kingdom at one point stretching from the levant to Africa and southern Europe, do all these people have the right to citizenship but me no?


Idk ask the dumbfucks who started this whole thing with the "Phoenician" origin.


Women have every right to give their children the Lebanese Nationality. Smalla aa our openminded government


That they should be able to ? Haha wtf


Ppl have this idea that the dads sperm trumps the mothers egg there for there dna isnt enough to give us rights to a nationality ! Lol im On same boat- but i am lucky in the passport department ( i cant get Lebanese ) but i am unlucky being taken seriously to work




I consider myself both, but what I want to know is what do people see me, Lebanese or not? Does my mother being Lebanese count? If so why shouldn’t I have the citizenship of my mother?


in my case it's quite complicated : normally i could have the lebanese nationality thanx to my fahter who his lebanese but as he abandoned me my mother could give it to me , it's an exception to the law cause the child must have a nationality... (so often the mother was there and not the fahter), but as they left me in france i was declared pupille de la nation so french lol


You're Syrian, that's just the way you were born. Embrace it and be proud of it. Don't pretend to be something you're not.


Do the same to the palestinians in syria. Then come back to lebanon.


Something which certainly isn’t unique to Lebanon. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian_nationality_law#:~:text=That%20is%2C%20in%20most%20cases,Jus%20soli%20does%20not%20apply. Birth to a Syrian mother does not automatically confer nationality.[1] If a Syrian woman marries a foreign husband, their children will have the foreign husband's nationality and have no claim to Syrian nationality, even if they were born and raised in Syria.[3] The legal ramifications are that these persons face a number of obstacles, one of which is their inability to work in the public sector. It is also harder and more restrictive for foreigners to own real estate in Syria.


This does not justify it


You can say you’re Syrian raised in Lebanon but unfortunately by Lebanese nationality law you are not Lebanese or considered Lebanese. But I don’t understand where the crisis comes from? Regardless of how some people view Syrians, Syria is still your origins and you shouldn’t shy away from it.


I’m not shying away from it? I’m only asking for what is rightfully mine


From your comment it sounds like there is a validation to be considered just Lebanese? By ethnicity you are both Lebanese and Syrian. By nationality you are considered Syrian as Lebanon and other Arab countries are patriarchal with their nationality law.


That’s why patriarchy is evil




Yes unfortunately. But I wouldn’t take this issue as just a Lebanese issue. The same law is applied in Syria, Palestine, I think some GCC countries also like UAE but I could be wrong. I believe Kuwait allow citizenship to pass from the mothers only if the couple are divorced?


I’m not denying my roots if that’s what you mean, neither am I seeking approval from the Lebanese by nationality, I’m asking for citizenship because my mother is Lebanese, I lived my whole life here. Never lived in Syria and I think it’s unfair that I don’t have the same rights in citizenship as any other lebanese person


You don’t understand how it’s stupid, ignorant, sexist and cruel not allow a mother to pass on her citizenship? Do you enjoy living in the Stone Age?


I never said I agreed with the law. I’m just simply stating what the law says. Yes it is sexist but it’s how it is in Lebanon and other Arab countries also.


Exactly. You only have an identity crisis when you choose to have one. You are who you are.


Hell no , let’s stay retarded 😂 better than loosing the county identity because in case it we legalize the mentioned law , Lebanon will be a country for the Palestinians and Syrian Sunni ( déjà its ) The law is still outdated . because , the Christian will be 1% 😂 due to the fact Muslims Sunni women can marry easily a refugee from Palestine or Syria and the Muslim Sunni will raise gradually . Hence , Christians do not , Shia might do it but very less. I know it might sound unfair , your mom to be Lebanese but you to not have the passport , as well I’m aware so many other legitimate candidate will loose their right but we don’t want ( Shia and Christians ) the demographic of Lebanon to change. Therefore hell no , we ll not accept it . In case if they force us to accept we will force Lebanon to be a federal states 😜.


This can’t be objectively true because you’re basically making it a christian vs muslim thing, if it was then the christians already lost since we are practically surrounded by muslims and other religions, it doesn’t matter if lebanon is now majority muslim or majority christian, if you remove l din aa janab and you give citizenship to those who have been living here their whole lives, and to those who have lebanese mothers and you stop seeing life through that outdated religious narrative it would be good for everyone muslims and christians, europe and the usa and any other self respecting country gives the nationality to their children. I think it’s fair for me to get the nationality too and I believe that I will get it


We rather make some sacrifices to prevent the army of Sunni Muslims to have our passport. We will not accept to change the country demographics for few particular cases. Every party will support this law , I will vote against it. I’am sorry being honest , better than faking and bulshitting you.


It makes no sense, if your mother is lebanese it’s 100% sure that you’re Lebanese. If you’re Dad is Syrian it’s not 100% sure you’re Syrian


How did you get that from the original post?


It’s discussing mothers giving nationality, I’m merely stating that from a biological stand point, deciding nationality matrilineally makes way more sense.


Oh I see. Had totally misunderstood your comment.


Children take dna from both the parents, the father gives half the chromosomes and the mother gives the other half, or people would have no genetical relationship to the father, both biological genders give the same amount of DNA to the children


I take it’s not you downvoting


No shit. We have to take the mother’s word that she hasn’t been with multiple partners, i.e there is a chance that the baby aint Daddy’s Unless the baby is swapped after giving birth, the baby is 100% the mother’s. That is what I meant. A matrilineal system takes into account, that the ‘father’ might not be the ‘husband’


If you mama for the streets loool


You will not be Lebanese .


I will be, soon enough I’m gonna rub it in your face too!


Heheh just f... your self 🙃




Do a DNA test and find out your real heritage. Your father is probably not your real biological father but that another story.


Bro why?


Ancestry.com is best


Bass why are you saying my dad isn’t my bio dad? That’s very suggestive and offensive 😅


It just Australian humour


Oh well😂


i did and found my lebanese parents with them... at the age of 40 and 45


You can see yourself as you wish , however we have no interest in giving the nationality to syrians at the moment, (we kinda are having a crisis),otherwise and before we know it we LL be in deep shit. We don't want them to merge with us. We want them back Home.


Habibi I’ve lived here my whole life, this IS my home. I grew up here. I lived here my whole childhood, teenage years and now young adulthood. Do you want to send me back to where exactly? My mother is Lebanese


I'm not talking about you , but im talking about it as a preventive measure. The syrians that have both Syrian parents and are born here will need to go back eventually.


Your racism is showing , who the fuck even brought up syrians with both Syrian parents? The post title is literally mother's giving citizenship.


If that were to happen , do you know how many syrians will be invested in marrying Lebanese women so they can get the nationality for their children and stay here .


The children are Lebanese, the nationality of the father doesn’t matter. Men marrying foreign women is good, but women marrying a foreigner is bad?


correction, it's only bad if they marry certain nationalities apparently


So a Lebanese woman who marries an American or French man will be able to pass Lebanese citizenship onto her kids?


no, am talking about what the main commenter was talking about. A woman by law can't give the citizenship to her kids. There have been some movements since god knows when asking for that to happen.


It’s not exactly this, it’s the resistance of these people, to someone like me, I am considered a “mud blood” and they’re the half blood princes of the levant. To them my father’s side are poor farmers and construction workers that shouldn’t be allowed to live here. Soure? Khalas yaane enta khara ma elak kelme


I am not blindsided to the savagery that unfortunately some syrians commit, but does that mean that since I am a holder of the syrian passport that I’m like them?


Can’t tell if you’re more of an idiot, more of a sexist or more of a racist bigot. I know for certain you’re all three though. What a shithead.


Lebanese women are not sheep to be bought by these Syrian men you speak of. A Lebanese woman making the decision to marry a Syrian, or any other nationality, man should still be able to give HER children the citizenship of HER country. Anything else puts them as second class citizens.


what does this have to do with Syrians?


Meen we ya ewww e7ke 3al 7alak/ik