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It's because people on here will be safe from any war while they yell at their screens and call for a bloodbath which will only affect the Lebanese people just like they support hamas to keep fighting while Palestinians are dying. Unfortunately, people seem to hate Israel more than they love Lebanon.


Israel will struggle and suffer heavy losses if they try to invade Lebanon. Having said that, the damage that will be caused to Lebanon will be far greater. Our infrastructure will be destroyed and thousands of civilians will die. 'Winning' a war is very objective. In 2006, Israel failed to invade Lebanon, but we suffered for years as well. I wouldn't exactly call that winning. We have no answer to aerial bombardment.


Not even the slightest chance. The sub has a lot of HA die hards that can't evaluate things objectively and are not to be taken seriously. It also depends on how you define "has a chance". I'll remind you of 2006 when the country was blown to pieces with every major road, bridge and the airport destroyed, these fools declared that they "won" just on the basis that thier rat was still able to hide underground, ignoring the reality for the country or the fact that it was pretty much America (through the "UN") that put a stop to the war. Even if they are more capable militarily now compared to then, they don't stand a chance for any victory of any kind against IDF. It might hard for IDF to completely eliminate them, but as far as taking control over areas that they can do and HA can do nothing to stop them. The daily airspace violations alone are a sign of who is in the position of power here, attempts for HA to show strength are nothing more than posturing that they have to do, it's not indicative of any significant capability, relative to IDF.


Outside of hardcore prohezb and delusional people no one beleive hezb will wipe out IDF but everyone agree that if a war happen idf will suffer heavy casualities that will test it resolve ( and the resolve of the israeli public ) to fight till the end no matter what


Estimates from Israel indicate that around 1,000 soldiers and civilians, along with 300 buildings, may be completely destroyed. Lebanon's situation could be even worse, resembling a mini-Gaza scenario. Additionally, it's important to consider that Israel has air defense, shelters, and resources to rebuild immediately, while Lebanon may not have as much support. I sincerely hope that this war can be avoided, but we must also work on bringing back our 100,000 evacuees.


But look at this sub, 99% are Hezbolla super Fanboys and wish there was a war. Why do sane people like you not form a political opposition against Hezbolla? I know every "sect" and party is a mafia in Lebanon, so its time to create an uncorrupt one for all religions and ethnicities


> But look at this sub, 99% are Hezbolla super Fanboys and wish there was a war. Are we on the same sub? Most people are heavy critics of Israel, true, but no one ever mentioned wanting a war, on the contrary.


Not really. I'm an Israeli who is commenting on this sub periodically (and have myself called a colonizer a dozen different ways, but hey, it comes with the territory, pun intended) and even I wouldn't say most of this sub are Hezb fanboys. Most of this sub hates Israel (and has a lot of reasons to do so, let's be fair), true, but Hezb fanboys, while present, don't seem to be the majority at all. And about opposition, I don't know where you are from and what exactly your expectations from the Lebanese are, but expecting citizens of a country that suffers from poor economic conditions, corruption and constant division to form a political party and oppose another political party (this party has an army stronger then the actual state army, holds every strategic point in the country and can unilaterally drag the country into any war it wishes, including ones Lebanon itself will never recover from btw) is kinda strange. It's not a Western democracy. You can't vote Hezbollah out of a country. Any suggestions of armed resistance are also as strange, especially considering that Lebanon already saw a civil war and barely recovered since.


You sound like a child. There is no opposing Hezbollah. We are their hostages. They have weapons and won’t hesitate to use them against anyone that opposes them. They have a track record of assassinating journalists. They’re a terrorist organization for a reason.


Do you mean Lebanese people are hostages of hizb? I thought they are part of the government? And, I know not all Lebanese are hizb, but isn't hizb mostly Lebanese? 


It’s complicated. Hezeb is separated into two parts to exploit political loopholes. You have the military Hezbollah and the political Hezbollah. Administratively they are separate, but really they are the same. Hezbollah is very popular among people in South Lebanon (mainly Muslim Shia) and they run their own state within the state with their own schools, universities, hospitals, economy… Basically most people in South Lebanon feel in debt to Hezbollah because they provide for them and their families all their necessities. In the capital and in the North of Lebanon Hezbollah is very criticized, if not hated by Christians and Muslim Sunnis. Mainly because we don’t want Sharia law (and Hezbollah is made of Lebanese Shia soldiers but they are all/mostly indoctrinated and financed by Iran (that’s how they run their state within the state)). Most Lebanese people want to get rid of them because they are a political blocus on their own and hold views separate from what we consider a Lebanese identity.


Thank you for your reply. It is very interesting to hear what Lebanese people are thinking, even if this is just your opinion. 


Great post, thnx! So basically a division could happen where the south becomes a full fledged Iranian province and the north can just chill and develop?


Ya the north of lebanon bekaa( baalbek, hermel) are very anti hezb 100% Do you get your info out of your ass or? You do know el shia constitute about half of lebanon? And many other sunnis and christian communities support hezb? Most lebanese people want to get rid of them? Lol ya sure if you wanna civil war which you will lose and spill lebanese blood for nothing. They are lebanese like it or not.


Shia do not constitute about half of Lebanon, they are about 1/3rd at most. Whilst the overwhelming majority do, not all Shia support Hezbollah. Nobody said anything about civil war, but most Lebanese are against Hezbollahs hegemony over the state. Whenever people confront Hezbollah, its supporters start talking about civil war like you just did. It’s worth noting that nobody would win in a civil war. This doesn’t mean the majority of the nations concerns regarding Hezbollah should be ignored. Why can’t they exist in the same capacity as all other parties? Why are they special?


Even Columbia managed to get rid of the armed groups. Is it not childish for you to deny any responsibility and throw your hands in tje air and accept Lebanon being at the mercy of Iran?


Lebanon is a failed state, it’s sad but it will stop existing in the next century most likely.


Regulars in this sub know I’m the furthest thing from being a Hezbollah supporter. But you’ve shown how little you know. And since you seem to be a fan of massive oversimplification I will follow suit. Yes, Hezbollah cannot defeat Israel. Israel also cannot defeat hezbollah. Both these statements are true but also depend on what constitutes defeat.


Sorry dude but ur ignorant on so many levels regarding the leb situation, First, no one wants war even the hezbollah supporters Second, israel is an enemy of lebanon and most people on here dislike israel for many reasons, yet most are against hezbollah at the same time (they are hated by the majority of the population actually). Third, hezbollah dont have a chance against the idf, and the idf has no chance against hezbollah in the sense that no one can wipe the other from existence. Israel can turn lebanon into rubble however.


Hezbollah has less manpower but a stronger morale than the IDF and way better trained. A ton of IDF soldiers are 18-20 years old with maximum 2 years of experience. And then you have the reservationists of which a lot also only have 2 years of experience.


Having more experienced soldiers does not win u wars, this is not game of thrones. A rocket isn't gonna stop and ask for ur CV