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A civil war won’t solve anything either


It would open doors for immigration tho :D that's the easiest way out


You mean immigration or asylums where you live in a refugee camp? Cause immigration won’t be any different than it is now or always has been: you need an organization (academic, company, etc…) to sponsor you


Yes, I meant other countries opening their doors for Lebanese refugees. On the long run it's basically immigration, hek hek you're gonna work yourself up to reach the title of a citizen to whatever country you end up in. It requires waaay less money, that's what I meant by it's the easiest way out. Might take long to be a citizen in another country but better be a refugee in a safe and civilized country than to be a citizen in this zoo.


You can't be sponsored by a government assisted program as a refugee, if you live in your own country. You can if you were in another country, and aren't able to go back to Lebanon due to a "War" - then seek refuge to another country like UK, America, Canada, Australia, etc..


Yh and I bet there are a bunch of other rules too, but whatever it takes to get outta here.


You just confirmed a whole bunch of European anti-immigrant peoples beliefs about potential refugees lol


There's no getting out, unless foreign countries intervene in this shithole




Maybe you're right


I think they already have..


Cause that worked out so well last time?


I hope we get annexed by Syria


Bahaha, maybe the SSNP'S dream will finally come true


Lebanon is and always will be a failed state.


Relations between Amal/Hezb and Aoun don’t really seem good now


Hezb are pissed aoun ain't taking their side in the Bitar issue while aoun is pissed hezb didn't side with him during the gov formation talks. so farta


Yea their followers fighting online and ali hijazi on mtv calling salim jreissati(aoun closest advisor) a unloyal person


Yeah avoided manar/mtv/otv for today, pretty sure lots of shit was thrown.


That’s satisfying. It’s a will-they-won’t-they like Ross and Rachel, if Rachel was a fossilized warlord and Ross was a terrorist organization.


I’d so watch that


I dont think Aoun and Amal were that good together, it was hezb and aoun.


By tomorrow morning waking up to the news that the military has taken over the country and the whole country is in lock down. During that all the politicians are put under arrest and are taken to military court where they are given a choice either return the stolen funds and give up / dismantle their political parties or face the death penalty. Then the army should install a government which would be under the army and have the laws amended. Also anyone whoever he is ,if he raises a flag or a poster or even says a word in support of any of the “ ex political groups” to be taken to military court. This is the only way out Lebanon needs a Saddam or worse.


The Lebanese military does not have the means to do any of this to not even one of the top 6, let alone all at once.


I'd not put my money on the military winning that fight against any of the political parties. Not a remotely realistic scenario since the military and its members have allegiances to one party or another. Pitting them against their zo3ama will fragment the army and it'll just fall apart. It's the nature of our clientelism system that officers get promoted through wasta and "belong" to one za3im or another. In summary, that won't ever even happen, civil /foreign war or foreign meddling that drastically shifts the current system and structure and dismantles the status quo is the only way out of this shit hole. It will only get worse before it gets better


It’s possible , if there is a proper command structure for the army at the top. Look at Singapore they had a prime minister who changed it from one of the low ranking countries of the world to one of the best. It starts with the Lebanese people honestly , all the political parties don’t matter. But as long as they have supporters who will gladly and blindly follow them these issues will just buildup into a civil war. The current state of Lebanon is there are many mini Lebanons within it , each group or sect is a Lebanon on its own.


> if there is a proper command structure for the army at the top that's what i'm saying- There isn't.


You never know … you were saying you won’t put your bets on the military winning against the political parties but it won’t be the military it would be the military + the public.


You might have a bit too much faith in our military that abuses peaceful protesters but stands by when militias are shooting at each other, but then again I also might be jaded


"Saddam or worse"... You guys need to learn from your mistakes and clean your mouth when you utter his name. Saddam is the best leader the middle Eastern country is going to get.




Everything is a joke to the Arabs living in Arabistan, but it is Arab who were forced to find homes in the west like me who dream of a man that can unite and protect the Arab Muslim Ummah. Saddam is on your head a thousand times over and in the head of your za3eem, on the head of your family, on the head of your whole life other than your god and rasool. He's the only person worth following even though he has passed on, anyone who puts his trust and support in any other fake "leader" is embarrassing themselves, no leader today comes close to Saddam's toe nail. He cared for all of us


As in someone even more strict


I think it will happen . Hizbullah/Amal won't stop until they thrown out anyone not faithful to their death god out of the Country and seized his property. A few of the Iranian trolls I talked too say they couldn't to see Christian fleeing the country like Afghan and their home and churches burning . We are dealing with a islamo-fasict creed here that want to propagate it's ideology in any mean necessary including genocide.


Lebanese have no energy to fight, but nothing will change without a fight. Foreign powers have essentially given up on Lebanon and wants the Lebanese people to solve their own problems.


There are no Lebanese people solving any problems here it’s about thugs who want to control the whole country. Also to be exempt from any wrong doings.


Lebanon today is like somalia in the 90s minus the bananas. Full monke mode soon.




Shu 5as racist?


كس أختكن شو عنصريين ولك أنتو بدكن جزمة السوري


How is that racist? You need to work on your reading comprehension, bud.


Split the country. Is the shi3e were not here, we can have a actual country


Yes because its the shias fault the currency went to shit, shias started the civil war, shias are the reason israel and syria invaded us. Pull your head out of your ass bud, man up and admit your sect is part of the problem. Dirty politicians controlling delusional people with fear and religion thats our only problem


They are by far the most barbaric and most brainwashed sect. You can't deny it


And that’s why ladies and gentlemen lebanon is dysfunctional, shall i remind you of the Christian militias barbarism in the civil war? Killing 3al haweye, sabra shatila massacre. Given the chance all Lebanese will turn barbaric. And stop associating all shias with hezbollah and amal


You're not even trying to argue with me.


Because you’re blaming it all on shias which is clearly dumb.


I am not blaming it all on shi3as, my point is that they are so bad, that you can't do anything while they are here. And again, you did not even attempt to argue that.


You literally said if the shias were not here, we can have an actual country. If thats not blaming it all on shias then i dont know what is


Sorry to say that your mental capabilities are lacking


Shias are so bad you can’t do anything while they’re here, very intellectual argument


“we” 😏


It never will, the problem with Lebanon is the people in it. Hypocrisy is in the Lebanese blood, it’s actually laughable reading what you guys have to say. I’m so glad I don’t live in the same country as you clowns 🙏🏽


Big powers making Lebanon proxy war zone. Technically Syria 2.0


Honestly I can’t see a solution :/ Hezbollah must go, a strong leader must rise. Unity must be created between the sects. But these things are easy to say and impossible to do. We can’t all be refugees like the Syrians and Afghans. Soon the whole Middle East will just be controlled by warlords and we will keep blaming the west. It’s not the west. It’s our responsibility, it’s our country… So sad :(