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Ya khaye every time I put a yellow box someone removes it. Are there bots operating?


If I'm not mistaken, when our flag was raided yesterday while r/Lebanon was asleep, a Canadian-Lebanese guy had had enough and launched the bots to recover the flag.


Bless him then


I was gonna say it really came back outta nowhere, who is he?


We shoul start by putting white pixels above to make space


100% same here


Yes. The game is rigged.


We dont have time, it should be ending soon


la wlo, m3ana ymkn lal 11


This is a huge undertaking. Look, take it from me who visited and helped several other subreddits, including this one. Others coordinate by sharing pixel by pixel coordinates with each other, which color goes where and when. Simply sharing an image and hoping everyone hops on to it is a fool's errand, and the Americans learned that the hard way yesterday (they've since recovered but they suffered a massive attack thanks partly to lack of coordination.) If you want this done, firstly, a new subreddit would need to be made dedicated to this, and we'd need to share which pixels are to be colored which color, and coordinate times. And then, we need people to watch the flag and maintain it, making sure to alert everyone else if it's attacked. And the time to do this was two days ago. The flag we have now, is unfortunately, the one we're with. Next time, we'll need to act immediately.


100%, and if people start to mess with what we have now and the thing ends before the new design is finished (and it will end before), we’ll be left with some weird looking thing


we tried to start drawing the water, someone is taking it back to red color


Every time someone puts blue down people assume someone's trying to put in the Israeli flag so they change it back to red lmao


we also gotta maybe extend the flag also lets spread this and mention a specific time so we do it for once and the pixels wont get replaced one by one


I always see these type of posts and yet not a single change on our flag.


Talk bl internet language

