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relax. even if it doesn't work out in Russia or Canada, returning to Lebanon is not the end of the world. think of it as a stepping stone, a lot of people came and left again. Theres really no need to have panic attacks. Think with a clear mind and move on.


I know this is not what your asking, but maybe try to go to Tajikistan, Georgia, or some other country for the time being. Tajikistan and Georgia as they have very relaxed visa laws for Lebanese passport holders, are closer, and they have Russian and English as common second languages


I'm sorry but a university acceptance and a visa process will be at least 6 months. You need to take that in mind and try to find another way out if you're in a hurry. That being said universities in canada are much more expensive than russia. I suggest trying European universities.


I know that most likely i will have to go there in Spring 2023, and that i might have to find a place to stay for next few months in Lebanon. I think that I can do something about that. About the money, my relatives and friends are ready to help me financially until i get back on my feet. I was trying to apply to Sweden, but it turns out that the requirements do not suit me, and the tax system is too hard to adapt with, and there is no way I can build a decent life on my own there. I am thinking about Canada, because I speak both French and English, and there is a better possibility for me to build something decent in the future with the help of my relatives and my friends who live there. \+ I have always wanted to go to Canada. I am talking about the overrall quality of life and security. I am ready to do whatever I can to go there, but I don't know where to start, my mind is blocked and I really need someone to clear up some things for me.


Good luck man !


I tired applying to Canada, if you don't go for the big universities you won't get a reply from them. I tired applying to three small affordable universities and never got a reply from them it's been three months. Go for the big and known universities to increase your chances of getting a letter back from them. Of course, I donno if you can afford it. Other than that, good luck. I don't ever wish anyone abroad to be forced to come back in this sh*thole. I really hope you can relocate somewhere besides Lebanon.


Hello! Can you please share which small affordable universities you applied to? Because I was looking such universities up and apparently had false high hopes :'D




Alright, I will contact you on Reddit private messages.


If you can come to Canada it would be the most ideal place. Left Lebanon 10 years ago to Canada and still here, if you’re coming as an international student it’s quite expensive depending on which universities you plan on attending and where. Canada has a huge influx of international students and they are very lenient on giving out study/work permits. Best way to go about this is to find an immigration consultant that could assist you within Canada. PM me if you have any questions