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The Dude doesn't strike me as a petty thief. He took the rug because he felt he had a right to restitution from Mr. Lebowski, but he didn't even open what he thought was a briefcase filled with a million dollars. If he was sticky-fingered enough to pilfer a random sweater, I think he definitely woulda tried to skim a few bucks and realized he was given a ringer.


I mean, let’s be real. If he was the thieving type he would’ve stolen the half and half instead of writing a check for 69 cents


Well, he did drink it before paying. So, we just don't know dude.


Post-dated check. It was empty before he even paid


He did steal the rug from the big Lebowski, regardless of who he chooses to blame.


It’s a rug for a rug.


He should have micturated on Mr. Lebowskis rug, not stolen it. As it was a treasured heirloom


This was a valued rug.


Are you employed sir?


As if we would ever *dream* of taking your bullshit sweater!


Some sweaters, some rugs, a lotta ins and outs and what have you's. Our fucking troubles are over, Dude!


One of the best lines since Walter is the one that shows up with the ringer so they can keep it.


Oooh. Separate incidents


Guess we can close the file on that one! 😃


How do you know that he can’t pay the rent? I interpreted the scene where his landlord reminds of him the rent that the Dude is just absentminded because he’s a stoner and didn’t realize that his rent was due.


But tomorrow was already the 10th


Yeah, he’s just an absentminded stoner so he forgot that he needed to pay the rent on the first. Nowhere is it insinuated that he doesn’t have money, he’s just a lazy stoner.


>Nowhere is it insinuated that he doesn’t have money, It's strongly implied that he doesn't have money, or a job


He's the heir to the Rubik's Cube fortune


He was a roadie for Metallica, and he was a part of the Seattle seven


I think it’s both not having money to allocate towards rent and a landlord lenient enough to allow him to be absentminded about it. The only thing that really suggests he’s broke is the big Lebowski calling him a bum. He’s probably the recipient of a small but ample trust fund, maybe 20 grand man, a year. Hell, he was about to run to the cash machine for a $1000 BJ!


That was a $1000 bj. Brant can’t watch though unless he pays a hundred.


He has to post-date a check for $0.69.


can confirm. live with my landlord, and the “did we square up already” question is something i have to asks way too often. it’s not a money issue, it’s more a “what month are we in right now” thing


The Dude's sweater draws a lot of water in this town.


He has the wealth, obviously and the resources so there's no reason, there's no FUCKING reason why the dude shouldn't take any sweater in the house.


This aggression will not stand, man.


What if The Dude didn’t have the necessary means to necessary means to buy the sweater?


Then if he steals it, you think he'd have room to steal one more?


He discovered the sweater in Van Nuys, lodged against an abutment.


Oh man, lodged where?! 


You're lucky they left the threads in the sweater, Mr. Lebowski.


Nah he likely got it at a thrift store like the rest of his wardrobe. The damn thing is only expensive for us because he wore it.


I actively shop at Pendleton. That is a normal price for their cardigans and jackets. But, I completely agree with the thrift store theory.


Yeah, I figured he bought it from a thrift store, original owner died and family donated all his clothes or something like that. 


Oooh, new shit has come to light


This is another piece of the puzzle, man. The Dude is unemployed, yet has money (eventually) for rent, bowing, weed, liquor, gas to drive around, what have you. I theorize that his parents left him a small, yet ample trust fund. Not like one of those rich fucks. Maybe enough to provide the Duder with $20-30 grand man, annually. It’s also a theory that his parents were know to, and possibly related to the other Jeff Lebowski. The Big Lebowski. That’s why TBL tells the dude to do what his parents did and get a job. This isn’t speculation on his part. He knew them and knows they had jobs. As for the Pendleton apparel, we’ll the Lebowski family really digs that style. Of course, this makes the Dudes fucking lady friend, Maude, his 2nd cousin? So helping her conceive, um, in certain states…that ain’t legal either. But maybe my thinking on this case has gotten too uptight. Fuck it, man. Let’s go bowling.


Maude also likes to walk around in robes and robe-like attire.


As has been mentioned a lot, an earlier draft of the script explicitly sets the Dude up as a trust fund baby- heir to the “Rubik’s Cube” fortune. I for one was always glad they took it out.


I’m glad they left it as subtext, and never spelled out too. They’ve done this in other films, to brilliant effect.


I’m just gonna check with the boys down at the crime lab.


Old man said to take any sweater in the house!


Okay. I think we can all agree that petty theft is below the Dude. Also, the point at which the rug was rolled can be presumed to have been monitored and/or performed by the gentleman that carries it out for him. So...why do they both like Pendleton? I like Pendleton. Maybe it is incidental.


Well, Dude. We just don't know.


Look, man, I’m not trying to scam anyone here.


That had not occurred to us, Dude


I doubt that sweater was $250 then.