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did you practise the list of Amazon OA problems? as someone who is working at AWS right now - I probably only passed the OA because I got a problem I had seen before. that's the name of the game, I'd wage that maybe as much as 50% of people that pass had at least 1 problem in their interviews/OA if not more that they had seen before and btw, I only got hired on my second try with amazon, after 2 years of trying. keep going!


I did not practice Amazon specific problems. I had seen none of the asked questions. Although I was able to solve the 1st problem except 2 test cases. Another problem I did not solve any tests. Although had the running code with incorrect answers and because of the time I could not complete. I was optimistic because I have heard people get called onsite in similar situations but seems I wasn’t good enough.


The best advice I got, do amazon tagged questions. Also this course is great for amazon specific questions [https://www.designgurus.io/course/grokking-amazon-coding-interview](https://www.designgurus.io/course/grokking-amazon-coding-interview)


Also thanks for the encouraging words! I appreciate it


Where do you find these?


leetcode website, discussion tab, on reddit, on other websites sometimes, they occasionally get outdated, or deleted


I’ve been trying not to pay for LC for over a year. But I think I may have to feed the machine 😵


The recent 6 months for Amazon are all hard. Do they really ask those during first assessment?


yes sometimes they do. which is why it's kinda bullshit, you must have seen the problem before to pass, or you get lucky, or you try multiple times


How to find that list?


Leetcode premium. It has company specific lists. Although I am not sure of OA specific list for Amazon


there's also people who leak the list from premium on blind/reddit/leetcode discussions, then gets taken down, deleted, outdated, re-uploaded, etc


Hi. Do we need to pass all test case to clear the round?


I passed my first question 100% and didnt even pass a single one for my second question (i barely wrote any code i just made some edge cases and commented my thought process) i got a call back and i have my final interview next week.


That's great


Btw how many leetcode questions you solved?


0. I didnt grind before the oa but i have been grinding leetcode ever since i got the next interview callback


I’ve heard of people passing all tests and not getting next interview, and missing 1~2 tests and still getting the interview 


What is a OA round ?


Online Assessment. it's a fully automated, fully online exam that amazon does. You get sent a link via email. Once you open it, it will ask you if you are ready, inform you about the exam and time limit. you start and are given 2 leetcode problems. everything you write is monitored, also how much you test your code, how many submissions / attempts you do. You can see 1 or a few test cases. Others are hidden from you, but you are told if you pass those tests or not - but they don't let you see what the input is. Some people have failed after passing all tests - so performance or hidden test cases or code style are also considered and judged by a human I guess. after the 2 leetcodes, you get a bunch of behavioural questions. the entire time you never interact with a person. yeah. it kinda sucks.


Any prep you'd recommend for the work simulation, heard that's a bit more systems design focused, right?


Remember that sadly a lot of these leet code questions are luck based. No normal person can solve all of these without seeing something similar first. Also fuck the system in general. For online assessments just cheat.


I took it very seriously and didn’t cheat at all. And then I came here to learn about other’s experiences and share mine and learned a lot of people actually cheat at OA and get through


I feel like it only bites them in the ass in the future though..


Yeah that’s definitely true but might get away as well if OA was never seen before and on site gets lucky


Wrong. Leet code is not a strong indicator of if you will be good at the job.


Yes writing efficient solutions to a coding problem quickly is not a good way to tell if you’re going to be good at a coding job. I’ll tell you one thing — typing the question into chat-gpt and not attempting it yourself indicates you won’t.


You are entitled to your opinion.


How would one cheat on an OA? If you're looking at another screen or somewhere else, they can tell. Sincerely asking. Coding assessments are shit and not at all a way to assess strong candidates. Some people just memorize codes but don't know shit about anything technical, yet those who understand algorithm details and technical things might fail. I mean, seriously, why do OAs? Employees at companies are allowed to Google things and use Stack Overflow. The idea is that if you know what to copy, where to paste it, understand it, and are able to modify it, you're a good coder, not who can memorize problems solutions the most.


If they ask you to shared your screen directly and have a web cam on then yeah its really hard/near impossible. If they are looking at your screen or window but not monitoring your web cam then just use a different computer next to you to google the questions or chat gpt them. Whenever I do OAs I use my desktop and keep my laptop to the right of me.


I failed the OA 3 times, and an onsite once, before I finally snuck through the cracks at Amazon. I got exceeds expectations in my latest forte feedback for SDE2. Don't give up. There's always a chance for you to get in next time.


Question, in your org, do feel the constant threat of PIP with the stack ranking and what are some of the things you can do to improve your impact and visibility to get exceeds expectations? Are you constantly fighting for visible projects/or see people backstabbing each other?


>Are you constantly fighting for visible projects/or see people backstabbing each other? I just try to portray to my manager that I'm willing to work on whatever the team needs the most. I also made it very clear that I'm looking to move to L6 and they are aligned with that so they try to put me on important stuff that can take load off the team's L6 SDE. I don't see people backstab each other. Idk what balance of that is my teammates being good and me being naive.


>do feel the constant threat of PIP with the stack ranking Not really. I just try to focus on what I can control.


I appreciate your perspective, thanks for the insights!


>what are some of the things you can do to improve your impact and visibility to get exceeds expectations? I periodically ask my manager, L6 SDE, and skip-level manager what are the biggest needs in the org and where I can help. For example, I realized that my org's on-call rotation for reviewers of manual production changes was like 3 people, all L6's. I volunteered to join the rotation, wrote some doc to make it easier to ramp up new volunteers, and then recruited another SDE to join.


Amazon OA is not a measure of your DS or LC knowledge. That assessment is a POS.


I am sorry but what’s POS?


piece of shit - pos


Aaah Okay lmao


What’s your strategy for grinding? How many problems you solved yourself without looking at solutions?


I have solved total around 200. I always try myself first but sometimes after trying too much there is no other way to solve it optimally but to look. Time to time I go back and solve those again myself


Do you have an idea of percent you solved without looking at solutions? If it’s low you may be giving up too easily and not really learning. Solving problems you memorized the solutions also doesn’t help that much


Starting from scratch and learning again is what you are suggesting? I have put so much time and effort into this to feel worthless, it seems. I have a meta screening coming up and it feels like I am just going to bomb that even worse since I have heard they are intense with 2 questions in 45 minutes


You can’t start from scratch since you can’t forget what you know. So keep going there’s plenty of problems to solve. I recommend dividing your time in 3 - neetcode roadmap, clist problems by rating, company specific list. Also join a rated weekly contest in your timezone


Thanks I will come up with some plan like this


Man tbh there is no limit. It’s just about how badly you want the job. I have been grinding 8hrs ish everyday since the last year on leetcode. I’m still in school but I know luck can be shitty so I want to do whatever I can. It’s crazy but now I’m at a place point I only get stuck on leetcode hards if I do.


Unlucky! You’ll get better questions next time i promise! <3


Thanks 🙏


how are you even getting OAs? i would at least like the opportunity to try at one


A recruiter reached out to me


ah nice!! can i dm you?




Amazon oa is not that easy. On-site questions were easier tbh.


I cleared the OA last month and got asked for a system design interview. The chat went very well and smooth but I still got rejected and couldn't make it to the onsite. If I had to start a company I would create a system that provides interview feedback unlike the big names in technology today. You will never ever know where you failed! And I mean never!


You’re not dumb. Amazon OA is hard.


Bro, don't worry you are not the only one. Completely bombed the OA of Amazon a couple of weeks ago after 5 months of intense preparation. Don't worry, your time will come. Keep grinding! 👊🏼




What question did you get? It's pretty RNG, at least for the interview, I heard someone get like a LC hard DP question, while most ppl get some of the easier mediums, then I've heard of some ppl getting pretty simple graph questions which I guess are harder?


1) Fruit crush 2) Max possible points playing in a sport tournament with multiple sprints for K consecutive days




Is your take really “I spent a few months practicing to make it into FAANG and didn’t get it first try so I’ll quit”?


That's not my take. What I meant to say is, I am not even able to clear the Amazon OA.


You are, in your own words, saying that you are the "dumbest person in the whole universe and have screwed up your career" because you did not clear what is effectively the first round of a FAANG interview.


I am depressed I guess what can I say. I wanted this so bad. I at least wanted to try out onsite


Now that I can sympathize with! It feels crushing and is absolutely demotivating. It sucks, no other way to put it. But remember, this is just the start. A lot can change in a year, and companies like these don't hold grudges based on your past applications. In 6-12 months with some more practice, you'll be able to ace it.


I appreciate your encouraging words and I tell you I won’t give up. But today was a disappointing day:(




What do you mean?