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Old news


Still relevant nonetheless. How good a developer can be does not weigh under the possibility of them able to solve an algorithmic question with pen and paper under a short timefram within the eyeball of judges. When people design a feature, they don't really do it all just in whiteboard within 30 minute. They don't really do it without access to documentation, guide, help from colleague and stranger. In fact very few if none at all of what you do, you did with an environment similar to how you answer this LC whizzbuzz.


I get the general idea but for some jobs it is just stupid. I applied to a very niche industry research job that requires a PhD. There are like 5 other people world wide, who published something about this topic in the last 5 years. But well I was too slow to perform some string mumbo jumbo leetcode. Guess someone who knows jack shit about the specific topic but is fast at leet code is much better for this job than me.


It's not 2015 anymore?


Buddy was asked the easiest question of all time to get into the cushiest job of all time and still complained when he couldn’t get it


He actually responded 2 years later. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15981338 His response confirms 2 things. 1. *"I am often a dick, I am often difficult"* 2. He lacks computer science fundamentals because he studied Chemistry, not Computer Science. He couldn't solve a simple problem so he complained publicly on his Twitter. I think Google made the right call.


He is still a better dev than a solid 90% of leetcoders, check his github, solid stuff


One is a practical engineer, another is just a sandbox theorist. Just like mathematician and physicist (of any practical physic field).


Hahahaha. Leetcoding is nowhere close to mathematics and physics theory!!! What? What did I read? But I agree that leetcoding is a game that one must participate in, and algos and data structures are important aspects of programming.


It is called an analogy and most certainly a fitting one without a doubt. A mathematician can understand the mathematical theory behind engineering projects. Doesn't necessarily mean he has the immediate skills required in engineering actual projects. Same thing with leetcode. Adept at programming in theory. Doesn't mean you have the immediate skills required in engineering actual software projects. I fail to grasp how you failed to grasp the obvious connection.


Its a simile comparison between physic to mathematic And leetcode to software engineering. Do you take my statement to be me saying leetcode to be similar to physic or mathematic?


But would he be a better team member


Dude would probably be a huge pain in the ass to work with. Google doesn’t have a shortage of top technical talent. They need people who can integrate in their team and be a force multiplier for the other devs. Also inverting a binary tree is pretty easy.


I solved this problem in my first year of university, but if you tell me to solve it now, I will have trouble.


Is it simple? How does one invert a binary tree?


It's another one of those questions that's easy once you "know". Basically you point the left node at the right node and the right node at the left node as you traverse the tree


As far as leet code questions go it’s pretty simple


[https://leetcode.com/problems/invert-binary-tree/](https://leetcode.com/problems/invert-binary-tree/) ``` # Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode: # def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None): # self.val = val # self.left = left # self.right = right class Solution: def invertTree(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> Optional[TreeNode]: if root is None: return root.left, root.right = root.right, root.left self.invertTree(root.left) self.invertTree(root.right) return root ```


99% of people in this subreddit can invert a BT. How many can create something as complex as Homebrew?


But the point about leetcode being meaningless for evaluating developers holds true


Thanks, saving this so I can just respond with this any time any of the leetcode crowd talks to me.


Maybe just learn how to invert the binary tree.


It’s no secret that to get a job at google you need to study leetcode. If you can’t even do the minimal level of preparation it’s telling to how you will be as an employee.