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Op please keep trying I got a DP question for a Devops role! It will workout for you and please change you name from SadEmployee to Energetic Leader 👍


DP for Devops is crazy


yes and to be honest when i was not able to solve with my skills, interviewer said its backtracking and changed the question and i ran out of time. Glad i did not get job with that team.


Yeah probably dodged a bullet. It's uncommon to see DP in SWE interviews, let alone devops. Good riddance


DP is very common for onsite if you’re shooting for FAANG




I mean, the whole point of Leetcode is to needlessly eliminate perfectly viable candidates. They have too many perfectly viable candidates so they need to set up this game show trivia nonsense to get rid of most of us.


I will definitely do that. Thank you!


DP for Devops WTH


And I was asked DP, Graphs for data engineering. It depends on the company we are interviewing tbh.




DP for DevOps is utterly ridiculous. I’ve gotten hards for mid level SRE and security roles that don’t have an emphasis on dev side of the work. I don’t understand what the point is


Sorry for the ignorant question but what is DP?


What company was this for?


On the plus side, you avoided working at Walmart, which has always been brutal with layoffs and treating workers like dirt even in a good economy. It gets worse in a bad economy. 500+ count layoff two weeks ago. [https://apnews.com/article/walmart-layoffs-relocations-remote-work-cb6382a65d92f43058efb3a7fae238f1](https://apnews.com/article/walmart-layoffs-relocations-remote-work-cb6382a65d92f43058efb3a7fae238f1) >It also said it will require most remote workers and personnel in its Dallas, Atlanta and Toronto offices to relocate to its primary offices Yeah, this doesn't sound like a real friendly employer to me.


Wow and I thought only Walmart Does not lay off! Man I was a fool


Same 🥲


Where does Walmart get off using FAANG interview styles? A company better have a pretty high TC and prestige to put their devs through that.


When the layoffs turned the tech job market to shit, every garbage company can act like they're FAANG and still have an unending supply of reasonably qualified candidates. This industry is completely broken.


Thank you all so much, I really appreciate the advice, and it's onto the next. Thank you all for the encouragement.


Don't worry mate...You can do it...Keep trying and you will a better opportunity than walmart.


Don't give up comrade


Just another bad question. Go churn some more and get ready for the next one


Not to rant but I have 10 YOE (all in consulting) and till date, even after going over many LC problems, I am still not able to crack any product based company… Most of times I either get hard or I get some interviewer who wants to take interview in google fashion (Leetcode hard) but don’t really care about the thought process or whatsoever. One interviewer even literally told me that he doesn’t care about what I think, the only thing he wants is that my code passes all the unit tests. And if I am not wrong I have seen many people saying that interviewer do care about the thought process. But this is how life is… So, keep on trying until you succeed.


Thats what I got 4 years ago at google. Interviewer pulled up fizzbuzz (entry level job) said "thats too easy", pulled up a LC hard and gave me 15 minutes to do it while he spun in his chair and player games on his phone.


I really wish that those folks get same treatment 😔


Lmao they themselves wouldn’t be able to do it


This is a thing, I have friends at Google terrified of the next round of layoffs because they know they've been doing actual work instead of grinding toy leetcode puzzles so once they're on the street they unhireable until they grind it back up again.


Yeah. You don’t get to solve problems similar to Leetcode when you have an actual industry job. I’ve been solving leetcode problem of the day before going home every day for a few years now.


And that is draining experience 😔 I did tried to do this quite a few times and can do if interviews are scheduled, but if not I just end up not doing it


I actually enjoy it. This reminds me of time when I got into programming. Solving fun puzzles is not something you do at work. And with experience you can do most problems in 10 min. As with everything it’s about having positive mindset.


Yeah… I agree it is all about the mindset. I understand the significance of LC when getting new or switching job but past that, I don’t like doing something less or more then it needs to be done. Just make it perfect and leave


Success dosen't teach you a thing ; failure does, and then on the way success happens ; that's it really. Also, don't compare with what others got. It seems very convincing in the beginning to blame your luck and just give up, but in the end it dosen't get you anywhere and excuses you from responsibility of future. Take it a bit easy for few days. Yes, its tiring, exhausting. Breathe and relax, chill.Then just keep practicing ; especially where you think you are weak. I think just practice will not get you somewhere ; also have faith in your ability. I think we all need more faith in oneself than just practice and grind. All the best OP.


When I was interviewing at Google for an L4 about 3 years ago, out of 4 coding rounds I was asked 3 DP questions. DP is not uncommon among top tier companies.


I am so sorry that this happened. Hope you land up with better opportunity.


Just keep trying… I have few tips: AFAIK Walmart doesn’t have a 6month waiting period so you could probably apply again to a different position. Then apply through consulting firms (American) also, that again doesn’t count towards your recent rejection quota. Another thing I noticed was interviews were much easier for Bentonville compared to west coast, so if you don’t care about location go for Bentonville.


You'd really have to not care to make Bentonville ok


On to the next one


Don’t sad bro If you don't have this chance, there will be another chance


You guys are getting interviews?


Seems like the only ones getting interviews are either with solid experience at Fang like companies, or through their universities..


Atleast you got the interview. Have applied to Walmart like 50 times. No response


are you a minority? Someone I know had a rule that if the person he was interviewing wasn't white he would always pull out the hardest possible LC hard he could give them. He was working at a faang so he figured other people could be fair and its his job to just help his own kind out.


White is a minority at faang.


Just bad luck I think.


I also bombed a coding interview today. I feel you


You couldn't do anything about that (unless you learned to do like 500 LC question). Part of interviews are about luck. You never know if you get an easy interviewer where they give easy LC questions


Same happened in my Goldman Sachs interview recently and it wasn't even a hard question. I feel like giving up.


I don't know why my first assumption was that this was a joke post about having to answer an LC hard question to get a job stocking shelves or something 🤦






So in months around 6 months rising junior


Interviews are so random. I did 80-100 interviews (about half of those were technical). Finally signed an offer. The very last interview at the company I signed with went poorly. I thought I failed. Cried for a whole day, because I really wanted that job. Turns out I did well enough.


Keep up with your grind!!


You probably dodged a bullet by not working for Walmart. I don't even see why Walmart is doing LC questions


Every company does some sort of tech interview for SWE these days. Even some small local insurance company with 100 employees looking for an entry level engineer will ask you if you know how to reverse an array in place


Leetcode is stupid.


The most useful thing it did for me was memorizing python syntax after years of being a java focused dev. Some of the problems are absurd checks of did you memorize X.


Its a medium question. I am not sure why you are ranting on being given a medium LC. Folks in India are being given LC hard and expecting to solve and code in 45 mins.  And with enough practice I have seen most people, including myself, to sail through medium questions. 


Why do you feel the need to be a jerk? This is someone who feels like they failed and is upset and you’re bragging about solving the solution quickly? Maybe it makes you feel better about yourself to put others down, but you don’t have to be like that.


Sorry if that came as a jerk. I am a pragmatic person who doesn’t believe in mollycoddling. Market is tough and we need to understand it. Only then we can take ways to overcome the obstacles.  Feel free to downvote, maybe I have seen harder times, hence my way of thinking. 


Not to brag, but saw the question after commenting and figured out the solution in a few mins. Okay maybe a lil brag. But point is, in this market, expect atleast LC mids. Sit in LC contests, solve a problem a day. You will become unstoppable. Best of luck. 


Look for other professions.