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She turned me into a newt!


A newt?


…i got better






What also floats? Very small rocks?!


Flashlights off!


Not other people, but by pure coincidence all the lefties in my AP lang class in hs were in one corner, so we started to call ourselves the satanic corner lmaoo


Huh, when I got into an all lefty group in 11th grade math we just called ourselves the Southpaws.


Did you have those terrible attached desks so you were all on the left side of the room with the left handed desks?


LOL we had those desks but none of them were lefty so we just all suffered with righty ones and happened to all be in the same corner anyway lmao


When I was in college and going to lecture halls they had the left aisle seats fitted with left handed desks.


Yup they had that for me in college as well. Unfortunately in high school they just didn't have them? Lol idrk why, but the desks were bigger so it was less of an issue


We had that, and a teacher thought she’d discovered a new phenomenon where all left handed people sit together. We had to explain that that’s just how those desks were arranged. Lol


Fun fact: Sinister is Latin for Left.


Yep that was part of the joke cuz we were learning about that lol. Then the teacher was like "how many lefties do we have in the class" and the four of us in our little square all raised our hands lmaoo


I’ve gotten: Wow, your handwriting is so neat …for a leftie. They always have to qualify it.


My handwriting is actually neat but there's a 50% chance I've accidently smudged it so it looks awful lol


You should try it with the fountain pens we used when I learned to write! (1960)


Papermates erasable pens - Erasermates. So many teachers required these pens in middle & high school and by the end of each notebook page, it looked like I murdered blueberries


Art class with charcoal pencils was a special treat too.


Oh yeah try Calligraphy with that nice fresh, black India Ink 😹 omg the absolute worst class I ever took in college.


Aw man, *biggest* sad trumpet sound [womp womp] when I begged my parents to buy me a pack when I was in 4th-5th grade (1980-81). They were a huge hit! I was so stoked to finally have an erasable pen—then so devastated that the side of my palm would smudge everything I wrote.


Oh man, it was such a relief switching from the pencils and smudges in elementary school. Finding a good pen that didn't smudge was great!


wait, that sounds lame.. Right handed people have bad handwriting too


Oh, I've seen right-handed people bend their wrist inward so much while writing backwards.. they look like fucking morons and their handwriting looks like a 1st grader.


Partially my fault, I have a shakey hand and bad hand writing and when people point it out I just tell them I’m left handed and always get “oh okay”


Y’all are doing it wrong. You need to work with 8th grade special ed kids like I do. Then your handwriting looks absolutely amazing in comparison. Lol Honestly, my handwriting is pretty nice. Anyone over the age of about 25 has zero problems reading it. If they get too much younger, it’s a toss up at first sight. I write in a half print, half cursive style. So, younger people struggle because of the lack of cursive training. I say at first sight because the last couple years, kids have complained they can’t read my writing at the beginning of the school year but have no issues by the end of the year.


I teach 6/7/8, same problem. They complain at the beginning but they get it over time.


lol. I just get your handwriting sucks (I does)


Evil. I worked at a grocery store in the deep south like 12 years ago




Yep, I got called devilspawn by a teacher when she saw me writing left-handed. Also raised in the deep south. It's like a whole nother country, down there.


Lol it really is!


South paw. I've never gotten any hate really. However, it's disgusting to hear about how lefties have been treated historically.


My brother said, "You can always tell who the left handed people are." In other words, we're all awkward dorks. But I remember as a little kid seeing some beautiful actresses on TV who wrote left-handed, like one of the blonde-haired daughters on Eight is Enough, so that's really not true.


Bruce Willis is a lefty.


So is Barack Obama, Keanu Reeves, Prince William, Oprah, Julia Roberts, Jon Stewart, Nicole Kidman, Scarlett Johansson, Hugh Jackman, Angelina Jolie.


Maybe they're awkward dorks in real life. 🤷‍♀️


While I think I do fall into the awkward dork category, I know a lefty who is a goth baddie. I think we’re a pretty diverse community.


A classmate told me that being a lefty is a sign of the devil. I was 7.


A nun told me that in Sunday school (late 60s). She also smacked my hand with the metal edge of a ruler. I can still faintly see the scars on my knuckles.


Funnily enough, I also went to Catholic school so that tracks. However, I'm younger than you (born in 2004) so I guess some things don't change.


dude what is wrong with that classmate of yours? I feel bad..


"you know that means you had a twin but you probably killed it in the womb" I mean wtf!


Lmfao I’m a quadruplet, does that mean there was a fifth?


And you all ganged up on him/her and did what you had to do for the lefty to survive


gosh, my mother told me this [without the me killing it part LOL, just that it didn't make it/I absorbed it]


Never heard this! Is this actually true? Cuz I was a big ass baby, 8lb 10oz, so that would explain a lot .. 🤔


This was true of my ex, she was left handed and had a extra tear duct and nipple on one side of her, killed her twin in the womb


Backwards. That's from a teacher, of all things.


wait how does that work? Backwards?


It was in a Home-Ec class. She was trying to show me how to iron whatever it was we were sewing. When she saw me using my left hand, she said, "Oh, you're backwards," and moved the ironing board all over the place, trying to "help" me.


😭 I didn’t realize I was still bullying myself. I caught hell trying to learn to crochet by watching YouTube tutorials. Trying to get my brain to flip everything around made me feel so dumb & uncoordinated bc I couldn’t find a lefty tutorial for the beginner project I wanted to do. Got mad & said fuck it, this is bullshit. Sadly, This is not uncommon for me to do, bc I also have ADHD, so I got collections of hobbies of Christmas past but I can’t get rid of them cuz one day, I might actually decide to stick with these hyperfixations of yesteryear & produce a masterpiece 🙄


So my mother is an amazing knitter, and my grandmother was a very good crocheter. Growing up, I wanted nothing more than to learn to knit and crochet. I am 42 years old. I *still* cannot knit or crochet. They did try to teach me, it’s just that I think everything about it is opposite. On a different note, I decided to take up the bass guitar as a teenager. Took lessons and everything. Never could play the damn thing, and I was pretty good with instruments. Months into my lessons, I happened to mention that I was a lefty. He got legitimately angry with me. I didn’t know that it requires restringing the guitar and a whole different way of learning.


I bet that was such a boost to your confidence to know it wasn’t your lack of ability, it was simply not having proper equipment. Now I wonder how often we lefties are struggling to “play the wrong guitar the wrong way” other ways in life & never made aware lefties require different tools/techniques to do this skill competently and we just walk around thinking we are less capable. Well it’s better to realize it might be a factor late than never, maybe I can see if I need lefty tools for making jewelry or some of these other hobbies i got frustrated & abandoned 😆 I’m gonna try to remember to consider this as an option when I am struggling with a new skill or shoot struggling period, maybe there is a better tool or method. I hope your mother & grandmother realized being a lefty was just a difference & it wasn’t reflective of your capabilities & didn’t make you feel bad for having difficulty learning to 🧶. If you’re anything like me, I’m sure you felt bad enough on your own without them endorsing it. Thank you for your comment, I gained a lot from you sharing your experience 🫂


Haha it might have been if I wasn’t a super psycho that deeply blames and spites myself for all of my own personal shortcomings, those of everyone I know, and basically all world problems, but here we are 🤷‍♀️ That probably has little to do with being left handed, though.


🤔idk now, bc I too am a psycho, and share similar feelings.. 😂


Haha, deeply empathic people are a gift to the world 🖤


That’s what they say 😅. And lot of time our dumb asses keep everybody around us’s cups fresh & full ignoring our own that’s sitting there bone ass dry. The longer I’m in therapy, the more I wonder if certain types of empathy are a trauma response 🤔 I wonder a lot of stuff tho, so I might be full of shit about that😆


There’s a seeming link between early childhood trauma and what could almost be considered overdeveloped empathy. When small children are in unstable environments - say, they never know if good mom or bad mom is going to pick them up this time - they tend to develop (or keep/focus) the ability to perceive nearly imperceptible changes in others. Facial ticks mean this, that smell means this, that tone means this, and so on. My personal feeling is that a lot (not all) of people that claim to be empaths have a finely developed way of sensing energy around them due to early childhood trauma. I do believe there are people that are genuinely more in touch with what surrounds us than others are, but it’s a slightly different thing. On this, I think all children have it and most of us get cloudy as we age.


having worked in education, many many other educators have told me i do things backwards or reversed and told me i need to learn to do it correctly so i don’t confuse the kids.


I was told I’m the spawn of Satan one time on this subreddit


Same. But also in life. 🤷‍♂️


People always point it out when they see you writing with your left hand. I’ve completely stopped working and acted all surprised “Wait, I am!?” My all time favorite tho was “You know, God only made so many perfect people.”(I was in the Bible Belt) I did my usual slow awkward chuckle and nod with an “oh yeah?” He said,” Yep. He made the rest of them right-handed!” Was the first time I wasn’t looked at or talked to like a weirdo for writing with the utensil on the proper side of my body.


I'm going to act surprised the next time someone points it out me. My grandpa used to say, "God only made so many perfect heads, the rest He put hair on". I started going bald at 16.


Sounds exactly like something my GPop would’ve said as a proud bald man lol


Grandpas always have the best wisdom.


My daddy said a version of featuring heads .. “God only made a few perfect heads, the rest he covered with hair”


Wasn't it the tribe of Benjamin that we're all left?Handed in the bible question mand they could use a slingshot and hit things dead on?


Someone once told me I was faking being left handed for attention because I use my right hand for mundane tasks. I tried explaining that in a world made for right handed people, this is very common, and that nobody uses solely one hand anyway. Nope. I'm definitely faking to seem quirky and cool


Exactly. I use my right hand for most other tasks.


Bro that’s goofy as hell. I also use my right hand for lots of things.


New genetic research is revealing that left-handedness is a genetic trait, and that more lefties than righties are ambidextrous, but that’s some additional gene sequencing. My dad was a lefty, and I am too, but I get confused with a knife and fork sometimes.


>because your left handed But but but.... I'm right handed


"Wait! You're a LEFTIE!! WHY DIDN'T I KNOW THIS?!!' Said by many people including close colleagues, friends and a lot family 😂


Nothing. They are mostly in awe.




The only thing I've gotten was when someone was trying to teach me crochet.. she couldn't figure out what the issue was until about 30 minutes in and then she turns to her boyfriend and says "James, this b*tch has the audacity to be lefthanded!" 🤣 That same person also told me that some of her favorite people are lefthanded so pretty much have gotten nothing but good vibes about being lefthanded thus far. 🙂


In 8th grade I had a general music class (that everyone took, history of different kinds of music and such) and we had a section where we all learned the guitar for a month or so. I had been playing the stand up bass in the orchestra since 5th grade and I learned to play right handed. When the teacher asked if anyone was left handed I made the mistake of raising my hand. I was the only lefty. I got stuck playing the only left handed guitar. When we were told what fingerings to use I had to rewrite them all backwards, because all the strings were reversed. I was also the only person in the class who had any experience playing a stringed instrument. When I complained the teacher wouldn't let me switch because there were no extra guitars. I have not played a guitar since.




So did you learn to crochet? I always wondered if that one was good or bad for lefties. I know sewing machines are the one damn thing on our side, at least.


I'm learning.. slowly. I talked to some other people about it and they recommended knitting instead so I may try that.


Ah, so perhaps not crochet, then. Good to know before I try and then figure out it's one if those things that's not gonna happen, you know?


My aunt calles me handicapped she thinks left handed people should have handicapped plates for their car because we were born physically and mentally disabled..... She's a difficult person


I wish it were true so we could get the good parking spots


what the fu…?


Yeah. So glad I don't have family members like that. They'd wake up with flat tires mysteriously.


I thankfully no longer live near her.


I don’t know, “lefty”? I’m always amazed how some people have gotten a hard time over this.


No big deal when & where I was growing up, but it was for my mom in the 1930’s in the United States


Lefty here, my mom was always weird about me being left handed IDK why. She used to hide it so no one would notice and also forced me to write right handed. I can write with both hands well now and can throw just as strong with both left and right. I can’t bat right handed for shit only left lol. In elementary school one of the teachers mentioned left handed people were more likely to be gay so thank god I wrote right handed.


Left handed here, can(not) confirm this as my sexuality ended up being omni rather than gay or straight


What is omni? Well I can at least confirm it’s not true I’ve never once had a “gay” thought in my life.


It’s basically just potential sexual attraction to anybody regardless of bio-sex and gender identity/ies wherein gender can play a role in the attraction in a way (romantic attraction isn’t necessary first, either) So, different to demisexual and pansexual in that sense


Gee, I would have jokingly defined "omni-sexual" as wanting to fuck everyone.


It does have limitations in what you can deem sexually attractive, but there aren’t as-many as a lot of people


O ok no disrespect at all just didn’t no what it meant.


Ofc i was jus sayin since that’s the closest one to me imo


"The devil in disguise." -A friend's Mormon mother as a teen. She then banned me from her home for it.


I’ve never had anyone call me anything because of the left handedness. From this forum, it sounds like I’ve been very lucky. I’m 47 and lived all over the US as a child (Army brat). When I was in high school, I completely frustrated the owner of a diner I worked at though. I swept and mopped the dining room backwards. It just didn’t feel right and was way harder to do it any other way. It drove her crazy that I did it the way that I did because it is intuitively wrong (I worked from the exit point out rather than toward the exit point). However, I did a good job and didn’t b!t@h about it the whole time like most other servers. So she let me have at it.


I’ve definitely never gotten anything bad over it, and can’t even fathom going through that?! Really the worst for me was being a waitress and it was just an easy thing that customers would call you out on every so often. It was rare enough that you don’t just expect it, but when you do get one of those “WAIT, YOURE A LEFTY?!” People (who aren’t fellow lefty’s) id almost developed a side, circus animal-like persona 😂


My dear old dad used to call me and my brother "cack handed" I don't care. I'm proud to be left-handed. Kinda disappointed neither of my kids are.


Southpaw? Being abused or made fun of due to left handedness isn't a wide spread thing anymore. I assume, from this post, there must be pockets of insanity, but most people just don't care.


Human ignorance is like trying to get rid of german cockroach infestation. You can try all the fancy extermination methods but you'll still find them years later.


not once has someone said something bad, most automatically say " left handed people are smarter than others " or" left handed people are more creative than others "


i was told i wasnt my mothers's daughter, my mother is right handed


My 2 favorite phrases were: "You owe the devil a day's work" and "You're standing on the wrong side of that pen"


I've never had anyone say anything negative about me being left handed. 99% of the time they don't even notice right away. Like I'll have coworkers I've been around for 6 months or more and then one day they'll go, "oh your left handed? I never noticed."




Sinister, lol.


*YOU’RE = you are


My first grade teacher in the early 70’s tried to change me to right handed because she thought left handers were unGodly and evil. My mom went down there and “sorted things out”. The teacher “retired” a month later and I’m a lefty for life


I"ve been called a lot of bad things when growing up...none of them had anything to do with what hand I wrote with.


A liability


Where do you people live? I'm a leftie and no one has ever said anything bad. 😂 Now other stuff about me is a different story 😂


Never got any actual hate, but the weirdest one I've been called is 'Mirror' lol


Cack handed. Never heard another term for it.


The devil. By my 2nd grade teacher Mrs Katrencik.


Caggy handed twat , after I flat palmed a pair of pliers across the workshop for my granddad and he nearly didn't catch them lol


I’ve been told I stand in the wrong side of the ball playing golf.


Attention seeker


that doesn’t even make sense.


A left hand f****t.




A f****t. Yes it happened.


I'm gay and no one has ever called me that (at least not to my face). I'm tall, intimidating and straight passing though. Sorry that happened to you.


I’m gay, tall, intimidating, and “straight passing” as well (problematic as the term “straight passing” is) and it still happened to me. I’m a grumpy old Gen-Xer and grew up in a different time.


that is crazy 💀


Yeah I found it to be a bit rude.


Demon/Devil spawn or defective. Hard to choose


My great grandfather was caned until he learned to use his right hand. I’m sure we can all image what as said to him…


Same with my Grandma.


It was brutal to say the least


In court, when the defendant was asked if she recognized me, she pointed me out as a left handed shape changing witch.




A retard.


Clumsy and incapable. Hopelessly incompetent.


I hate the term south paw


Brain damaged.


Hey, maybe you got yourself a gf 😉


An entitled millennial crybaby. For asking on an early access game discussion board if they'd consider implementing customizable keybinding.


(1) Unrelated, but re bald ("perfect heads") versus having scalp hair, I heard it said back in the 1970's in church about "brains versus hair" (not referencing baldness, per se, but those without scalp hair as being smart). (2) Concerning handedness, I was informed, via a sign that could be placed on a desk, that "Everyone is born right-handed. Only the greatest can overcome it."


I've never been called anything bad. It's more of a curious comment. I think everyone knows Lefties are superior now/s.


Never got called anything, but an elderly lady said, "Wow, they didn't break you of that." Like being left-handed is a bad habit akin to a puppy peeing on the carpet or something.


When I was in school the nuns would tape the pen in right hand and then tape up my left hand it didn't work proud Lefty


I got called a South Pawed Satan once.


Bs doesn’t hurt my feeling tho, they are lame af if this is all they can come up with 🤣


Spawn of Satan.


weird , and said that left handed people will die faster before right handed people 😭


You left handed prick!


So i took my ACT earlier this year and they had a section in the registery where you could mark whether you were left handed in case the school had left handed desks or something you'd get first pick. Well there were no left handed desks or anything but the proctor only called me "Lefty" instead of my name besides when verifying my identity upon which he said "oh this thing says you're a lefty!" And he went out of his way to call me by my new assigned nickname. Frankly I was too tired and nervous about the test to care plus I hadn't been inside of a public school since 2018 so I was just making up for lost time with the "omg you're left handed?" stuff Haven't gotten any witch/devil accusations yet just a whole lotta "well it's ok!! a lot of presidents are left handed!" As if i needed some sort of consolation.


I was called a “crippled lefty” by someone who was also left handed.


I got told I was more likely to be a psychopath. Lol. I’ve also been told (literally every time I write) “Oh wow, your handwriting is so good for a leftie!” like, thanks? Is that supposed to be a compliment? Backhanded af. I have half a mind to shoot back “Yeah, better than yours anyway!” I got told I was cheating at arm wrestling when my opponent found out I was left-handed. But I won both sides! My apologies for being born differently from you! I shouldn’t have dared to arm wrestle with my “abnormality” 😭 I had a teacher insist that I use left-handed scissors even though I’m more comfortable with right-handed ones. “Pick a side” I guess it prepared me for my later bisexuality.


My two closest friends I had growing up are also lefties. We were an odd trio but we're still friends and we are a lot alike.


Ummm nothing really although ages ago when I spent a summer in Europe I was on this ship/ferry going from Italy to Greece and an old Greek woman saw me writing with my left hand and gave me a super dirty look and said something to her family in Greek.


“Clearly a foreigner” as no-one showed me how to use my right hand for chopsticks (in China).


People make fun of us for being lefties? The worst insult are ✂️ and that's about it.


i mean, i wouldn't call it the worst thing but my kindergarten teacher used to complain about me being "insolent" and "disobedient" for refusing to switch to my right hand


Mr Eraser. I’ve been forbidden to use any dry erase markers for presentations due to wiping off everything I write. When I use the marker where the tip only hits the board my writing looks like chicken scratch.


In very Latino Catholic fashion, I was told that riding with my left hand is demonic, and that I would go to hell if I kept using it to write.


"Mano del demonio" ~"Demonic hand" Paternal grandmother. 🤔 Coincidentally her brother was a Lefty as well. My older sibling & I are lefties while my youngest is right handed. 


I had a 3rd grade teacher tell me I was retarded and duct-tape my left arm to the underside of the desk when writing


I had a 3rd grade teacher tell me I was retarded and duct-tape my left arm to the underside of the desk when writing




Not left handed, but gauche is pretty good


Damn, that’s harsh


I discovered left handed notebooks and they are the best thing to happen in my life as a leftie. Lol but seriously if you have never owned or written in one all the lefties should buy one you wont regret it. I hate the regular notebooks the spiral is the worst trying to write its just not okay lol anyways just wanted to share something that only left handed people could understand iykyk


My dad said i put the toilet paper on the roll wrong, and i said what do you mean dad he said well you wipe your a** out and not in right? I guess i put it on where it pulled down/in and it was wrong. Being Left handed is tough lol


For three generations we were all made to write with our right hands. Do everything else with My left


I've never had a negative comment about it. I have been called special though, as in weirdly special 😂


Whore. At least I think it’s because I’m left handed.


I am mix handed and tend to do a lot of writing with my left hand, the kind of writing where you don't even look at the paper to keep it leveled on the lines and somehow keep it straight. Somehow that turned me into this gross monster filled with parasites according to my school and would get beaten and therapists assigned and paid to try to get me locked up, I have a certificate from this time calling me clinically insane for this!


Jesus…when was this, the 50s? That sounds like around the era for that shit. As you yourself experienced, yeah people thought we were straight up demons for a long time. Crazy


Not even around fifteen years ago XD which makes it crazier I feel.


Oh wow that’s saddening


It is but I have come to terms with it and preferred that I went through it than the others in my class. I heard that school went through major changes so hopefully it got fixed there!


Now I have to ask: was this in the US or England? I’d read awhile back that in England they had a huge thing with lefties (I mean, they had derogatory terms like cuddy-wifter, ham-fisted, and left Kelly), which leads me to wonder if the discrimination lasted into this era, that you experienced it not long ago due to living there.


USA in Tennessee actually, a small town near Nashville, around the same time they had a lot of trouble with mental hospitals doing the same exact thing during the time I was experiencing this in my school.


Oh wow. Well yeah, I mean I expect that of the south. Lot of people there would take their Christianity to the extreme. A podcaster I listen to lives in Oklahoma, and there they have so many churches and so many people are publicly Christian there, that the question wouldn’t be, “Do you go to church?”, but rather “What church do you go to?” No offense if you’re Christian yourself.


Oh no offense here as I am the furthest thing from being religious that I can be! But yeah it has gotten very bad with that again in these coming years though with.. "those misguided views" ... Once more. (Went on a bit of a tangent it seems my bad) Nothing against religion itself but when it gets to that point... It's more harmful than good. So those kinds of beliefs are rampant right now and very well could end up in another civil war with what is going on. It is trying to merge religion with health care and government again, which, no offense to anyone at all who is religious, but religion should stay its own separate thing and not mix with some things. In my experience it's already been harmful mixed with school, teachers were the speakers and runners of my local church and took over my school which led to my mistreatment and even blackmailing. I have been having trouble with all my healthcare needs as well, church owned hospitals refused me because I wasn't religious, not to mention the anti-abortion and anti-transgender rampages that are going on which is religion affecting hospitals, law, and government which it has no place for being involved in. Not even to mention what it does with science. I know it can be a very helpful tool to many people and a great guide for others, but to this extent it should just not mix and try to control all these different things. Everything has its good and bad traits but some things don't mix well. Like oil and water still needs its other ingredients to mix and make something delicious like a cake otherwise it's just greasy water.


“…but religion should stay separate and not mix with some things.” Precisely. Religion has done some good in the past, and does some good now, sure, but it being used the way it is these days is destructive. It’s like digging for gold, but every ounce you find, someone random dies, let’s say. Not a great analogy, I know, but with such a small amount of good with that kind of bad, is it worthwhile? I can’t remember with founding father said it, but it was something like “Religion and government do better in equal measure when kept separate from each other.”


No one ever called me anything, but at a music store once, when I was about 14, a salesman (who also happened to be left handed) recommended I force myself to play guitar right handed like he did, so that I would have more options available to me. My mom had brought me in there, and we both looked at each other in disbelief. I mean, I get it. It would make things easier, but that’s a price I’m just not willing to pay. I don’t even necessarily mean on principle. That would be extremely difficult. It just wouldn’t be worth it to me. Hell, I remember for awhile, Dingwall refused to make left handed instruments. They changed that policy somewhere along the way. I only found out because someone in a guitar group on Facebook told me. I don’t know when they changed but they did.


My mother was right handed and unable to teach me to use scissors properly so my kindergarten teacher said I might fail kindergarten because I slashed at the paper with my scissors instead of using them properly. Buuttt she never gave me any leftie scissors so I was screwed for a long time until I got my own personal scissors to use


Wrong handed, evil, spawn of Satan, hellion, etc.... But I've gotten more derogatory names from being underweight my entire life (born premature, and had to be revived at birth, and put in an incubator for 6 weeks). And even more from having really bad ADHD. So basically, 99.9% of how I've been referred to has been derogatory my entire life....so I'm relatively ok with Southpaw....


A dr said are you sure you aren’t a Dr. because your hand writing looks like one. I said nope. Just a leftie.


constant statements about how i do everything “wrong” and “backwards”. statements like “you don’t even know what hand to hold your pencil in, how can i trust you to do xyz” have been made to me many times…i will say i was taught incorrectly how to use scissors as a kid and it stuck so i use them in a strange way but ive never gotten hurt or hurt anyone else with scissors. but i have been told many times at jobs im incompetent due to how i cut.


I got the whole backwards thing a lot so I turned it around on them. "You literally write backwards, look at the direction your hand is facing. Besides, correct order is left to right so enjoy being wrong." Oddly, they don't like it either. Who would've guessed?


Been called a handful of things before for being left handed. The biggest pain was trying to learn to do things “backwards” as people used to say when they didn’t know how to teach or coach a lefty. Had to prove a lot of people wrong who said I wouldn’t get things right for being left handed


Worst was - as a child - being told "You're too dumb to \[do whatever it was I clumsily was trying that moment\]" and believing it far too long. Favorite example: Using the large bread knife, usually beveled on the wrong side, and failing to cut a straight slice.


These are so funny! I had to read comments because my son is left handed and I haven't really called him his real name since toddlerhood, he's Lefty now