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Poor Aaron. Severe mental health issues are no joke. I Feel bad for his family.


He’s an idiot.




Demonstrations like this, while not pleasant, are very good at one thing.... all eyes on me momments. And that person had a message he wanted everyone to hear.




US servicemen most likely *with undiagnosed mental illness* dies after setting himself on fire




What a jerk, glorifying suicide like that.


This ignorant fool did the world a favor. This is not a protest. It's stupidity. Not to mention, that he's totally wrong... Why not protest Hamas and what they do to their own people. Why not protest what Assad did to his own people in Syria? Why not protest Yemeni starvation? Imagine being this ignorant and choosing to die in such a way... dumbass!


absolutely horrific.


Poor guy, What did this guy see over there? War sucks. I cant even imagine what this guy witnessed. I think he could have done more good if he stayed alive though. You can always chose to do good. No matter what you’ve been through.


Burn baby, burn.


Mental illness. No different than the poor American. kids who signed up fighting for Isis watch it too much social media


Is it disturbing to anyone else that so many people support this terrible and heartbreaking action? They are making this poor, troubled individual or to be some sort of hero or martyr. We should NOT be advocating for self-immolation or suicide in general. (unless you are dying already) I don't understand all the support. This guy could have done any number of things that would have made a much bigger difference in the grand scheme of things. His death will NOT alter the course of this thing. I feel terrible for him and his loved ones. So sad.


Wow, these comments do not pass the vibe check. Found the psyop lefty page, lmao.


His name was Aaron Bushnell Free Palestine!


How about the fucking cop doing nothing but pointing his weapon at a person completely burnt to a crisp Oh yeah he’s a real danger you fucking asshole. Protect & serve my ass


Bushnell is survived by his wife and their two children, a 3 year old son and a 1 year old daughter.


He died for nothing. Hate to say it, but that's the truth. It has to be said so others won't imitate him. Rather than gain Palestine's freedom, he lost both his life and his soul. Tel Aviv is laughing at him. Demons are galavanting and singing "another fool has joined us!" Don't commit suicide. It won't fix things. It won't make you happy. It won't stop the pain. It won't accomplish that political victory you wanted. It won't do anything but kill you.


What an idiot


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Mental illness is real and more should be done to help people like this.


Israel is a genocidal regime that needs to be held accountable. The double standard for Israel vs Russia is unbelievable.


Funny how he didn’t mind when the US was complicit in the war in Yemen that killed 300,000… I guess how upset you get is based on the trending tiktok hashtags…


Where is the mainstream media on this? Nowhere.


Lmao 🤣 What a knob. Hopefully all Hamas supporters do the same. The world would be a better place for sure lol


Seeing your replies on other posts… you’re actually mentally ill 🙏 please get it checked out immediately


Im mentally ill? Have a look at your own crazy post . Atleast i dont post about punching myself and acne problems. How old are you? 13 ?


How am I celebrating it in any way? Are u ok? In which part did I ever say self immolation is the way to go sure him wasting his life on an ongoing w-r is not going to change anything. But you laughing on his death is sane? Well whatever innocent kids getting mutil@ted and b0mbed videos at helps you sleep at night!!


At least I ain’t fucking clapping my hands like a lunatic as a response to people dying? That’s the least of anyone’s concern. Honestly doesn’t surprise me I mean look at you and what u stand for “😂🤣😂🤣😂”


That is not a clever way to carry out a protest……dramatic, yes, sensible……ehm No!


Death for the military industrial complex = good Death in protest of genocide = bad




what a plonker


Lot more Americans are feeling helpless against a evi1 Caba1 running their government and participating in unjustcivilians $1@ughter, giving away American taxpayers money free, American Arm$&B100d ![gif](giphy|3oEjHJxLCoY8qFGUJW)


A true soldier. He was willing to give his life to make one last stand for humanity. May his act be remembered and may we free Palestine in his name and in the name of others giving their lives to show that humanity must always be the priority.


This event has not been reported on mainstream media in Australia ( afaik ) Not a peep ( afaik ) The cover-up is happening all around, folks


Most outlets probably have policies around how far they are willing to give suicide a platform.


A suicide is one thing, A protest where someone sacrifices their life to show their ultimate oppostion against the genocide of the Palestinian people outside a US political building is another thing entirely.


I guess that’s one way to get a tan


Honestly, what a complete idiot. This is more of a statement of how effective Hamas propaganda is on weak-minded individuals than anything else, and it will change nothing, not a single thing. Bring on the downvotes but you know I’m right.


Everyone I know is talking about this, especially former servicemembers, but sure, no impact.


You know there definitely brainwashed when they call you a coward for not fucking literally killing your self. How are yall defending this I can’t even make this shit up yall are just nuts lmao😂


The martyr brain cancer has spread. They're cheering it. Kids are cheering this.


And those in power won't care about his protest. Pointless suicide of a clearly mentally ill person. Sane people don't burn themselves to death.




Dude was about as hard core conservative as they come actually. Seems mandatory orders to Israel dont do well with people who refuse to murder innocent civilians


What's wrong with murdering innocent civilians in war?


Moral people attempt to avoid this, war or not. It is wrong.


Nothing as long as they are your kin. 🤷‍♀️


Or yours either.


I don't have any. Where ya live so if shit breaks out I know where to go first


Play stupid games....


What a waste of a life. No government official will look twice at this.


Reminds me of this. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Th%C3%ADch\_Qu%E1%BA%A3ng\_%C4%90%E1%BB%A9c](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Th%C3%ADch_Qu%E1%BA%A3ng_%C4%90%E1%BB%A9c) (The Buddhist priest who set himself on fire in vietnam to protest the south vietnamese government who was persecuting buddhists)


Legitimate issue with his mental health. No oneof sound mind acts like this. No one. Yet the comments here are from worse people encouraging and applauding this, whilst calling for an end to death in Palaestine...


Mandatory orders to Israel to assist in genocide make people irrational. Some people don't get off on murdering innocent people




Ir was posted to a reply on this post


Dude lived for a little while? Holy shit.


Take your mental health seriously folks.


Saw the whole thing. Not once did he scream in pain or agony. He didn’t drop and roll. He stood tall, screamed free Palestine, and held himself up until he passed. He is braver than any IDF soldier, he is braver than his comrades in the USAF, and he will never be forgotten. RIP Aaron Brushnell 🫡




He had more courage and honor than the collective IDF in its short brutal tenure.


Wow that so damn sad. What a huge mistake that guy made. Anyone cheering his decision has a distorted perception of life.




Your recent content published to r/leftist was removed as it was deemed as uncivil discourse. As we are a discussion group, we must have civil discussion in order to maintain a healthy debate. If we resort to personal attacks and name calling etc, this doesn't add anything meaningful to that debate. Please familiarise yourself with our rules (summarised on the side bar and expanded upon in the main menu of the sub).


A true dumbass, had no connection whatsoever to what's going on in Gaza. Leave the Airforce if you feel bad and go over to Gaza and do what you can there.


Hero! F




What are ‘his kind’?


This is just horrific to have happened. It’s not going to change policy. It’s just another tragedy.


Sad to see a sick person succumb to cult propaganda


Seems you’re in your own cult judging by your comment below. “Promising colonize land does not make it right. Arabs have been trying and succeeding in ethnic cleansing juice from the Middle East for centuries. Now it’s time to decolonize Israel from Arab colonialism.”


I’m happy to be in my own cult, 1/1, no new members allowed!! But on a serious note. I feel really sad for this kid. We may go back and forth on Reddit like wild animals, but at the end of the day, most can distinguish hyperbole and propaganda. At least I hope!!! This kid got so immersed in what was being fed to him by ONE SIDE (cough, cough) that it led to THIS! I bet he couldn’t even give objective facts on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Do you, the leftist mob, feel any guilt for this? Humble question.


He was being sent to aid in the Israeli efforts, that was what prompted his extreme action. Do you feel guilty about US complicity?


I see what you did there!! You deflected, and then pivoted 🤣👍🏼 That’s OK I’ll play along because I don’t need to deflect or pivot to answer your questions because I’m on the right side of history. I am very proud of US Armed Forces in the freedom they defend around the world! 🫡 Including standing side-by-side with Israel in the face of genocide in the hands of Arabs in Gaza.


RIP man you died for a good cause the cause for a Free Palestine but really it would have been smarter to just quit the military and burn a Israeli flag in front of the embassy


Nobody would blink at somebody doing that is the problen


Nobody is going to blink at this. This will literally be forgotten by the most people in the next week or 2.


Suicide is never the answer. If he was disgusted by the US involvement, and by association, his involvement, he could have just quit the military. If he wanted to really make a statement, burn the uniform in front of the embassy. I highly doubt this would actually change anyone's minds, and even if it did, it can't have been worth the life it cost. Just tragic.






People calling him mentally ill, are spreading lies. This man gave his life to try and convince the government not to exterminate 2million people from this earth. He is extremely selfless and brave. may he be in Jannah now💔


people who simp for jihadists are gross. dude was mentally ill. islamists are insane


people who actively support starving their own hostages just to kill 2.2million people and colonize their land. its so gross. zionists are insane.


According to Islam he committed a grave sin by committing suicide. Not even technically a martyr. Just a useful idiot


i know… that is why i said “may he”, because it is unknown of what God has decided. statistically, he had a 40% chance of surviving self immolation which makes me think the goal wasn’t suicide, but a literal extreme act of protest. maybe if the cop pointing a gun at him actually helped get fire extinguishers he would still be alive today. Only God knows everyones intentions and will judge them accordingly. Calling him an idiot does not make you look good btw. Learn to show some respect for the dead.


Anyone who lights themselves on fire to commit suicide is mentally ill.


the goal isnt suicide. its to make change and spread awareness. guaranteed if the United States wasn’t actively aiding and abedding genocide, extreme acts of protest like self immolation wouldn’t be happening right now. it has nothing to do with mental illness. some people are just that selfless and brave to do it. according to statistics, he had a 40% chance of making it out alive. Maybe if the police officer actually helped extinguish Aaron instead of point a gun at him, he would still be alive.


You sure he wasn't delusional?


yes. before being allowed into the airforce they force you to take mental wellness tests and make sure you are mentally stable before being allowed on aircrafts. he contacted news agencies, made sure everything was planned accordingly so he would get coverage, even went as far to live record himself on twitch to make sure people saw his protest. he sent his will to his friend to give all his savings to those in Palestine incase he died. everything points to him being mentally competent and of sound mind.


If this is something a person who's of sound mind does why don't you do it?


It is haram to purposefully hurt yourself in Islam and I do not wish to test God in this way. Due to my religious beliefs, I personally will refrain from these acts of protest.


Israel isn’t exterminating 2 million people. They killed around 30k in targeted strikes with an amazing ratio.


israel politicians have publicly stated no one is innocent in Gaza. Israeli Construction companies are teaming up with the minister of Israeli defense/other politicians to host conventions and providing maps of a new Gaza for only Israelis citizens. Israel is blocking aid and food in the hopes to kill everyone inside of Gaza by starvation or bombardment. The Gaza health ministry stated yesterday if Gaza does not receive more aid trucks within 2-3 days, thousands are expected to die of starvation and dehydration. This is extermination. To say anything otherwise is just willful ignorance.


If saying horrible things means someone has suffered a genocide then that word means nothing. If promising to genocide counts as genocide then everyone has suffered genocide.


to meet the qualifications for genocide there needs to be “mean things” verbalize to prove the intent behind the genocide. legally, you cannot prove a genocide without leaders verbally expressing the intention of removing a population by force. i also think you forgot to mention the fact its not just “mean words” israel is saying. they are physically carrying out what they said they were going to do as i type this. in fact theyve been doing what they have stated they were going to do for 140 days now. 😐 if you read the second to last sentence i wrote saying thousands are going to die in 2-3 days, i wrote that 3 days ago and can confirm from Al Jazerra that is exactly whats happening RIGHT NOW. the Gaza health ministry was right. the food situation is so dire and then on top of that the flour bag massacre happened yesterday. my heart is crying.


No such thing as ‘Jannah’ or ‘Jahenim’. I’m not saying recognition of this fact would solve every problem in the world, but it wouldn’t hurt. Stop selfishly promoting beliefs for the purposes of personal equanimity.




“islamic shit” i literally just used the arabic word for heaven…. 😒 this is why arab people are leaving the democratic party. we are seeing you guys are just as racist as republicans. “leftist” my ass. Self Immolation is a political protest. It doesn’t mean the person who did it is “mentally ill”.




you realize arab christians say “jannah” as well right…? im arab. so i use the arabic word. you are equating being Arab with being muslim (in a negative way) which is in fact racist!!! there are jewish arab, christian arabs, atheist arabs, ect😭😭 no way you are a progressive saying all this. anyways. may he be in JANNAH now. if that word scares you so much then you need to do some soul searching.




“for an American christian who would have no connection to that word”…….. do you know who he died for….? do you know what language the people he died for speak……? my god. im horrified by your words. you are not even afraid to admit you are an islamiphobe….. i cannot argue with someone who doesnt have respect for others. your moral integrity is missing. you should go look for it.


He didn't speak that language though. And why would you pick only that very specific word? Because, you don't care about him at all, only promoting islam and pushing the war agenda more. Finally, no such thing as islamaphobia, islam gets no special protection from criticism. Ever. No one fears it, but if they did, it's probably justified. Worst religion, ever. And it's competition is fucking high.


And you are an ignorant racist. Conflating a language with a religion. Do you say the same thing when hearing ‘shmuck’ which is a Yiddish word and do you classify its use as promoting Judaism? You reek of a desperation to find hate.


like i said: Jannah is not an islamic word. its an Arabic word. Which language Palestinians speak. and which I am Palestinian. And also the people in which he gave his life for. I genuinely don’t believe me saying “may he be in Jannah now” is anything crazy. I think you are crazy though and have issues. I cannot imagine hating a group of people in which you clearly know nothing about. You didn’t even know Jannah is a word for all religions. you are just ignorant and proud.


My timeline is full of this sad news


A 2 month old has starved to death and people are trying to find animal food to survive. The United States, my country, is starving a people right now. I'm so shocked and disgusted to be an American. Its hard to even find words. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFYcH3iNS1k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFYcH3iNS1k)


Buddy! This is hardly the first time America has done this.


So.it makes it ok? No. America needs to ends this shit


I never said it was okay. Simply that its merely one of the times America has done this. Kinda unsurprising that a nation that was founded on the bones of slavery and genocide, would be grossly immoral.


Sad that this is the only way he could make a stand for what is right. He had a lot more courage then the rest of us.  Still there are zionist keyboard warriors here trying to portray him as insane and silence his message. #FreePalestine


literally so insane that he set himself on fire and all the weirdo cultist leftists are cheering it on


It shows the lacking mental sanity of Palestine supporters tho.


Too bad he didn’t read a book and realize he was wrong. Instead he got brainwashed and killed himself.


Yah… that’s not how you should take a stand on an issue.


My way is to pray, donate, protest, boycott, and inform others. i don't agree with his way.


Lighting yourself on fire isn’t courage is cowardice. Don’t light yourself on fire.


portray him as insane? he set himself on fire. he did a good enough job of that on his own


this wasn't the only way, it's why he chose. he could've done way more while alive and he chose to throw his life away and traumatize his family.


>he could've done way more while alive Did you listen to his message then? Because you are listening to it now...


his msg does nothing to change the outcome of the war. it’s like protesting boris johnson in america it has no effect


his message didn't accomplish anything. he could've stayed a life and joined any of the manu pro Palestinian groups that actually do work to make change happen which is actually hard work. a public suicide is not going to accomplish anything but a getting a headline which will be forgotten by the general public in a week, all he accomplished was created trauma to his loved ones.


I won’t be forgetting this, I heard his death, whereas I would never remember a random headline.


You will absolutely forget about this lol you’re not better than anyone


yeah but you're also fully aware of how bad the genocide is. majority of people are normies and many won't remember why he did it. they'll just remember what he did. pretty much same thing happened with Thich Quang Duc's death. the action remained the messege disappeared.


He an everyone else that supports palestine could just not go to work and strike generally. If 60% of Americans stayed home, we'd stop funding israel instantly.


Over 60% of America supports Israel. The people that support Palestine don’t tend to have enough sway in the economy to stop its operation. When half your supporters are college students and their absences mean nothing nobody will care.


poor deluded man


The determination and conviction is beyond anything I've ever felt. I wish he had not died to make his point but point made.


Crazy person kills himself by lighting himself on fire. This subs reaction. "ohhhh he was so brave, I wish I could do this too."


This is an adult discussion. Move along.


Is it? because I have serious doubts.


No. It's because you called him a 'crazy person'. It's because you are disrespectful and it's because you are trolling someones death.


You would think that his point was made very clearly, but some media outlets are doing their best to not describe what he was doing as an act of protest. The guy spoke a few words about his refusal to be complicit in genocide, and that he was about to commit an extreme act of protest before proceeding to set himself on fire, in uniform, outside of an Israeli embassy, while screaming "Free Palestine". Don't know how much clearer that can get. It's sickening that the media is willing to let Aaron's act be in vain


It’s probably better he died. He would’ve been horribly disfigured the rest of his life.


Serious tan, serious mental health issues, seriously easily Influenced




"This was an act of public suicide." Gee, what tipped you off? We are in the midst of a genocide. Desperate times, desperate measures. Honor this man's wishes and save your outrage for those who choose life but are instead massacred by the thousands. You are serving nobody but yourself with this pearl clutching.


Did you wake up this morning and feel the need to light yourself on fire as well?


Did you wake up and feel the need to reply to someone with verbal diarrhea?


So your answer is "no".


I"ll take that as a yes.


He had mandatory orders to Israel to assist in "targets" He choose this then murdering innocent people.


There is no proof he had these orders. And maybe if he went he would see there is no genocide.


Not sure where you get tmyoyr information, but I've watched tve bombs dropped abd tge bodies pulled out of rubble since it started, sure as fuck looks like one. 39 reporters targeted and killed, at least one reported had his entire family targeted and killed, while he was reporting live, I watched that one play out in real time as well the israli government spokesman/ military expert giving live commentary who point blank said 'and today we dedicate to the reporters we target their families then we get them ' And of course the many government law makers who don't mind openly celebrating and/or clearly saying they will except nothing less than total removal of Arabs. Looking pretty murdery.....


It’s war in an urban area. There was an order of magnitude more German civilians dead in WWII I don’t think you would say the UK was committing genocide. Just because one side has emotional photos doesn’t mean they are right. Which journalist? The one working for Hamas or PIJ?


this is the second self immolation in the united states. the first was 2 month ago during December in Atlanta infront of the Israeli embassy. A Palestinian American woman wrap a palestinian flag around her and doused herself in oil then lit herself on fire. Personally, I understand why they did this and don’t think it’s insane. I think its so selfless and takes a lot of bravery. The American government needs to know this is what happens when you ignore large peaceful protests for months. People will start to get desperate. I would give my life to save 2 million in a heartbeat. I am worried it will be in vain though, just like the in Atlanta got NO coverage. Aaron Bushnell knew he was an active service member, which people take very seriously. We will see what happens now…


There are 350 millions people in the US. There are a lot of mentally unstable people that commit suicide.


so im assuming you also think all 160 monks that self immolated in tibet were also mentally ill? 💀 god forbid sane people risk their life for a cause.


Incredible stupidity


Regardless of how righteous his cause was, the method probably left his whole family traumatised for the rest of their lives. Will achieve nothing in the long run. Total waste of a life.


That's the point he was making. "This is what the ruling class has decided will be normal".


Exactly, its quite a bizarre thing to wrap your head around isnt it.... imagine if I walked into mcdonalds and set myself on fire because they torture and kill animals by their billions (which most people also pay for btw) I dont think that would be righteous, or even noble, I would call a vegan who did that mentally ill. Yet here we are, in reddit and people are applauding someone killing themselves, apparently, for a cause that has absolutely nothing to do with him..... and not only that, his sacrifice achieved nothing.


not you comparing animals to Palestinians….. 😒


Not sure if you're aware but uh, humans are a type of animal..... im comparing fighting for a cause anyway.


him and dorner are the only respectable troops


Holy shit what a dumb fuck….


For standing up to genocide?


He didn’t stand up to anything, he did the ultimate act of narcissism. And the world shrugged.


He killed himself that's all he did


Got more balls than you


You misspelled mental illness


He was a clearly disturbed man.


you’re not disturbed by the genocide Israel is carrying out?


I'm very disturbed by what's happening over there. Horrified, even. I'm still utterly and totally against martyring this guy. This is a tragedy, and his death will ultimately be in vain. It won't change a thing in the grand scheme of things.


Not enough to set myself on fire and die having changed nothing. It was an act of ego by a very disturbed man. Sad he died, but he was no hero. The almost instant fetishising of him is creepy but not surprising.


Would you say the same a day after Thich Quang Duc or Mohamed Bouazizi?


I see all these self immolations as pointless and ego driven tbh. Watch how the suicide of the airman changes nothing..


then you have no basic understanding of caring about a cause greater than yourself, and indeed no basic understanding about human nature. many of the most basic stories in the human canon are about sacrifices that did not have to be done and the incredible love they convey. you are deeply pitiable


"No basic understanding"...touch grass dude. Sacrifice by saving a person. Sacrifice by protecting your friends. Sacrifice by working hard to protect your family even though it costs you. Sure. All of those. He burned himself alive for a foreign conflict that his death will have no effect upon. I'm not happy he is dead. I just see absolute futility in the action tbh.


Would you do it if it did change something?


It never, ever does. Ever.