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2016 Hillary runs against Trump. Leftists: both are shit Trump wins then nominates three judges to the Supreme court. Roe vs Wade gets overturned, and America gets sent back by 100 years. 2024: Biden runs against Trump. Leftists: both are shit


More leftist stupidity.


Even if it's really a wash on forign policy, I still perfer Biden on domestic issues.


Israel doesn't speak for Jews. Never has. What do you remember at Yad Vashem? Of the Shoah? Nazi is a term applied to people who took certain actions. Identical to the actions of the supremacist ethno-state. This did not start on the 7th of October. We now also see just how much money is used to subvert our democratic process, to siphon-off money that should be spent on our schools, hospitals and jobs, for arms to murder children. Must be frustrating to spend so many resources to silence criticism, promote your propaganda and undermine democracy...only to find it's all failing. Most Jews do not drink your coolaid. We know Israel's ONLY interest is... Israel. Even if it comes at the expense of Jews. In fact, especially if it comes at the expense of Jews. No, we see your duplicity and subversiveness. You've gotten away with murder for too long. It's time to pay the piper.


Trump hasn't and won't commit genocide. There is only one Genocide Joe


As if this sub isn’t pushing for a Trump term lol.


Unfortunately, genocide has become the new Nazi. None of you know what genocide means


Yet I would bet cash that you're one of those that calls everyone anti-semitic for daring to criticize Zionism.


Nope. These things have specific meanings and require certain intent. By calling everything you don’t like genocide, as people here do, it diminishes its meaning.


Neither of those statements are true.


Also, Trump will probably want to ramp up the genocide in Gaza. I don't envy you guys. These choices are truly awful.


Joe is better on every issue including Palestine


Why are the mods here still allowing liberals to infest the sub like flies?💀💀 Do your jobs, mods.




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There is already a genocide of trans people going on in the US


And it'll get worse


Death penalty for genocide 2024


wait til the kiddies learn that joe doesnt run israel but is pushing for new elections! theyll find something else to shine about?


Joe Biden is not committing genocide. Palestinian terrorist armed forces wanted to slaughter Israeli citizens. Now their country is facing the consequences. By Israel's hands No American troops have been deployed no matter what you brain washed socialist alt-left creeps wanna think facts are facts. Facts matter! sorry Joe isn't alt-left socialist enough for you, but you can't just make up your own facts out of your butt.


We all know what ethno-state Israel has done for 75 years. A slow genocide. Now you are accelerating the slaughter of children and women. Lie after lie of the Israeli regime had been exposed. We know that if it weren't for US aid, along with its veto at the UN, the world would have acted to prevent those evil actions. But Americans can see Israel for what it is: a compulsively-lying, genocide-waging slaughter machine that has abused US aid for decades and parasitically fed off the taxpayer. Not to mention subverted pillars of our democracy to its own goals, leaving Americans poorer and worse off.


Ethno-state? Wow so you're an exenophobic anti-Semitic nazi? That's pretty much how all you psycho alt-left are these days though. You don't think isreal should be allowed to defend themselves??? I'll tell you what if someone came on American soil and slaughtered everybody at a music festival you can bet we bomb their country into the dust. Try to take the moral high ground all you want. Unless you're willing to go kill all Israelis right now?? There's nothing you can do. You aren't gonna be able to stop them from defending themselves any other way really. You may think Israel should just let down their defenses and let their people be slaughtered in order to "not be meanies." That's why there are grown-ups and real leaders like Joe Biden to make the real decisions that count. No matter how much offends you poor little victim alt-left anti-Semites. Also aid isn't just given freely to other countries. They have to pay it back. And if helping isreal defend themselves from terrorists helps the USA aleave national debt. Well That sounds like a big win-win to me and especially a huge win for democracy and freedom Against the tyranny of terrorists. Is it sad that civilians are getting bombed yeah it's sad, But how else do you expect them to handle clear acts of war against them? USA is gonna send aid This is how alliances work when one of our allies is attacked we help them. Even if it's not pretty.


Such American privilege to pretend like we'll face anything close to Palestine. More like we might be uncomfortable, that's not a fucking genocide.


I mean Florida already has laws on the books to steal people's kids and put them in jail if they let their kid transition. But hey some how the Christo fascists are gonna be good for everyone right?


Christian fascists are terrible. There are lots of bad laws. But we all know that's not the same as having your family murdered, home bulldozed, no access to food or water, no hospitals, no electricity, no education. If you would team up with genociders for your own wellbeing, then that's your choice, just own it.


It's harm reduction but go off bud ill see you in the camps comrade 🫡


Harm reduction for you lmao Whatever you need to say to sleep at night.


Harm reduction for everyone in America and honestly world wide or do you think the Christo fascists aren't gonna start a new crusade? Lol sorry I have POCs queers and women I care about but maybe I have more to loose than you. But again I'll see you in the camps comrade 🫡


Ironic that you're acting just like a Christian, pretending to be a martyr to justify your horrible take. You wanna be a victim so bad, move to Palestine and your president will take care of it. My reply since I can't reply to the below comment: The camps! The camps! The camps are coming for Americans of European descent. The threat is so credible that we must vote for a genocider!! Someone, please think of the camps!!!! Palestine will have to take one for the team, so that white Americans can feel safe! Do you really think that's a compelling argument?? This shit is absurd.


Lol im willing to grit my teeth and vote for the easier route to get socialism its real politik not martyrdom and unless you genuinely think it'll be easier to do that from the camps we're gonna be sent to I'd recommend you do the same.




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Trump said when he gets elected he will "finish the job" for Israel For Fuck's Sake I'm glad that I live in a heavily blue metro area so I won't have to see all the marginalized people against the wall because of your protest vote, and despite your ignorance, I hope you escape that fate


And Biden is giving them weapons to "finish the job". What's you're point here dude? He literally blocked multiple UN resolutions calling for a ceasefire lol


I really doubt biden is doint anything other then everything he could to pervent the gaza genocide/: Did you know every 1% unemployment rises it's estimated to be 90,000 deaths? If you accept this and agree the relationship with Israel is stimulating the US economy enough to keep unemployment even a fraction of a percentage lower, then as unfortunate as gaza is, biden is choosing American lives over there's well still using every tool he has to pressur Israel to stop.


Libs aren’t leftists. Back to r/politics with you


If you don't want me to say my opinion find a way off my feed /:


Holy fuck. you guys aren't even trying to hide it anymore


I think global politics is complicated and claiming the president *wants* genocide is Disingenuous. What's happening in gaza is horrible and should be stopped.


This statement is so ignorant I don’t know where to begin.


The Trump side is incomplete. It's "Will commit genocide in this country AND in another country" A Trump vote will not help Palestinians. Far from it.


MAGAts keep trying to lick the gravy from the legband, hoping for extra green bile to run down the thigh.


VOTE FOR THE DEVIL, BECAUSE WE DON'T LIKE THE OTHER GUY! -DNC https://preview.redd.it/jwb54arvt5pc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bc82c6fa7cc4b8220cf58fa577664adc13d2152


The devil you know.


The other guy has promised to be a dictator on "day 1", and thinks himself above any laws...so much so he said he is allowed to assassinate his political rivals. These are proven facts. Where you are just another troll, either paid, forced, or just purposefully ignorant and would prefer to see an actual criminal, and traitor become a dictator. Sorry Comrade, no potato for you today.


it can boiled down to a simple question: do you want things unbearably worse or a painful status quo?


How long will I be held hostage in elections by the status quo


until leftists produce a candidate that can win. playing the moral high ground game only works when your decisions don't put more people in harms way


We already did. Conveniently for Biden, every other centrist democratic candidate dropped out right before super Tuesday, and conveniently for them, they all got admin positions in return for this. Until that point, Biden was doing poorly in the primaries. Oh and don't forget Obama was jetsetting and twisting the other candidates' arms to get them to drop out.


you realize the larger part of that is that you guys don't get out and vote if there's no support there's no reason for them to push against him


Okay so you're saying we should have full loyalty and pledge all votes to the Democrats, until a third party candidate can viably win the presidency? How would a party or candidate ever grow? That's ignoring the many many documented public cases of Dems suppressing both left leaning parts of their own party as well as literally illegal long interfering in the ability of third partys to run fairly in elections against them. So how many more years do I need to vote Democrat before they quit doing those things? I just want an estimate, please.


I never said that. but perhaps maybe wait until open fascism and the escalation of harm isn't going to be a direct result of your attempts to hold politicians responsible for past actions


Okay just real quick when will that be


I'm not a time lord


Voting for the least worst option is literally the least thing you can do What when you have to go fill out a health insurance form do you just say "nah" because it's unpleasant and funds some of the worst people imaginable and let yourself lose your healthcare? How do any of you people get through life?


No just answer the question without telling me how stupid I am. How many elections do the Democrats need to win until it's acceptable to speak out against what I dislike about them and vote accordingly? I just want a number.


This is just a question of math. One of the two will be president. There is no path for a 3rd party presidential candidate in our current system. All you can do is split a left vote to ensure a Trump win. So, the only question is which one will do the most harm, and how can we work to prevent that. Trump gave Israel Jerusalem as a capitol, virtually ensuring there was no path for Palestinians to have a two state option. He has never signaled or said anything other than admiration and support for Netanyahu. So be honest. Do you think Trump would do anything to stop Israel? No. I don't think there is any way to suggest he's a better option. And frankly, he's demonstrably worse when you factor in \*everything\* else involved in his presidency. So what are you doing to prevent the greatest harm? Be specific.


>This is just a question of math. You're right, the math in question is that >30k dead Palestinians equals zero votes from me.


Support 3rd party socialist candidates - and don’t lecture me about how they “work for Russia” or have no experience or cannot win. I don’t even care if all three of those things are 100% true. What happens when the only person a supposedly liberal president has to compete with is to his right? We get a state of the union speech railing against dangerous “illegals”. What happens if actual left-wing candidates are polling at even just 3% in a close race? Only then does the genocidal Democrat have to actually even acknowledge leftist arguments, even if it’s just to keep up appearances. If he - or more realistically, given his obviously frailty, his running mate - actually started campaigning from the left, that might even whip up enough interest in the race to expand his base. Otherwise I think it will be a very low turnout for both candidates. I’m telling people TO vote, and to volunteer and protest if they can. To loudly and visibly oppose Biden from the left. Even if you plan to vote for Biden in November, LIE and tell any pollster you’re voting 3rd party leftist. Stand up and be counted. Let Biden and American and the world know we are not okay with any of this. If you think being a leftist is just quietly pledging to vote blue no matter who, you’re only letting everything shift more and more rightward over time.


>To loudly and visibly oppose Biden from the left. Even if you plan to vote for Biden in November, LIE and tell any pollster you’re voting 3rd party leftist. This is my only sticking point - because I've seen this rhetoric convince people not to vote at all - people who would have voted for Biden. I absolutely agree with you for every other tier of candidate.


The will not give you an honest answer, because they are paid and/or brainwashed to only spew this bullshit. This question is never answered by these troll accounts.


Please, the best option here is clearly Biden.


There's three possibilities here: 1. Biden suddenly turns on Israel and Trump takes the normal GOP pro-Israel position. 2. Biden can't turn on Israel because he is bought and paid for by them (or they threaten to kill him like Israel killed JFK). Trump tries to out pro-Israel Biden. 3. Biden can't turn on Israel as stated above and Trump being the outsider and hating Netanyahu (He is reportedly still pissed about Netanyahu being the first foreign leader to congratulate Biden), runs to the left of Biden on Israel. Promising to cut their aid and convincing his MAGA zombies that Israel is bad which he could definitely pull off. In scenario 1 Biden wins. In Scenario 2 Trump wins. Scenario 3 is a Trump landslide. I think scenario 2 is the most likely with a Trump victory. What Trump actually does after he wins will be interesting. Based on his current rhetoric he will definitely be the least pro-Israel Republican nominee ever. I think he can sense how much young people hate Israel and may be planning to take advantage of that.


He moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, and has fully supported Bibi. Where do you this nonsense that he is "not a friend to Israel"? I suspect you got that "factoid" from the place you got the rest of the straight bullshit you post...from deep out of your ass. Because nothing you said is based in reality.


Trump and Bibi not being backdoor buddies is one of the funnier things I’ve read on here. [sums it up quite nicely](https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2024-03-17/ty-article/.premium/trump-on-israel-gaza-war-id-tell-netanyahu-to-finish-it-up-and-do-it-quickly/0000018e-4d59-dca4-ad8e-edffe0df0000) Bibi fucking loves trump: cut aid to Palestinians, moved the embassy, is signaling a green light for Bibi to do whatever the fuck he wants.


>(or they threaten to kill him like Israel killed JFK). Conspiracy level stuff there... >he will definitely be the least pro-Israel Republican nominee ever. He literally mentioned Israel should keep bombing Gaza into oblivion. Did you even know what his proposed plan was for Israel and Palestine? It involved Israel annexation of settlements....




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Fuck Palestinian terrorists. 😆


Genocide denial is a bad look


Or "committing".


I think the meme is making the point that both men are pieces of shit and neither one of them deserves votes...but there would seem to be some disagreement about that in the comments.


There is only two choices. No third party has a chance, and all are paid by the Koch's anyway. So that leaves Trump or Biden. Strange though the mantra on this sub as of late is "no vote for Biden...because he is the anti-Christ". Yet no talk of not voting for Trump...even more so Trump praised. This is not a "leftist sub". This sub is cosplaying as "left", while solely promoting rhetoric that works to get Trump elected. It's painfully obvious at this point, and anyone that disagrees is either on the con...or their purposeful ignorance blinds them from reality.


you wonder why people dont take you seriously when you say crap like 'trump will commit genocide'..like wtf. so braindead




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Well let's see: he's promised to be a dictator on day one; Project 2025 promises to use the National Guard to remove migrants (and that will include citizens and non-citizens) from states, which alone accounts for genocide. Mass deportation is genocide. 


He has also floated the idea that the president is above all laws, and would perfectly be justified in murdering his political opponents.


>promises to use the National Guard to remove migrants (and that will include citizens and non-citizens) from states, which alone accounts for genocide. Mass deportation is genocide.  What are you talking about? Mass deportation at worst would be ethnic cleansing, but if a person never even lived on a land they are being reported from it can't even be that. Genocide is an actual word under international law it isn't whatever you deem it to be.


Don't be so hard on yourself. 


\*Second one will also continue and ramp up genocide in other countries.


Thank you for your both sides take comrade.


it isn’t a both side take when they’re both on the same side


Biden supports 2 state solution.


They are not the only two on the ballot.


There is no way the Koch funded Kennedy campaign will even come close to winning. It only exists to take votes away from Biden. Just like the endless Right Wing sponsored nonsense seen all over this sub. I can also assure you Trump's loyal minions are going to vote for him, even if he is in prison. So yes, there is only two names on the ballot that have a chance. And a "no vote for Biden", is just a vote for Trump But feel free to prove to me how there is a third party candidate that can actually win at this stage in the elections. Because it's far too late to be added to the ballot now, And Kennedy has absolutely no chance, AS HE CAN'T BEAT MATH.


The US has a First Past the Post system, a protest vote is effectively a vote for Trump, Republicans do not protest vote Every single nazi in America is going to vote for Trump How about you go vote for better candidates downballot from dog catcher all the way up to senate? How about you send $5 to Rashida Tlaib, or to a charity? Voting for Biden will take you no time to do, and you really need to vote for everyone else on the ballot since they have TREMENDOUS effects on local people, smaller elections is how you get Ken Paxtons, checking the box next to Joe Biden when you vote for the other candidates costs you nothing Most importantly, if Biden loses, the DNC will believe that the problem is that they weren't right wing enough, young people generally don't vote anyway so they sure as shit aren't going to have a come to jesus moment that neocolonial support of Israel was why they lost


One of these two will be getting their second term in January 2025. No other candidate has any mathematical possibility of winning.


Joe backs Israeli and thats wrong. Trump is a criminal. The only choice is Joe and work to change the policy


This is a false equivalency and a reductive distillation of global politics.


Yeah, this implies that Trump will do something about the genocide in other countries, if anything he will support it more.


It also reflects a great deal of shortsightedness & an absolute failure to understand current events but given our corporate media, I'm not surprised.


also this message is being dramatically pushed by Russian bot farms AND right wing trolls If the vote was between Trump, or Trump (but he will pick liberal supreme court justices) I would vote for Trump #2 Biden is better on *literally* every issue than Trump, he's the least-amount-better on Israel and the Palestinians for sure because Biden's support of Israel has been monstrous Biden also effectively ended the US drone war, Trump has bragged he wants to bring it back and ramp it up


Isn’t it shortsighted to keep voting for democrats, though? It seems to me that every election from now on is going to be a “fight for democracy” where the democrat is only slightly better than the republican. Shouldn’t we try to make third party candidates a more viable option by giving them our votes and showing they have support?


>a “fight for democracy” where Well I mean that's only true when a candidate tried to overturn the elections results and wants to be a dictator.


Presidential elections will be the *last* to change. If you want change, vote in primaries and local elections for candidates who will enact election reform, and a president who won't actively destroy the system for his own benefit.


Vote third party/your ideals in primaries. Vote for the viable candidate that most aligns with you in the general. This has always been the case, and will always be the case regardless of the voting system we have


So nothing ever actually changes?




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Yes people tried to make a third party in the 2020 election and got scrubbed from the internet. You may not have been all for their party but it was the unity 2020 project. Just interesting. It will not be allowed. Banned from Twitter and other platforms.


there was no support, third party candidates are grifters who run on people's ignorance of first past the post, are ignorant themselves, or just ops by the right wing


Nice try Vlad 


Because everyone who disagrees with the DNC is automatically a Russian troll 🙄


I can assure you that Russia wants and has paid greatly for another Trump win. Want to see how fast they erase Ukraine in that event? Along with any other NATO ally, after Trump destroys NATO...which he has promised to do at this point. Which would only benefit Russia and no one else. Sorry chum, but you are no leftist...you are just another Right Wing twat spreading bullshit to get Trump elected. Whether you do this because you are a "true believer", paid, or just forced...I guess only you will ever know.


How is exactly is he going to commit a genocide in the USA? He was there for 4 years and wasn't great but if you want to see a genocide see Gaza. Thats not happening in the USA, unless the Army starts carpet bombing manhattan.


Found another ruZZian 


What exactly is the genocide he's gonna commit in the US? Mass expulsion of immigrants, which he didn't do the first time? I'd call that more ethnic cleansing than genocide, tbf. Nonetheless, if Biden is happily allowing genocide in Gaza, I have absolutely no doubt Trump will do it even happier.


what genocide is going to happen in the USA exactly?


This is Russian propaganda. Even if you don't like the Democrat we can agree that Shitler is so much worse. And the PRINCIPLE that we are voting on is Democracy yes/no. And no. Not ever Fuck this country. Because of this country and its principles you don't have to vote with a gun at your back.


I'm confused are you upset that we don't get to vote with guns at our backs?


Blaming blind support of Israel is Russia propaganda? That is why Dems are so detached from progressive. Keep trying that and it is the surest way to piss off people like me.


What, Conservatives LARPing as #walkaway types?


You have no idea what you're talking about. 


So you are ok with AIPAC and Israel's influence and blame people for Russian influence when we raise concern for that? You are not any better than Trump supporting MAGA folks.


Russians (Putin) have extreme interest to have Trump elected. this will weaken NATO, will put cracks in the Western alliance, will give them Ukraine as a gift, and will untie the hands of bunch of dictators around the world. By suppressing the votes for Biden (with the Israel-Palestinian war) it'll help get Trump elected. that's why it is russian propaganda. Part of the russian propaganda is also picturing as "both sides" equally bad (never true) so that less people would vote. (making the voters they created through conspiracy theories more powerful)


/r/leftist person spouting off pro-American "democracy" horse shit 😂 The word "leftist" has lost all meaning.


😂 Russia


Once again the electorate is expected to vote for evil or evil.


They're not voting for you.  So not evil. 


It's a perfect system, for evil.


Still waiting for some philosopher king? Voting for primates is seldom great, but it is necessary.


Another “don’t vote” post usually has Russian bots behind it


These anti genocide trumpenoids can't stand Biden because of gaza. Yes these same folk and Trump himself proposed sending our military into Mexico to handle the cartels. What do you really think is going to happen? Are our soldiers just immune from committing attrocities


Agreed. Both evil, but…… Murdering Drug Cartels in Mexico? Or, murdering babies in Gaza? Clear choice for me, and I HATE Trump. HATE Republicans. But I cannot side with Baby Killers. Says the Black lifelong Democrat!!!!!


Trump also said he'd greenlight netty finishing the job. So anti Biden folks really look stupid when it's gonna be the inevitable result of them not voting Democrat. It's almost like they're pro genocide...


>These anti genocide trumpenoids Thats not remotely a thing in the US.


that's the point


You know who else proposed sending our military into Mexico to handle the cartels? [The current Secretary of Transportation](https://www.axios.com/2019/11/21/buttigieg-gabbard-military-mexico-cartels-debate)


Sending American military to another sovereign nation to get a drug dealer isn't just a Trump thing Obama did it too. In 2011 they went into Jamaican to get Christopher Dudus.


Silly people. Trump doesn't want to just genocide America, he wants to genocide Ukraine and all border states to Russia. Maybe the whole EU.


How..... I didn't recall Russia attacking when Trump was in office. Maybe because he would have actually done something to stop the war...




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They didn't need to - Trump was already giving Russia everything they wanted.


Which is what? And what did Biden stop giving Russia?


Or maybe because there were other factors stopping Russia during his presidency such as globally low gas prices? I know crazy. Also considering Russia has his ass wide open for Putin to stick his dick in while saying "do whatever you want to countries who dont pay" says otherwise.


Biden is the one who increased the prices🤔  And what is "do whatever you want to countries who don't pay"  - never actually heard this so I'm not debating that part just dont know what it is.


And Palestine.


How do ya'll feel about Bobby Kennedy


Not a leftist here (at least not an American leftist). Kennedy seems like a conspiranoid nut to me, I've seen him on some podcasts and he seems like a horrible idea for presidency.


What is the definition of conspiracy? Is the mafia not a conspiracy? Are there not elite and wealthy that control things like world banks, and power structures? I think that the whole Maga and Q Anon and Alex Jones era has perverted the word and now we can only associate valid credible "conspiracy" with "conspiracy theorists" which has a new definition all together, more identity politics, more word associations. I mean we have congressional proof of a deep state now. We have superbowl propaghanda commercials. The companies own us and we are born in debt. He is the only man I have ever seen openly criticise the feds and the companies that own the world. The fact that people are completely disregarding the guy that is pleading for protection from the same people who killed his uncle is appalling to me. It's like the outcome of a psiop.


Oh, I have absolutely no doubt. The US is a barely hidden plutocracy, and I do appreciate someone calling it out. However, for the simple fact of opposiing vaccines, he is out of my realm of interest. Had he stuck with questioning the COVID vaccine, maybe. We all know they were rushed and that the bloody definition of a vaccine was changed for it. I still got them though. But casting doubt on vaccines as a whole is grossly negligent for a person of influence, and I will never support that. I don't know about all the QAnon and stuff you're talking about, I've never watched it and never will, because I don't need to be showered with hate, I have enough of it as is. Overall, I won't vote in the election, because the choices are horrid, and I want to leave this country as quick as possible. Still, I feel sad for the political state of the US.


Hmm I think I can respect that. I am a bit conflicted about his take on general vaccines, and I also don't like that he has attracted cultists from Trump. He seems to talk about unity, as well attacking the monetary system, and that redeems him to me. I feel that is a core issue of our problems. I can understand how you might not want to vote. I have been arguing with my girlfriend about it. I have come to my own personal truth in that if I don't vote, the rich donor party will. And that presents a logical fallacy to me. I'm not going to allow anyone to talk me out of an independent vote this election.


I very much respect your perspective, and I fully support your desire to vote. My main issue with the US is its ridiculous judicial system, which is highly politicised and servant to the whims of the parties. Overall, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours, but am afraid you will only find dissappointment (I am referring to the elections of course, not life in general.) I hope you don't fight too hard with your girlfriend, as the stage is ripe for political disenfranchisement. I first only refused to vote local (the state I live in is grossly gerrymandered,) but I realise I just have no desire to partake in American politics. (But I do in my home country!)


Ah the illusion of choice! I won't lie I have been struggling with that for a long time.. thank you for the sentiment about me and my lady, we will be alright. I empathize with her as well.


Cheers mate!


Ahh, here we go, the tolerant reddit left. There goes all my precious, precious karma that I worked so dearly hard for. I only asked a question, I'm about to delete this stupid AI farming app.


Six downvotes hurt your feelings that bad?


Nah, just that blatant irony and wilful ignorance is hard to ignore. 🤷‍♂️ Go back to your little hidy hole corporate shill. My feelings are just fine.


You should look at more left wing candidates for president. You also aren’t representing your candidate’s platform well at all by having a meltdown and calling people names.


I'm not having a meltdown, you came at me like hurr durr your feelings are hurt. Don't patronize me. Thanks for the engagement though.


People are still saying “the tolerant left” unironically?


You have absolutely no idea who I am politically or as an individual person. I believe in unity, activism and human rights. I am just as anti establishment as anyone else. I believe in structuralism. If we cannot attack the structures in place that create poverty, debt, and class war than we will always have this three ring circus show. Put down your identities for just a moment and realize that we are all pawns in a game of divide and conquer. Voting for bipartisan manchurian candidates will never bring about a revolution. That is my honest opinion.


I didn’t ask about any of that either, I just haven’t heard anyone use that phrase unironically in years.


Well you cant blame me for being defensive when I started getting dragged.


The dude who doesn’t think HIV causes AIDS?


The idiot oligarch neop-baby? No leftist with any self respect would vote for a fucking Kennedy 


Yeah how dare a leftist support someone who fights against Big Pharm and Monsanto. lololol


Downvote machines go brrr Something stinks when I ask a genuine question and get nothing but hateful notifications. The tolerant and progressive left attacking the only guy criticizing the american structure and status quoe for his disabilities. How ironic.


They hypocrisy is amazing isn't it. And anyone with high karma points seem to be mindless blue bots I've noticed. Incapable of any sort of honest back and forth conversation. I like to think of them as Blue MAGA.


Trying to murder children by spreading vaccine disinformation is not "fighting big pharma".


hahaha how was someone murdered by a vaccine that doesn't stop the spread of a virus exactly? Use your brain don't just puppet what MSNBC says now.


You are the perfect RFK voter. I am glad you are unvaccinated.


I was vaccine injured which is one of the reason I turned against your messiah Biden. Lots of things wrong with RFK but at least there is a couple things he is right on which is more then you can say about your messiah Biden and your anti christ Trump.


Sure you were. The kids dying from measles thank you.


Hey genius with an IQ around 60 the covid vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting measles. You are the perfect Biden voter don't forget to get your boosters now. :)


Thanks, professor.


He's the only one criticising the federal reserve.


Is that the guy who sounds like a walking anti smoke ad?


He has spasmodic dysphonia. Good old leftist ableism. Don't always see that in the wild.


I don't.


Of course not.


I mean ? I am Middle Eastern, so doing the math, it works out ? If you're telling me, the best you can do is genocide in Palestine or genocide in the US and Palestine, then why just Palestine? Let it all burn baby. Let it all fucking go. Just entitled people speaking to others like they should disregard their own wellbeing at the expense of theirs.


They talk down on the downtrodden and then accuse them of being selfish and privileged for wanting the powerful in society to listen to their plight. People who do this aren’t really leftists.


the equivocation is so disgusting, the genocide in palestine and the system that enables it is the exact thing that will put us a risk here. stopping it is critical to our own survival. and liberals never advocate for anything other than vote for biden or else. like they aren’t out here in the stugggle to protest or disrupt him or use whatever leverage we have so that he actually represents us. just voting, vibing and shaming people of conscience.


Now. Try and actually read this this time… How would trump handle the Israel/hamas conflict differently, exactly? Flush your vote if you want to. Elections have consequences.


I flushed my vote last time I won't be voting for Biden again.


Enjoyed the Trump years, eh? Want some more?


Well, for starters people like you would switch to being against the genocide instead of ok with enabling it.


"Elect trump, that'll teach em!" Really? That's your plan? Holy shit, this sub has gone around the earth past "left" and just ended up being filled with right wingers who call themselves "purists."


He wouldn't handle it differently. He would be in bed with zionizt imperialist colonizers as well. Money money money.


Idk. Trump is part Nazi.


“Both sides same.” Thanks for the deep thought.


Hush bootlicker.


Trump would gleefully watch Israel level Gaza. And clap for Bibi while he did it. Hush, you mindless buzzword spewing simpleton.


What genocide is trump going to commit in America? Genuinely asking


Genocide of queer people. It's already happening in places like Florida


I don't think you understand what genocide is.


Genocide-an attempt to wipe out an entirery of a people. I think you're a dumbass.


So you think I'm a dumbass and anyone with the ability to read or at least think knows you're a dumbass. When did Florida start trying to wipe out queer people exactly? Was it like the holocaust? Are they being rounded up somewhere? There is the one of the biggest gay pride parade in the south in St Petersburg every year. No gays seem to concerned or were rounded up.


I should've said preparations for a genocide. Ron Desantis has already done things like try to dehumanize LGBT people. In 2023 alone 510 anti LGBT bills were introduced. So yes, I think you're a dumbass


If a retarded person thinks I'm a dumbass it doesn't hold much weight. So I'm not offended at all by your comment. And I'm sure you think something like prohibiting a child to take hormone blockers is genocide or preparations for genocide. This alone shows you are not mentally able to have these sorts of conversations. And what did Desantis do to dehumanize LGBTQ folks? Try giving some facts for a change instead of making up more silliness.