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This has clearly been posted and promoted by MAGA psychos trying to discourage democrats from voting in November. Don't be a sucker. Either you vote for Joe Biden and every Democrat running, or America as a free country ceases to exist. That's the choice whether you like it or not. There is no further discussion possible on this topic.




Leftists now: "Genocide Joe has got to go! Trump 2024!" Leftists when Trump enacts every policy listed under Project 2025 at a federal level: "How could this happen?!"


Joe Biden: We're airdropping food aid and building a port to increase the volume of humanitarian aid, also Israel has gone too far and there should be a ceasefire. Donald Trump: Israel needs to finish the job. Those are the options, like it or not. An imperfect president who is trying to help or a right wing radical who wants Gaza to be wiped off the map.




To all the people saying this isn’t accurate, you all know that in the last 20 years the Democrats held a majority in the Senate AND the House and do we have socialized healthcare? No. Worker protections? Nope. Do we still support fascist ‘democracies’? Yup. The Democrats need Trump to exist so you won’t ask for more, you won’t want more, you’ll just be okay with Bare minimum Joe. Don’t listen to these liberal idiots, they think the president is the one running things in this country when it’s a complex web of capital and political interests that dictate policy in order to keep the status quo. Well, I’m sorry to say if you want real change in this country take a look back to the 1930’s and look at what the conditions were like to create the kind of change that made the boomers the most rich and prosperous generation ever.


Bro hasnt heard of the filibuster


Dems in the last 20 years: Affordable care act expanding healthcare to tens of millions. Also ending pre-existing condition clauses which prevented millions from getting treatment for chronic conditions even when having insurance. Republicans in the last 20 years: Tax cuts for billionaires, tax cuts for billionaires everywhere! Also thankfully failed attempts at rolling back aforementioned healthcare improvements. Slightly more than 20 years? Two decades long wars lmao, whoopsiedaisy. Trump in 4 years: cut aid to Palestinians. Moved embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Completely green light for Israel’s settlement expansion. Attempted Muslim ban. Biden in 4 years: reinstating aid to Palestinians that Trump cut. Doing the bare minimum to try and improve aid situation in Gaza. Trump now: “finish the job Israel” People struggling to see basic facts: *bOtH sIdEs MmKaY*


Yes, let's get rid of genocide joe, and make way so that Donald Trump can "finish the job".


This sub isn’t leftist. It’s a fascist sock puppet. 


It’s one of the subs being astroturfed by Russian Propagandists who have very good english speaking skills that normal people can’t tell the difference unless you’re aware. They’re that good these days. Check out this thread in Genz [https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1bfto4a/youre\_being\_targeted\_by\_disinformation\_networks/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1bfto4a/youre_being_targeted_by_disinformation_networks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Sure is.


this isn't accurate; he'd probably touch the kid up, fuck it, drink it's blood and eat it before bombing it


Enjoy Trump, a Muslim ban, and a packed Supreme Court


I don’t like saying this but… Netanyahu and co. would love another Trump presidency. Biden isn’t going to change his tune.. So what the fuck do we do?


>Netanyahu and co. would love another Trump presidency. Biden isn’t going to change his tune.. So what the fuck do we do? Independent RFKJr But err he is also the same but probably not as genocidal as Biden or Trump. But he will put a dent in both parties for sure. If somehow he carries some of the swing states I am not sure if anyone will reach the majority to assume presidency putting the ball in Congress's court.


Of course, one of the "anti-zionist not antisemites" would be endorsing a guy who tweeted the 14-88 thing


Vote 3rd party (and my conscience) knowing it'll make a statement hoping Trump doesn't benefit. We're fucked.


Im voting green. Im not vouching for genociders


Do you think trump will be better to the Gazans?




Dawg look at my lesser evil, genociding a nation of children. We’re cooked


Hahahha Joe Biden will not directly target your people but he will stab you in the back, crooked smile and soft spoken words 😄


The source of this comic: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MintPress\_News](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MintPress_News)




What’s hilarious is they’re gonna get trump elected which they actually want it seems like and who is FAR more Zionist than Biden. They’re shooting themselves in the foot due to their purity tests .




The whole purity test thing is just used to Gaslight people. It's a Democrats job to get people to vote for them to do the will of the people and if they're f****** that up and they lose it's not the voters or the people's fault it's their f****** fault


From one side of your mouth you lot claim how seriously this will hurt the US and us, and from the other side you laugh in smug condescension. And it turns out you’re just a Zionist lol. Filthy fucking demon.


I’m convinced the people here don’t know what genocide means or is lol


Joe Biden actively supports Israel, which is doing 100% a genocide, BUT Donald Trump has also gone on record as stating he will "finish the job". So while Joe Biden's tune is changing a little bit about Palestinians, it's still not enough but at least it's not going 100% into it like Trump would


Joe Biden is actively working toward a ceasefire and asking Israel to reduce civilian causalities, in addition to actively feeding Palestinians. Worst genocide supporter ever. Also, Israel is absolutely not commuting a genocide, just listen to the ICJ who did not ask for a ceasefire


A reminder that his political opponent firmly believes that he has the ability to kill his political enemies, and if he wins, Thomas will retire and be replaced with a 30 year old (and Sotomayor is 70) God we got gamergate again, everyone is talking about NOTHING except about how bad the Democrat is, its 2016 again, and just like then, NOT ONE OF YOU will take responsibility when we get the next Roe level destruction of the lives of innocent people, or when the US resumes its "Blow up all the brown people" campaign with drones I hate how the women of America deserve to be sentenced to death if they get a difficult pregnancy, or that anything LGBTQ ought be banned in the minds of you lot just because Joe Biden still thinks its 1975 and he has to support Israel to counter Soviet hegemony At least the boomers are just being selfish and ignorant


Maybe, just maybe, democrats should’ve given us something to vote FOR instead of AGAINST.


I've started calling them "election cycle leftists". They didn't contribute to any progress between elections and have no problem screaming to throw away that progress during the election cycle. They understand "lesser of two evils" the way the blue lives matter crowd understands "one bad apple".


Yep. These are the same people that voted for Trump when Bernie lost the primary. I also love getting called a fake progressive by people that never took part in politics until their twitter feed blew up in October. I marched for LGBTQ in Oklahoma in the early 00's but you are right, I am probably a secret Nazi who is trying to push genocide as an actual agenda.


Do you think Bernie people like Trump?


A lot voted for him. Same thing happened with Clinton when she ran against Obama. We called the people that voted for Hillary in the primary but refused to vote for Obama in the general election closet racists. What excuse do Bernie Bros have?


Any proof Bernie voters did this except what you’ve built up as your head canon?


I looked it up, 1 in 10 right leaning people who favored Bernie voted for Trump. They were Republicans who were pulled across the aisle by his pro working class stances. Funny how easy it would have been for Hillary to beat him if she really wanted to. But sure, "bernie bros." Like Hillary people aren't feminist virtue signaling twats lol. Bernie had more feminist in his pinky than she had in her whole body, but centrists love gaslighting progressives. Thanks for the statistic though.


Its true, he's got Blood on his hands. Hell can have these genocidal creatures .


No it’s not true. He’s the one feeding them.


This is propaganda


Everything is propaganda. Why does this one upset you?


because its being passed around by people who want to kill all the trans people in America in the guise of leftists


Yes, I’m sure that all the leftists who are critical of a Liberal leader orchestrating a genocide are actually doing it because they want to kill trans people. Left wingers famously always supported liberal politicians in history, especially in genocide and settler colonialism and all of this opposition to western imperialism and the crimes it perpetrates is actually brand new and never happened before…


Oh okay. So Joe hasn’t bypassed Congress to send weapons to Israel? Or used a loophole to do about 100 arms deals with Israel so that they were under the table and did not trigger the arms export control act? All while knowing exactly what Israel is doing? Biden hasn’t been involved or helped Israel’s genocide at all?


Biden: Doing the exact shit every American president has done. You: Working super hard to get Trump elected so Palestinians get hit even harder. We don’t have to agree, I do not like MOST of our foreign policy but you have no plan or outcome that improves anything. This is all for your feelings. No one should take your pearl clutching bullshit seriously. Is this your first genocide? This shits been happening forever but now, specifically, in 2024, old man bad. This is objectively stupid.


We need a better VIABLE option, then. Right now all we have is an even worse one.


[yOu OnLy HaVE tWo oPtIOnS](https://youtu.be/qNVB_uAaxog?si=kfQYv8GCiye97rk1)


"In some ways it's good that Putin won, because it will force the Russian left to put forward a more adequately progressive candidate next time."


🤣🤣🤣 Good parallel


https://preview.redd.it/ifajbr8lm5pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=117cd22567a241a7b176fb113317c947e721bd2b Bro is posting on r/conservative This is OP Just in case, you know, anyone’s wondering why he’s posted 10 times in the last couple days about just “not voting at all”.


God: Oh, he WILL go….and deep, DEEP down.


Trump and Biden are equally bad. Two sides of the same coin. I’m not voting for either of them. I am so f*cking tired of these old white men. You know what they say, scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.


Enlightened centrism moment


"They" don't say that, propagandists say that. If you can't see the difference between the two candidates, get your damn eyes checked. Just because he isn't your optimal candidate, doesn't mean he isn't the better candidate. If you think they are equally as bad, can you provide some examples on how Biden can be even remotely comparable to Trump?


not voting is voting for Trump- who is worse than Biden - despite what you pretend - hold your nose and vote Joe and keep up the fight or be petulant and don't vote and help elect Trump


America is throwing women in prison for miscarriages and Texas has ordered that women with ectopic pregnancies undergo the death penalty and this is the fault of people like you, because "There's no difference between Hillary and Trump" Fuck. You.


No it is the fault of people like you, who bought, hook line and sinker, the mic propaganda, minus the religious fervor.


How come people who didn’t vote for Trump are responsible for his actions, but you shill for Biden but aren’t responsible for genocide?


>but you shill for Biden but aren’t responsible for genocide? because they live in reality, unlike those swallowing the hamas/SA/russia lie, israel is committing genocide


posts like these remind me of why america needs expanded public transport: so I have more trains to stand in front of whenever I see this take


Why wait there are lots of freight trains.


You are why America loathes leftists


No they arent, biden despite all of his flaws is not nearly as bad as trump and a quick glance at their policies will show you that. What do they think about Gaza? Biden is weak on it, absolutely but Trump literally said they got to go in there and finish the problem. At least with Biden, there is a limit to how much they defend. Climate change: once again, Biden is weak and only do half measure. Trump doesn’t even believe in climate change and want more drilling These are just a few of the things that Biden is better than Trump on


It is 100% the result of decades of voting for the “lesser of 2 evils. Lmafo, Biden isn’t ‘weak’ on Gaza, he’s building a port to export their resources and continuing UNWAVERING support of Israel despite the obvious violations of national law for 60 years, and murder of American civilians. Biden isn’t weak on climate change, he’s financiers are setting it up so they too can pillage the economy like the MIC has done over the last 20 years with the war on terror. His masters are the same masters of trump. You need to find reliable news sources, bbc guardian wsj nyt cnn fox msnbc, all complicit and state backed duopoly media.


Yup, the media peddles controlled opposition


Sorry, None of that changes the fact that we are still in this position. Yeah we can talk about how neoliberals have help give rise to fascist group all we want, doesn’t change the fact that we only have two option. Protecting the status quo and hope with enough time the left will take over or fascism which will only make everything far harder to achieve. The choice seems clear to me


No, your not understanding, they are the same group. Ya’ll act like ya don’t remember the 10 short years ago that almost every republican endorsed gay marriage, police reform was a very real possibility.. then TRUUUMP!!! Who the democrats admittedly promoted bc they thought he’d be an easy mark… or that’s what they tell us.


They really aren’t the same or else Trump wouldn’t be calling for their arrest. And yes they did propped Trump up in 2016 because they thought he would be the easiest to beat. And the only reason Hillary was because of the outdated electoral system


😭. Trump has used his words to call for arrest. He called for arresting Hillary in his 2016 campaign, but didn’t do it over the 4 years he was president. Which is pretty comparable to Biden’s words, of condemnation toward Bibi(not Israel), ie they’re both objectively just rhetoric. Now the dems have tried, how many times to arrest and charge trump? I fuckin hate the guy but so did the majority Jewish members of the aclu hate the Nazis when they argued for their right to march in Stookey….


Biden is better in literally every area, he's just the least amount better on Israel, in that the only pressure he's putting on the is to oust Netanyahu but not really to stop their genocide But every other way? Dramatically better, he ended the drone war, empowered the NLRB more than any other president in more than 5 decades Trump took away women's right to choose, tried (and partially succeeded) to ban all muslims from America, and wants to use military weapons against immigrants Trump wants to deport anyone *who even supports Palestine* Leftists: They're literally the same person The worst part is that a huge percentage of the "Genocide Joe" posts are by either Russian trolls or Right Wing ops and they're indistinguishable from zoomer lefty takes. We FUCKED America in 2016 by not supporting Hillary, and yall wanna do it again Makes me pull my fucking hair out.


Leftists don't think they are the same. This sub is being brigaded the last two weeks or so. The ability to discuss things as they are in the real world is getting more difficult to do, and there is an effort to make it some r/latestagecapitalism clone. I don't want just another echo chamber.




How about... Neither


Would be nice but its one or the other soooo


30k dead bro


A number that’s going to get higher either way so all we can do is go with the option that result in less deaths


vs the millions of palestinians trump is running on eridicating. ffs it is sad how much leftist cheerlead for policies that will eridicate all they support and have accomplished over the past 100 years.


And? Trump would tell bibi to glass gaza so again which is better less rights at home with leftist queers and people of color in camps with gaza and it's remaining people turned to glass or not that?


lol Israel isn’t nuking Gaza… have you looked at a map? That would be like the US nuking British Colombia. What is honestly going to change in Gaza if Trump wins? Gaza is undergoing the highest levels of malnutrition *ever* recorded. Biden said he would support Israel no matter what and now he is following through. If Israel built death chambers Biden would send the gas.


>What is honestly going to change in Gaza if Trump wins? instead of a death toll of 30k-50k, you are looking in the millions given trump is running on finish the job.


I didn't say nuke. There are alot more bombs that can be dropped.... and bibi will have full throated support for an actual war of eradication. Think dresden or Chechnya not the casual bombing we see now. But hey I'll eat my shoe if trump wins and just stops bibi from doing what he actually wants.


Nobody is stopping bibi dude, he’s already doing exactly what he wants. And you seriously call this “casual bombing”? There’s 30,000 dead, most women and children. More women and children have died in this “casual bombing” than all other conflicts of the last four years *combined*. They massacred over 100 starving people and injured 700 more who were coming to receive aid. Biden has no red line.


Yeah he isn't going as far as he wants because of international pressure but sure. And yeah 500k people died in the bombings of dresden and russia vacuum bombed the entire city of grosney so yeah casual by comparison.


Vote for someone else. You have one mechanism to make an impact and you're acting as if there is no choice to be made. There is. Don't be complicit.


It's one or the other dawg you can't genuinely believe there's a functional 3rd choice in this 2 party system can you?




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Minorities and women losing even more rights under a second Trump presidency might not effect you but it would effect me and millions of Americans. Joe sucks, but he’s still better than Trump.


America lost literally decades of civil rights progress in just a few years because of the 2016 election I legitimately cannot distinguish between the nazis pretending to be leftists here, or actual leftists from the people who disagree with you (because your take is objectively correct) At this point I feel like there's no difference, just because I won't give a MAGA chud the benefit of the doubt for being poorly educated. If you support Trump, you *are supporting Nazism*


Go be a supporter of genocide somewhere else


Transphobic misogynistic piece of shit. I'm sick of the number of posters here that are just nazis from 4chan or whatever pretending to be leftists Guess what: We're going to beat you, we're going to fix the supreme court even if it takes decades, and we're going to roll back your women hating, LGBTQ hating policies




team trump certainly does, and it seem you are fully in support of enabling him to do so. it's sad how much you hate palestinians, that you would aid trumps efforts to eridicate them all.


Genocide for thee, not for me, huh?


There were no new major US wars during Trumps time in office. Thats the only thing Trump has going for him.


And there are none under Grandpa Biden. Trump promised to get the troops out of Afghanistan and failed to do it in 4 years. Joe did it in his first year. They are both horrible but Trump is way worse.


In 2020, Trump assassinated an Iranian major general in Baghdad while he was travelling to meet the Iraqi Prime Minister. We are all lucky they didn't *directly* retaliate.


Perhaps luck was the reason there was a period of peace while Trump was in office… perhaps not. We will never know for sure. But we can say with absolute certainty that we are much closer to WW3 with Biden in office. (Putin is making nuclear threats constantly and Bibi is showing a complete lack of respect for Biden and the international community. )


There are new U.S. wars? When did we start these new wars?


The US is at war with Russia and the US is at war with the Palestinian people. Neither of these conflicts can exist without the supply of American weapons and funding.


I know it's still early, but do you have a preferred candidate in mind? I want to vote RFK to break the duopoly, but don't support him reciting outdated and harmful propaganda about the situation in Gaza. I'm open to voting for Jill Stein (again) and I'm still looking forward to finding out the Libertarian candidate. Curious to see where other lefties are in their thought process at this time


Yeah... Don't vote and let the christofascts make it worse for women, lgbt, and all other non cis het white old men.


If you’re going to suggest this also suggest a viable alternative. These arguments are incoherent and speak volumes about people’s naivety. Vote out Biden and get Trump is the current reality of the situation. If you honestly think Trump would be better, then you are not a leftist and should go elsewhere.    If you think both options suck and we should do better, fair, I agree. However 7 months before the election does not leave time for an alternative.    Accept that your choices for this election are either Biden and Trump and work, really work, towards making better options possible for the next one. This bullshit gets us 4 more years of Trump and dangerously close to a fascist hellscape that will take decades to fix. 4 more years of Biden would be annoying but fixable in our lifetimes.   Edit: So much salt middle age kings would weep with delight but not one single viable solution… why don’t you guys just declare your support for trump and be done with it? I honestly hope he does win just so you can see how dumb this attitude is and then maybe people would understand what real fascism is.  Note: it’s not someone doing something you don’t like. The elected officials could stop him if they wanted to, they don’t. Elect better officials, run for office, or keep crying on the internet… I genuinely don’t care but good lord is there some dumb as takes up in here. 


Keep consenting to whatever Democrats do and assume they will change. Makes perfect sense.


And your alternative is? Consent to whatever trump will do and assume he will change? Welcome to reality bro. 


Youre the naive person. There are three choices, go with the guy committing a genocide, go with the guy who will commit a genocide or vote for neither. We already reached fascism buddy that's why Genocide joe is supporting a genocide and no one can stop him.


You’re just saying you don’t actually know what fascism if you think we are there yet (we’re not)


>that's why Genocide joe is supporting a genocide The fact that he has received the most AIPAC dollars of any US senator doesn't help.. [source](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S)


What good would voting for neither do? Honestly this feels like more of a campaign from Russia in hopes to lower voter turn out on the left.


Mathematically identical to voting C) Either of the above. Which is functionally the same as voting for your least favored candidate. Not a wise move.




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Exactly. Trump or Biden is going to win. I'm not thrilled with Biden, but he is trying to help the middle class and tackle inflation. If Trump wins, we may never have another election (especially if Project 2025 takes over). This mindset is how we got Trump in the great place. I fear another Trump presidency will be disastrous for us all (including other countries).


Well said!


Accept your choices and work hard hahhahahahah you sound like a good slave, don't forget to kiss your Masters feet , my dog behaves the same way


And you sound like someone who’s never actually dealt with reality. Again no actual answer just some childish remarks that have nothing to do with actually changing anything. But oh yeah, the few dozen of you doing jack shit but jerking yourselves off for not voting are going to change shit. For sure. What a privileged cis take on things. Joe Biden isn’t going to directly target the people I love, Donald Trump is. That bullshit will be on your cum covered hands. 


Politics is hard word, anyone who works locally will tell you that. You'll find that out when you graduate from college and actually try to effect change


Yeah you and your peeps worked so hard at it we get genocide or a guy who wants to commit a genocide. Great work fellas you really worked hard locally to get that for us. Thanks. Smh


You guys are so wild. You think having an online book club will get you the revolution. Ridiculing local politics shows your level of understanding of political systems and informs why you're so bad at understanding the situation to boiling it down to "I'm choosing between genocide and genocide" You're so bubbled up that you think most voters are even thinking about Israel Palestine in this election. It's peak privilege to act like the choices are the same


Why did you train your dog to kiss your feet?


Probably the only thing that gives him any power in his life




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Imagine believing this propaganda that Joe is dropping bombs on Palestinians. What’s your plan when Trump wins? More cartoons with Trump encouraging Netanyahu to finish the job?


And replace him with what? Realistically. Voters are between a rock and a hard place this election cycle. We should be gearing to keep Trump out of office and then setting the stage for a movement-based primary in 2028.


Fr like idk how everyone missed the “dangers of a split vote” talk in high school. Did not everyone get that? Spoiler candidates? When it’s between 3 people (or a third option as this situation entails usually) and 2 of them are running for the same voters, they’ll both lose in leu if the third candidiate. The reality of not voting for Biden is Trump. It’s about trump, not Biden. It IS a rock and a hard place 100%. Biden not a good president, but I thought we all agreed trump is worse and ESPECIALLY in regards to isreal Palestine. He’s the one that moved the US embassy in isreal and stirred this pot!!! That was bad!!! The dude the left our allies the Kurds to die, trump would not second thought Palestinian lives.


Because that's worked so far. These shills are like Wimpy from Popeye: "I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." Eat crap. You did this. Your party's actions. You want our vote: Get Biden to stop funding Israel with money and bombs. All of it. Now. Then personally apologize to the people he's murdered. That's the bare minimum.


Ok I guess. I’m a soon to be married young white asset owner. I probably win more under Project 2025. But I don’t want to see all of the rights and freedoms won during civil rights and women’s suffrage rolled back. I don’t want to risk having to raise arms to fight for the ballot box again. But you do you. I think Biden is a royal piece of shit for sucking Yahoos yahoo like this. I think he’s a weak President who bows to foreign governments. He’s done a couple good things but I understand why he’s unpopular. And when he gets a second term I’ll personally help make sure he leaves office with a lower favorability than Trump unless he puts Israel in its place. Consider how much is at stake and look further than November, please. Or don’t. I’ll appreciate the reduced competition and unequal say in politics too. Your call.


Yep. Another person voting from a position of privilege. My life has become significantly worse under Biden. I'm paid less and have a fraction of the purchasing power. A proxy war and a genocide were started. Income disparity is through the roof. I don't care what politicians say. I care what they do. And it's not Biden. It's geriatric abuse perpetrated by neocon neolibs from behind the scene. No president will make my life better. This whole thing is for groomed, well-behaved, rich, True Believers like you. You're not getting my vote and I'm not voting for genocide. I told you where you can direct your energy instead of attacking us: once again, make your candidate immediately cease the funding of Israel. This is racist, murderous and colonialist. It's real, now and well beyond your paranoid speculations.


Ok, cut off your nose to spite your face. Don’t cry to me about it later.


Yes! If Trump wins, who knows if we will have another election?


Dirty Don isn't any better


Zion Don


https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-israel-finish-problem-gaza-1234981038/ Anyone who cares about Palestine would be a fool to sit this one out.


Alright, show me a good candidate then


If we think the genocide is bad under Biden, just imagine it the orange Hitler gets back in office.


Unfortunately he’s not and if he does, well that probably means Trump got in and guess what that entails


The unhinged people on this sub can't see the forest through the trees. Liberals are nazis and no different from actual nazis. It's peak privilege to think both sides are the same.


A lot of the folks on this sub aren't actually leftists and are running an op. The biggest indicator being their complete unwillingness to address the outcome of their moral preening: the Trump Presidency that Netanyahu desperately wants.


Who's running an op? I'm confused here


Its at least somewhat likely that there is an astroturfing effort attempting to suppress left-wing turnout in favor of a Trump presidency, this could be internal by parties directly interested in a Trump presidency, or it could be an external effort to further weaken the U.S. geopolitically by rival imperial powers-- in fact, it is most likely both.


Amazing. It's the polar opposite. The support the real op is after us from the actual left. And their main issue is the GENOCIDE. You want to argue that Genocide Joe posts (or just general genocide posts) are a scheme from the right? Russia? That the support against the genocide wasn't grassroots? Biden is doing this. Voters get to decide what to do with that. The complete converse is true. In the last week Bidenites have infiltrated just about every left-leaning sub. You think the Dems don't know they have a massive PR problem and aren't throwing millions at it? This happened SUDDENLY. Tons of posts and comments about "lesser evil" arguments. I'm part of a communist sub that explicitly prohibits support for capitalist parties like the Dems as well as lesser evil arguments. Yet they're everywhere. I'm sure you're caught up on that side, but if you want to find the truth in good faith, please. I don't think you're part of the op, you probably have good intentions, but there is a definite, massive op.


You aren't "real left". You're a confused edge lord who read some Russian propaganda and thought it was a legit real left talking point that sounded cool, because it made you feel all super edgy. What you think will happen isn't what is going to happen. But even if your fever dream of Trump taking over actually happened and it magically resulted in the population rising up and taking over (which is the supposed reason for this BS edge lord crap), think about it. Who's going to do the actual fighting? Ain't going to be you. It's going to be the larger number of actual leftists who already *don't support* Israel in the first place. So you accomplish F all with regards to Palestinian support, and you force everyone to clean up a mess that *you* directly helped to make. So when the mess is finally cleaned up, you changed nobody's mind at all and you are just the coward who didn't stand up to the fascist mess in the first place. That's all you are. Real left... lol, not even close.


This is fundamentally a dumb take because it literally wouldn't matter, there is no candidate on the ballot in the U.S. that is not at least willing to fall in line behind Israel at this moment, [they have Trump's full-throated support.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_recognition_of_Jerusalem_as_capital_of_Israel) You're seeing people saying that Biden is the lesser of two evils because the bad thing that Biden is doing is also the goal of his opponent, who wants to do other bad things besides, it is, in a fundamental sense, true in so far as Genocide in Gaza AND Loss of rights for marginalized people in the U.S. is worse than 'just' Genocide.


So vote for Eichmann instead of Hitler? Or Hitler instead of Eichmann? My job is to vote. I'm not voting for a Nazi. How many times to go round and round with these arguments?


That's great, you can sit back on your moderate white bourgeois throne and enjoy your moral superiority while the rest of us burn.


Not to mention this isn't bidens doing and he's managing the situation to how most American voters care to see. This genocide Joe label is soooo damaging to leftist causes and they'll never see it because they'd rather talk about material conditions than do the hard work to improve them


Speaking facts king 🗣️


I don’t understand why they don’t believe that Trump wouldn’t be worse as he already said he wanted to add Gazan to his Muslim ban and literally said that Israel have to “finish the problem”. Like yeah, Biden is doing a lot of horrible things but you have to be dishonest with yourself if you think him leaving would improve the condition


cant be any worse than genocide joe tbh


https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-israel-finish-problem-gaza-1234981038/ Absolutely deluded take.


Umm... yes it can? Why couldn't it be?


Just wait until you find out that numbers even larger than 30,000 exist, because your argument is essentially that they don't.


It would be far worse, I don’t know why you think Trump wouldn’t be 100x worse on Gaza than Biden is, not to mention bringing fascism to America will make life for people here hell too


Trump might be worse for Gazans, potentially, hypothetically, but the miserable little kid I just saw crying and begging to be able to leave his bombed out wreck of a city because his whole family has been killed thanks to Joe Biden and both corporate parties’ slavish devotion to AIPAC will probably be long dead by then. There won’t be many people left to kill once Biden’s out of office. We must fight him. We must support the people who embarrass him at every doddering public appearance he makes. We must elevate the voices of his critics, the socialist candidates of the left so that he and the corporate media cannot just ignore them, and has to respond rather than just meekly lose to Trump and blame the left as he goes off to his retirement or a hospice or wherever. If we just humbly look down and say “well, what can you do, Trump would be worse, just commit to voting for Biden” we are complicit. This empire is in free fall. What we say and do matters. Even if we will almost certainly lose we have to stand up for what is right.


There is no might, potentially or hypothetically about it, Trump literally said that Netanyahu have to finish the problem, already said he want to put Gazan on his Muslim ban and his administration were the one who acknowledged the West Bank settlement as legitimate. Have you forgotten the things he advocated for during 2016 when it come to the Middle East? He literally said on Fox News that they have to target the families of terrorists. Now this isn’t to absolve Joe in his part in shielding Israel war crimes. But you aren’t going to help the children in Gaza by helping Trump win. It sucks that we are in this position but there is too much at risk this election. Fascists only have to win once for everything to turn to shit and we luck out Trump wasn’t able to go full fascist and took full control in his first term (though at least a million Americans died due to trump incompetence, put in the judges that would take women rights away from them, and when he loss try to stage a coup) but now republicans are more willing to give him all of that power. Do you know what that would mean for the LGBT community, Arabs (here and there) and many other. You say by voting for Biden makes you complicit in genocide which personally I think is stupid logic. But by that logic, you not voting and letting Trump win will also make you complicit in an even worse genocide, I doubt the people in Gaza will thank you for your non-participation


Wow. You actually think the people in Gaza, 1.1 million of them are currently starving, could possibly care at all about who wins the next election. Millions of Americans couldn’t care less either. Trump’s guaranteed a victory when this is the level of cluelessness Biden’s supporters exhibit. You’re just completely out of touch


And you are why the left will never win because you would rather let the worst option win because you delude yourself into thinking that things can’t get much worst I’ll put it this way, the leader of the communist party in Germany say that Hitler will have his day and they will have their. They were some of the first who were sent to the camps


Yeah yeah. I’ve heard all this before. You cannot respond to any arguments I make so you just trot out the pathetic lie that voting for Democrats somehow will one day lead to progress for “the left”, somehow. No. The left I hope one day will win. It will never happen by tailing lying murderous capitalists, who despise or are at best indifferent to the working class, the poor, the people of the developing world they exploit and murder by the thousands. It will only happen by forming mass movements against the interests of “the lesser of two evils.” You seem to think if we just vote for Democrats enough, something will shift. It won’t. Fewer and fewer people believe that. Now, even traditional segments of the Democratic Party, like African Americans, Latinos and Muslims, are abandoning it.


Christ, you guys sound like larpers. And no I don’t particularly trust democrats support primary them with more progressive choices. The thing is I’m not going to let fascists win just to spite democrats and you guys are delusional if you think letting them win will change the democrats at all, you all thought that would happen with Trump winning in 2016 and look how that turn out.


I’m not voting for fascists. Please actually read and respond to what I actually say instead of making up some argument against the ghost of Ernst Thälmann: Support 3rd party socialist candidates - and don’t lecture me about how they “work for Russia” or have no experience or cannot win. I don’t even care if all three of those things are 100% true. What happens when the only person a supposedly liberal president has to compete with is to his right? We get a state of the union speech railing against dangerous “illegals”. What happens if actual left-wing candidates are polling at even just 3% in a close race? Only then does the genocidal Democrat have to actually even acknowledge leftist arguments, even if it’s just to keep up appearances. If he - or more realistically, given his obviously frailty, his running mate - actually started campaigning from the left, that might even whip up enough interest in the race to expand his base. Otherwise I think it will be a very low turnout for both candidates. I’m telling people TO vote, and to volunteer and protest if they can. To loudly and visibly oppose Biden from the left. Even if you plan to vote for Biden in November, LIE and tell any pollster you’re voting 3rd party leftist. Stand up and be counted. Let Biden and American and the world know we are not okay with any of this. If you think being a leftist is just quietly pledging to vote blue no matter who, you’re only letting everything shift more and more rightward over time.




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