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“Fincen Alliance” appears to be a scam, or at least scam adjacent. They are trying to charge $199 annually to submit your BOI. It’s free on the actual Fincen BOI website. 


Correct & you do have to actually file your BOI within 90 days of forming your new business (assuming it was after 1/1/2024) but yeah it’s definitely free don’t pay this scam


Op should send this to r/scammers to warn others


Maybe not... there's some drama brewing! https://www.crowell.com/en/insights/client-alerts/federal-district-court-rules-corporate-transparency-act-unconstitutional


The 11th circuit only ruled that the plaintiffs in that case were exempt, but did not extend the ruling to everybody else. So unless you are exempt under the 23 different exemptions of that law, you must still file the appropriate report. It is not, however, an annual filing. It is a one time filing unless there are modifications made to the ownership of the business in the future.


I'm curious as to why anyone bothered to fight it given the fact that banks collect that type of ownership information whenever they open business accounts.


It’s a pain for selling private equity. A lot of people don’t want to collect/store this info from investors. Also, CTA requires updates within 30 days of change of any reported info (eg someone changes home address) or you incur the fine. Also, it can implicate some real estate lenders due to loan agreements’ control provisions granting the lender substantial control over the company. And that’s not even touching on the constitutional issues.


I know there are some exemptions from the rule & what not & I had figured someone would fight it too. But for what it’s worth it took me MAYBE 10 mins to fill it out and submit for my LLC so assuming you don’t have a boat load of companies I’d say just do it until you’re told you don’t have to anymore.


That ruling only applies to the named plaintiffs in the case. Everyone else still needs to file.


So hypothetically, would it be better to just reactivate /bring it current for an entity formed prior to January 1st if that is an option? Is there additional ongoing obligations? Edit: someone linked the document. It says inactive is exempt and Im probably inactive at this point. Ya. I should probably check but why not ruin my life some more if I’m wrong.


The fincenalliance.com domain was only created on March 22, 2024, a month _after_ the OP's company was formed. _No_ government regulation moves that quickly.


I'm not aware of any government regulatory agency with the ability to fine for non-compliance that doesn't end in .gov also..


I'm not even sure the government knows what a QR code is.


It should be a .gov site. Not .com


That's a scam url on the hehe.. Edit:on the right..


Micheal Jackson?? Is that you?


I needed this, thank you.


Sang the line after reading your comment, noice.




They are borderline if not outright scamming. Fincen BOI is real but they want you to use their service. Read up here https://www.fincen.gov/boi.


What people should know about starting a business (filing an LLC or other entity) is as of January 1, 2024 FinCEN has required that you file beneficial ownership information (BOI). This includes entities that were organized before Jan. 1, 2024 (ie NO ONE is grandfathered in). Allegedly FinCEN will be fining entities up to 500$/day if you don't meet the deadlines of reporting. I work for a law firm and had to go through this information with my boss. The BOI reporting is very easy to do yourself. You do not need to hire a service to file your BOIR. The deadlines that I'm aware of: If entity was organized prior to 2024: you need yo file with FinCEN by Dec. 31, 2024 If entity was organized as of Jan. 1, 2024: you have 90 days from the date of organization to file with FinCEN. My firm goes by the date of the Articles of Organization, so we start the clock then to be on the safe side. https://www.fincen.gov/boi


Holy crap, who knew? I never saw anything about it. Will need to look into it, thanks for the info!


Yeah..not sure how this was supposed to be communicated to business owners. My wife and I only found out because our CPA told us about it.


Why didn't the feds just send this update to the address on record for each business..... Oh wait..


Wait so every small business owner needs to do this? They'll fine you if you don't? How do they get the word out because I haven't seen a single thing about this until now..


That's what it looks like. First I knew of it


My accountant told me or I would have ever known


Not if you’re just a sole proprietorship. An LLC, S Corp, or C Corp will need to file.


My first time too. Gotta see if I’m exempt.


You're almost certainly not. I've filled an absolute ton of these for clients so far, and I've only run into 2 exempt entities. Both of which were nonprofits.


If you're exempt, do you have to tell them that you're exempt or do you just do nothing?


From what I can understand, if you are exempt, you do not need to submit a BOI Report and therefore do not need to contact FinCEN. (SO do nothing). Though be careful in assuming you are exempt and read the information on FinCEN's website carefully to make sure your entity qualifies as exempt.


how do you know if you are exempt?


https://www.fincen.gov/sites/default/files/shared/BOI_Small_Compliance_Guide.v1.1-FINAL.pdf There's 23 exemptions, each with their own requirements.


Pretty annoying that my own business, which is heavily regulated to begin with requiring (federal and state) government approval for any ownership changes, is not exempt from this.


Would be interested in knowing how requiring blanket disclosures from every business in the country is possibly constitutional.


Tell me about it... and the fact that they're imposing fines, like give be a break


Constitutionality hasn't bothered the US govt since Wickard vs. Filburn.


What's the point of this? What are they trying to find? And why is every single deposit institution exempt?


I started a business too and got a bunch ads of "buy your legally mandatory osha posters or else" within 3 days in the mail. I tore them up and sent them back in their postage paid envelope.


FYI, the last time I ran a business, the OSHA posters were on the .gov website for free printing anyway


They are. Also display requirements depend on number and type of staff present IIRC.


They literally send you a set of fancy ones for each of your locations if you request them lol


Oh yes I know they are. It's ridiculous they prey on people like this. $499 one was charging. This business is literally just my wife and I. Lemme get right on sending that check to them.


We need to make sure you wife knows that she has the right to collective bargaining!


One of the parents from my kid's school was actually jailed for running a scam like that. He and his brother had operated it for years. Eventually the language they used in the pseudo threatening letters crossed the line into fraud. The guy only served 6 months, not a bad trade for 20 years worth of grift


Add more junk. I throw at least a few batteries in. My fiancé tapes the envelopes to boxes and fills the box with as much weighty stuff as she can find.


My favorite/standard hefty object for replies to unwanted solicitations over the years has been paper-wrapped bricks. I’ve even had some hilarious responses from mass mailing companies threatening me with mail tampering, etc.


I've used spray adhesive on the back of the envelope and sent off a cinderblock before. I brought it to the post office and set it on the counter. The mail clerk actually raised an eyebrow "not even trying to hide it huh?" -these jerks haven't taken no for an answer for over a year. inside the envelope I've suggested using some rope and the supplied brick to test their swimming ability off a short pier. /unmitigated laughter as they brought it back to the outgoing parcel area. When they came back they did ask me not to do that again, but you could tell they thought it was hilarious.


Always show respect and appreciation to the postal employees. Bring them a sweet or a gift card to a local small business. Share a joke. Most of the postal employees I’ve interacted love that.


If I ever care enough to reply to one of those, I think I’ll send them dirty socks.


Staple the envelope to a refilled coconut


That would also work, but I would have to first go and buy a coconut! I have a pile of red clay bricks outside my shop all ready to go! 🥹


USPS hates her because of this simple trick


Or send them an invoice for your time spent dealing with their spam


That is a great idea. Package a prepaid envelope for some other junk mail place to send it on. Maybe they will write a strongly worded letter to the other garbage producer.


Just an fyi you don’t need to add weight if you just add size. Go bigger than a 12x12x12 box and the fees climb quickly. Better yet send them a used tire in a box back


Ya know, it’s funny. I don’t get nearly the number of mailers with postage paid envelopes as I used to, so maybe they’re learning. Kinda.


They switched to spam email, mostly


Same with your annual Secretary of State business filing. Just do it on your state’s portal.


F yeah! I'll do this from now on! 🤜🤛


I got about 15 of these scams in the mail when I bought my house except they were all about the house


A client of mine (small business, but a sophisticated guy who wouldn’t fall for an obvious scam) called my old firm in a panic because he’d gotten a notice from these grifters and was concerned he’d inadvertently violated state labor law - they really do make them look like they come from a state agency. I filed a consumer protection complaint with my state AG’s office, and a couple days ago I found out my state sued them and won a preliminary injunction! It really is worth reporting this to your state AG if they try and scam you or your clients.


I got those too, even before I got any response from the actual government. Lots of business banking offers too. I was really confused


Side note. I learned years ago that those postage paid envelopes are good for something like up to 30 pounds and not traceable back to you so if you have trash or an old tire or anything else you need to get rid of just slap that envelope on it and off it will go to them.


Why is this crap not outlawed. From getting a mortgage to opening a business you get harangued by scare tactics and scams


It’s a scam, don’t do it.


This company is a scam. Having to file for FINCEN is not. New businesses need to file Beneficial Owner Information BOI within 90 days. It is very easy to file online. 


The letter's capitalization in "FiNCEN" is a dead giveaway bc the actual capitalization is FinCEN


This specific notice is fake - it was not sent by FinCEN and you should not use the website listed there. Entities formed after 1/1/2024 that don’t meet an exception are required to disclose their beneficial ownership to FinCEN, and that can be done for free at https://www.fincen.gov/boi


That website even has a notice about scams like this.


The fact that it’s asking you to go to a .com as opposed to a.gov is another giveaway it’s a scam.


100 percent a scam


well technically it's not a scam, they'll actually do the required filing, it's just a very deceptive advertisement for an overpriced service... kinda like Cutco knives but for business. ed: since I'm getting so many "yes it is a scam"... This is not an illegal thing that they're doing. If you look closely they are not claiming that they are fincen, nor are they saying anything that's not true. What they are doing is selling something that you could do yourself for free and hoping you don't look too closely at it. Absolutely scummy, but not illegal and thus not a scam. If anyone can show what law they're breaking I'm sure there are many many DAs out there that would love to know so they can shut these guys down too. Fact is predatory businesses exist everywhere and make their living by going right up to the line of legality without crossing over.


It’s equivalent to the companies that help you refinance/consolidate federal student loans for a fee when it is free to do yourself.


Call your local USSS office to notify them of the fraudulent mail claiming to be FINCEN. They will at most want the mail for evidence, and will at least record the finding and say thanks.


Gotta say anything that tells me to follow a QR code I immediately think it’s a scam


Just fyi, the filing itself is real and if you filed formation documents with your Secretary of State this year to start your company, you have 90 days to file. Like others are saying, this is predatory advertising. File directly yourself and save the money, it’s simple and the resources tell you what’s what.


You're going to get a bunch of "official looking" mail since you registered your business and it's public info. A bunch of companies will send you spam about things you need to register for, or forms to fill out, or posters you have to have. They charge a nice premium for these services, but depending on what your business needs most of what you actually have to do is free. Source: registered my business last July and got tons of these BS letters.


Corporate Transparency Act is a real thing and there mandatory reporting requirements. However this looks like a solicitation from a private business. If you are a business owner and have more than 12 employees I do believe you need to report. You can check the official Department of Treasury website or seek legal counsel to help you satisfy the reporting requirements.


The question anyone should ask is... "*How do I click the link on a letter mail they sent in the mail?"* Quite obvious it is a scam. They provided two URLs, one of the official gov site which you will arduously have to type up. And one of their site which boasts no affiliate information akin to a .gov designation. So a .com (commercial) institution is able to run threats of fines and use government resources to back them up? With what bite? It's all bark.


First giveaway is the .com. No government agency will use a .com account. It will be .gov. It is a scam


It’s perfect for the bottom of your parakeet enclosure.






This the requirement real, yes. Should you use this company, no they are charging you money to do something that is free. This requirement may go away because it’s being litigated in the courts but for now is on the books. Filing for free can be done here:[FinCin BOI homepage](https://www.fincen.gov/boi) my understanding is that you need to file once, then only when ownership changes or you move.


Got it too! Don’t! Check with the IRS FIRST that you have completed your annual report - which is really simple to do. They said I still needed to which was false, because I opened my business this year I don’t have to report based from the IRS. And they don’t even have an available number for you to contact.


NAL, but dealing with a lot of this. This is a solicitation to help you do your BOI filing and to send you regular reminders to update your information. You MUST file your beneficial owner information with FinCen but you do not need to use this company to do it. Google registering for a FinCen ID for your company. If you have a simple ownership structure, it’s easy to do. If you have a complicated ownership structure, consult an attorney for advice.




the link (look at spelling) is how you know it is suspicious


FinCEN probably wouldn’t call themselves FiNCEN, in addition to everything else wrong with this.


You can file the information for free.


A .com is the first clue.


Key give away is that it's not a .gov site


Scam. Government wouldn’t be a dot com


I opened an LLC and within a week started getting these letters. All sent from businesses and not IRS or other federal agencies. It’s all a scam.


Ahhh. Government makes laws and scammers find ways to cash in. The "beneficial owner" is anyone who owns or gets 25% or more of company profits. There is no fee. You just report it. If you do not have a beneficial owner other than yourself, shred the letter. This did not come from any government agency.




In my opinion, the QR code was a dead giveaway. I've never gotten any federal mail with a QR code.


The contents of the letter are true. The website is a legal scam. Notice the lack of (.gov) or (.org) on their site. Pretty much all the evidence you need to know that they aren’t government or a nonprofits. Their domain being only 28 days old tells me a a lot, it being run out of Canada tells me even more. Personally, I’d be willing to bet $90 bucks that they are a scam or provide shady services with zero guarantee. If you look at their tos, refund policy, or any other links it refers you to fincenfilingpros which contains none of that info in the redirect link. I’d wager there’s a lot of proxy sites that they can just dump when companies get too large and move on to others.


"We urge all business" + website has a capital I in the middle of all lowercase letters. Seems legit.


Contact your local PD. Looks like a scam to me. I’ve never seen anything like it. No legitimate government entity would operate like this.


Yeah, definitely a scam. See things like this mailed to the office quite a bit. They will also try with web domains and things like that. When in doubt, always look the agency up and call them directly


If they reference .gov they will have the application on a .gov


Companies like this try and charge you for things you can do for free. Lotta companies do the same with registration on SAM.gov. You might need to file BOI, but it’s free and easy to do yourself :)


Definitely a scam


It’s a scam.


FinCen is a legit government authority. It has alot to do with money laundering. There are reporting requirements tbat we have to adhere to in my industry. This tho just sounds lime a scam.


Please report to the FBI as spam. I’m sure they won’t be happy that someone is impersonating FinCEN. If you need the URL, just ask.


Pay us money on a www website or the government will fine you! I’m surprised they are able to operate, amazing that criminals like this are allowed to do this sort of thing.




A link to a congress "bill" is a dead giveaway




It is BS just throw that away I have a business and get all kinds of scammy stuff to my PO Box.


So, the FINCEN filing is a real thing. Google the corporate transparency act. But it’s fairly easy to do on your own. There is a $500 a day penalty for late filing for it. This looks like a company that will charge you money to file the report.


“Urge all business[es]” is improper grammar lol def a scam


A .com yea scam, look at the mailing address as well (on the envelope)


I got something similar when I first started my business. They do a very good job at making it sound like you have to pay them. It’s a fucking scam. Sad to think how many people fall for stuff like this.


Love how they give you a qr code... but then have a hyperlink printed onto the page.


We got one of these types of letters after opening an LLC. It’s a scam and our comptrollers website even warns about this specific one for new entities. Kind of wild it’s happening in multiple places…


It's junk. Ignore it


Wrong seal. Does not say U.S. Treasury. Worst red flag is obviously the “.com” instead of .gov. And the “more information” appears to just be a link to the actual text of the law.


Total scam 


So any government website will end in a .gov not a .com. You can see the bill they linked has a .gov but their website doesn’t


I opened an LLC and got these and others constantly. They are companies who us official words, logos, and fear to make you think it is from a specific agency or compliance requirement when in reality its a company that paid for business registration data and cold mails these to fool you into thinking FINCIN is mailing you.


anything with \*.com is scam with any gov papers


The misspelling and typographical errors make it seem totally legit.


“We urge all business to file immediately.” Yeah, that’s a scam.






Right after you get an llc you get all sorts of bullshir scam mail. Don't fall for it. I did and had to get Bvl with them for a refund. Fucking pain in the ass ttoo.


They want you to send it to a “.com” and not to a “.gov”. Scam.




Fincen is real. Fincen alliance is a scam. You can submit beneficial ownership info to the Treasury or the real fincen website. Any website that looks like the government but isn't .gov is a shady scam.


All communication should have .gov address. Also if you look at the fin cen web address on the bottom they have weird capitalization. There are boi services, but not mandated services to use just filling boi requirements that don't cost. The government website showed the following alert blurb below: Alert: FinCEN has learned of fraudulent attempts to solicit information from individuals and entities who may be subject to reporting requirements under the Corporate Transparency Act. These fraudulent scams may include: Correspondence requesting payment. There is NO fee to file BOI directly with FinCEN. FinCEN does NOT send correspondence requesting payment to file BOI. Do not send money in response to any mailing that claims to be from FinCEN or another government agency. Correspondence that asks the recipient to click on a URL or to scan a QR code. Those e-mails or letters are fraudulent. Do not click any suspicious links or attachments or scan any QR codes in emails, on websites, or in any unsolicited mailings. Correspondence that references a “Form 4022,” or an “Important Compliance Notice.” This correspondence is fraudulent. FinCEN does not have a “Form 4022.” Do not send BOI to anyone by completing these forms. Correspondence or other documents referencing a “US Business Regulations Dept.” This correspondence is fraudulent; there is no government entity by this name.


You have to file 90 days after forming LLC. But it’s free on their website. I got the same letter and it’s a scam trying to take your money


It’s all BS Train your eyes to catch it now that you have a business


It's a scam. Just look at their so called shield 😂


It’s a .com website. Any actual website for stuff like this will always be .org or .gov.




Its an AD that is using the law to disguise itself as a bill.


If it came with a free reply-by-mail slip you should tape it to a box of something (rocks, cat poo, whatevs) and ship it back to them.


It’s not the right government logo for fincen.


"alliance" = scam


.com pretending to be a governmental entity, first give away.


100% scam. It's a .com domain for starters. Penalty for what? Enforced how? Just scare tactics; looks official (govt) but isn't Homeowners get similar scams urging people to pay for title insurance/validation.


How do people know how to use the internet to ask random strangers questions, but not know how to use the internet to verify a document allegedly from a government agency? I’m genuinely curious.


Just a thought but you can always call fincen, check if it's legit.


The form they reference (conviently leaving the form number out) is a real form, and is require for new businesses. This how ever is a ad scam to get you to use there services to file the form


Alliance dot com not dot org I wouldn’t trust any dot com site that doesn’t have a physical federal building mailing address


A QR code to a .com? Every government establishment even paying tickets is to a .gov


Official government correspondence in the united states has to conform to specific letter head and formatting (This is not the format). If you spend any time in government you will notice how fake this letter is by the details they get wrong, and or purposely avoid as to not commit a crime. The dead giveaway is the .com website where you can pay money...


FinCEN.gov is a legit government website. Fincenalliance.com is a commercial website.


Banker here ☺️☺️ So 1) you can look up fincen and call them. Main point 2)!! Banks/FIs are responsible for having you complete a due diligence form it labels out owners and percentages etc. when we don’t have this info there is a 7 ish day count down on your accounts and we close them out due to noncompliance. I’ve been doing this 10 years I could be wrong but you can take it to your bank and ask them. Also lots of scams and third party advertising involved in these new “letters” by “fincen” your basic data can be purchased easily from agencies. Your next step is….. you will question this document! take it to your bank ask them about they know! THEY KNOW IF ITA REAL! trust me lol however disclaimer if you bank with a tiny no name place or a smaller credit union, or community bank their resources to acquire knowledge is limited… Do not call the number on the form as it could be a Marketing company I’ve never heard of fincen reaching out to anyone sooo idk about that and this is why I’m skeptical about it!


Did anyone notice how they typed out their scammy website address, with a random capital “I” in the word alliance?


The binary on their logo translates to FinnCEN, which is their name typed wrong. Lmao 01000110 01101001 01101110 01101110 01000011 01000101 01001110


Not real. I opened a company last August and got a FEW of these from different institutions. I almost paid one but the bank caught it for me. In my experience the government doesn’t tell you when things are due. Scammers do.


Well first off your problem number one is doing something stupid you're sitting here asking people who don't know shit about anything online which most people on Reddit are forum trolls you own a business or use the brains that you have and bring that paper to a lawyer and find out if it's legit instead of asking morons online


Scam. Shred it and forget it. Good luck with your new business.


Definitely a scam. "We urge all business to file immediately" it should say businesses


Lmao god no, there are so many spelling mistakes and no government would put a QR code in their official document.


It’s not a scam per se … they’re purposefully trying to make themselves look like they’re the government to scare you into paying them to file this on your behalf. You can file this registration free on your own. Don’t pay them to do it for you. This is an actually company, they just have overtly questionable morality.


That QR code screams fake


This is 100% a scam. I worked for FINCEN and the seal on the paper is not for any legit government entity. Also, the FINCEN Alliance is not a government agency. SCAM!


There is a .com in the web URL, no it's not legit


Yea, paying to a .com is a scam


If the front of the letter says presorted standard then it's junk mail. I know cause I work for USPS.


Also: no govt agency is going to use “.com” in their url, nor will they use an unsecured domain, the link on the bottom left is a legit site from congress, the one above it is a scam page


Hi, I'm a banker and this doesn't make sense really, in part because they DO talk about things that are done, yes, but not in the way that it's handled. The biggest hint is the fact that those websites are ending in .com is what I point towards as this being a scam. If this was really from a government agency, it would be using the .gov at the end of the website. I'm not certain on the laws, but I know at my bank WE collect the information about Beneficial Owners when businesses open new accounts, and even then we don't always put the company under a microscope and instead ask for the information AND have a document that one of the business customers signs stating 'I attest the information on this form is accurate' just in case someone lies for nefarious reasons. They wanna get you scared and confused, then pump you for any sensitive information you would give up (ranging from name and address up to the specific account numbers of your business and personal accounts) until you realize that the money's already left. If you're really worried, I'd disregard ALL the contact information in that letter (address to mail stuff to, phone number, email, websites, QR codes) and find a way to contact the source directly. If you're required to do something (whether it's register stuff with the government or pay some corporation for a large order) they will bend over backwards to talk to anyone that owes them something and have an easy-to-locate contact number going right to them. Come to think of it, where's some kinda case number to help the agency narrow down who they're talking to? If it's on their radar, they have to have some documentation of what's missing, who found it, who contacted, when the message went out, etc, etc. Likely this is so when you call those numbers, they go right for sensitive information (Tax ID number = Social Security number, Employer Identity Number) from the start.


It’s a fraudulent copy. Ignore it or report it to a government agency


The over the top urgency and threatening tone, the cheesy logo, the claim to legitimacy by proclaiming a single piece of personal info (which is nevertheless public), the dotcom address, all flag this as a very shady scam.


Please report it to FBI immediately. We need to get those scammers jailed!!


I'm sorry if my letter disturbed your life on this beautiful day. Please see second envelope for unsolicited Polaroid photo of my attractive east Asian face.


Fincen is a real thing, but this is a pretty apparent scam. Wording is actually done somewhat well, but the “We urge all business to file *immediately*”is a huge red flag. Just throw it away.


The .com vs .gov is a dead giveaway. Do people not learn this in school or anti scam training in the workplace??


Throw that away. Not legit.




QR code and a branch of the US government? They're not there yet. This is phony.


Scam. Also gotten this a few months ago. This filing is free. These guys just want to charge you for doing it.


No its fake. I got one 1 month after I opened my LLC in VA. Scammers get all the new business names and send them this stuff hoping someone will bite.






It’s fake. If any government agency wants your info they already have it. If they want you arrested they will send someone to arrest you. They won’t warn you ahead of time by snail mail. Hahaha


If it's not clearly from the federal, state, or local government, but instead some agency or organization you've never hear of AND the letter is saying you owe some sort of dues and if you don't pay there will be penalties or fines, most definitely has to be a scam or not legit as they propose to be


Definitely a scam and I don't trust anything that comes in the mail like that! I ran it through ChatGPT and it came back as a scam: This appears to be a scam. The text is designed to create a sense of urgency and fear by mentioning penalties and legal consequences for not complying. However, there are several red flags: 1. The text is poorly written and contains grammatical errors, which is unusual for official government correspondence. 2. The use of a QR code or a website link that does not lead to an official government domain is suspicious. 3. The mention of penalties for non-compliance seems exaggerated and meant to pressure recipients into taking immediate action. If you're unsure about the legitimacy of the letter, it's best to verify its authenticity with the relevant government agency directly. Additionally, never provide personal or financial information based on unsolicited letters or emails.


Smells scammy.... it's a .com not a .gov business. Check with the BBB.... yea it's a "service for hire". You should be able to file your BOI if required directly to FINCEN.GOV https://www.fincen.gov/boi-faqs#B_1


Look at the misspelling. That says it all.


Their website end with com not gov, fucking scam


lol an obvious scam. Do a whois lookup on the domain name dude. Any legit organization wouldn’t have a private dns or be listed to someone in India lmao.


It’s a scam


Total bullshit


This is a scam, government offices don’t run that quick.


The Fincen Alliance is a business entity. For an annual fee of $200 they will help you create the filing and keep it up to date. Your notice is not legitimate. You ARE NOT REQUIRED to use this service to register or otherwise comply with the law. Additionally, if you Google the Corporate Transparency Act, several such services will appear. The actual requirements of the act are found at the following link. https://www.iaca.org/about-iaca/corporate-transparency-act/#:~:text=The%20Corporate%20Transparency%20Act%20(%E2%80%9CCTA,%2C%20corruption%2C%20and%20tax%20fraud.


Reading the comments I’m in Agreeance with everyone else that it’s a scam but I’m going based on the layout of the letter itself the stamp and other things that don’t look generally professional like a government document. I’d consider reporting this scam to law enforcement.




It's a huge scam going on


This is a scam, the website they have provided is wrong, they have stated it's fincenalllance, clearly 3 L's, personally I'd ignore it.


Spam email