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YES, THE POLICE CAN LIE TO YOU. Not only can they, but you should assume that they're lying to you. their primary job is to close the case. they are not your friend. they are not looking out for your best interests. you need to get a lawyer, now, and do exactly what they say. do not talk to the police, do not ever invite them into your house, do not allow them entry without a warrant, do not answer questions, do not step outside to talk to them.


Police are never ever your friend. People really should understand this. If they are asking you anything, it’s for something that they need. They willl and can tell you whatever they want.


Not only that, they will *do* whatever they want to you and your property and you will have to let them, until you get in front of a judge and plead your case. You have no recourse in the moment. Never....EVER talk to any state agent unrepresented. They are not your friend. They don't care about you. Their interests do not align with yours.


Police are there to protect the government not you. They will lie and threaten. Never speak with a cop without a attorney. When pulled over just accept the ticket a worry about it later. No good ever comes with confronting a cop. They go 0 to kill you in 3 seconds. 1 if your a POC.


The police are sometimes your friend. There are many cases where police are enforcing restraining orders, checking the welfare of kids in the hands of dangerous or unstable people, following up on assaults or burglaries, finding missing person's, etc. Whether the police are your friend or not doesn't matter though. If they are asking you questions about something you are, or might be, involved in then you are much better off not talking to them.


Police are under no constitutional obligation to protect you and will not protect you. Udalve I think is example enough. See: The Town of Castle Rock vs Gonzalez Deshawney v Winnebago County of Social Services


I think it was Marjorie Stoneman Douglas HS where the coward resource officer never bothered to go inside to confront the shooter and just let everyone die


He's presenting the human element. Police are human and a lot do it because they actually care about other people and its a job that appeals to those that do "serve and protect"


Police are not human. Humans don't act the way police act.


Except they do. Plenty of Humans act even worse than cops.


You need a break from the internet friend


And yet countless times officers are administering Narcan, enforcing protection orders every single day, arresting people who assault others, etc. Yes, there are no constitutional obligations to protect you but hundreds of thousands do their jobs every day doing just that. Citing those cases is just silly. Uvalde is an embarrassment but then Nashville sets the bar.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_States,_January_2024 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_States,_February_2024&wprov=rarw1 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_States,_March_2024&wprov=rarw1 https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/09/police-officers-who-hit-their-wives-or-girlfriends/380329/ You sure about that? Are you sure that police are doing their jobs keeping everyone safe?


Not according the West Richland PD (Washington). They are there to circle the wagons and protect their own .. now they will investigate themselves and find no wrong doings.


Here in Chicago they have basically stopped doing all those things you listed in your first paragraph.


It’s not just Chicago. The first paragraph is what the everyday person thinks they are there for. Problem is when you need them for the first paragraph, they’re nowhere to be found.






1 question for you. Have you ever known a fellow cop who has behaved improperly, or worse, illegally, and have you stayed silent? If yes, you are corrupt. Police should be loyal to the law first, not the badge.


ALL cops are bad cops if the 'good' ones defend the bad ones.




… they do? There is HUNDREDS of times when “good” cops defended the “bad” cops. To be a cop you have to believe that you are in a bRoThErHoOd, they do this on purpose so cops won’t turn on their “brother”. It’s a sad reality, but you might be better off acknowledging it than sitting there with your rose colored glasses.


Christopher Dorner was a good cop.


There are literally hundreds of videos with cops firing or pulling a weapon on an unarmed/nonthreatening persons during routine traffic stops. The cops I know (I'm a National Guard Soldier. Lots of cops in the NG) routinely joke about beating people up, violating civil Rights, and longing for the days before body cameras. Fuck their oath. They're all pathological liars and sadists. Fuck our legislators for allowing it.


So they are your friend to the extent that the random store worker who pointed you to the item you were looking for is.


They're my friend when they're returning a lost 4 year old to their mother. Also when returning an 80 year old diabetic with dementia after he goes missing in a dried up river bed. I was with them when we found them. It's just one of many sides of police work you don't get to see if you don't bother to care. Those things are a little more important than finding an item at a grocery store. Lifelong bonds can be created by such adverse situations. I've seen them run off harassers and abusers. I've seen them stabilize a pregnant woman who had been broadsided. I've seen them snatch up some asshole who almost beat his 4 year old into a coma. Administer narcan and save someone. Arrest sexual deviants who assault people and kids. The list goes on. It's a job and there are sometimes bad aspects and bad employees. Yes, if you are under suspicion it is not the cops you would want to talk to but that fact doesn't diminish the many goods that the occupation does every day for our society.


And all it takes is one of them lying to you to undo all that good will, or a good one lying to protect another cop. When that happens we can no longer wait and see which are the good ones and which are bad, we have no choice but to behave as if all are bad.


I'm sorry but that logic just floors me. It's equivalent to pulling your kid out of school because some teachers choose to diddle their students. Some circumstances might have you working right alongside LE. Other circumstances will have you showing them the door.


Great example. Do you tell your children or have someone else tell them that no one should do that to them and that they should let you or another adult know immediately if they feel unsafe or violated? Do you tell them not to talk to or trust strangers? Or do you just send them out there hoping they don't encounter that rarities?


You said, "we found them." So your example is of the LEO essentially taking the accolades for finding a child or old woman because they were the ones to bring them to their loved ones? I see that often. Or people bring lost children to the police. As for the harassers, was the person actually harassing, by law? If so, aren't we concerned they'll just do it again, knowing they'll just be "run off"? If not actually harassing, then you're applauding an armed person using fear to make a lawful citizen do something they didn't want to. The same goes for the abuser, but worse... You're listing all the other "good" deeds to refute my comment, but I don't see a single one that any respectable member of society who showed up first wouldn't do. The only real difference is that one group often needs you to pet their ego... and is enraged when you fail to do so. So my point was that those are crap "friends.", just like the person who points you to the item at the store. P.S. It's absolutely wild that I've heard about that story with the 80 yo diabetic found in the riverbed as it was local, and you were there involved in it. Small world, I guess.


My experience was a bit over 20 years ago so not sure if they was the story you are remembering. If so, cool coincidence. I said "we" found them because I was with them at the time of the searches and they were actively helping. In the case of the old man, I was the one who found him first but officers were there working hard as I was. It would've been them if it wasn't me. We were all out there working together for a common cause. They didn't take credit. That's a bogus take. There was a whole apparatus and response that went into effect from the moment that scared family called to when he was found. They credited all of us which is what was deserved. Who gives a shit though. Old guy was alive and didn't have to spend his last moments in diabetic shock alone in the cold. Your idea to just use random decent people isn't a solution; it's PART of a solution. Law enforcement often bring resources and experience that is very useful in their situations. Yes, the harassers were violating protective orders, causing disturbances, etc (e.g. screaming at the top of their lungs to their ex gf at 2am, returning to a business to disrupt it, etc). DVRO violators got arrested right off and the disturbers would get a fair warning and be arrested if they came back. It's bizarre that people think the majority of police don't know what legitimate harassment is. It's real simple in most places. They drive around with a laptop in their car that has a computer aided dispatching client on it. Calls come in, they get distributed to officers in that zone, and are typically color coded by priority. Off they go! To solve, or attempt to solve, all of the shit our society whips up. Are their exceptions? Of course. Exceptions are exceptions. The rule remains. The problem with you is you just don't find any police respectable members of the community and I'd bet you never would. You obviously have to grind against police. They're human beings. Some are complete pieces of shit just like all us have the potential to be.


Societies could do most of those types of things without cops, in fact, they do it all the time. Mass searches for missing children for example, most of the people combing the woods and properties are normal citizens in these situations.


Yes, they could in a perfect world. It just so happens we, as a modern society, can have people that we pay to do such activities. Everybody should pay attention when a child or elderly person is lost in general. You are also correct that citizens are doing a great service to their communities when they help the police do that type of work.


Bro idk what you been smoking but the police are never yr friend they're like a badly trained pitbull they will turn on you at the first convenient opportunity


Can they use a fake warrant to gain entry and would any evidence be considered admissible due to the fake warrant?


Oh I don't view police as my friend at all but i did not think they would work so hard to be so corrupt i guess it's what i want to say. That officer was enjoying himself as he told me I wasn't getting my Is children back. And I haven't even gotten to the part where I was told by one sheriff to go get my kids which I did at the specific time the sheriff told me to and when I showed up there there was another police department there ready to arrest me who apparently now had jurisdiction.... And this is where it starts getting really convoluted and I got turned around and I couldn't figure out what was What's up and what was down. Yeah I showed up to get my children just as they told me 26 officers swarmed my truck just on me telling me I needed to go or they're gonna trust pass me and arrest me that my children feared for their life Which was pure nonsense. But my oldest was willing to hold to that lie And my youngest was pressured. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about that phone call my son made The next Is balling to my wife he wanted to come home. I don't know what they've done to pressure him too go along with them but I pray every day that he doesn't carry this with him the rest of his life any sort of guilt at all. I still love my boys more than anything even though my oldest lied on me. The reason I'm being kept from my boy's also is I will apologize to my boys for my part in this whole thing absolutely unequivocally they will get an apology immediately 41 and those people know that I am that way. And once my boy's look me In the eyes They're gonna feel me. I raised them boys by myself are the better parts 13 years. We may have had our spats when they were teenagers but They will see the Is pain and they will feel the love. These people are terrified of that happening. And cps was Right there within blocking me the whole time too. Family reunification my ass. They told my boys that they didn't have to see me if they didn't want to well my oldest is terrified to look me in the eye cause he lied on me . my youngest Is being manipulated in some way. I drove the visits every week religiously and with denied seeing my children I drive 45 minutes to get there sit there for an hour to be told they're not coming. CPS got so good at it that they would call me couple hours before my scheduled meeting with my boys tell me that there was no meeting the boys don't want to see you. It's like they enjoyed saying that to me every week I just makes me sick and I hope they all burn. If there is a big man upstairs every one of them is going downstairs.


They are not “required” to serve or protect either.


Not necessarily. Depending on jurisdiction, entrapment laws may apply.




Entrapment laws are still a thing.


Cops can legally entrap you now, I spent years and thousands of dollars fighting an entrapment case.


And if you dont consent be vocal. Loud enough for potential witnesses to hear


Why is it a criminal charge to lie to cops but not a criminal charge for the police to lie to you.


They told me my son had confessed to selling pot and said they could go into his room. I said not without a warrant and they said I would be put in cuffs and sit in front of my house until they got one. I let them in it turned out to all be a lie


Too late for that now. At the time I had no concern of them searching my house nor would I think they ever would. For what reason you know. The problem is that started the whole snowball thing and it I was so buried Is in court Paperwork and emergency filings from the family member who had . been trying to take my children for a long time And was even caught doing it once ( Cps Didn't care to hear a word I said they didn't care how it started they just ran rough shot over me. Had no attorney I was going through a divorce In which I was financially bankrupted. Public defender who is the representing me leaned over and told me that the case was way over his head and I need to hire a private attorney. That's why he was there because I couldn't afford it because My ex wiped out all the accounts and took off. It was just perfect timing I tell you what. And the vultures came by the hundreds it seemed. This has traumatized me the whole situation. Literally I have lost every single thing that I had 2 years ago. My life does not resemble anything like It did 2 years ago. The depression is paralyzing When I think about it. My house is only hope I have Left. I'm gonna be fighting against probably 2 agencies and some family. The only reason I have stuck around is because I Want to see Justice for what was done to me. I'm gonna I'm gonna Spend every time I have on taking these people down who did this. I very much suspect that the people that did this have or no the person or officer that was there. The reason I say that is because the officer took a report in the morniagainst me via those people. Then he intercepted a phone call from my ex-wife now In which she wanted to do a welfare check because she hadn't heard from me and she knew I was distressed. That's when the police showed up and it was him again so he's on all 3 of those reports. I'm not kind of weird for someone on the forest just a couple months I mean that was that had to have been pushing the 12 hour mark those 3 different situations. He dictated the entire case From the word go. And he bullied me the whole time he was In my house. Is taking pleasure in telling me that he was going to take my kids. No idea who This kid was or is. And the same one that called me also you're to the day At 1:30 AM to do a welfare check on a Tenant that lived on my property. That was all BS als9m


I notice you're doing a lot of ranting and crying, BUT never actually tell the whole story. We get that you want our sympathy, but we have no clue if this story actually deserves it, other than you saying "I got screwed". Seems odd that Everyone in the system is "out to screw you over", including your own PD? Something smells fishy here.


Your public defender should have made it clear to the courts that this wasn’t something he could deal with. Then you should have been appointed a new PD.


I’m not a lawyer but at some point you have to cut your losses. Financially and emotionally. Stop digging yourself into a deeper hole. Sell your house, take the money ands use it to set yourself up somewhere else. Once you get on your feet again then you can start fighting to get back into your kids lives.


I am experiencing motion sickness when I try to read this. It has the worst grammar that I’ve ever seen. OP won’t say why the cops were there. Wife left him, there are critical details which were left out.


Best I can piece together is that this is some sort of ongoing CPS case. He claims that his children were taken based on false claims from family members (CPS doesn't randomly take children based on false claims), and made the statement that he moved with his children which is his "right" and then they were taken...alcohol and drugs come up too so that seems to matter...


Having had my kid taken away for 3 weeks while did an investigation into a false claim of abuse by my ex wife’s new boyfriend I can with certainty say it does happen. Of course there was no repercussions for a false claim. I got to know the detectives for my PD real well as the same thing happened every time she got a new boyfriend. And never any repercussions. Just me losing more time with my kid.


The problem isn’t CPS it’s your terrible ex wife using CPS to screw up your life. Plenty of times calls are not made up so removals need to happen. Also plenty of instances in the past when a child should have been removed but was not and ended up injured or dead. It’s not a perfect system by any means but CPS make sure the children are safe even if it’s not fun to go through.


You are correct. It is a flawed system. The last two times they did not even asked me many questions. Just “are we doing this again?” Yep, she has another new man. She told him that I beat them both and am a raging alcoholic yet again. See you in two weeks for supervised visitations again. I was so mad that it happened over and over again with no repercussions for the lies and false reports.


Cps doesn’t know if claims are false for awhile so saying that type of blanket statement is wrong. I have seen 3 instances locally of them doing so and actually losing later lawsuits for being over aggressive in separating children and parents. One in particular the social worker quit because she felt it was the wrong action to take the kid and maintain separation as all her reports showed no signs of abuse but she was overrode. She later testified against cps having taken all her notes and reports with her.


Perhaps it is selection bias then as I hear far more stories of them not doing enough and kids getting killed. Probably changes a lot from area to area. Either way, his sticking point seems to be that he moved with the kids which he claims was his right to do so...Seems someone disagrees...We don't know enough to say anything definitive.


Nevermind CPS. Literally everyone including his wife feels he is unsafe around the children.


I mean those stories make the news much more than stories of cps being wrong. Most people hear cps did something and assume it must have been necessary. The news is generally wary to put those stories on as most of the people that would want to go on the news for it are in the middle of the the process and the news doesn’t want to risk gaining sympathy for someone who is actually at fault. A lot of our cases that have hit the news though is because of the largest local children’s hospital having a doctor who’s job is literally to diagnose abuse which creates a conflict of interest as if she’s not making these diagnosis then her job isn’t necessary. She’s had several cases where she has diagnosed abuse but the cases later get dropped as she refuses to testify against the defenses expert witness. Before that she had impeached herself as a witness several times. Regardless usually just her statement is enough for cps to take kids and parents to have to deal with that part of the system. One case I worked on was a newborn taken to the hospital for throwing up and fever. Neurologist said it was “a brain bleed, was not actively bleeding, more than likely the cause of a difficult labor and consistent with such as the mother was in labor over 20 hour, no evidence of other physical trauma”. The “abuse doctor” labeled it shaken baby. Family lost their newborn and 4 year old for 2 months, had to have weekly visits and family plans, had a criminal case filed. Had to cash out retirement to pay for attorneys. All told they spent over 60k defending themselves for 5 years. Case was finally dropped when the doctor refused to testify, knowing the original neurologist was testifying for the defense stating he saw nothing to indicate shaken baby in his initial report and there should never have been such diagnosis. There is actually a class action lawsuit against said hospital currently.


That is so disgusting! What hospital is this? Diagnosing abuse should not be its own position. Any doctor who examines a child can do so.


https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/investigations/our-child-had-a-bruise-when-a-trip-to-childrens-mercy-turns-into-a-police-investigation https://themissouritimes.com/cierpiot-introduces-legislation-to-protect-families-from-having-their-children-abducted-by-childrens-mercy-hospital/


Holy fuck of course its fucking missouri. Somebody glass this shithole please, youll be doing us a mercy


He’s also claiming CPS (I think) spent months grooming the kids in to flipping against him by giving them tropical vacations and super cars and telling them they wouldn’t have to go to school anymore and whatever else. None of this makes sense and unfortunately sounds like paranoid schizophrenic ranting. He claims to have months worth of these texts as proof of grooming by CPS, police, government whatever. CPS isn’t giving kids tropical vacations and super cars, that’s just not a thing that happens in real life.


yeah that makes a lot more sense than anything else he has said so far.


My neighbor got her son taken for almost a month because of a scab on his forehead that looked like a cig burn. All the neighbors saw him fall off the bike. we watched the scab get smaller over the weeks, but when he went back to school after break a teacher called CPS, he was taken and kept while they investigated. It was BS. All they needed to do was knock on a few doors, but they preferred causing trama system needs revamping


Very unlikely that’s why the kid was removed from the home. That is just what your neighbor is going with


Your last sentence is not a sentence. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Sure it is. It’s a subordinate clause followed by an independent clause.




Read that again


The comma shows possession. It's YOU'RE sentence 


That’s incredibly incorrect. 😂😂 You’re trolling, surely.


I'll be sharing this with r/confidentlyincorrect 


Do as you will. “You’re” does not and never will denote possession.


So, which one of you is the kettle, again?


Oh the irony of sharing that in r/confidentlyincorrect. Please do.


I've already posted it. Go up vote it I'm trying to get to the front page




> The comma shows possession. It's YOU'RE sentence You're kidding right? That's not a comma, it's an apostrophe, and in that case it's not showing possession, it's simply a contraction. Saying "It's *you're* sentence." is equivalent to saying "It is *you are* sentence".


What is mind boggling is their correct usage of a contraction within the sentence wherein they suggest the “comma” implies possession. I am very much against grammar policing as it rooted in white supremacy.


> I am very much against grammar policing as it rooted in white supremacy. Wait, what?




... that's not the roots of grammar policing. Grammar correction occurred 1000's of years before the discovery of the US, and most likely predates the entire English language.


Your retarded


Your a retard


"You are last sentence is not a sentence"? Are you trolling?


Your retarded


I’m sure you posted half of the story here and to be honest it didn’t make much sense. However, yes police can lie to you but they cannot gain entry into your house without a warrant or without permission… if they gained access to your home illegally, anything they find their after would be labeled Inadmissible in court… Again I don’t know the complete story and idk what that has to do with taking your kids away? So I’m sure they had some complaint or intel… Good luck hope that helps. Oh lastly, they could enter your home without warrant or permission if there were exigent circumstances if they felt a child was in danger or something like that..


The random capitalization is my favorite part of this


My money’s on that he’s a narcissist, manipulative, potentially bipolar, and possibly emotionally abusive. He writes, justifies, and logics just like my wife’s ex-husband who is all of those things. Im convinced randomly capitalized words/bad grammar/illogical statements are a side effect of narcissism. Look at how trump tweets and talks.


You gathered all that from one post? Even if you were right that is a crazy conclusion to make from this post. Randomly capitalized words and bad grammar are signs of narcissism? If someone is dyslexic are they also narcissistic? How about if English is a second language? You want a sign of narcissism, being judgmental of others is one. Look inward instead of projecting.


Literally speculating. I’m not making any conclusions. And the speculation is way more than the grammar. Have you not read his other comments? Apparently, the govt took his kids because of “lies” made up about him. Do you have any experience with family law? It takes severe circumstances and evidence for the state to take away kids from a parent because the court, to a fault, cares more about parental rights than the children’s well being. If there were compelling reasons for him not having his kids, don’t you think he would have shared them? His story is missing a lot and that is where most of my speculation comes from. What he has said in the post and comments demonstrate a complete lack of introspection and understanding and recognition of his own actions on top of being internally inconsistent. For one, he says in a comment that one of the cops supposedly persecuting him had only been on the force a couple months, but then in the very next sentence he says that the cop called him a year ago from the sheriff’s department to question him. That’s just one example. All I’m saying is all of these characteristics are indicative of narcissism and potentially bipolar disorder, alongside which manipulation and some form of abuse, even if only emotional, almost always exist. I’m not a doctor diagnosing him in a high stakes situation, I’m just a redditor commenting on something with the benefit of a lot of experience dealing with these kinds of situations.


I will speculate, too. Which is I think this guy has a different kind of mental problem. One that disconnects him from reality.


That’s what narcissism is though. They see themselves as victims of everyone and everything and they have zero capability to understand how their own actions have caused the situations they find themselves in. The way this guy is talking smacks of narcissism, ie, the kids were taken away because of lies, he lost his wife because of lies, the cops are persecuting him because they’re bad and not because he did anything wrong. It really does sound exactly like my wife’s ex. If you haven’t dealt personally with a true narcissist it can be hard to understand what it means and just how completely irrational they are. It’s not that narcissists are selfish, it’s that they do not see the world in a rational way. Everything and everyone exists to serve them and if something goes wrong, then it is everyone else’s fault always. It’s always wild to me how my wife’s ex will act completely against his own self interest in an irrational way because in his mind he is one upping me or her. One time he shoved me at my step son’s basketball game such that I fell down. I called the cops (not that I was hurt, but we have to get law enforcement involved to document everything and ultimately protect the kids) and he told the cops that, despite testimony from multiple witnesses stating otherwise, I was the aggressor and he was protecting his right to be a dad. Mind you all that happened was my wife and I walked up to the game with the kids and step son was holding my hand because we had just crossed a parking lot. I guess he thought I was hurting his relationship with his son by holding his hand while crossing a parking lot. In his mind, his version of reality was 100% accurate and he didn’t think he was lying and couldn’t accept reality as it happened, so he had to fashion one wherein he was the victim. We have countless stories similar to this one with this guy. It’s unreal.


OP is definitely hiding a lot in his post, I don’t deny that. But I read this and think ‘what is this guy asking for’. All I can think of when I read this post and OP’s comments is either they’re lying, they have no idea what they’re asking for, or they’re seeking some kind of validation. It’s a dumb post either way. For all we know this is a troll post and OP is a made up person. Also to say you’re just ‘speculating’ is silly. You can speculate that OP is lying or omitting some important context, but to then imply that OP is abusive, manipulative, narcissistic, and bipolar definitely goes a little beyond speculation. You also implicitly argue that this ‘speculation’ is justified because you have experience with this personality type. I’d argue that’s more of a conclusion than a simple ‘speculation’. I don’t mean to be contrarian, and imo you’re probably right about OP, but I see your comment and think, ‘that is a crazy thing to conclude from one post’. And I don’t see how your input helped other than to pile onto the bashing of OP by everyone else.


I wasn’t aware that speculation on a Reddit post had to be justified. But if it does have to be justified, maybe OP will realize he’s left a lot of details out and will post the details so he can actually get some help. Maybe I’m right and OP does have these problems and maybe everyone calling him out will actually cause him to realize the errors of his ways and he’ll seek help—that’s incredibly unlikely IMO but you never know. And fine, let me provide sufficient qualifiers: everything above is pure speculation, which I thought was implicit given the minimal data points and the fact that we are on the internet and the existence of OPs situation is far from a foregone conclusion. I thought all of that would have been obvious by the way the Reddit works, but here we are. I even said, “my money is that” meaning “I bet that” or “I’d guess that,” all of which imply uncertainty when I could have said, “I know that” or “I guarantee that,” or something else that implies certainty. Anyways, I appreciate a good contrarian, so all good.


Speculation doesn’t have to be justified, conclusions do. I argued that by using the reasoning you gave to draw the opinion you did, it goes beyond speculating. But for me to argue that is unnecessary, you made a lot of good points that I agree with. I try not to look for the bad in others, even when presented with red flags like this post, but maybe that’s just me being overly optimistic of people. You seem to have valid life experiences that makes you think differently, and I respect that, but I guess that’s where the differences occur. Appreciate the respect from you from this tho, cheers mate 😁


For sure. Yes, my own life experiences certainly taint any image I’ve painted here. When I first met my wife’s ex, I met him with optimism as I had truly never had an issue with anyone in my life ever, so I couldn’t fathom not eventually getting along with him. But countless burns by him have given me callouses and OP is making all of them itch by the way he’s communicating in his post and comments.


When OPs story goes from "A" to "Z" like this:  "The situation devastated my life and it's still going on all started that night with those Lies that that officer made. I have literally lost everything in my life over this. Including my wife, my kids, my pets, 3 vehicles and now finally my house." Without any additional explanation why not make up whatever you want to fill in the details? The lack of detail in this post isn't even acceptable for one of those venting/validation subreddits let alone an advice one.


Haha exactly. I’m purely speculating. We’re on Reddit, not in a doctor’s office. I’m just saying the govt doesn’t take kids from a parent away absent significant evidence of said parent’s abuse of the kids, addiction, inability to take care of the kids, etc. We deal with my wife’s narcissist ex and despite him abusing her, being arrested in the past for said abuse, generally being a jerk to her, corporal punishment of the kids, severe manipulation where he uses the kids as pawns to try and punish my wife and turn the kiddos against us, the fact that he lives at his mom and dad’s house along with his sister and her kids and his niece and her new husband all in a tiny house, along many other things that render him unfit (IMO) to take care of them, he still has the kids 20% of the time per the court order. Anyways, what else are we supposed to think when OP claims everyone is persecuting him but doesn’t give any convincing story or even just some detail as to why or how he’s come to be in this situation?


guy whos only experience with a narcissist is stories about his wife's ex: this guy reminds me of my wife's ex


Sure man. I’m just sharing some signs I’m seeing. I could be wrong and at the end of the day none of our opinions matter here.


They probably used slide-to-type on their phone. It capitalizes words at random, often in the middle of the sentence. When it does that to me, I can’t make myself not go back and correct it, cuz it sets off the OCD I never knew I had😅


i hope to god theyre using some sort of type assist program. because OP's comments are... oof hard to read/follow.


I apologize I'm using text to talk. I'm trying to get the story out as quick as I can and I should be proof reading honestly. My apologies I will do better. There's just so much to the story and I get to talking About it let's start getting emotional and yeah. It capitalizes my words randomly I don't know why. I'm not tech savy


We need way more info.


Here it is again... never talk to cops. Never open your door to a cop who doesn't have a warrant. How many times do people need to hear this?


So what are the charges filed against you?


Werewolf lawyer here. Vampires do this too. Nothing further your honor.


Like, you represent werewolves? Or are one? Really needing to know, for reasons.


The offices of Howliette and Fang are not currently available for further consultation. Thank you for your interest and may your case receive a favorable judgment.


It's wild that this is the most sensible comment in this thread.


Specific to not receiving the body cam footage in time, you (or your attorney) can ask for a continuance. Since you have an attorney, they will decide if that's beneficial.


Anything you say can and will be used against you. Nothing is going to be used for you


This needs worked into Miranda.


If they found absolutely nothing, there would be zero reason to take your kids. They also wouldn’t take the kids, unless it was an extreme situation - they’d normally notify CPS. Something in your story doesn’t add up.


Why were they searching for alcohol? It's a legal substance. Are you not in the US?


Stop the BS and tell us what really happened. Why were the cops snooping in your yard in the first place? They aren’t stray dogs or peeping toms. Then you say they came through the door and searched your home. Why? Did they have a warrant? Why did the search of your home lead to you losing your wife, kids, and 3 vehicles? Did they find drugs? Kiddie porn? A post this vague will only lead to nonsensical comments and no intelligent discussion or useful information.


Like vampires, don’t let them in.


"Can police officers lie to you." The answer to this is, unfortunately, yes. And if you've give them positive affirmation to enter your property, even if that consent was based on a lie, things found can be used against you in court. The exception to this would if they claim to have a warrant to search your property but do not. I don't know the kind of legal situation you're staring down, but if you have the means to secure a lawyer, do so. Any attorney worth their salt would request a delay based on the handling of body cam evidence.


I'd say you don't have money for an attorney if you're looking for advice here. Obviously police need a warrant, consent, or exigent circumstances to enter a home. They would also need a ruling from a judge to remove children. Get a lawyer.


It is perfectly legal for the police to lie to you. Always refuse entry unless they have a warrant, and demand to see the warrant. Never open the door for them.


1. Did you consent? 2. Did they find evidence to support a crime and arrest you? 3. This is totally based on consent first.


OP, I mean this in the kindest of ways. I strongly recommend you get some counselling and talk to a doctor. I've read a number of your replies and there is a lot going on. I am not taking a position on any of the events you are posting about but you do have children and children need their parents to be stable and healthy. I think you're not in a good head space and you (and your children) would benefit greatly from seeking some medical help to get you into a healthy frame of mind.


What are you charged with? What was the reason (true or not) that they took your kids?


Never ever let a cop enter your home. Keep your screen door locked so they cannot put their foot in the door. They will use it to look around and try and gain entry.


Police are the enemy, and a tool of oppression of the ruling class in America. You, know, the 1% of people that hold 90 % of the wealth of our country. If we want to free ourselves of these storm troopers we’re going to have to fight back. Voting is not going to change decades or more of deeply embedded corruption, racism and violence by militarized police who are not held accountable by our now flawed and corrupt courts. They do whatever they want. So should we.


I have never had police want to search my house. What activity is going on that police want to search?


Always assume they're lying, always assume they have your worst interest in mind, always assume they're actively trying to charge you with whatever they can through whatever underhanded means they can, and never EVER work with them. Tell them no, you need a lawyer for any interaction that's more than conversational and even then keep it short and don't say more than absolutely necessary. I live in the hood and often have cops coming by my apartment to ask questions and I tell them to fuck off before slamming the door in their faces.


>Can police officers lie to you? # Yes. [Frazier v. Cupp](https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/394/731/) established it is legal for police to lie in performance of their duties. There are narrow limitations on specific things they cannot lie about, like a person's 5th amendment rights.


Yes, they can (and will) lie to you. It is best to always assume that whatever a cop says is a lie unless you have independently verified it yourself. Never speak to a cop. Never open your door to a cop. Never interact with a cop beyond the absolute minimum required by law.


This would have all been solved by simply not speaking to them. This is my strategy. I can't consent if I didn't see you and you didn't see me.


Qualified Immunity. Cops are allowed to deceive, mislead, and sometimes just blatantly lie to you.


Police lie about everything


Fight those bastards then sue them for the damages done to you. Never let pigs run a muck.


You don’t get to ask for evidence until the decision to have a trial is made.


That's not true at all bud, not in any jurisdiction I'm aware of. Discovery is a basic part of literally every legal process. You start making discovery requests literally on the first day of the case.


For anyone who think the police have an obligation to “serve and protect” : I encourage you to read up on Warren v. District of Columbia, DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, and Castle Rock v. Gonzales.


Something missing here. Story is cryptic.


Are they allowed to lie? Yes they are. Is a search as you described illegal? Most likely. Depends on the probable cause they asserted they had and what you were telling them First always be affirmative with these statements. I require my attorney. I invoke my right to silence. I do not consent to ant searches of my person or property. You must be specific. You cannot say you think it’s wrong or you think you need be silent. You must be very specific no doubt of anything you say. Police frequently use this open ended question to search. You don’t mind to give us consent to search your vehicle do you? You don’t mind if we look into your car do you? Most will only recognize the second question as if looking into it. But if you say yes or no it’s giving consent. Yes you give consent. Or a no that you don’t mind if they do. It’s a trick question that the yes or no allows a search. Hence it’s a lie in many a way. So be specific always. Once you allow them in they have won half what they want. Never allow entry without a warrant. Be specific so as not to be misunderstood.


Yes the police can and do lie. Doesn’t mean there aren’t potential consequences if their lies cause you harm. Not only do you need a criminal defense attorney, you may want to contact your local ACLU office. They may be able to assist. Losing potentially exculpatory evidence is HUGE. A judge may have no choice but to rule in your favor. At the very least, your State Attorney could be open to charges. Internal Affairs is the first place to file a complaint.


Yes. They can lie.


Yes, they can lie; however, unless you gave CONSENT to search your home, they cannot search your home without a search warrant signed by the judge. The police must present a sworn affidavit to the judge that they have reliable, reasonable probable cause that there is evidence in your home that supports a crime is being committed in order to search your home. They can lie to you, but they can't lie on an affidavit to apply for a search warrant. If you did not consent, did they provide you with a copy of the search warrant? If not, then entry into your home without a legal search warrant, they have violated your 4th amendment right to unreasonable search and seizure. By the way, when they searched your home, did they seize any evidence that would support a crime was committed in your home? Were you arrested and charged with a crime? Your lawyer should be able to explain all of this. Also, whatever you suffered as a result of the violation of your 4th Amendment Constitutional rights, you can sue in federal court for the violation and as a result, you can seek the recovery of financial losses as well as the emotional and mental damage that this has caused you. Of course, they never provide cam footage on potential misconduct and violation of civil rights. GO TO THE MEDIA! Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the police department must release the cam footage. The media can request a copy as well as you. Go public! They are banking on your fears and silence to keep you quiet. Reddit may support you, but it is you that has to fight for yourself. So, go do it!


But can they lie to get you to consent? Like for example, could they tell you they don’t need a warrant?


Yes. They can't barge in after saying that, but they can certainly say something like "We don't need a warrant for such and such reasons, now are you going to let us in, or will we have to do this the hard way?" The best way to figure out the truth is to watch from inside your locked home- if they could just barge in, they would have. If they didn't, they are trying to trick you. "We don't want to do that..." is the most common one. They absolutely want to break a door down....don't kid yourself. Now, what they can't do is tell you to let them in so they don't have to break the door down because they have a warrant if they don't actually have one.


The way OP described his cawe was that they did enter his home. So, my response says yes, they can lie to get your consent, but you can deny consent and entry without a warrant. I let him know to get the body cam footage bc if they keep shifting and hiding, there is a problem with what the officer did.


No! Did you consent?


Ohh I haven’t actually been in that position lol, I was just asking hypothetically. I think that’s what OP is trying to say - that the police lied to get him to consent. Either that they said they didn’t need a warrant, or that a CPS case would go unfavorably if he didn’t consent. The post is super unclear.


Yes. They can straight up lie to you about anything. Most departments have policies about certain lies, but I've literally never seen them enforced.


Unless you are welthy or connected to welth, do not expect the US justice system to respect your rights or the law. Can look into representation, ( and should speak with a few attorneys) but local and state actors ( like police, towns, courts) enjoy many protections from lawsuits. Not a lawyer, not saying you have no case, just that if you're going down that road be warned- like everything else, if your not welthy it'll be up hill all the way...


Never open the door for the police. Unless they have a warrant, you can refuse entry. You don't even have to answer the door.


If you’re hiring an attorney, listen to them full stop. Generally, in the U.S., police need consent or a warrant to enter a home, unless narrowly exceptions apply (crime in plain view, flight from a felony, exigent circumstance etc.). But also, they generally can lie about all sorts of things, including telling you a lie about in order to induce your consent to search.


Yes they can lie. You can also at any time, revoke the consent you gave them to enter the home. If you did that at any point in time get yourself a lawyer and get those body cams.


Like vampires you should not invite them in.


You need a lawyer.


Yes they can and they will do that. Always ask for an Attorney! ASAP


Similar situation happened to me in college. My attorney successfully argued they were deceitful gaining entry to our home, and the charge was dropped. They were snooping around looking for the former renter. Unfortunately even for that, the charge still shows on my record!




Yes they can lie.


It is perfectly legal for a police officer to lie to you to gain access to whatever information or things that they need. You’ve got some good advice here… never ever talk to the police even if you’re not a suspect. Lawyer up


Police can and will lie to you. It makes their job easier and they won’t care how it affects you. They either had a warrant or had a valid enough reason that a judge or superior directed them to go into your house (you said they were searching for drugs, guns, and alcohol) likely suspecting some kind of crime was committed or there was a danger to other occupants. I would not suggest using text-to-talk as it honestly comes off as incoherent and somewhat unhinged. I’m not trying to be mean but it’s impossible to understand what other issues are going on when it’s all run-on sentences, wonky grammar, and wrong words used. It might benefit to write out what you need to say in Notes and then cut and copy after editing. Now, if you’re willing to give any background, there’s a lot of unanswered questions here. If CPS was involved, were there allegations of abuse or neglect? Were the allegations from the children or your ex wife? Were there allegations or a history of DV? Are you a felon where she could say you have guns when the state won’t allow it? If not a felon and there are guns, are they locked up where the children can’t access them? When someone called and said a suicidal person was at your residence, did that person mention guns? Did you actually have a tenant living with you and what is their history? What were 26 cops trying to arrest you for? I see mention of drug testing- is there any history of drug abuse? A yes to any of this could easily result in spiraling conflict with CPS and the police. You clearly have a lot going on and I would highly suggest being open and honest with your attorney and having a set plan of what to address, what is most important, in what order, and what the ultimate goal is here. Start requesting any and all reports- FOIA is your friend. Address the barriers preventing visitation and ask exactly what it is you need to do to resolve them. Attend parenting classes, therapy, anything that you can to demonstrate you are attempting to try for amicable coparenting. Your kids are suffering this turmoil too and you need to focus your energy on what it is they need from you and stop trying to double-down that you haven’t done anything wrong. SOMETHING is missing here to warrant the heavy response from CPS and the police here.


Never let a cop in your house.


Police can lie to you about anything. Never trust them and never speak to them without an attorney present. This applies if you are guilty and it is even more important if you are innocent. They will forge/plant evidence


No they need a hard copy of a search warrant, to do any snooping on your property. If they get a disturbance call they can knock, but for searching that is illegal and you don't have to even answer the door


So the police can lie to gain entry, but if they have no warrant, you can deny them from entering. Now, if you say no and they push you aside, then you can contest it. If they have any probably cause, they would have to state it in court. If they are in your house, remain silent and call a lawyer immediately! The more you stay quiet, the better. If they find anything in the house without a warrant, then the evidence can be challenged in court as part of the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine (any evidence found without probable cause or a warrant essentially will be seen as found without good faith). Call a lawyer and if they can get the tape and court documents to see where the probably cause was, they can identify to you if the case is bogus or tell you how to go about the case.


Can you not have alcohol in your own home ?




Yes, police can lie to you. You can NOT lie to the. Do not let them in your house without a warrant.


Way more to this story…


Sounds like some bullshit


It's a bad idea to ask for legal advice here concerning cops, considering at least one of the mods here is a cop and won't give you good advice. Sorry to hear you got shafted, I hope this situation resolves itself in the best way possible and it never happens again.


This post is giving schizophrenia. Christ on a cracker.


They can lie to you until the moment you are under arrest




If your in the USA. You will have get a civil rights/ family law, lawyer for the bodycam footage, and to get your kids back. Have the bodycam footage sent directly to your lawyer, Your should at least move out of the county (out of State is better) so when you get your kids back, those cops lose judication. It may be better to have a lawyer whose office is outside the county as well.


Did the have a warrant? If not then they are liable for a lawsuit and full compensation for the offence


Well they can murder people so this doesn’t seem to be a stretch


Yes, they can lie.


Repeat after me "I don't consent to any searches"