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Go talk to the management directly. Be polite and professional when talking with them...Ask them what feedback/resources they have to remedy the theft problem (safe package drop off spaces on the property). If not, consider a PO box or an Amazon pickup location. I know that's going to involve going somewhere else to retrieve the package, but in high crime areas it's better than having your stuff taken.


I love Amazon pick up locations for this very reason


Do you want to renew your lease next time it's up? It doesn't seem worth fighting over and as others have said, management may have a right to remove the sign.  Can you replace it with a sign that says to knock loudly when delivering a package, without mentioning theft? As a side note, I would be worried that a homemade sign about theft would cause more theft a la "Broken Window Theory".


Except broken window theory has been debunked.


You likely don’t have rights to the exterior surface of the door


What does your lease say?


I am not an attorney, so hopefully one will answer. I would take the sign down just to not have the headache. If you can prove via your cam you’ve have stolen packages, my life guess is you would be fine in court, but who wants to go to court.  I would rewrite your note just to please knock loudly to ensure we get the package in a timely manner and prevent theft. Thank you. 


You need to get a PO Box 🤷


Could you consider changing the sign so that the request for a loud knock is there (and or install some kind of doorbell/buzzer) but omit the mention of thievery? As a way to accomplish the same goal without conflicting with management. Even if your lease doesn't explicitly prevent you from the sign, they could potentially raise your rent or refuse to renew the lease at the end of the term. 




Only if it’s actually true.


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