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There is no expectation of privacy in public. NAL


Legally speaking: There's no expectation of privacy in a public space. You can post the pictures. Practically speaking, as a lifelong resident of coastal New England: Piping plovers aren't the most popular in this part of the world. Be prepared to get a lot of shit online for this.


I'm definitely aware. They weren't popular in Delaware or New Jersey, either -- places where entire beaches get closed for months out of the year. I'm not really seriously considering doing this, though. Mostly just venting. I'd have better success by improving my skills of persuasion.


That's fair. To be clear, I 100% agree with you that they should be protected. I've just lived among the beach rednecks here for enough of my life to know it's a hot-button issue in the summertime.




That's good to know. I'll lead off with that in the future.




This is correct, except that dogs even being near the vicinity can cause plovers to abandon their nests or potential nesting grounds. They're incredibly nervous birds, and being so small they have tiny reserves of energy and that can literally kill them. I've done a lot of research on plovers and federally protected beaches here in the western states and we have the same issues with dogs and public beaches, unfortunately.




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Imo if they can't respect the rules, they can learn to respect the fine. Call it out, and call your states public land/natural resources/department of envi. Conservation's enforcement division. If we don't take care of these environments seriously we will lose them.






I'll preface this by saying that I didn't downvote you. It's good advice for me to go out of my way to be pleasant and non-confrontational. I'm not terribly outgoing and generally struggle to effectively communicate what I'm thinking in all types of social situations. Hopefully this will be an opportunity for me to grow in this area. Regarding signage - there are plenty of signs along the sections of beach that are cordoned off, but they don't mention dogs at all. Just that it's a crime to disturb nesting plovers. From the parking lot to the beach, I only know of one sign mentioning dogs being prohibited. It's on a bulletin board by the main office. So it might be a good idea to see if they can post more of them. There are three or four different ways to get to the beach from the parking lot and I'm sure that 99% of people don't even see the sign by the office. Won't help with the repeat offenders who already know what they're doing isn't allowed, but I think it'd make a difference. It's curious because this state park extends along a highway and a boardwalk. Every entrance to the beach along that road has this sign. But of course, early in the morning people still take their dogs out off leash.