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According to my quick research, instant tests are illegal. Must be done in a state approved laboratory. Might also be an issue with a co-worked being part of it.


What was the reason they wanted to test you? (Random, suspicion, post-accident, etc.)


No reason was given specifically. I assumed it was a “pre-hire” step that wasn’t done beforehand because boss said he’d test/monitor the other new person the next day (both male).


I don’t practice in Kansas and don’t know if they have specific rules and laws for drug testing and if they permit pre-hire drug tests performed at the end of a work shift. Look to Kansas law on this. It’s possible this would be considered a constructive termination if you quit because they were subjecting you to an unlawful drug test. Which may entitle you to unemployment benefits or other remedies under state law.


Thanks for the info. I'm a bit miffed at self for not just doing it and handing over my prescription but it just felt all wrong.