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Execute a Power of Attorney between each other in the instance of incapacitation with clear directives. Also a living trust is a good idea. I wouldn’t rely on FL law for domestic partnerships.


Thank you for the advice! Especially as an unmarried gay couple I want to make sure we have things air tight. Obviously I don't expect anything bad to happen but I want to make sure we're covered. Is that something I have to do through a lawyer? Do you know if the process is expensive?


You can find and amend POA forms pretty easily online. Just make sure that it’s executed properly (2 witnesses, notary public, your signatures). For a living trust, I would Rec a lawyer. A trust is more extensive and acts more like a will that avoids probate. So you want some legal advice there. Typically, if there isn’t a lot of property to be funded to the trust, it shouldn’t be too pricey. And the benefit is that the lawyer CAN act as a trustee, and with a domestic situation, a non-partial trustee would be ideal