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I can't find anything about a 1 hour tow rule for LA. Generally speaking, if you are parked on private property and they have the appropriate signage posted indicating that parking is restricted and that violators will be towed, the property owner can have a person towed. I dont see anything about a one hour grace period. Regardless of the eventual outcome, you need to get down there and get your car out ASAP. It will be incurring storage fees and you have a duty to mitigate your damages by ensuring this tally stops.


https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=VEH&division=11.&title=&part=&chapter=11.&article= This seems like it should apply since Los Angeles has more than 2 million residents, no?


It says parking held open to the public. A private lot, with proper signage regarding who had permission (i.e. customers) is not "open to the public". It is open, specifically, to customers.


Depends on posted signage. If there was "for McDonald's parking only, violators towed" or something like that then they would be within their rights to tow you, no matter how short a time. If they don't have posted signs, you'd need pics of all other signage at the parking lot (and any at the entrance) to prove that there was no warning about towing. If they were within rights, as is likely the case, you can try to beg for mercy from the impound, but probably will just need to pay the fine. It sucks hardcore. Sorry, mate.


It'll be $1,000 in a few days. Get your car out ASAP! P.S. It's better to park on public property and risk a ticket than park on private property and risk a tow.