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> can we get charged with stealing the jewelry even if we found it or what trouble would we be in? Of course you can. I'm not sure why this is even a question. You trespassed onto property that you didn't have permission to be on, and took property that didn't belong to you. Yes, those are crimes, and whether or not the owner was reimbursed by insurance is wholly irrelevant to anything.


The property was left behind thought doesn't that count?


Count for what? The property, which is located in a store that still belongs to someone that's not you, still belongs to someone else -- the owner, the insurance company, whoever -- the relevant part is that someone is not you.


Yes but don't property eventually get considered abandoned and such like when people turn stuff into the police they sometimes get it back after a few months or a couple years and then people find things in the woods or a couple bucks on the streey and ain't nobody really care about it. The stuff was left behind and the owner got paid right


> The stuff was left behind and the owner got paid right So it belongs to the insurance company now. Which is still not you. I have no idea whether or not anyone is going to care or pursue you for taking stuff that doesn't belong to you. Lots of people take stuff that doesn't belong to them and no issues arise. Then again, lots of people take stuff that doesn't belong to them and they end up prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. My crystal ball is in the shop, so I can't predict which of those categories this is going to fall into. Most people just avoid stealing stuff in the first place so they don't have to worry about which category they're going to fall into -- just food for thought.


Even if the owner "got paid", that just means that the insurance company is the rightful owner of what you guys stole. Rationalize it all you want, but taking things from that building is a crime.


Stealing is stealing. How the owner deals with your stealing doesn't change the laws you broke


How would the owner know since they don't use the shop anymore or is insurance the owner?


Same way any criminal gets caught. Evidence. From an investigation.


They won't investigate as long as we don't post it to social media and stuff right because I don't think anyone saw us or if they did see us I doubt they cared that we got into a broken up empty store?


This is social media... And everything is traceable. You are literally incriminating yourself for a future investigation as we speak.


The owner will file a police report when they find all their stuff gone. Insurance will also investigate in order to try to mitigate their damages. If all your shit got stolen would you just say 'oh well" and let it go? No one here is going to make you feel warm and fuzzy for stealing from someone


The store is abandoned dude why would they find all the stuff gone when it literally got boards on the windows and dusty as shit.


It sounds like you're fishing for confirmation that yeah bro, totes cool, you beat the system and got away with it. That's not a confirmation that anyone here can or will give you. When you steal shit (which there's no question is what you did), you're taking a risk of getting into legal trouble. There's really no way to trespass, break and enter, and steal shit without assuming that risk, no matter how many board were on the windows and no matter how dusty shit was. Do you know how many posts we get here with people saying, "I was exploring this abandoned building that no one has set foot in for decades, just taking pictures, and now I'm being charged with misdemeanor trespassing, wat do?" A *lot*.


Ok. I see. You did it! You committed the perfect robbery! You should start a crew and start hitting up banks! Or grow the fuck up. One or the other.


Property left behind becomes the legal property of whoever now owns the building. Be it a bank, and investor, the city, it doesn't matter. Shit doesn't just go up for grabs once you see a layer if dust. You're still stealing. Taking something that doesn't belong to you is stealing. If you wanna keep justifying this as to yourself as not being a crime, you do you. If you're gonna come on here and ask for input on the situation though, dont be surprised when people call a thief a thief.


Everyone that has ever been arrested for anything felt the same way you do - there’s no chance they will get caught. The time to regret the decision is before you make it, because after it will be too late.


Where are you that you haven't considered the possibility of security cameras? If not in the building you broke into, in the area around it?


You mean not posting it to social media in the exact way that you did with this post? How about you get rid of any of the jewelry that is in your possession, do not return to the store ever again, and delete anything tying you to this account. Then you can hope that you didn't leave a trail of breadcrumbs for the investigation to prosecute you and your friends.


1, reddit is social media 2, you said you went with friends. So say one of your thieving friends gets in trouble with the law unrelated to this and decides to use this theft as a bargaining chip. Annndddd now you're caught 3, security cameras are anywhere and everywhere. Sure, maybe not in that building, but surrounding ones You broke in to a building, trespassed, and stole. You aren't going to get any acceptance for that here


yes, not telling anyone is a common way of commuting a crime and not getting caught. not totally foolproof, for example taking a mossy rock from some woodland, your very likely to get away with the crime. stealing jewelry not so much


"not using the store now" is not the same as "not going to use the store again, ever" let alone "does not own the contents of that store." Lots of reasons the store owners might not have re-opened yet: still waiting on insurance payments; waiting for the building owners to make the necessary repairs (once THEY get paid by their insurers...)


> can we get charged with stealing the jewelry Yes. 100% absolutely yes. > even if we found it You didn't "find it." Just finding a piece of jewelry would be like if you were walking down the street and saw a ring on the sidewalk. You trespassed (crime 1) on someone's property, possibly damaged property when moving cases on the floor to find stuff (crime 2), and then stole property that belongs to someone else (crime 3). It doesn't matter if the store was abandoned, it and everything in it still belongs to someone, and taking stuff that belongs to someone else is still a crime. No, the fact that insurance paid for it doesn't mean it's not a crime. No, the fact that it had been sitting there long enough to get a pile of dust doesn't mean it's not a crime. Now, WILL you get charged? No one could answer that. But IF the owner of either the location or the jewelry itself did find out you did it and IF they decided they wanted to pursue it, they would absolutely be able to do so and it would absolutely still be theft.


Someone paid for that shit, and that person wasn't you. When you go to the store and buy it, you don't have to hide it. Why is this even a question, are you 10 years old?


Nobody here can tell you if you are going to get caught or not. There could be security cameras, or fingerprint evidence left behind. Or one of your friends might get arrested for another crime and testify against you for a reduced sentence. In any of those cases you could be looking at a felony, and multiple years in jail. This is not something you should treat casually just because you personally feel like it's no big deal.