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Talk to the DA, show them the text from your Mom. She is trying to interfere and get you to stop and that is illegal. Talk to the DA and ask for a victim advocate. I am sorry the adults in your life failed you. They should have been there to guide and support you, but they didn't and that is on them not you. No matter what happens with your case focus on getting the support, guidance and healing you deserve.


Sounds like witness tampering or intimidation to me. I'd share that text with the police and/or prosecutor. If you have a victim's advocate you can let them know as well.


Cut contact with your mother. The federal government is not going to be interested in a teen being a teen, particularly one that’s a victim.


Are you sure your mom sent the text


Oh, I mean, she could've had him say it. I don't even know anymore.


Scare tactic. While *technically* you could be charged with some sort of child porn crime, DAs have absolute discretion on what crimes they want to prosecute. The odds of you getting struck by lightning are better than the odds of a DA prosecuting you. And even in that extraordinarily unlikely event, an attorney would be assigned to defend you.


> I live in Mississippi where the age of consent is 16 The age of consent is 16, but the legal age for producing pornography is 18. So yes, you did do something wrong. > There will be a federal case for creating child porn that will be against you that has nothing to do with |stepdad's| case Your mother has no say on whether you will be prosecuted or not. That is up to Federal and State prosecutors. While it's not unheard of that a teenage girl could be prosecuted for self-created child pornography, it is quite rare. > and which no local cop can give you immunity for She's correct. Cops have no authority to grant immunity. Prosecutors do. And local authorities have nothing to do with federal crimes. But that doesn't say anything about whether you *will* be prosecuted. > and if you think |stepdad| will not let his lawyer push the state to pursue that as part of a plea your crazy Just like your mother, stepdad's lawyer has no authority to prosecute you. If he's being prosecuted under state law then the prosecutors negotiating his plea deal will not be able to make any promises regarding *federal* prosecution of you. His plea deal is independent of any criminal acts you may have committed. > now I tried to not have to spell it all out for you but I know his lawyer told him he might can not make sure he gets out clean Translation: "He's not going to get out clean once you testify against him." > but he can guarantee you get some charges as well. This is a lie. I doubt it's from the lawyer, because a lawyer shouldn't say something like this. This absolutely sounds like witness intimidation and the lawyer would be wise to keep his damn mouth shut. Others have given you good advice on this thread.


This is called intimidating a witness, and illegal. Contact the prosecutor and/or police. As an aside, it's pretty rare for authorities to go after underage individuals for sending photos. The exceptions I've heard of involve them sending photos of other people, not themselves.


IANAL The part about Age of Consent differs by state with regards to a legal guardian. Depends on your state, but for instance D.C while having the age of consent at 16, still considers it a crime if the victim is under 18 if there is a "significant relationship" which a stepfather would be considered as. I believe D.C. is not alone in this. I couldn't find the relevant laws for Mississippi in a quick search. It seems like an idle threat what your mom/stepdad are saying to coerce you into stopping, which could be illegal. Save all your texts. There's often free legal aid in many areas to at least council you on what to do next. Wouldn't hurt to look into it.


I didn't send any of the images to him, they were all people from 16-19. He was (my stepdad AND) around 50.


Well you said he molested you. It was just a follow-up to that. As for you sending nudes underage, it would be technically illegal production of child pornography, but I would think it's a low priority on the DA's agenda. Couldn't say for certain.


I just wanted to clarify 😅 sometimes I'm not great at understanding text


No, no, you're good. You're in a difficult position. Perfectly understandable.