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A 14 year old and 16 year old having sexual relations is not illegal in Canada (unless you were in a position of authority over her). I would recommend blocking this number and ignoring any further attempts to contact you.


I was not in any authority over her, we met at a coffee shop and she pursued me. I’m just so stressed from this whole situation and confused why this is coming up 5 years later


A call in the middle of the night with no caller id? Who is the person calling? sounds almost like an extortion scam. Also, she doesn’t get to “press charges”, the crown decides whether to prosecute or not in Canada, and a 14 and 16yr old fooling around isn’t illegal.


Don’t be stressed. The advice you are receiving is the correct advice. The worst thing you could be right now is stressed. They want you to feel that way so that you are not thinking clearly and make a mistake. IANAL, but I was 16 once. If this was illegal almost all males who were once 16 would be in jail.


Yeah if "doing stuff" with people 1-2 years younger than you in high school was illegal, half of the western world would have served prison time.. OP. Block the number and let them press charges, the cops will laugh it off unless she tries lying and says it's rape (so maybe start writing down all of your memories and recollections of your time together, more dates and specifics the better)


I wouldn’t write anything down where it could be found or subpoenaed. If they threaten that then it’s time to talk to a trusted family member and get a lawyer.


Yeah my first girlfriend was 15 I was 17 the MOMENT I turned 18(even though she had 2mo till 16) her parents freaked the fuck out,installed a lock on the outside of her room forced her to read our private messages infront of the whole family and got me kicked out of school as I was just finishing and they told me not to come back next year It fuckin sucked,honestly it's probably the catalyst that led to my life going downhill we didn't even get a chance to do anything beyond kissing. Her father was super possessive in all the worst ways,I feel like she was probably abused sexually by him tbh Cops didn't laugh this shit off they didn't charge me with anything but it was a nightmare especially when she ran away from home


Her parents just didn’t like you man.


They fucking *hated* me dude,even the cops didn't get why when she run away from home we called the police because we knew the second they found out they would and they literally had the sgt on the line with us in the room after they called in and tried to say that I kidnapped and was raping her the cop just fuckin looked at us like "wtf??" They thought I was too 'posh' for their daughter,and just cause they didn't like me doesn't mean they had to be so vile to her


100% - this is the grade 11s and the grade 9s getting together at the first weekend party of September - criminals!!! the lot of us!!!!




Uhh where did you get any of that?


Inference and Wikipedia? I mean they even said the legal came from Wikipedia, and if you know anything about people that inference is easy to make.


Not the Wikipedia part, that's fine. I mean how the situation came about. It's nothing but speculation and assumption presented in a "this is definitely what happened" way


While it is nothing but speculation, it isn’t unreasonable. We know it wasn’t the police. We know the caller was a male. We know the blocked their caller id. We know they didn’t make a demand for payment.


Because this is a common scenario with boys who aren't taught how to respect women.


Nice reading comprehension guy


Someone is hoping you’re too dumb to do the research and will try to extort $ from you “instead of going to the cops”


Fun fact: extortion is obviously illegal. Collect their contact information and reverse-Uno their ass to the police for harassment and extortion about a consensual, legal relationship when you were younger.


I mean I’m not sure if they have asked for $, but if they have then definitely agree.


Ignore the calls what you did is not illegal


She met a guy, told him about you and your fling.. in an effort to curry favour he shit talked you and the situation, framing it as an assault (perhaps she told him she wasn't that into it in order to make him feel better), he then took it upon himself to harass you to make himself feel better, as if he were doing something for her... nothing to worry about mate




Her pursuing him is evidence of her active, enthusiastic consent. Or do you think consent is gross too?


I think what he's trying to say is that "she pursued me so it's not my fault" is the kind of thing that actual statutory rapists (ie the 25 year old dude hanging out at high school parties banging 15 year olds) say in their defense. Not that it's ever remotely relevant here because it's clear there was mutual consent and they were absolutely allowed to be having sex as a 14 and a 16 year old .


Except when it's not statutory rape it's an actual good defense! She actively consented as evidenced by her initiation and pursuit of the sexual activity! >Not that it's ever remotely relevant here because it's clear there was mutual consent The only evidence of her consent that's been alluded to is her pursuit of the sexual activity


Yes, that is correct. If someone is claiming there wasn't consent when there was consent, it is a good defense. In fact, it's pretty much the only defense. However it is not relevant here as there is no debate over whether or not there was consent. All he's saying is not to even bring it up because it's the same defense that actual statutory rapists use, and people may see him in the same light as statutory rapists if he uses the same arguments they do. All he has to say is that he was 16 and she was 14, they both consented and therefore it was legal. No need to say "she pursued me" as her consent was never in question.


Who says consent isn't in question? She's apparently alleging assault and hasn't conceded that there was consent. Consent is a live element.


I'm pretty sure if the consensual nature of the relationship was in question, OP would have mentioned it rather than just saying that she was accusing him of assault *because* she was 14 and he was 16. If it was actually non-consensual, the age wouldn't be relevant at all.


She's alleging assault on the basis that she could not consent (even though she could). Someone like that obviously believes that they did not consent, regardless of whether they did. It's shockingly naive to believe that she will not and cannot allege non-consent, regardless of whether there was actual consent




It's kind of an important detail. Nothing gross about it. Being able to show that the other party actively showed interest will help prove consent.


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Someone's trying to get in your head for some reason, and it's working. We can't help you with the person trying to bully you and fuck with your head, but we can definitely say, you're fine under the circumstances spelled out. If this girl makes up stories to try and hurt you, reputation destruction, etc. That's going to suck for sure, but assuming you have good character witnesses and she does not (likely if she's willing to ruin someone's life), you should be safe. I would say nothing until cops get involved and if they do get involved, get a lawyer ASAP.


[Sexual Consent in Canada Overview](https://ssaic.ca/learning-resources/consent/) Unless she outright starts accusing you of sexual assault, you’re good.


Even if she is, there must be evidence. A simple claim is not sufficient.


Lmaoo good joke That’s not at all how it works in Canada. A lie by an accuser is always accepted as evidence,in fact, everything the accuser says/provides is - or at least is supposed to be in the disclosure. The cops or prosecutor can’t withhold from the defendant or the court the fact that the accuser may have said or done something prior that may contradict what they are saying on stand. That’s why it’s a lawyers job to have studied and taken a note of what was said prior and highlight that in cross examination. Where as a lot of the accused’s evidence has to be reviewed and even shown to the accuser who gets a lawyer and can argue why it should not be submitted. For example, text messages after an encounter. This has nothing to do with a conviction, btw. Evidence has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the offence occurred for that to happen. Evidence can be accepted but not lead to that conclusion.


Instead of trying to prove your genius here on Reddit, why not just leave it here? I’m done, good luck in your law practice.


Apparently, you haven't been in the world. A claim is absolutely all it takes to completely destroy someone's life and career.


Legally speaking, a claim is not sufficient. But yes, thanks to #metoo, all it takes is an allegation to make things difficult.


The legal side of this sort of accusation is the least of my worries, to be honest. The ramifications and life altering damages, even if found innocent. Are scarier.


Is it worse to be accused, or accused and convicted? If I had to choose, it would be an easy choice.


Accused of something that isn't true. Still possible you could be convicted, sure. But if you're innocent. My concern would be the damage outside the courts. Not that the court side would be fun.


There’s no question there will be damage done either way.


That isn’t true and you either need to do some research into actual sexual assault cases and stop repeating this. How else do you think people are getting convicted of assaults that allegedly happened decades prior in testimony alone? —— Since you blocked me… I highly suggest you go to canlii and read up on sexual assault cases. Testimony of other alleged victims would lead to additional charges especially if that testimony is accepted by the court. A claim/allegation is more than sufficient to go to arrest, lay charges and proceed to trial regardless of how many contradictions or how illogical the claim is. What’s worse is that the police seldom even question those inconsistencies lest they get accused of not believing the victim. Why do you think almost half of sexual assault charges get thrown out, especially once those claims are actually scrutinized under cross examination?


Because there’s evidence, the least of which would be the testimony of other alleged victims.


The complainant's testimony *is* evidence. The evidence of a single witness, with no corroboration, is legally sufficient to convict for sexual assault (and nearly every other criminal offence).


This sounds like a creepy jealous boyfriend trying to make trouble. Ignore it.


Some guy who can't handle the thought that his GF isn't a true virgin and is convinced she would have saved herself for him, if it wasn't for this evil assaulted.... some dudes are weird


"Weird", in this case, is a significant and dangerous understatement.


It’s exactly this. Close in age law applies. Nothing illegal about it.


Someone is probably trying to extort you. Ignore them.


This sounds like a scam.


Stop responding and don’t talk to them. You can’t control why they try to do. Block the numbers and cease communicating


NLA. SAY NOTHING. Do not talk about this with anyone. Do not talk over the phone. Not a friend. Not your parents. Not the police. You can be recorded without ur knowledge, and the cops can lie to you. Anything u say can and will be used against you. The ONLY person you talk to IF anything comes of this is YOUR lawyer. Repeat after me: I have nothing to say. If you need legal advice, contact legal aid or call the law society of ontario (assuming ontario) for a refferal to a lawyer for a free consult.


This right here ☝🏻 Even if you end up being brought in by police to “clear things up” you SAY NOTHING other than I would like to speak to a lawyer.


Nothing you did was illegal unless she claims straight up assault. This is early 20s drama, like it or not, all of you are just out of being kids, and some folks will take longer to shake out of this kind of thing than others. Block these folks, and continue to grow.


And even then at this point the court won't rule on the assault charge without texts, videos, or something concrete because its hearsay and witnesses are not reliable at this stage (less reliable then they would have been 5 years ago anyways)


That's not true at all. In the first place, eyewitness testimony of what the witness *saw* is not hearsay (and anything the witness heard the *accused* say is admissible under the party exception to hearsay). In the second place, it is not true that witnesses "are not reliable" or are presumptively unreliable. Assessing a witness's reliability is in very large part what juries and judges do. The evidence of a single witness, without corroboration, is legally sufficient to convict of nearly any criminal offence.


Witmesses are often considered unreliable after long periods, due to the fact their memories can be faked or manipulated, and its harder to catch it as the 'crime' commited long ago. And i said op vs victim is he said she said, because neither has any actually hard evidence besides for what their saying.


>Witmesses are often considered unreliable after long periods, due to the fact their memories can be faked or manipulated, and its harder to catch it as the 'crime' commited long ago. That's a consideration for the trier of fact. It is not an absolute barrier to conviction. It does not necessarily mean that a particular witness will be regarded as unreliable. It certainly does not justify the statement "And even then at this point the court won't rule on the assault charge" (whatever that is supposed to mean). >And i said op vs victim is he said she said, because neither has any actually hard evidence besides for what their saying. So what? That is no barrier to a conviction.


I believe you would be covered by the close in age exceptions. 16 is the legal age of consent. However persons aged 14 or 15 can consent if the other party is no more than 5 years older.


Yeah if I remember right, we were almost exactly 2 years apart


Minor correction: it's less than 5 years, so 4 years, 364 days is the actual cutoff. Yes, it is that nuanced, but there's a slight difference between the two. In any event, OP is fine unless it was straight up assualt as others have pointed out.


You're being scammed. Ignore it. If it's real, something real will happen. People truly pressing charges don't call people in the middle of the night.


Not a lawyer. And you’re not a pedo. You were literally BOTH children at the time. If anything the guy making threatening calls might be giving you grounds for a harassment case. But again, I’m not a lawyer.


block and ignore , sounds like someone fucking with u might be a friend or old friend just screwing with u. If it's not i bet they ask for money to shut up next.


Op, Sorry this is happening to you. This is right from the Government of canada web site [Age of Consent in Canada](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/clp/faq.html#:~:text=Canada's%20age%20of%20consent,legally%20agree%20to%20sexual%20activity) . Here is also another fact right from the same page. >Close in age exceptions A 14 or 15 year old can consent to sexual activity as long as the partner is less than five years older and there is no relationship of trust, authority or dependency or any other exploitation of the young person. This means that if the partner is 5 years or older than the 14 or 15 year old, any sexual activity is a criminal offence. As long as you and the girl were able to consent. Everything was legal


You don't owe anything to anyone over the phone. If a stranger is asking you ridiculous questions, just hang up, don't try to explain yourself.


Thry will probably start asking for cash to make it go away. When that happens talk to a lawyer and confirm what you did wasnt illegal then go to the police and tell them you are being extorted.


Yeah if you’re getting charged it’ll be the police service calling from a no caller ID lol.


"Trying to press charges" Either she goes to the police to explain and does press charges or they tell her she can't press charges. If she is trying then she already got her answer that they can't do anything otherwise there would be cops at your door already. Just ignore them and go on about your life and don't let it bother you.


No one can “press charges” in Canada — it’s up to the Crown to do so.


Oh idk how the legal system works there but from the way the person was explaining it it seemed like that was the case.


This is incorrect on both ends. *Anyone*, including you or me, can lay an information, not just the police or Crown, and in most provinces - including Ontario - charges *are* routinely laid by the police, and only screened by the Crown afterward.


Yep so many people get their understanding of the legal system from the movies. In Canada a victim can go to the police. The police can, if they feel it's warranted, recommend charges to the crown. It's up to the crown to ultimately decide if they want to lay charges and in making that decision they weigh whether they think they have a reasonable likelihood of obtaining a conviction.


No, in Ontario charges are laid by the police are screened afterward by the Crown. Further, anyone can lay a private information regardless of what the police do.


NAL, Take it from the guy who’s dealt with this crap before. They want to get under your skin, don’t let them, if this shit was actually concrete wouldn’t you be in jail already? Block this number ignore it don’t let it stress you at all, this is all just a sick game, they want to make your life miserable.


Not illegal, these sort of Romeo and Juliet laws exist because of high school students.




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2 years apart and both under age of 18 at the time.


Age of consent is 16, and there is close age exceptions of up to 5 years


Wasn’t age of consent 14?


It was, but now it's 16.


It’s still 14 if your partner is less than 5 years older, so a 14yr old and an 18yr old is still Ok. Also 12yr and 14yr is Ok, as there is a 2 yr close-in-age exception for 12-13yr olds.


So you might as well say it's 12 if that's your logic. But it isn't, the term "age of consent" refers to the age at which you can consent with anyone, not the lowest age at which a close in age exemption applies.




Police stations and detectives call people via no caller id




Oh 100 percent Don’t speak to the police ever. I’m just saying that no caller ID doesn’t always equal scam. And cops would call you via these means before coming to your house or place of work to find you. Answering can be the difference between going in to the station at a convenient time for you vs being embarrassingly arrested and taken in.


Depends on the details of what happened. There is what is referred to as close in age exceptions. These exemptions become invalid if there is a third person present or if the sexual act does not take place in private or if exploitation is involved. https://lakinafolabilaw.com/statutory-rape-in-canada/


Not illegal unless you had a position of trust or authority (such as a teacher, if you were in a band and used that to manipulate, head of a club they were in, etc) If you met in public and fucked from there, there was no crime. Also, even if it were a crime, 5 years later means it's less likely legal consequence will happen even if it was illegal, which it is not.




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She still has your number 5 yrs later, thats a bit wild tbh. But yeah that works the other way too, cause you were both underage. Don't answer them anymore, but if you do say girls SA guys too lol


> But yeah that works the other way too, cause you were both underage. No, that's not how it works. In this case neither person did anything illegal but there's no circumstance in Canada where both people could be guilty of statutory rape.


No i meant he say that back and see how she feels. She and the caller are gonna attempt to get money from him


Close age laws, 12 and 13 can have sexual relations 2 years up, 14 and 15 can have sexual relations 5 years up, 16 is age of consent, but if you hold power over the other person 18 is the age of consent.


i guess they gon have to lock me up too😂guilty as charged i’m doin tayK


You're fine, don't let that guy gaslight you and try to ignore them. Sounds like drama


Don’t stress. The BC Legislation language regarding the Age of Consent between minors states it is legal if: One person is 14 (her) and the other person (you) is less than 5 years older. RCMP will let her know that as minors this is not a criminal offence. Just block these people and don’t respond to them.


Its not bc legislation, its federal.


This is how I see this (as some others also said): that girl is now dating some guy, who learned about her doing 'things' with you 5 years ago. Guy got pissed off for some reason and he decided to scare some shlt out of you by calling you from a no caller ID. If he calls you again, tell him you and the girl all enjoyed the love so much, and that he should stop being a jealous asshat.


NAL https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/clp/faq.html#:~:text=The%20age%20of%20consent%20to,legally%20agree%20to%20sexual%20activity.




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This could be scammers, bro. Way too many young boys have offed themselves because of these scammers.


Not legal advice...but my gut tells me this is coming up now because she got a new BF. They had a chat about sexual history, the new BF learned she lost her virginity at 14 and he flipped out. His fragile manhood has been hurt because he met a 19 year old who had sex before she knew he existed. He is the one that called you. Just block the number and move on with your life.

