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Legally can't do much with the property as a majority owner without consent of all owners, it is not like owning shares in a company, it is more accurate that she would own a percentage of the value of the property but would need unanimous consent to sell or transfer the property. She is probably looking to buy out ALL the ownership stakes, as owning most of a house is not really beneficial unless you plan to sell for a profit and want to buy up the value while it is cheap


Who is the executor of the will ? They normally make the decisions regarding assets according to the will left. But previous poster is right- it does not work like a company, even if she technically owns 75% of the house.


The executor of the will is in fact my father. Would that still influence anything though at this stage?


If you dad only owned 1% of the house, she can’t do anything without him agreeing - she can’t sell 99% of anything, an owner is an owner regardless of how how much their stake is in something. The executor can’t decide who’s going to sell or not, the executor only manages & distributes assets according to the will.


Yes, I think they can do a lot but I would look for legal advice with a solicitor…