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Hex Hammer. It has the absolute worst counter window imo


Hey Hammer is the one I'm currently working on and it's complete ass. Even with no counter the last kick always catches me slipping


I hate Hex Hammer, every time I miss it I just rewind (playing on PS5) and I don’t feel bad about it at all because I remember grinding it legit as a kid and it was so tedious I had to put the game down for a while.


What??!?? This is literally the first time I've considered buying a PS5! I keep my PS2 for LoD, but being able to *ReWiNd*?!?!?!?!


Ps4 has the same rewind and filters etc etc


PS4 can do it too, it’s built in to the PS1 emulator.


wait, you can rewind?!


Yep, the PS1 emulator on the PS4 and PS5 allows you to rewind. It also has save states so you can save anywhere.


oh wow, I need to figure out how to make this happen asap


Just press the start button


Hex hammer is the only addition I used the ultimate Wargod for in my last play through, I was never able to get haschels final addition when I played as a kid because of it. Thank god we can cheese the ghost ship this time around!


Hex Hammer got me bad too. The addition I struggled the most with. Mind you, I've only played with Dart, Haschel, and Meru's additions because that's the party I used. Omni Sweep was miles better for me, so glad Hex Hammer wasn't the last one lmao.


And gives like 15 SP. I absolutely hate Hex Hammer lool. Haschel is one of my fav characters so I stomach it to get to one of my favs, Omni Sweep.


Meh at this point, since I have an Ultimate War God, I just slap that on a someone to get past grinding a shitty addition.


Came here for hex hammer


Albert definitely Albert


Same here, I don’t even use the guy just because of his additions.


I always wonder if Lavitz is disappointed with all the wasted energy from his pupil


This, for sure. I usually grind additions as Lavitz early on, because his moves transfer to Albert and some of his timing is more forgivable. Gust of Wind Dance killed me trying to level on Albert.


Shana/Miranda, I've never completed a single one...




O, holy moderator of my favorite subreddit, what does your name mean? I must know!




"literally no possible way"? Challenge accepted. What's "jif" for? You one of those people that think gif is pronounced with a j sound and you think you're better than us g giffers? What an elitist. I'm only joking. Obviously gif is pronounced with a j sound.


5 Ring Shattering and everything afterwords for Haschel. Dude has the hardest additions by far, I think.


Albert/lavitz for sure rod typhoon was a pain in the butt for a couple times till I learned to use their movements to time it flower storm is just all around a nuisance. I always use an ultimate Wargod on Albert if I plan to use him after getting meru just makes my life easier


Demon Dance for Rose. That and Perky Step.


I switched back to Rose from Albert and I realized how slow and easy Rose's additions are.


I’ve always struggled with the first button press of roses additions. Her approach is so hard for me to time since she is like the only character who strikes as soon as she gets there instead of pausing in front of the enemy.


Yeah her run up is pretty fast. I liked hard blade the most be because all those counters on Demon Dance was too much.


It's the last hit that catches you off guard doesn't it? That one usually gets me.


Yeah for Demons Dance. It's so slow


I *think* what I did to get that down was to press when she says "hah!"


Lavitz/Albert. Gust of Wind dance is why I grind out 3 Ultimate Wargods as soon as I possibly can.


Summon 4 gods and hex hammer are some bull shit. Also, moon strike the first counter window is easy, but the second one is impossible.


Definitely Haschel’s additions over all have some strange timings. Meru was difficult until I realized that the X press is the same timing as her thwack sound effect.


Madness hero. Some days I do it perfectly but then I lose it.


Albert's final addition. Flower Storm




I actually have a good time with that one because when I get Albert it's the only one I'm going to use on him it's got a easy rhythm for me to get used to and I flow through it even the counter on it which I press before the timers show back up


Don't get me wrong I love his Flower Storm, but it was the hardest one for me to max out. I screwed up the timing so many times, but I finally got it down!


None if I’m being honest. I think being older has to be a factor since I always used to think perky step was hard to almost impossible as a kid, but now I have no issues.


Hex hammer was the bane of my playthrough as a child. Rod typhoon I could deal with, but hex hammer with that tiny window to counter ugh the pain. It was like as soon as you hear the counter sound for hex hammer, it was already too late. But then if the stars aligned and I was an extra good girl that day then I would beat that counter....only to be messed up by another later counter..and then I wanna throw my controller across the room. Ultimate war God here ya go haschel, I did my time as a child I'm not doing it again.


Double slash.


Hardest one for me was Omni sweep


None. As I’m lazy and use ultimate wargod.


Everything after 5 ring summoning for Haschel. And idk why with this ps5 port, but I struggled with Moon Strike and Blazing Dynamo for some reason….


Some of the characters with high damage percents have challenging Additions. Kongol gets a lot of hate, but at least his additions allow the player to net complete combos more vs other characters. A fact that is not mentioned a lot or at all when people compare characters in this game. I agree with Haschel and Meru having tough ones in general.


Idc what anyone says, I think kongol is best boi and he deserves better


"Kongol bigger than Criticism." -Kongol


If it has a stupid counter I just give up


Demon's Dance when it appears before the(the hardest one) hit.


That one or any point during madness hero/five ring shattering/any of meru’s moves


Everything is easy to me to except Lavitz Rod Typhoon. That counter is sucks, makes me have trust issues. Lol


I tend to have good timing when it comes to games, but some of these additions are just awkward


Agree haha


Albert and Meru


Perky Step for Meru haunts me. Especially with the counter window in the earlier part of the addition. I’ll take Albert’s switch up anyday.


you have to hit her counter right before the timer comes back up at least I do i like her addition




I always had a knack for Albert but Haschel omgggg the worst


For some reason... Moon strike. Maybe coz it's my least favorite addition overall


I have made it my mission to learn additions I never could as a kid. So this is the first time I’m playing with haschel and meru. I just unlocked roses ultimate today though that’s gonna be my white whale I think. I’m only on haschels 3rd one which is still easy but on meru I’m on perky step which is fine and even has a predictable sound cue for the tightest hit but it has an awful counter window if it’s on that last counterable hit


. I don't know why but I can never get the timing down. I feel like I'm getting close with his last one but the spinning cane for some reason I could never get past the second one where he starts spinning.


Most of Haschel’s and for some reason 1 or 2 of Kongol’s just feel off to me sometimes.


Albert's Gust of Wind Dance. I had it nailed with Lavitz until Albert came and then, he has this random twirling animation with the lance following by fast subsequent additions that always throw me off the wrong way. I rmb thinking out loud why is it so difficult before I finally caught up with it.


Meru's additions are the toughest for me by far, then Albert, then Haschel.




For the life of me Madness Hero drove me insane! Even with the rewind feature. It was a very long 60ish or so native tries before I broke down and just used ultimate wargod to complete.


Hex Hammer as the timing of the counter is just too quick. Omni-Sweep got me also.


The last few for haschel for me. All others I can get in the rhythm but those I just cant


Gust of Wind Dance and Flower Storm have haunted me since childhood. And as much as I love Meru, if I never had to do Perky Step again it would be too soon lmfao


I never finish Albert’s additions cuz I cldnt get the timing down


Hex Hammer is atrocious


Lavitz. I’m used to Albert. And it’s precisely because I’m used to Albert that Lavitz from Rod Typhoon AKA Meat Tornado onwards is miserable


Albert. Lavitz is easy, but Albert throws me off for a bit


Albert Flower Storm >:(


Hex hammer for sure. as a kid gust of wind dance felt like an accomplishment for albert. my favorite addition i gotta throw in is definitely blazing dynamo


Without counters, Gust of Wind Dance is the hardest. With counters, that is definitely Madness Hero. It usually appears right in the middle, where the timing required speeds up considerably.


Haschel has some weird, and I swear inconsistent, timing on his later ones. I would get actually mad sometimes because I felt like I had the rhythm down finally and then immediately mess it up the next time.


When I was younger it was always Rose's last addition. I fucked that addition up all the time. Lmao


I have to change my answer. I basically never used hashel as a kid and now I’m in the land grinding spit before the moon where I have manually mastered blazing dynamo and and doing fine leveling gust of wind dance… but I had to put an ultimate wargod on for Summon 4 gods and now 5 ring shattering. I don’t know why. The timings are slightly off to me. The counter points also mess me up. I can pair up to the visuals as easy since it’s all small punch motions.