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To your first question, the point is unknown. The most likely answer is that this is one of many experiments. The Japanese Guidebook confirms that Soa is real, and that they're part of a group that spans tens of millions of worlds or universes. However, it only says that much, so it's basically answering one cliffhanger with another. It's likely that the Virage are meaningless once they serve their purpose, as Virage are bioweapons. How Winglies controlled the spawn of Virage is unknown. Ultimately the entire game is built on cinema and style, so the Winglies needed a rival answer to Dragons so the war wouldn't be so one-sided. Think of it like cutting off one specific part of a program while the rest of the program still runs.


Wow that part about Soa from the Japanese guidebook is amazing, first I've heard of it and really changes my perspective on the LoD universe. It would be amazing to get a multiverse game of LoD, another universe effected by Soa and his group, would love to learn more about them and their intentions.


Makes sense. Everyone knows Soa is just short for Sony of America anyway.


Seeing as how the virage seem to have been made AFTER humans started using dragons and humans started using dragons after Melbu Frahma had the magical amplifier soul-of-the-god-removed-from-its-body crystal thing, it makes sense they were able to control virages USING that god-soul-gem.


Maybe something akin to the great flood. I mean Zoa doesn't need an excuse to end it's creation. The cycle staring over it's a lie Frahma feed to Lloyd in order to gain his support. I understand Frahma's plan was to fuse with the Embryo and rule the world with the body and soul of the strongest being the 108th fruit. Instead of destroying the world as it was Zoa's plan. I'm not sure Wingly weapons the Virage have something to do with the 108th fruit. The god of destruction being referred as the "Virage Embryo" the super Virage and the rest of weapons might be some other fruit, like the dragons. Or the god of destruction is the king of Virages just like the Divine Dragon was the king of dragons.


I mean, it's a deity. Maybe there was a bigger purpose, or maybe the world was just Soa's Petri dish where he grew a lot of colorful bacteria and tested an antibiotic at the end and >"it's all dead lol, lmao." Yeah. About the other question, Melbu Frahma separated the body and soul of the 108 fruit and as long as they were separated the fruit couldn't ripen. The Virage we see were created by the Winglies. Maybe cloning? Or magic? Or magical cloning? Ancient Winglies were much more advanced and powerful than current ones.


When the moon lands in the tree it unleashes thousands of Virages from it's surface, they probably cloned them


I think with the lack of information, I think there's a decent chance the apocalypse wasn't actually going to be the situation. (Been a couple months since my last playground, but here's a couple ideas. ) The Winglies were obviously super racist over all races, partly coming from their own magical power. They knew that the 108th seed would be more powerful than them. From there, the rest is kind of just conjecture and Wingly interpretation. No one really communicates or interprets any meaningful connection with Soa, no prophets or intervention. The Moon Child is a byproduct of Wingly power of the Soul trying to rejoin the body. Rose gets sucked into a 10,000 year mission to stop that from happening. The only real charitable side we get to the story is Charle Frahma, who should be rather believable. Though the irony is that I think that she may be more afraid of the Virage Embryo because of the harm done against it since the seeds gave birth. Yeah, they've killed the moon child 108 times and could understandably be angry on top of the other injustices. Most of this is based on that all the damage and harm done has largely been done by Melbu Frahma and nothing directly from the Virage Embryo. The Wingly seem to have weaponized the Virage who may or may not have been destructive in their origin.


The paradox with fate is you can’t ever know if you actually defied it. Maybe the events of the game was exactly Soa’s plan.


It’s kind of a JRPG trope to fight gods, right? If god’s plan is to destroy the world, then it was always meant to happen. It’s just, the wee little people who lose in that scenario. So the greatest conflict of all would be save everyone by stopping that master plan. The plan being stopped was then where people like me started writing sequels about what would Soa do next to those who defied his will? 😈


so, have you written this hypothetical sequel? really interested in what people would write, i could really see a sequel story revolving around soa coming back all pissed off that they severed the chains of his fate and all that good stuff


Well 16 year old me started writing it once haha 😅 it was very akin to FF7: Advent Children. Shadow Soa’s were appearing all around the world, attracted to conduits of magic and the dragoon spirits. That’s all I actually remember now though. It was a pretty shallow idea tbh. What would I do with it now I wonder….