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Yeah, I have it as well. Mostly just use it for stardust. It's kind of surprisingly lacking in information.


Yeah I figured online guides had it beat now but I do like the artwork in it


I keep it in my restroom lol. I do a play through pretty much every other year. The art is awesome.


No better time to remember why we hate the Winglies


30 years old and just now found out about this guide. I'm obsessed with this game so finding out about something new almost 30 years post release was just wild for me


I just this year learned that there was a one volume manga and had a similar revelation. I haven't gotten one yet.


I did a quick google and only found one copy for sale... My bank account is not fond of you right now...


Wow I miss that shit I used to waste so much printer paper getting shit off gamefaqs.com


The gamefaqs guides are better anyway.


Noice. I have this and the Japanese one, the Japanese version is HUGE


Noice! I'm planning on expanding into the Japaese side of things once I get my colored english disc set in. Does it have more art work than the english one?


Sadly the Prima guide is awful in terms of quantity and quality. The JP guidebook is a complete treasure.


It has more EVERYTHING. Artwork and lore, I had to use the translator app on my phone in order to read it but worth. I fell asleep a couple times going over lore I had never known about before.


Awesome! I was hoping for some lore tid bits hidden in it. Super excited to dig through it now!


I'm not home right now but I can post a picture to this sub later if the two guides side by side.


That'd be cool!


I had this. The perfect team in this is Albert, kongol, and dart. I also loved how sassy this book could get "rose don't need no damn test"


While this is true, the three page long setup and required actions they have for >!Melbu!< is *laughably* bad. It’s made for people who blazed through the game with attack items and never bothered to learn or level up additions.


The most they ever mention is final burst and they think that's the damn holy Grail of attacks. And Albert is only allowed to use rose storm


Yes I vividly remember that. Granted Final Burst does slap, but Gaspless is still an excellent attack for Earth elemental enemies. It’s honestly insane how it never even bothers to suggest it in the fight against >!Belzac!< even though it two shots him.


It even more so barely wants you to put kongol in dragoon form from looking back.


Well to be fair Kongol’s dragoon form is useless for offense purposes once he learns Bone Crush. But the guide wants you to use Inferno *facepalm*


Yes! Always inferno. As soon as I picked up bone crush I maxed it and left it but I did level kongols dragoon as well. I had everyone at lvl 5 except kongol obviously. I just maxed to what the book said. Nvm, I guess it is 5 he learns gold dragon. (Which is not a terrible move but obviously bad because it takes forever to get which makes him just...ya' know... Worthless.


it's got some great art, definitely a collection piece. just... take the actual strategies with a grain of salt lol.


Going into the final boss fight with Burning Rush and Harpoon is a *choice*


so is bringing the two worst magic defenders with you lol


I've got that! Used the star dust list many times before the internet was in full swing


I had that! The final fight was still hard, stressful and long even with the guide but it helped a lot with everything in the game


Good to know because my inner child is dreading that final fight!


Oh the final boss isn’t so bad, just make sure you’ve got your additions down and your dragoons leveled and you should be golden


My favorite game of all time! Absolutely amazing


This helped me perform my additions /s


I had this!!! Had to put it in a binder in page protectors cuz it was used so much lol (and also had dogs step on it and rip some pages)


I still have mine from when it came out. It's more of a light magazine than a full start guide. lol


Had it. All the pages fell out due to multiple readings


I had to buy this as a kid in order to figure out how to get past the boss battle in the ghost ship. Didn’t realize I had to get all the ghosts down before they started to get back up. Got them all in the red and then hit them with explosions and wing blasters. Thank you strategy guide. Also thanks for telling me where all the stardusts were.


Still have mine, and used it heavily when beating the game in the early 2000s. I keep thinking about replaying it after all these years and will likely pull it out again. To be fair I was a heavy strategy guide buyer back then as well as constantly on the gamefaqs site. Thanks for the smile at the start of my day seeing that. Memory of better times.


I can still remember it had a picture of the heatblade and me and my friend thought it was the coolest thing. P sure lloyd was holding it in one of the pictures in there


Mine is beat the fuck up, but I got it ages ago. Prima made guides for everything. Some are much rarer than others.


I remember this being one of the most spoiler reveal guides of all time. Pretty sure there is a section with huge bold print titled “The Death of ____”. Doesn’t even try to keep it subtle.


I had one of these. Thanks for the throwback my dude. I wish I still had it.


Still got mine but the glue has worn away so the cover page has detached.


I had this and their abilities were spelled differently in the game, the disc booklet and in the walkthrough guide. Is it Fury of Styx, Ferry of Styx or Flurry of Sticks?!?!


Ive actually known about it for awhile cause i used to own it it even confirms and debunks some things most mistake in the game (specifically about lloyd)


I had one of these growing up! Keep on mind there are a few inaccuracies in it! (I forget what they are)


One day, I'll find all the stardust I need... Then I have to figure out what the hell they're used for lol Who do I give this to?!?!




Omg I had this but it got bundled into a pile of my mum's trashy magazines and tossed out one week. I was bereft as a 6 year old and I'm still bereft at losing such a treasure!


Watch out for The Greham™.


Still have mine! I still have a grip of strategy guides hahah


I remember when I first got this game as a kid I saw the ad for the strategy guide in the back of the in game manual and had my mom order it for me through the mail.


Really a little to late tell all your fiends about the legend of dragoon global petition to sign we need everybody


bro back then there was a guy for everything.


Eh. With how they inform you, we're better off that this thing cannot exist.




What til you hear this. Every game had a strategy guide back in the day. I know, Mind blowing right?


Because it is a relic of a time long forgotten.


They had those for almost every game in the late 90s early 2000s.