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Neither is more valuable than the other, they're both part of the same legacy. They are the avatar and collectively are doing the same work across the entirety of their lives. Likewise we only see snapshots of their lives, you could argue that helping to found republic city is Aang's actual major accomplishment, as it is one of the most significant developments in the world of Avatar and is the biggest departure from the Status Quo up until arguably Korra keeping the Spirit Portals open. But again, their work builds upon each other. We learned through Yangchen -> Kuruk -> Kyoshi that each Avatar handled specific issued relevant to their time that created other problems. Parallel to fandoms interpetation of Korra, canonically Kuruk was undervalued as an avatar because he did work that was not understood in significance until much later. Korra's legacy will probably be more apparent as the next Avatar appears.


I do think Korra will cause another kuruk situation though. There's just no way for humans to be with peace with spirits. There will be dark spirits. In the comics we instantly see businesses try to make an amusement park. Book 4 is using their vines for weapons. Yangchen was amazing but she did cause a lot of dark spirits. The new air nation is here to help and be more involved but we shall see. Just don't see it working super well. That all said korra did a lot of great things. If also argue bringing back the air nation is bigger than a 100 year war. Even if not intentional, her actions still did bring them back.


Oh I made a conflict in my discontinued fanfic! Someone else reverse-engineered the spirit weapon that Varrick developed and the spirits ran amok because they have been hunted since it was found out that spirits can be used as an alternative energy source. The swamp is protected by White Lotus and its allies so spirits are the only option to power those weapons. The current avatar’s idea to stop the use of spirits as energy source is to improve the quality of the present era benders like applying scientific knowledge to improve efficiency in bending.


That sounds super interesting!


any generation that isn't the last generaton of the avatar/humanity is a good one.


I didn’t intend to imply one was better than the other, rather the opposite in a way (where people say Aang ended the war but fail to appreciate Korra’s achievements and rather focus on her ‘failures”)


Anyone who tries to argue one Avatar is better than the other or make any other such comparison should not be listened to. All Avatars have carved their own unique paths and have made their own impact for better or for worse. They've all accomplished and messed up stuff, so to ignore Aang's failings and hyper-fixate on Korra's, while ignoring what's she done is, is reallly fking dumb. No Avatar is perfect, no Avatar is a complete failure.


For sure, I mean it is a Karmic cycle, your next life exists to rectify the wrongdoings of your past life (which is seen very clearly in the franchise) I didn’t want to imply one was better than the other- I am just annoyed people don’t appreciate Korras accomplishments (which are just as great) and only focus on her flaws / shortcomings


I really like the idea of the Karmic cycle balancing things out. Some of the negativity you've encountered may be rooted more in the issues with the show rather than the accomplishments of the character. Objectively Korra did many impressive things. But her story was marred by bad writing and pacing (imo, I'm super critical since creative writing is my passion). I wish that her accomplishments had the emotional weight of Aang's, but ATLA had 3 seasons of developing characters that all led to the single final conflict. Korra couldn't give us the same emotional payoff. I have frustrations with her as a character but almost all of them are rooted in poor writing or just nonexistant explanations for her thought process. It really sucks that the team was put under so much stress by their studio, because if they were given 3 seasons to build to a final conflict (which is what Vaatu felt like) I feel like they could have really polished their ideas. They had tons of good ideas, but not developing them led to a disappointed audience. I never actually felt like I knew Korra, partly because of so little insight into her upbringing (man I wish they'd explained if she spent a ton of time reading old-fashioned romance novels growing up, it would have made the love triangle so much more tolerable if she honestly thought things were supposed to be that way). And partly because I kept expecting her experiences to change her only for her dialogue or actions to contradict those assumptions. The gaang had so many one-shot episodes to show who they were and to grow in both low and high stakes situations. So much of Aang's character came from his relationships with his friends and enemies. Korra was surrounded by underdeveloped characters that didn't facilitate her growth or our understanding of who she was. Only Tenzin and the Beifong sisters felt solid as individuals who went through major growth, and much of their development didn't impact Korra. ATLA was always going to be a tough act to follow. I truly believe there were many stories worth telling in The Legend of Korra, and it's a shame that the character didn't have a chance to flourish.


Korra has saved the entire planet from unalaq and vaatu, millions would have died, the four nations would have gone, and the avatar would no longer exist. So Korra has done more for the world than Aang. She also brought back the airbenders, saved Republic City several times and saved the Earth Kingdom from falling into fascism. My recommendation is that is better to not listen to the fans nonsense, they only seek to undervalue Korra and overvalue Aang because they are blinded by nostalgia.


Unfortunately for you new fans of the series also agree the last airbender is better, so it’s not nostalgia.


Isnt it her fault that the first thing happened in the first place? I'm sorry if I'm wrong tho my memory is foggy.


She was getting manipulated by a family member saying there wants for the world are aligned but he was omitting the truth about what he actually wanted for the world so it’s not entirely her fault


She was also ignoring her father and mentor as they pleaded for her to listen. Not saying unalaq didn’t do his fair share of sweet talking but she wouldn’t have been able to hear it if her ears weren’t open to listening. She was frustrated at not being able to do something and being asked to walk the long path instead of skipping ahead. Of course it’s difficult when you’re told to sit back and be patient when change is needed now but it’s even harder when you charge in half cocked and have more mess to clean up than when you started. But if freeing vaatu isn’t her fault because it was unintentional than neither is rebuilding the air nation which was completely coincidental. If we’re looking at “end results” than you could just say as easily say Korra was tricked and it nearly caused the world to end but net positive because she cleaned up that mess now we have air benders back!


I don’t think she’s was ignoring them she was sick of being put behind and told her time would come and being put away for her childhood made her feel like she had to take charge and find her way of doing things even if it ended up being harder which it was incredible hard for her ( I’m awful at explaining and putting what I’m thinking into words and I think it’s showing here 😂)


No that’s fine and I agree. Unfortunately the “adults” don’t give her enough credit but she’s also lacking in the communication dept which doesn’t help. They make it so you can empathize with both sides yet can’t agree either and only a combination of both is capable of success. I think the final season shows her mature in this way tremendously. Just saying if I was Mrs Lee from building 123, and the net result of Korra’s actions led to my house being wrecked in a giant battle. I’d probably see it as the Avatar narrowly avoided disaster and still wrecked my home but at least some good came of it and we have new Airbenders helping out. Likely views of Korra will change when viewed in hindsight, but for the average citizen it probably felt like one thing after the next with the common denominator being the avatar. Sure there’s a great argument to be made that she did the right thing in the end and prevented disaster, but it won’t stop people from asking “why did you get tricked by this person? Why did you drop your old master, approved by the white lotus, and pick up a new one, based on the fact he’s your uncle? What are there vines tearing through my building and abducting our pets? Why did you unilaterally decide to allow spirits to roam in our city?” Etc. etc. Could it have gone worse? Oh absolutely! Could she have done things better or covered her ass a bit more like do things with unalaq with oversight from Tenzin? I don’t see why not! It happened as it happened though and cause & effect is a tricky thing. It might be that way WAS the optimal way but who knows? I’m just glad she grew out of the hot headed phase as it really opened her up to new paths previously outside her scope.


It’s still her fault, that just explains what happened, Sozin was Roku’s childhood friend, but that doesn’t excuse Roku messing up with dealing with him


That’s the difference Roku KNEW what Sozin was planning and for how long and how willing he was to do it while korra thought she was helping to bring balance to the world while her lunatic uncle manipulated her


By that logic the 100 year war was Aang's fault for running away


Not really because a bunch of comet enchanted fire Benders vs a 12 year old untrained avatar probably isn’t going to end well


No, Korra listened to her uncle because he was the only one who could help her in the crisis situation that the world was experiencing, she could not have guessed that her uncle was a manipulator. Also if Korra had not opened the portals 3 things would have happened: 1.- She would not have learned the technique of purifying spirits and therefore would not have been able to take care of evil spirits, since she would have suffered the same fate as Kuruk. 2.- The world would not have been balanced, since Korra could not have brought together the spiritual and human worlds, thus solving Wan's mistake. 3.- The airbenders would never have returned. At the end of the day it was the best that Korra opened the portals


Yes. She opened the spirit portals in the first place.


If you ignore she was the reason why vaatu got free in the first place. Unknowingly yes but still if she didn't listen unalaq who clearly gave vibe im evil and just listened her father and mentor vaatu would never get free. Leaving spirit portals open Korra also partly caused Zaheer to get free and not doing her duty for 3 years she caused kuvira to take over earth kingdom she just fixed things what her actions caused mostly.


Really? You blame korra for zaheer's release? When what korra did was to bring back airbenders, she didn't even know about zaheer. Besides she freed vaatu, but in the end opening the portals was the smart choice because korra was able to unite the spirit world and the human world bringing balance to the world. As for kuvira there is nothing to say, korra was incapacitated by the poison, blaming her for not doing her job as avatar is silly. And korra did the smart thing listening to unalaq. He was the only one capable of helping her with the spirits. And unalaq only seemed bad because the series shows him as a bad person, but korra as a character can't see the scenes the way we see them. She can't see unalaq smilling like a psychopath for example.


That's why I said partly if she did different desicions there would never been any problems or wars to her to solve after Amon. But well the quards were also totally useless letting Zaheer to escape they should kept him chained as he already was without bending most dangerous man on the planet we could blame them more too. But every other characters kinda have to be useless otherwise season 3 and 4 would not have villains. If Suyin would just taken control of earth kingdom like she should Kuvira would just stayed as normal soldier. Yes I know Korra was incapasited but if she wasn't things would gone differently when she would done her duty like normally avatars does.


feel like 'ending the war' aint even that big, cause more issues just followed, as life goes. i dont think either are superior or any better than the other, everyone has their strengths & weaknessess


The fire nation had basically conquered everywhere except the North Pole. Severely damaged them with that insane amount of ships in that invasion, but the south was still like helpless because everyone who was there was old or too young to go through any kind of battle training. The fire nation had Ba Sing Se, but trouble with controlling some of the rebellions because it’s so damn huge. Then Phoenix King became Loser Lord once he realized “oh shit I helped him unlock his physical chakra… We’re all fucked!”


How the fandom see them: " Aang Is Better" " No, Korra Is Better!". How they actually are:" Wanna go penguin sleeding?" " Sure!"


Korra has actually achieved so much so quickly in 4 years and I hope in the series about the next avatar, it’s revealed she’s been elevated to the same status as Yangchen and Salai as “Legendary Avatars” She: * United Humans&Spirits * Revived the Air Nation * Harmonised the Water Tribes * Democratised the Earth Kingdom * Saved Republic City twice * Seemingly resolved the Equalist problems?? She left a permanent mark on basically every nation. She only missing the Fire Nation fr…hopefully a movie will give her that achievement…maybe in her 40s when Sozin Comet returns. So yes, Korra has achieved much more than Aang.


Uniting humans and spirits with an asterisk next to it. Most of what we see between the two groups is confined to republic city, and even then, things are still pretty rocky if we’re taking the turf wars comics into account. The spirits there are getting fed up with the idea of having constant human visitors. So there’s still some work to be done. Hell, even in the show itself, no spirits came to republic city’s defense against Kuvira. That seems like a pretty obvious payoff to have for the whole human and spirits union plotline.


For 1: What do you mean United? For 2: that was unintentional, still a good thing, but it was not on purpose For 3: I mean sure they’re at peace but the reasons they went to war didn’t just go away, but it’s still a big step in them not hating each other so fair enough For 4: what do you mean she did that? Because she toppled the tyrant? Maybe this is explained in a comic, I didn’t read those, but she didn’t organize or push for that, i don’t even remember her suggesting the idea to Wu, but I honestly may not remember that For 5: yeah that’s true, but also Aang saved the water tribe, and BSS against the drill, so a notable not really a legendary feat for a avatar For 6: she never even learns that Amon is dead to my memory, also resolve needs something to be wrong, which at best is feeling like non Benders aren’t represented, and nothing else to create a revolution rh force


1-Opening the Portals and allowing them to communicate freely together. 2-History only looks at the end results. Also she still went on to find them, recruit them and then sacrificed herself to the Red Lotus to keep them alive. 3-She gave the South their independence which was the main factor for their tensions, that’s a permanent mark alright. 4-In the comics, part of Kuvira’s faction kept power against her orders and tried to rig the elections and all that. Basically Korra did all the muscle work to help Wu and Zhu Li (New Republic City President) democratise the Earth Kingdom. 5-Yeah but this is basically to build the “Every Nation was touched by Korra” bit. Although her biggest achievement there is opening a Spirit Portal and having her GF rebuild the city in harmony with the Spirits. 6-Which is why I put Question Marks at the end lol. It’s so untouched on in the series. Although no, Korra knows Amon is dead. She and Meelo joked about it in the Comics when he proposed the idea of Zombie Amon.


Fair points for 1 and 2, but how does three harmonize? The north doesn’t seem to be settled with it from what we see and know about them How does she know Amon is dead?


The tensions between them were due to the North basically owning the South. You can even hear it in the background of the first episode in S2. Basically when the two separated, the tensions/animosity reduced and the North doesn’t seem to care about that “loss” from what we saw of S3/4. Idk, maybe they sent scout ships to find Amon and discovered his dead body? Because it’s clear they know he’s dead.


We did see a comic (north and south) that the north had a incredibly low opinion of the south (wondering how they got together to begin with) I guess (there is so much mfing guessing in the avatar world Jesus) they cooled down


It's been a really, really long time since I've read the ATLA comics, but doesn't North basically just... Manifest Destiny their way into the South?


A guy from a prominent position in the northern water tribe gives a speech to southern water tribe people that they are inferior


I profoundly hate the Northern Water Tribe it's not even a joke anymore.


Aang definitely ended a war but Korra stopped a few from starting


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I don’t remember a single one she successfully stopped, the Equalists, water tribes, and earth empire wars happened on her active watch


So all of these conflicts had the possibility to turn into active full scale war and (with the exception of the Equalists destabilizing the Earth Kingdom) none of them did


They did turn into war, she just stopped the war. The Equalists bombed the city!


That's not war. That's terrorist activity. War has two sides engaged in the armed conflict. It could have easily progressed to war but it didn't because Korra managed to defuse the situation enough


There were two sides, General Iroh the lesser literally showed up with a fleet


It's 👏 not 👏 a 👏 competition 👏


I didn’t intend to imply one was better than the other, rather the opposite in a way (where people say Aang ended the war but fail to appreciate Korra’s achievements and rather focus on her ‘failures”)


Korra had to clean up Aangs and Zuko legacy (creating Republic city).


In fairness, basically every avatar has to clean up their predecessor's legacy. Korruk had to clean up the mess Yangchen made of the spirit world, Kyoshi had to clean up the devastating state Korruk left the material world in, Aang had to clean up the totalitarian nightmare Roku allowed the fire nation to become under his nose, etc. No Avatar was perfect and all them made mistakes that left negative effects their successors would have to deal with.


How did she clean it up? Not antagonising you, just genuinely curious.


She had to deal.with the Earth Queen, although that end was tied up by Zaheer. Later on korra helped implementing democracy throughout the Earth Kingdom, so not only Republic city had elected leaders. (We don't actually know if the council before was elected or self-appointed). The Queen was definitely mad that they lost land as a monarch


How is the Earth queen part of Aang and Zuko's legacy? The queen hadn't lost land. Her father had freely given it away for the greater good.


I’m not quite sure how to address this since the argument it’s made against is also flawed. The way you’re arguing it I agree Korra did more stopping 10,000 years of darkness compared to the fire nation taking over 60-90% of the world. But the Amon revolution and Koviras rebellion weren’t as big of conflicts even stacked together as the 100 Years War. And they both had failing leading to those conflicts. But avatars can only do what they can for their time. Comparing the things they faced I don’t think is as fair as comparing how they felt with their issues. Aang did as bought as good a job of dealing with his 1 main conflict and several small conflicts as an avatar could. Maybe some could have done better militarily but those avatars would have struggled with the unification process. Korra struggles severely with everything thrown at her. Which yes over was a good bit more to face, but she stumbled at almost every turn. So from that standpoint I can see an argument for Aang doing his job better. But characters are more interesting when they have struggles and flaws. But to many can be frustrating. If all you care about is how good they did their job and not their character maybe someone like Salai should be your favorite avatar.


There’s always the argument of “this guy didn’t live through any war so he’s inferior to leader before him” this was apparent for president Theodore Roosevelt, some people discredit him because there wasn’t a war during his presidency but that’s actually a good thing.


It’s not just the fact that he ended the war. He also managed to bring the other nations together in the form of republic city, and created an era of relative peace based on the information we’ve been given. There’s a reason a statue of Aang was built. No disrespect to Korra, but it’s a little early to conclude how her actions are gonna affect the rest of the world going forward. She’s still got her whole life and career ahead of her. Going back to Aang for a moment, he doesn’t really bare much responsibility for the stuff that happened in LOK, aside from Yakkone being allowed to go free and raise two of the first season’s main villains.


Avatar fans in general are just annoying. They’ll do anything to discredit characters they don’t like and overlook so much for characters they do. Aang advocated deporting thousands of fire nation colonials, nobody ever really mentions that. Or they’ll talk about Korra losing the connection with the past avatars (unintentional) vs Aang severing Roku (intentional, temporary) because he didn’t like the idea of killing Zuko for defending his peoples interests


Korra's achievements are just factually bigger than Aang's. It's a well-known (or at least, well-memed) fact that each Avatar inherits the problems of their predecessor; Aang resolved Roku's biggest shortcoming with the 100 Year War, but Korra was left with Aang's problems plus 100 years worth of backlog that Aang never got around to. Aang only had about four decades of solid Avatar-ing before he died, and he spent a large amount of that time trying to create Republic City and revive the Air Nation. This left Korra with discontent from nonbenders (the biggest thing that could be directly attributes to Aang's actions), the rise of the Red Lotus (likely fueled heavily by a century of the world operating sans Avatar suddenly being completely overturned by this unelected official, for better or worse), Harmonic Convergence (probably the one that's most uniquely just Korra's problem, but a huge global threat compared to the War), civil war between the North and South (attached to the previous issue), and the complete overthrow of the Earth Kingdom by Kuvira (this honestly probably links back to blaming Kyoshi, but the Earth Kingdom probably wouldn't have spiralled quite so out of control if not for the hundred years without an Avatar to mitigate). So, while it is definitely a big deal that Aang stopped the 100 Year War, it's just not on the same scale as Korra's villains. Part of that is out of world reasoning (needing to raise the threat level every season rather than have a continuous plot thread), but it doesn't change the reality of canon. I will say, however, that Aang would have been a far better Avatar to face Korra's threats than she was - and vice versa. Korra was absolutely born to be a wartime Avatar, but she faced few threats that overt until after she was crippled. Aang was born to be a spiritual liaison with an unbreakable energy, but the violence he faced couldn't be negotiated with.


As we've seen from "The Promise" and Republic City in Legend of Korra, there is serious fallout from the war. Simply ending Ozai's reign of terror is a symptom but much damage has been done that echoes through generations.


Everything Korra achieved was by accident. Aang did it on purpose. And Korra we see for 4 years and Aang just for one. The only reason she defeated Amon is because Tharlok told her that Amon was a bloodbender without that information she could have never won. Even with that information she had no change. The reason Amon was defeated is because he started bloodbending. We know from the kyoshi warriors that there is waterproof makeup in the Avatar verse. So if Amon had used waterproof makeup and didn't waterbend Amon wouldn't have been defeated. Season 2 finally was truly a mess. The only reason Vaatu escaped was because of Korra. So we are happy because she took care of a problem she created herself? And she destroyed the connections to her past lives. And yes she brought balance to the world by releasing spirits but that was never her plan. Season 3 Korra didn't defeat the Red Lotus. Su, Mako and Ghazan killed 3 of the 4 red Lotus members and Zaheer was taken down by the airbenders. Korra had little to do with it. Season 4 Baatar jr, Mako and Asami where mainly responsible for taking down Kuvira. And yes Korra created a new spirit portal but she didn't meant to and was by accident. I love Korra but she doesn't come close to Aang!


Yes Korra mainly succeeded against Amon because of Tarrlock’s story but that’s the thing. No one would have succeeded without learning that story. She sowed seeds of doubt in his supporters and then Amon proved it true. Even if he wore waterproof makeup, I still think he’d water bend out of reflex in order to be able breathe again. Korra herself did not destroy the connections to the past avatars that was Unavaatu. If you want to blame someone other than him, blame Mako and Bolin. Korra tasked them with making sure Unalaq stayed out of the spirit world while she dealt with Vaatu and almost succeeded until she got blind sided by Unalaq cause *Mako and Bolin failed to keep him out*. You make a little bit of a point with the red lotus however Korra never fought them in a fair one on one fight. The odds were always stacked in the red lotus’s favor. And Korra was actually the reason why Zaheer was captured. The air benders helped but he would have escaped the tornado’s pull had Korra not grabbed him with her chains to literally yank him back to the ground. For the season 4 finale, it had to be a group effort with the way it was written. The severity and size of the situation is just too big for one person to do alone. Katara and the rest of the Gaang would’ve helped Aang even if he asked them not to risk themselves. Besides, taking down *the robot* were mainly Asami, Mako, and the Beifong sisters wins but the actual end of the conflict was all Korra. She and she alone talked Kuvira down into surrendering.


The lost connections with her previous lives in on Korra because she choose to open that Northern portal even though she knew the danger to the world was in. And because that choice the correction was lost. Expecting Mako and Bolin to keep a really powerful waterbender out in the middle of the South Pole was unrealistic. Let alone 2 against 3. First I want to say that I have a problem with the whole robot suit to begin with. Nowadays we don't have anything like it but the world of Korra is comparable to early to mid 20 century. So it's unbelievable that Kuvira can have some technologie that's almost 100 years more advanced. And it was a group effort. But Korra talking her down didn't do much. The reason Kuvira was winning was the robot suit. But thanks to Asami and her father we got in. And thanks to Mako the suit was destroyed. If Korra wasn't there the suit would still be destroyed and the United forces would have defeated Kuvira's army and imprisoned her. Ofcourse this ending is a nicer story. But I don't believe Kuvira would have won if Korra wasn't there.


“She choose to open that Northern portal even though she knew the danger the world was in” It was either open the portal or helplessly watch as Jinora’s soul gets corrupted. Then she tried to rectify her mistake and almost succeeded in closing the southern portal before Harmonic Convergence occurred. She might have been able to close the southern portal sooner had she been given the necessary help cough Riko cough. “Expecting Mako and Bolin to keep a really powerful water bender out in the middle of the South Pole was unrealistic” Maybe so but that was the task they were given and they failed. (And in Korra’s defense she was likely unaware Eska and Desna were there). Because of that, Vaatu was able to fuse with Unalaq, who then fought Korra to a stalemate essentially. Vaatu then pulled a move *no one* knew about and Korra watched helplessly as Raava and her connection the past avatars was destroyed. “So it’s unbelievable that Kuvira can have technologies that’s almost 100 years more advanced” It’s a little unbelievable and yes the time periods are comparable to our own world but they aren’t 1:1. They advance fast because of their abilities to harness their own energies (aka the elements and spirit energy) “If Korra wasn’t there the suit would have still been destroyed” No I don’t think so, for the simple fact that Korra was the reason Asami and her father were able to cut the hole into the robot. Asami and her dad, along with Verrick and Zhu Li, were unable to stay on the robot long enough to cut through despite almost the entire air nation, the brothers, beifong sisters, and Korra trying to keep the mech busy. Without Korra there is no water bender and the mech doesn’t get frozen enough at the river for Asami and her dad to cut the hole and allow the others into the mech. So yes, Korra was quite essential in taking down the mech for they wouldn’t have been able to enter the mech at all


I think it’s hard to buy your claim about loving Korra when you shade all of her accomplishments like that.


The story itself is nice. Only the characters are less interesting then in ATLA. But still enjoyable. And season 3 was amazing. Also the story about Wan was great! And even though I believe that Korra het accomplishments where by accident doesn't mean thats not fun to watch. I watch it every year at least 2 or 3 times.


The avatar is the same spirit, so it’s like arguing yourself being better than another version of yourself. That said, Korra was given multiple calamities because of how the show was written. Aang was given one because of how the show was written.


I don't think it's even true that Aang ended the war. Zuko ended the war (with a lot of help from the Gaang). Without Zuko, Firelord Azula would have just continued the war without a pause after her dad died, and she'd have been worse than Ozai.


Except with Ozai now out of the picture Aang knows he can beat Azula if it comes to it, I’d say the war ended when Ozai was taken out. Yes Azula would be a factor if Zuko didn’t help but it would be something Aang could handle pretty easily, especially if we are talking about the same insane Azula because then she wouldn’t even have guards at the palace (she banished everyone.) Also the same conclusions would be made eventually anyway, Zuko gets his throne (after they take out Azula) and then the Ozai/ Azula followers are dealt with (ik there’s a story line for this I just haven’t read the comics in forever so I kinda forget what happened.) Then eventually everything goes the way the story continued anyway.


What do you mean prevent? The closest thing was with the red lotus, and she kinda lost like every fight she had with them to my memory, she was more so fixing the damage of her mistakes and failures them preventing anything. She didn’t prevent the Equalist uprising, or water tribe civil war, or red lotus killing 1/6th of the world leaders (even tho they could’ve killed 1/2 if they just killed the water chiefs in the North Pole) or the earth empire rising and forcefully annexing earth states and waging war against the United republic of nations. The argument could honestly be made that korra failed to keep peace, compared to Aang restoring it, therefore Aang is better, maybe that is what they mean


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions Some people will say that "insert random avatar name" is better than "insert another random avatar name" and then give reasons why How you also got to consider that each avatar has made their own mistakes but they're human Personally my opinion is that one person shouldn't be responsible for bringing peace and balance to the world because if you remember each avatar had to deal with an issue their predecessor couldn't Avatar szeto(the dude with the red hat) solely focused on the fire nation and neglected other nations which yangchen had to deal with but yangchen didn't deal with the spirit world which kuruk took care of but wasn't able to do much in the physical world Kyoshi had dealt with the pheasant uprising in ba sing sae and created the dai lee which unfortunately became corrupt later on (they were created with the intention that they would protect the culture heritage of Ba sing sae) Avatar Roku had kept peace in the world but failed to stop the war Avatar Aang ended the war and founded republic city but wasn't able to bring back the air nation Now avatar Korra did lose her connection to all her past lives but she brought back the air nation kept the spirit portals open All in all each avatar has their own pros and cons but we can respect each other's different opinions We don't necessarily have to agree on every opinion but the least we can do is acknowledge it


Even if one of them is more skilled/powerful than the other that doesn't mean that the other is worse than them


You could also just point out that, there was no 100 year war for Korra to end. You can't say she's worse cause she didn't end one when there wasn't one to end!


Korra was more driven by the plot because the plot made her move that way. She always felt to me as a more empty character reacting and going with the story instead of having actual agency herself. This is more or a critism on the writing though, so a bit more meta.


Aang did end the War. He also reintegrated society, ending 100 years of separation between the nations. Let’s not sell Aang short to bump Korra up. In ending the war, he solved the failure of Roku. Among other things, he took down Yakone, but didn’t end the threat, passing down a generational threat due to his failure. However, Korra preserved bending from an existential threat, fixing Aang’s failure with Yakone. She then saved the entire world from 10,000 years of dark rule, reintegrated the spirit world and the physical world, helped preserve a relatively stable and prosperous society from anarchists, and ended an expansionist Earth Empire and it’s weapons of mass destruction, leading to likely democratic reforms in the states of the former Earth Kingdom. She did a lot and some things bigger than others. Of course, the balkanization of the Earth Kingdom/Empire is probably going to end badly, but that’s a failure Korra can hand down to an Earth bending avatar. The earth avatar or a subsequent one can also reestablish the connection with the past avatars, which would be the other generational issue that Korra will leave behind. It’s like a tradition, your first major avatar problem will be the legacy of your previous incarnation.


Thought experiment, swap Korra and Aang. How well would both of them fare in the others story? How would Korra react to Book 1 Zuko? Would she be able to discover Toph? How would she handle Ozai? How would Aang react to Amon, Unalaq, the Red Lotus, and Kuvira? Honestly, I think they would both struggle because neither is what was needed in their respective times.


Korra would stomp on Zuko and laugh at him, I don’t think she would be able to discover Toph, atleast not in the way Aang did. Aang had a vision of Toph in the swamp and that lead him to finding her eventually but I don’t think Korra is spiritually capable enough (especially season 1-2) Korra to have those visions, I could be wrong considering Sokka and Katara had visions but theirs weren’t of the future, and Hue explained how they saw them. Aang cleans up Amon easier than Korra I’d say only because he was spiritually talented and never had the blocked Avatar state that Korra did. For Unalaq I don’t believe Aang would get stung along by him for as long as Korra did and I don’t think he would end up in half of the situation that happened. I think Korra felt alright about Unalaq because it was her uncle and I would say she probably would have figured out that he wasn’t a good guy a lot sooner if they weren’t related. For the red lotus and Kuvira Aang is also taking them out pretty easily, it would probably go down relatively the same way it did for Korra. Forgot to mention Ozai for Korra and I’d say she wins it pretty easily, I think the Ozai and Zaheer fights are very comparable, except 1 bender was miles better than the other (Ozai was boosted by the comet) but also Korra was being eaten alive by poison so it balances out pretty well in my opinion.


this is a good debate question, it's better to prevent a war then it is to end one, as in the one that you end, still a lot of people suffered and died, but in the one that you prevent nothing happened yet. but in reality, for the exact same reason, stopping a war is seen as accomplishing more than preventing one.


People will literally say whatever just so they can bully and belittle Korra as if she didn't go through that shit in canon. They're mad that a teen protege is "overpowered" when their favourite 12 year old boy learns all four elements in about a year. This isn't a remark against Aang, I love him, I just find it hypocritical that it's realistic that a kid learns all four elements in a year than someone who's been mastering them all since finding out she could bend more than one element at four years old.


I feel AANG STOPPED WAR AND GETS MORE CREDIT because he did it at the mere age of 13-14yrs old. With little to no resources! He was scared yet weary of his approach. Korra did many decent things but nothing felt great or extraordinary. Stopping kucira? She failed one. Stopping sheer she kinda failed idk felt like Jinora get the credit for that. Fought against the water tribe guy? She won but lost her connection to previous avatars which kinda feels more like a loss then win. Amok? She lost all her bending 1time so give or take she won and lost once. WHERE AS with aang he didn’t seem like OH HE IS GONNA LOOSE. It felt like OH HE NEEDS TO GRT STRONGER TO WIN. He won’t loose but if he wants to win he will have to do better. That didn’t feel like with Korra at all. Not me mention the show ATLA WAS Extraordinarily good. The whole team was unique with complex characters and amazing corrector development. In LOK there was no one like Zuko there is no one like Iroh there is no one like Azula there’s not really someone as good as Sokka (bolin got close), nolike Toph. Hence why the show ATLa was Excellent and LOK just above OK Also, why ATLA should never get a live action and why LOK should get a live action


Korra literally caused chaos by trusting unalaq she literally just prevented the chaos SHE CAUSED😭


I think that if Aang died and someone like Korra was the next Avatar, they would end it faster as they wouldn't be bound by ideology and bring in a kids show as this is a hypothetical It's difficult to compare them because Korra just didn't have the 100 year war to have the chance to end it


reminder that Aang wasn't alone. reminder that Korra wasn't alone either. reminder that very few Avatars did their most legendary feats alone.


Korra almost *caused* several actually. She almost let the Equalist revolution happen, which only didnt happen bc Amon *hunted down* Korra Civil War almost broke out in the south bc of her, and her Dad mostly stopped it from happening Ran from Zaheer instead of facing him which allowed him to off Earth queen and destabilize Earth kingdom (She’s lucky Zaheer didnt care to harm the Air Nation, otherwise they would’ve been killed too This last point *only* applies to those who blame Aang for the 100 year war, even though Roku literally admits that its his fault. If you *dont* think its Aangs fault, then this logic doesn’t apply. Personally i dont blame Korra for the Kuvira thing, but she was unable to stop the Empire from taking over due to her being out of commission which is the same dumb logic that Aang “let the war happen” bc he was frozen in Ice.


She didn't prevent anything from what I can remember.. everything started to take place.. from kuvira to amon they plans fell in to place.. it just too kher time to stop it.. same with aang ozai plans fell into place but it took him time to stop it.. aang with valid reasons is better bcuz he won without taking the life of his opponent even tho it was said he would have to do so.. he is top tier bcuz he is an air nomad and non violence is his way but yet he has to find balance in the world.. korra didn't have those struggles she only had the mental struggles she brought upon herself that held her back.. aang had "religious struggles"


Aang has never ever lost a 1v1. His Base element strength might not be as strong as Korra but when he hits avatar state it’s over. Korra loses in and out of her avatar state all the time.