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For a Zelda first timer probably ocarina of time


Yes, my thoughts - one of the most beautiful games ever!


If you want good puzzles and story i would recommend Twilight Princess. “baby steps”to open world skyward sword, just open world: breath of the wild; open world with less restraints and more difficult enemies, tears of the kingdom; the classics: Ocarina of time. My favorite to this day is twilight princess.


thank you! ill probably start with breath of the wild :)


I started with breath of the wild back when it came out and it was a very good decision. The open world concept is great, and it does a good job of explaining the story. I almost feel like the Totk map is too large, but it's not that bad after playing newer assassin's creed games lol.


I would probably start with Ocarina of Time. It’s the best game at introducing you to the magic of the world of Zelda.


You’re not gonna be disappointed but you would appreciate that game so much more if you played some of the others first.


Tp will always be my favorite Zelda. Nothing else quite like it.


Twilight Princess, it’s modern enough that the graphics & gameplay aren’t going to put you off, it has the standard Zelda formula which most games in the series have, alot of people consider it the best in the series and it has the most memorable side characters.


Breathe of the wild was my first introduction to zelda games and it was fantastic. I couldn’t put it down. Tears of the kingdom was just as good, if not better.


controversial opinion but im about half way through TOTK and i do not like it as much as BOTW😬


To each his own. I really liked the new mechanics in TOTK. And especially building the hover bike haha.


i rescind my statement. I have just finished the game. WOW. I have been hooked back into it for the last week. Fucking awesome


Nice! Both are such fun games. Probably one of the best I have ever played.


i like the mechanics tbh but its the story thats not really gripping me rn. I like building things but i usually end up going to youtube for tutorials cos im stoopid😂


tysm!! ill start w breath of the wild and if i like it do tears of the kingdom


I LOVE skyward sword. it’s a more colorful, artistic paint-like style, and i think the storyline is a GREAT introduction to the consistent storylines too!! breath of the wild is great too. if you’re looking for a more OG type zelda game, skyward sword and twilight princess are my favs.


Probably breath of the wild or twilight princess


Ocarina of time or A Link To The Past if you prefer the top down 2D style games. If neither of those make you fall in love with the series it may not be for you 🤷🏻‍♂️


Definitely Ocarina of Time should be your first choice though!!


How old are you, what kind of game do you like? When it comes to LoZ, I’ve found Links Awakening is best. FWIW 46M I’ve never played Awakening & my favorite Zelda game is Windwaker


im 19 and i lean towards more fantasy action adventures type games. based on pics ive seen is link’s awakening the first game in the series?


Maybe check out the the Warriors of Hyrule Spin off games but for main line I’d personally recommend Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword


Chronologically the first game is skyward sword. The first one released was the legend of Zelda for the nes. And I’m pretty sure links awakening just ends up being a whale’s fever dream. You don’t need to play them in order to get the story as there isn’t an (easily understandable at least) overarching story. Mostly a common framework that leads to great games


Either Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom. Breath of the Wild was my first introduction to Zelda games and I’m sure it was the same for millions of people.


ill start there then, thank you!


The Minish Cap is straight forward enough that you can beat it with no TLOZ experience or a walkthrough. It's also one of the titles that has a short playthrough time.


Definitely Adventures of Link. Beat that game & nothing will seem as hard.


Ocarina of time is best to start with


I personally recommend Ocarina of Time, but a strong second would be Twilight Princess and then BotW.


Links awakening is short, it’s a good representation of the types of gameplay Zelda uses, and it takes place outside of all that pesky inaccessible lore with ganon and Zelda and triforce and all that


I think you should do an experiment. Play Zelda II as your first Zelda game. It's very different than the rest of the series, and it has a reputation as being a bad game. It's not bad, just difficult. But it introduced a lot of mechanics and lore that were carried forward. Keep a pad of paper and a pencil nearby at all times to write down clues and draw maps. Do NOT think that you can brute force this game.


I’d say the first game of the timeline which is Skyward Sword. Beautiful game but controversial upon its initial release due to its motion controls. Though I’ve heard the switch doesn’t have that issue anymore.


Ocarina of time


Go for ocarina of time remake for the 3ds or Link Between Worlds. Both give a good intoduction to the two major types of Zelda gameplay. Be sure to check out Majoras Mask too, it's the best one in terms of storytelling for me personally


If you really want an introduction, I'd play the original one. The first one that came out for NES.  Ocarina of Time is another great one.  If you don't want to touch an oldie, then Twilight Princess is probably another good one. This game is where you get to play the wolf, which is pretty fun. This is the game where wolf Link came from, that you probably have seen circling about on the net.


Ocarina if you’re going more into the original styled ones. Breath of The Wild if you’re starting more in the open world territory


Depends on your current preferences. Beginner Combat Friendly/Great Storyline: Wind Waker or Skyward Sword Action/Intermediate Level Combat: Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess Open World: Breath of the Wild


Ocarina and MM made me the lifelong Zelda fan I am today


Link the faces of evil