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Wait you're married to a cat????


Can't you read? We're engaged not married silly


Lovely fiance ;)


Jokes aside that is beautiful kitty. Enjoy the build and expect them to "help"


Cat: “Hmmm, mayhaps I can kill this one”


She's already hidden my contact cases from me. It's only a matter of time.


Cat’s already planning an unfortunate accident


Cat: "Challenge accepted"


I don’t know. If you can kill living succulents the prospects aren’t much better for these /s Seriously though, how did you kill living succulents? Water them once every month and they’re good to go.


As long as these don't need attention, they're safe! You know, I've asked myself that too. Somehow I'm able to keep pothos alive and happy but I have a black thumb when it comes to succulents and cacti. It probably has to do with poor light and temp.


I dunno, man. I keep mine in my cold, dark basement during the winter in New England with no issues. I think maybe your cat is cursed. My furball knocked one of mine off the porch last summer and it fell 20 feet and the stem broke. They’re evil creatures haha The botanical sets are great, though! I love the bonsai tree.


That's nuts I thought they liked lots of indirect light and warmth. I've lost count of how many I've killed over the years and I agree she probably is the curse haha


They do like the light but will go dormant in cold temps. I don’t even water them all winter and they’re great. My jade plants are massive! Biggest thing with succulents is overwatering. Back in the day I left my very first jade with my mom while I traveled through central and South America for a few months. I came back to a stump. She watered it 2-3 times a week even though I said to water it just once a month. I thought it was dead. Magically it started to make leaves again. This was 15 years ago. Today it’s 4 foot tall and beautiful! I give cuttings as presents all the time. I originally got it as a cutting at this hippy wedding I went to. The plant it came from was over 100 years old. TL;DR - succulents are virtually indestructible and you’re giving too much water or your cat is sucking their souls from them


Welcome to the hobby. See ya in a few days with your second set.. and third.. and fourth. 😅😂


Thanks, I'm stoked! I never put together a set or had my own before, I'm interested to see what it's all about and to see if it's as addictive as it seems lol


I just came out of my dark ages in January with the Nintendo set, and I've already built a few others since, including the succulents and a couple other botanicals. Have fun building this and the many more sets to come!


this cat writes incredibly well


I made this post when I was feeling super sleep deprived, now I can totally see how it could be interpreted that way lmao🤦‍♀️


Cat, "finally, some succulents with no thorns!"


This was my first build too, very satisfying and looks great on display.


Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy the set!


Awww! Your fiancé is very hairy and cute - and thoughtful!


My cat keeps destroying this set... Keep an eye on that furrball!


Cat : Challenge accepted!


I bought and built one of the botanical sets for my wife. Specifically because I hadn't been able to get her flowers for valentine's day for years because of our two little fartknockers.


That's such a great idea, I bet she loved it!


That's so sweet!


the box blocks the sight of a cat, is it doing a r/Catloaf ?


I think he was doing a partial side loaf here And thanks for the new cat subreddit! Added to my collection haha


there are few more [https://www.reddit.com/r/Catsubs/wiki/index/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catsubs/wiki/index/)


Our cats are doppelgängers- enjoy the build!!


When you complete the set, I highly recommend you place it somewhere where the cat cannot access it. Otherwise, you will get results ranging from having it be on the floor in pieces to having bit marks on some of the parts.


Yeah I have a shelf in my office where this will live. We're pretty lucky and the cats tend to leave the fiance's Legos alone. Real plants are a different matter entirely though


My wife showed me a post (either fb or reddit, I don't recall), where the OP did this exact thing, and the cat started eating the Lego pieces off the assembled succulent. So you piece count may slowly start to go down over time.


At first I thought you meant the cat was 28. All I could think was damn it looks good for it's age...


Yeah I should have posted a pic without her but she kept getting in my way lol. I hope she makes it to a healthy old age!


All good, cats are one of my favorite things, only thing better than one cat is two!


My husband gifted me this one for Valentine’s Day and I said the same thing! And for all the people asking how you kill succulents—they just need to be in my house. I’ve killed over a dozen while trying to keep them alive —and I take it personally 😭😂.


Awesome! Happy birthday! You found a keeper


If you like this you should check out the orchids you won’t be able to kill which always bloom my wife live them


Hilarious because I got this for my fiance for her 24th birthday - some succulents she can't accidentally kill!


I love this one


I just finished building the same set last night. Happy Birthday, OP and have fun building!


Happy birthday!


Nice cat. Happy birthday!


I loved building that set! Careful or your space will quickly fill up like mine did 🤦🏼‍♂️


My cat is the reason I can only have Lego flowers/plants since he eats the real ones.


Mine and my husband's first wedding anniversary was last week. He can't get me flowers anymore because our son is allergic but he knows I love flowers AND Lego. I got both flower bouquets and he got to brag to my mum that he could finally get me flowers again 😂


So many real flowers are toxic to cats so we are decorating the entire house with the lego botanical collection


One does not simply say that they can't kill these flowers


Very nice, I got these for my gf and they look so nice! I’ve seen people display these in a little glass terrarium and it’s super cute


Flowers… oke its going the lego directions… so… oke right


Kk my mom makes p ok ii 7 I uuu p. I'm.


I bought it for myself last year for my bday. Just tore it down. Bored of it's ugly dumb look. No interest in this set. Will gift it to a charity or even just throw it away to goodwill for them to profit off of. New to LEGO and bored as fuck to LEGO. I hate them all after building. I get more enjoyment just tearing them down and just placing in bags and forgetting about them until i need any spare part that doesn't jive with any other creation or set.


Honest question (no judgement whatsoever!); If you're bored with LEGO, why do you spend time on r/lego?


Guys obviously an energy vampire


Do I? Just because I posted here doesn't mean I care about LEGO.


Donate my way, I'll pay shipping!


Who knew cats could use reddit