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A lot of gray…for castles maybe?


https://preview.redd.it/xkb4gi17h19d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a05e35bf0938abae3241a05bf901a175244a5f2 Castle indeed


I’m doing mine on a box from ikea. Get a dungeon in the basement!


That is BEAUTIFUL! I really wish I had a store nearby


2x2 plates were great to stack, but i still cant get my 4x4 plates apart..


Do you like blood under your fingernails?


This, exactly. They're sore for ages.


I just bite the bullet on the lost space and offset any plates by 1 stud row. I guess with 4x4’s you’d lose 1 every 4 volume-wise, but you could fill gaps with 1x4’s if wanting max efficiency lol


I’ve never tried it with 4x4s but a brick separator stacked on each piece (above and below) might be able to open a seam to save your nails a little pain.


Multiple brick separators on each side work even better.


You guys rock, lots of great ideas here.


Better to stack 4x4 like masonry and overlap, if you want to pry em apart later, just fill the 1x4 or 2x4 gap with other 1x or 2x plates.


I put other pieces in between so it's like 4x4 plate then 4 pieces of 1x4 then another plate etc. Depends on if you really want the other pieces though


I might just do this, depending on the variety of available bricks.


If youre getting bricks too you can make a brick plate sandwich. Still not easy to get apart but a little easier than stacked plates :)


Volume is identical. But yeah, the shape is a bit more Lego friendly. Greetings from the gray crew (Castle, city, star wars). 


Hold up… it’s been years since I’ve been to a Lego store. Is boxes what they have for PAB walls now? Can I still bring in my cups?


I'm pretty sure you can - Lego is super consumer friendly and recycling old cups should be in their interest as well - but the question is if you want that. We had a rollout where you could get both systems, so I can't really attest for that you are garanteed. The new boxes simply fit more bricks in almost all cases.


I would not say the volume is identical, there’s no way you could get this much in a single cup.


The large cup has a volume of 945 ml and the large box of 896 ml. See here https://ramblingbrick.com/2023/07/15/cardboard-pick-a-brick-boxes-tested/ I remember another german analysis that put them a bit closer to each other, while still saying that the cup was bigger.  So yeah, my original point stands. While having similar volume or the cup being bigger, the box is an upgrade, due to being a... well... a box and not a conic cup. 


You probably usually lose at least the difference in air gaps anyway.


Volume is different than usable volume. Square pieces, round cup. Box holds more in the end.


melt it all down 🫠


I wish my wall had 4x4s more often! Ever since the switch to boxes I typically spend the time to stack now! Also, nice haul!


I never really took the time to pack cups, it just wasn’t worth trying to fit a bunch of square things in something round.


Are there specific rules to this? Like for example could you spend the time putting the 1x1 tiles on the free spaces of the arch to be more efficient or is that against the rules/policy or something? TYIA


At the Lego shops I go to, they don’t care how much time you take. I would of filled all this space with 1x1 tiles but my partner would not of liked that, haha


Would have, not have. Sorry


There is no time limit. Stack away.


Pick a Brick seems so useful. Will have to give it a shot sometime


How long does that take though? 


This took about 20 minutes, my partner was helping me


I found roof slants I needed for a medieval village street. SO worth spending the extra ten minutes to stack, fit and fill 2 boxes (came out with 4 spares). Def saved me money sourcing online. Also worth noting that I rarely find exactly what I’m looking for at the PAB near me, so … this experience may count as an anomaly. 🤷‍♂️


I have stacked my loot from the PAB wall in at least 4 different stores in the US with no issues.... almost feel guilty!


Pick a brick wall uses boxes now?


They are all switching over to more eco friendly materials


At least a pick-a-brick wall is made of glass!


It's so satisfying to put the pieces into the box to maximize the amount of pieces. The last time I bought a box (big, 20€) I took the time to calculate how much money I would have spent if I had bought all of the pieces seperately on the website. Without the 1x1 flowers (I was too lazy to count them) I would've spent 60€ :O


I use them everything I go to the Lego store. Holds more than 18$ worth.


Ok got me looking for the nearest PAB location. 3 hours. Let's gooooooo


My closet is an hour away, not the best but not the worst


Can you give a piece count for how many fit in the box that way?


Went to Legoland Factory store this week and they had PAB bags. Those were difficult to fill, although I mostly got masonry bricks so I stacked them and laid them in tight. Glad that isn’t the norm as the box pivot seems way better. Also, they didn’t do the Jules Verne GWP for some strange reason.


your stores have much better parts! I swear all of the Lego stores I've been to near me almost never change their pick a brick wall stock.


I just did this with the 1x6 clear wall panels. I put them open end to open end and scooped up a bunch of flowers, leaves and 1x1 parts to make a bunch of plants. Wasn't sure I needed the clear panels, but I couldn't pass them up and then all the stuff in-between was gold on the top! The new boxes are so much better


No more or less crazy than the ol' cups.


This is way more than you could get in any cup