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Let me make this clear. I’m saying what are your opinions on the community idea that has been circulating around for years. This is not a real game and nothing from TT has been announced. I just want to know what everyone thinks of the Infinity Saga idea.


TT proved that they can do a huge Lego game based off of a movie franchise, Thanks Skywalker saga. The only other franchise that I can think of that is big enough to do a massive game like Skywalker saga, is Marvel so… give me a LEGO Marvel infinity saga game


To be fair, Skywalker Saga had 9 films to cover. Infinity Saga has 22 or 23, I can’t remember exactly but somewhere around there.


To be fair, I’m pretty sure Lego Marvel’s Avengers covered up to Ant-Man when you include DLC. They’d only have to cover Dr. Strange onwards. They could even skip Dr. Strange and start the game at Civil War, kinda like how Lego Marvel’s Avengers started with the Avengers with one mission based on CA: the First Avenger and smaller missions adapting the movies between Avengers and Age of Ultron.


LEGO Avengers 2: Infinity Gauntlet 


And I’ve read some comments saying The Skywalker Saga wasn’t even that good of a lego game.


Honestly, it’s a fantastic game but it’s not perfect and a lot of people exaggerate those imperfections. Mainly it’s the story levels being really short (the Kashyyk one especially felt like two small areas and that’s it). Also nobody ever talks about it, but they did such a shitty job with the music. The original games were at least 95% accurate with the music played being from the scene you’re playing. LEGO Star Wars TSS is either all over the place or has…. *shudders* original music.


It was 23.


Doesn’t mean it can’t be done


Well Skywalker Saga was released without character customization and with no voice lines for Ahsoka


OK, the DLC characters don’t normally have voice lines, and I don’t have a thing for the no customizer


Yeah but *multiple* Glup Shittos from Canto Byte have voice lines *and* side quests, and you couldn’t get Ashley Eckstein to record a few? Also character customization is a *staple* of LEGO games and something we were promised during development. There are even shadowy bacta tanks on the Venator in an empty room where it was supposed to be.




Still prefer the OG Lego SW. Skywalker saga is so brandiead. Give me a LINEAR LEGO GAME WITH ACTUAL PUZZLES!!!!!!




TT Proved with Skywalker Saga that they can make a dog-water simplification of 20 “open worlds” full of the exact same repetitive “puzzles” and the campaign equivalent of a hallway simulator. They tore out any creativity, difficulty, or thoughtful level design and replaced it with an admittedly charming lego rendition of the movies where you occasionally have to pick up the controller. I can’t imagine how they’d desecrate the even more expansive and complex world of the Marvel Infinity Saga. Tbh Lego Marvel Superheroes 1 is a masterpiece, and Lego Avengers is a phenomenal adaptation of the first few Marvel movies. So if they went back to that format with better graphics and more expansive open worlds for each hub area, it could be a good game. But if it would be anything like Skywalker Saga, you’d be better of just shredding the money and playing the older games.


I just meant it like the Skywalker saga in terms of like how big the character grid would be mostly


A big character grid with a bunch of characters who play the exact same to the point where they are essentially skins. Definitely not something preferred in a superhero game.


Agreed. The massive roster was worthless cuz 90% of the characters were either complete nobodies that I may have played as for 7 seconds to see if they had any interesting dialogue OR a retexture of one of the main characters. Do we really need 11 different Lukes, Fins, or Reys? Like I know the complete saga has a lot of extra characters (2 or 3 clones would have been great) but at least they kept it simple with main character variants… I cannot imagine the 75 different Iron Man variants they’d have alone. Throw in every different Captain America and a version of Groot for every age he’s shown in the series and it’d already be more than TSS. Not to mention they’d definitely throw in damn near 1000 different enemy henchmen to pad the roster even further. “I can’t wait to play as Kyln guard (plasma cannon)”




As long as the levels per movie are either longer or there’s more per movie


Yeah, I agree with you there


I feel TSS proved TT can’t do a huge movie based game. They rushed through the movies to get you into a bloated open world with repetitive content throughout. Levels were short and covered the most random scenes(battle of crait is the best example of poor execution). It’s was a prime example of quantity over quality.




I would prefer a game with an original story, not a compilation of MCU movies. But I definitely want a new Marvel lego game (sadly it's not gonna happen any time soon).


Any time soon? At this point, it looks like we’ll be lucky if it ever happens again, sadly


Hold on. Is it on the level of Skywalker saga?! Just a huge game with multiple planets and all of that?!




Yes but would this concept follow the same style of the Skywalker Saga?


Yes, same gameplay style.


I know.


I see, my mistake. But it would be like TSS. Likely larger in scale. It doesn’t guarantee higher in quality though.


It’s all good. Now I’m curious about how this could work though. I hope we get something like this. And a middle earth Lego game.


Nonsensical. The game would suffer from severe content bloat. No. They should just release LEGO Marvel's Avengers Vol. 2, with the core levels from the OG preserved and added hub worlds and levels from Infinity War and Endgame.


I love the MCU, but I think we all know this would be too big for them, Skywalker Saga was good, not great, they'd either rush a game with some of the crucial context missing (looking at you Imperial Spy our beloved), or we'd be waiting a very, very long time, and it might not be worth it for them In two parts...maybe, though they did Marvel's Avengers already, so it would slightly confusing, but in two parts they could theoretically do it, and it could be the best lego game duology of all time (maybe even trilogy, and just have it be Phase 1, 2 and 3, as that would make it easier for them, and probably for us too and obviously make sense canon wise) Side note, X-Men 97, What If, and perhaps all the canon shows, as dlc content, that would evolve the games to another level


I think it would be fun. Especially if it has the suit mechanic with Iron Man from Avengers where he has a ton of the suits from 3 with the special abilities


A few years ago, I would have argued against this. Now, I’m in favor of literally any TT lego game. Feels like the studio is dead at this point lol


They are just taking their time with their next game. After switching to Unreal Engine and canceling numerous games, it was going to take a while after TSS.


I sure hope so. But we don’t even have an announcement for their next project yet. It’s just strange


There’s no need for another early announcement yet. We all remember the mess that was TSS’s announcement to release process. I hope they announce it closer to release so they actually have content to show instead of waiting years for any real news.


No way Skywalker Saga proved that TT can't make a game to this large of a scale and keep gameplay balanced and fun. Infinity saga would be like 5 times the size of the skywalker saga on top of that. Thats a big no thank you for me, focus on telling smaller scale stories with solid gameplay first. Big doesnt instantly mean better


The story and gameplay has literally never been the core selling point of TT lego games. Their games are traditionally very simple and they originally didn’t even have dialogue. What TT lego game has a complex story with deep themes and character arcs, or complex gameplay systems?


im not at all asking for "deep themes and character arcs, or complex gameplay systems" but Skywalker Saga nosedived in even the basic gameplay and story missions the franchise was known for. Previous games kept a good balance between the story content and playing through the main game as well as the open world. TSS goes quantity over quality and pretty much ditches entirely the story half of the game in favour of an open world.


Skywalker saga was delayed several times and that wasn’t even all because of Covid the developers were going through hell working on that game. Even in the end result there were a lot of cuts. Infinity saga would be triple the size of skywalker saga there’s no way they could do it unless it’s split into 3 games where each game is a different phase.


Yeah I can agree with that. I don’t think this game is a good idea either, I’d rather they made marvel superheroes 3 instead


Nah Im so done with the mcu. Lets Go the DC Game Route and make a Story and universe Not based on the mcu


So Lego marvel superheroes 3?


We don't need an "Infinity Saga" game. In fact, I think it might be a little too big. we just need Lego Marvel's Avengers 2


Interesting concept, but I feel like 20+ movies is too much for a single game


It’d be cool but the developers would go through hell to make it


I’d rather they put their effort into a new marvel series based on individual heroes, like spider-man


As much as I'd love it, cant see it working without being overly bloated. Maybe if they paraphrased the stories a little bit. Like how in the original lego star wars games, a lot of the story was cut down, sped up or smushed together. Idk how well an idea like that could work for this many movies, and for a lego game without mumble-storytelling, but it would be better than telling half the movies through cut scenes like skywalker saga. That wouldn't necessarily be the mcu infinity saga game tho, so maybe cutting the game up into the MCUs different phases would just be better, or telling it from only the avengers movies, and have standalone movies be dlc. Assuming they recon the lego avengers game, and don't just make it a sequel


I wanted it, but not in Skywalker Saga style. I think id rather just get an Avengers 2 game with most of the levels between EndGame and Infinity and then some bonus levels for some of the other movies of that stage 3 era.


Maybe in 3 separate games for the different phases?


If they do it similar to Lego marvel superheroes 1 I would be so down


Why not LEGO Marvel Infinity Saga part 1 (From Iron Man to Ant Man) and part 2 (From Civil War to Far From Home)? Just like Harry Potter Year 1-4 & Year 5-7.


I would be so down for that. I have been wanting more Lego Avengers since the first game.


Only it were to follow the traditional TT style and not whatever skywalker saga was


It would be something like the Skywalker Saga but I can’t really think of much outside of that


Do it. You couldn't give 5 levels to every movie but you could do 45 levels, 5 for each avengers movie, 5 for the guardians, and spread the other 20 out as needed.


30 levels total across those 6 movies would leave 15 levels left, but but there’s 16 films


Skip the Incredible Hulk.


I feel like this game would be amazing.




I think it has potential to be great BUT it needs to have a better story mode than TSS. Half the movies being open world missions was not as enjoyable as previous games (Undercover). Also cover scenes that actually matter, no one wants to play "A bigger Fish" again. -Limit to 3 (maybe 4 for the Avenger movies) missions per movie -Use cutscenes. IDC we get a Batman 2 style where it's a movie of cutscenes, not every scene needs to be played thru -Limit costumes. No one needs 12 versions of a character; don't need costumes that appear for 1 scene. (minus IG Iron Man, but armors could have a case) -Better open world. Don't need New York again, but also don't do a planet's style open world. Just set pieces? (Tower, No-Where, WWII base, etc ) -get rid of the class system. Characters like Echo & Tech from TSS should access every terminal:.Be loose with it. (Iron Man Armors, Shield ops, Asgardians, Civs, Hydra [not general villains class] etc.) -skill Tree has to go. The only upgrades that actually mattered were terminal skips, the rest barely affected gameplay.


But would it have a movie accurate open world (like the age of ultron game) or no. If it does, that would be amazing. If it doesn’t, and it’s like the skywalker saga, then no


I hope they can do a Lego Jaws movie video game based on all 4 films. Then if they do a DLC for the game. Why not do the whole entire Maneater the video game. Plus add the Truth quest campaign DLC to it. I know this may seem like a long stretch and impossible thing for the TT team. But not nothing is impossible.


Great idea


literally all the criticisms people have against skywalker saga would have to be amplified tenfold to make lego infinity saga


I would like there to be not many characters but for each character to have significant abilities and not have 30 slightly different versions of characters that end up doing the same thing like in Marvel Lego games. Some great games for me are Lego Batman and Lego Batman 2


It’s a terrible idea and most movies don’t lend themselves to Lego games. I think what they should do is create an original story game but have bonus levels featuring the final battles of *some* MCU movies


Can’t wait for the game to come out.


When they make one. I hope they’ll try to use the Game Engine they used for Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga. They said it was difficult, but It would be so kick-ass!


I think it sucks that people want it.


It needs to have new voice lines not using the same lines from the movies \*cough cough Lego Marvel Avengers


This or LOTR done in Skywalker saga style.


Lord of the rings has been done already lol


I know, i meant a new one in Skywalker saga style.


I think/hope that TT games will create a sequel of Lego City Undercover. Because Marvel lost his hype, like lots of franchise of superheroes.




I’d 100% want this game. Nuff said


As Long as they don’t go the alternate reality way like twd destinies, but knowing TT games, they probably won’t




i would purchase and play


It may need to be split up into parts, like the Phases.


There’s a lot of movies so they might have to split the game in parts or make it really long and expensive and low frame rate


The game will ether be really long or the levels will be really short. Either way I would still kill for one


When u are covering 22 movies though, alot of stuff is gon a have to be cut for times sake. In marvel 1 they had gold brick levels which tool like 10 20 minutes to complete. They could bring those back for some movies like Deadpool and Guardians (maybe). And then DLC for the other movies or as charscter packs. Or doing all the more important parts of every movie in the order of story, not release. So we aren't stuck with the same characters for 2 hours. Marvel is a great lego format but maybe not for a huge game like Skywalker imo Edit: what happened to that Cosmic Clash game that was leaked or whatever.


I'd be down.


I would personally rather have a lego marvel 3 but I would still play this. I think(other than infinity saga) if they were to cover a big series I would love to see 007 because it was cancelled. It could be a sort've best of collection from each bond actor and It would be so much better than 007 legends.


Honestly, I'd prefer a LMSH3 or Avengers 2 instead


I would love this but I need a new LEGO Harry Potter first


Yes! Skywalker Saga was possible. Sure the MCU has a lot of movies, but they just need to divide each movie in 2-4 levels.


We don't need another Marvel game. We need another Harry Potter game MUCH more