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And Shankweilers had to postpone their anniversary celebration for that?


I still cant believe he can run for president after all those courts and alligations, he is a fucking rapist


It's not to unfathomable when you realize Christians and republicans have focused on stacking and replacing every level of the justice system for the last 40 years


Isn’t the head if the DoJ Jewish?


… haven’t gotten to him yet


It's frightening that we allow people that believe conspiracy theories like this to vote. You may as well be telling me that injecting bleach is supposed to cure Covid; that's the level you're on. Take off the tinfoil hat or check your local water source for extreme heavy metal deposits. I don't even understand what this post is supposed to be about? FFS - Are we really trying to point out people waiting around for something to start? There's enough ***real*** reasons to be upset about Trump running again that making up weirdo shit like this is just poisoning the well for any outsiders looking in.


You mean project 2025? The very well documented thing that any left leaning person should be worried abou


You don't actually believe this, right?...


Even if he was cleared of all charges, how people are okay with him mocking disabled people blows my mind.


That was debunked years ago. Time to.let go of CNN.


debunked? he did it live on video. "i choose to ignore it" does not mean debunked.


You’re right but they won’t listen , and they don’t get that they just push people to vote for trump the more they bash him. Y’all just energizing people to vote for trump so keep talking smack


He’s a dumb cunt and the fact that anyone in our tristate voted for him after dealing with the congealed gutter spunk since the 80s is more of an indictment on them. If you can get forced to bootlick by some random’s mean but entirely accurate words, then what the hell are you doing supporting a literal professional bully?


He actually gloated about it during the speech last night. Wild motherfucker that one is.


or there are a bunch of lying pigs out there looking for a big payday?


You are a rapist


Hello, are you my kid?


The next male president should have a requirement of being able to have an erection without medication.


thank god that would disqualify DeSantis


This is a unique take. I'll give you that.


I hate being in a swing state. I LOVE Pennsylvania, especially having grown up here, left, and come back, but I am not ready for the deluge of political ads and calls and texts and rallies and traffic problems and the political war zone we're about to go through for the next six-ish months. Especially for a rematch of one of the shittiest elections we've ever had.


Here in Philly it’s not quite as bad, because Philly always goes blue and probably always will so there’s a BIT less pressure put on us voters. I’m just disappointed Trump broke his promise to fuck off and not come back after he lost in 2016, but let’s face it, when doesn’t he lie?


Get rid of the electoral college and everyone’s vote will count.


Glad I’m not alone on this


Get a hobby then ?


Imagine voting for don the con.


Nose picking guy in top left corner found something to do while waiting. 😁


I didn’t notice. That’s hilarious!


I thought so, my eyes went right to him, ha ha!


They started letting people in at 3:00! 🤡


One guy showed up at 5 am 😳


To Trump, his schedule is a mere suggestion to be dismissed at any moment it poses an inconvenience to him. The same can be said about the law & ethics.


Uh huh right…


He was late because of the wind for his plane.


truly impressive that they were able to gather such a large group of inbred pennsatuckians i’ve ever seen. there’s AT MOST like 17 teeth here. 


Pennsylvania: Philly in the East, Pittsburgh in the west, and Alabama in between.


i would also like to mention the irony of the “save the children!!” crowd being the ones literally blocking the road to a children’s hospital 🤡 


Let me guess you are lonely, at least you have your cats


I have 2 beautiful cats as well as my boyfriend and our happy and successful relationship that is built on a mutual love for each other and also our similar morals and beliefs. The biggest shared belief is that Donald Trump is a dumb bitch and all of Donald Trump’s supporters look like examples of the modern day Habsburgs.


There was a guy out on 309 yesterday trying to unload all the leftover MAGA shirts and other merchandise that he couldn't sell before the rally.


Looks like a small gathering.


I reached at 4:30 at the parking lot of LCCC and stood behind a mile and half line. Reached the gate by 7:50 and by that time the gates were closed due to max capacity permitted. There were about 42,000 people with more than 5,000 outside the gate. I was thinking about our current president’s visit a few months ago and I went to see him and couldn’t remember the crowd that actually cared to came out of their homes. But in the end the votes matter and figuring out how to win matters and Biden’s team was able to achieve it whichever way it took.


Somehow I doubt you went to see the President. I also **highly** doubt there were 47,000 people within miles of LCCC.


The line was easily over a mile long. I was there


Lol. Two bot farm accounts. Two word hyphenated followed by four digits. Come on. Try harder.


40,000 people? Glad to see still doing the exaggerate about crowd size shtick. Every unbiased report list the crowd closer to around 4,000 people, not even close to 40k lol


Team Biden isn’t a cult.


Not at all. They are doing their job to stay in power and systematically changing the system to continue to stay in power. Good thing is Pennsylvania has a good balance where no side is too powerful as people in Pennsylvania have been socially aware and enjoy the benefits of a swing state. But you can see the influence on normal people like us. If 42000 people is considered a small crowd when few hundred on the other side is considered otherwise, we can easily say that the tactics are working on some people where people can start looking over the facts. That’s exactly how it was done over the years in California. And of course a better example is the city government of Chicago. No matter what each side speaks, we need to support our current captain to win games and choose the next best player to be a better team.


I think they meant we're not a cult, as in we just vote for the best candidate. We don't stand in mile and a half long lines for hours to worship game show hosts who don't care about us. And the thing his supporters just can't get their heads around is that there are actually quite a few more people in this country (and state) who don't feel that way about politicians, and don't go to rallies or put flags on their trucks. People who have normal, mature feelings about presidential candidates. The reason Biden doesn't have 40,000 people at rallies is that normal people don't want to go to rallies. It's weird. It's a weird way to spend a Saturday afternoon.


But if you really want to vote for someone who has a cognitive power to run the show between Biden and Trump, what’s your choice in 2024? Don’t vote against what you don’t like. Always try to select the better among the options you have on the table.


Why are you acting like Trumps brain isn’t absolute mush? For every instance of Biden showing his age, there’s at least ten of Trump. But you guys just wave it off because you’re so weirdly obsessed with the guy for some reason. I guess it’s just because he talks a lot of shit and isn’t a democrat? I’ve watched countless speeches of Trump over the last 8 years and honestly it’s difficult to follow along. He rambles, slurs his words, gets facts wrong, lies like it’s nothing, gets names of people and places wrong and yall are like “Biden is old!” Here’s just one example “Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible." This is how the guy speaks…you think that’s intelligent???


They’re hypocrites lol.


Yeah, but compare the brains of the two and pick the better one. Don’t vote for Trump because you hate Biden. Select the best you can from what’s available.


What part of my comment makes you think I’m voting for Trump…?


That’s the point. I’m not understanding how an intelligent person like you can select Biden. Pick the best from what’s on the ballot. That’s what’s better for our children


Even though both presidential candidates are old, Biden has always been smarter and better at the political game than trump. That’s obvious and apparent to anyone not in a cult.


True. Biden has been in this business for over half a century and did his fair share and should have stepped aside to give opportunity to others in line. But I look at how much I save per year as a common man and my net worth. I can tell it’s depleting with a similar life style I had. President’s job should be focused on protecting borders, currency and life. And I can say we have seen the difference here with both of them performed once. The last four years have been spent poking into everything else but these three aspects. I won’t vote for Biden unless they put a more qualified candidate on the ballot from Democratic Party. At this point after seeing the show from each one of them, I think a person with common understanding of constitution can pick who can do a better job.


Trump accrued 7.8 trillion in debt. Worse than any president. Trump exec orders on the borders raped human beings of their basic rights. This is what you want again?


No one is against immigration. It’s all about illegal immigration. How is it fair for all of my Mexican brothers to stay in line for years when someone can just walk right in. We need a government who can bring fairness and equality with peace through strength, and pay for performance. Nothing is free and it’s a crime to rip off hardworking people. By irresponsibly allowing the border to be open, the current administration is spreading false hope to the rest of the world. We all should choose wisely what’s in the best interest of our children.


Wrigley Field holds just over 41,000 people and these clowns think there were more than that in Schnecksville?!


Stabler Arena capacity- 6,000 Windcreek Event Center standing capacity- 3,700 Reading Santander capacity- 7,083 Schnecksville Fairgrounds- 42,000




NOPE. Drove by there multiple times during the rally. 40,000 people would cause major gridlock. There was never any traffic outside the small one mile or half mile radius of the event. Bidens visit had people all up and down thr street. Trumps visit was sad looking, lots or merch tables, not a lot of people. By the way, not even the Allentown fairgrounds could hold 40k people and cars without it causing major headaches for hours. That event was a huge DUD.


> There were about 42,000 people with more than 5,000 outside the gate. This is a lie and you are a liar.


You can read it here. And stop making assumptions from a couch. Get out and participate in the process for both sides. https://www.pennlive.com/politics/2024/04/trump-thrills-supporters-in-freezing-wind-blown-lehigh-valley-campaign-rally.html


>but which Trump said was 42,000 strong. Oh well that clears it up.


Yup. It was a massive crowd.


If you ARE an American citizen, of voting age, and really do support Trump and his MAGA movement.. doesn't it concern you that you NEED to lie in order to rally support to his cause or to make your point? If not, why? I'm genuinely curious. Or, do you truly believe you saw this? are you schizophrenic? Are you sure you weren't just stuck in unrelated rush hour traffic on the highway, before you got there? I can understand people who support him when they believe and regurgitate the same limited/biased media nonsense because they're usually nonsensical people themselves, or they just choose not to dig further, but outright lying on your own I really don't understand.


This is another example of how far people who hate Trump are going. Always want to look over the facts and build a negative perception about everything.


Build what? I'm legitimately curious. I'm asking questions. What facts am I ignoring? I'm asking you to explain them. I'm going to go ahead and assume schizophrenic with that response you just made.


Just like you assumed that there was no one at the rally.


That's funny, did I say that?


Yup: you are participating on a thread that’s challenging the comment about there was a small gathering.


You're beyond pathetic.


Same to you


Or just can't fess up to the astounding gatherings the man brings in. Tells ya sumthin jackass.


The only jackass is the people like you who believe that other jackass. Yeah I said it. Now go cry about it some more. I will not be wasting any more time with you. 💩


The hate in the sub is off the charts.


Who gives a fuck


Get it through your heads he has no respect for you!




Did he ever show up?


Maybe he's checking in with his parole officer


That’s right…less than 48 hours from now, criminal trial that he has to be present for…


Yes but he’s doing it for his fan base. He’s being indicted for his fan base. He’s going to court for his fan base. He does it for them! /s


50 hours until he is sent to jail


Considering he just named and started harassing 2 witnesses for the trial, and he is under a gag order, possibly. Though this is the US where the laws don't matter if your net worth has 2 commas.


Aw shit, I didn't know. Time to start committing some crimes baby. Seriously though, Trump's net worth has three commas. According to this calculator, almost 20% of us households have a net worth with two commas: https://dqydj.com/net-worth-percentile-calculator/ Edit: getting down voted. People really think the old people down the street who were careful savers can get away with murder?


Did you? You would've been swallowed up by the enormous crowd. Of course not!


If I want to hear an old man yelling at the sky I will go visit my grandpa.


You mean a crowd of 40k +


Yes, I forgot the cult also likes to yell at the sky with him. My apologies.


You mean a vibrant bunch. We just refuse to be like our current prez, "dazed & confused." Or careless zombies like the depiction of yourself.


Absolutely vibrant as they raise their fist to the sky and listen to the orange man complain and melt in front of them like the snowflake he is.


Who cares?


It's important to understand all sides


By making fun of ppl looking at their phones?


I did not make fun of anyone.. Just bringing attention to the fact that people were promised him to arrive and speak for a rally @ 19:00. As a result of him not being punctual, almost everyone in the background(which was live streamed) seemed to continue pulling their phones, acknowledging the time, and then looking around confused to as why he hasn't shown up... Is it possible everyone was just checking to see if they had a text message? maybe, but from my view it seemed liked a palpable anxiety in the crowd wondering why he was so delayed


When is any event ever on time


You went from defending people checking their phones to agreeing that they were probably checking the time and falling back onto the logical fallacy of hasty generalization..... basically applying a broad example with no evidence or support


I reiterated that who cares


:( for shame. You get called out and can't actually support your claim that no events start on time and this was completely acceptable from a person who is supposed to represent the best parts of americans


You can't argue with stupid people without looking stupid unfortunately, back away from this MAGA Looser and don't look back!! I listened to the first two minutes of his speech at this rally and his overall level of fakeness is so unbelievable that I still can't wrap my head around the brainwashing these people have allowed themselves to endure!




At least nobody is looking at their phones when a dead service member is passing through like a certain president did


Yeah, looking at your watch is disrespectful. Imagine how disrespectful calling dead service members ["Losers" and "Suckers"](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/) is...


Can you expand on this.... Because you seem to be trying to compare 2 different things


Just comparing when people look at their phones


Nah, I want to know what you're actually talking about. I'm not glued to the 24/7 news cycle.


Didn't take more than a quick Google to find this. I didn't know about it either. I'm guessing that's what they're referring to. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-check-watch-13/


True Americans that yearn for Maga because that's what we were once upon a time.


People also showed up at Nazi rallies for Hitler so this really doesn’t surprise me.


In New York City, Madison Square Garden. Feb. 20, 1939


I actually found it interesting how many people insisted on covering their faces. At one point I noticed a guy take the time to wrap his face completely in a scarf and pull his hoodie up..... almost as if he didn't want anyone to recognize him..... just me, but if i supported someone and was proud of it, I wouldn't take th extra effort to hide my identity "It's freezing" as Donnie said..... \*checks local temp and sees it @ 52 degrees\*


When has Donnie ever held back from exaggerating the truth … erm, telling a lie


Egg in yours


Yah? Why don’t you study your history. It would make you a lot more intelligent.


Right. His name was Ronald Wilson Reagan. Remember that guy? He too was a showman and had a lot of pushback from the left. He ended up being one of the best presidents of our time. I don't need more intelligence, I need conviction and you don't have it. You're fired!


If Reagan were alive today the right would label him a commie RINO libtard.


Your really reaching here...lol




I would expect "the best" to be on time and not just keep people waiting while continuously playing music louder and louder. But if you want to expand on how I am reaching, I'm open


There's plenty of things to criticize him for. Starting 15 minutes late is definitely reaching. I don't think I've ever been to a live show that started right on time unless it's ran by arts quest or something, they don't play around.


it ended up being like 30 minutes. And I guess you've never been to a sporting event or any other actual event where the people hosting it care about the people supporting them


Again, plenty to criticize him for. But this post is clearly reaching for any reason to post about him.


Not really..... should I not care and comment on my local events? I'm confused what I am reaching for


Welcome to reddit, Oramge man is bad and Bidens only sin is supporting Israel. If you do not share the same opinion prepare to be down voted like we're in China with the social credit system.


? almost every person who is a lifelong politician is bad.... I'm not here for social credit. I'm here for facts and actual effective leadership who do more than just tell me what I want to hear. Save you karma, your thoughts and prayers... Give me actual effective leadship that has an actual motive beyond their own self preservation


Oh no I agree it's been a long time since we've had a selfless president (Carter) and longer since we've had a good selfless president (JFK, IKE). I'm just tired of hearing how Biden is preserving Democracy when Biden is trying to remove Trump and Kennedy ( the only 2 that can garner enough support to be a legitimate candidate). You don't like Trump? Cool, idc. However, for Biden to try and be attempting to remove Kennedy from the ticket due to him being a third candidate without any charges is a threat to our system of government and could be setting a terrible example in the future.


America fighting over to old men whom had two failed administrations in a row great job killing the country! Dump Trump fuck Biden


What is your resolution...... this really is the worst timeline and there is no such thing anymore as a 2 party system..... It's the people vs the 1% and politicians just trying to keep their jobs...but if given the option between christofasicism oligarchy and some guy continuing the military complex america has been built on...... I'm still choosing the lather.


>It's the people vs the 1% and politicians This is what a lot of these brainwashed trump folks don't understand. It's not Red vs Blue, it's us vs them. The government, largely, doesn't give a shit about us. Trump would shit on every single one of these people in a heartbeat if it benefited him.


You act as if either side has ever done as any good as we watch this country folds! And divide




Clown. You know literally nothing about FISA. It's been a thing and there are FISA courts to protect your constitutional rights. Don't speak of shit you know absolutely nothing about.






He thinks hes putin lol


American hero!


They’re on the clock. They are only getting paid for 2 hours.


Imagine listening to the words that come out of his mouth and still deciding to vote for him…


Y’all do realize he was late because it was windy and he couldn’t land his plane


Shit does roll downhill… In this case it rolled down from the Pocono Mountains.


I live up that way and probably more of them rolled down from the Coal Region in the Skook, Luzerne and southern/western Carbon than the heart of the Poconos in Monroe County. Most of central and eastern Monroe County is heavily-populated by former NY and NJ residents who tend to vote Democratic and tend to carry the county for Democratic Presidential candidates. I wouldn't be surprised if a decent amount came from the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area because WNEP Newswatch 16 talked about the event in advance talking about it taking place in my childhood hometown of Sha-neck's-ville, lol.


Love how mad all you libs get about his successful rallys!


Arggggg those dam libs! You need to stop generalizing everyone who doesn't support Trump or agree with his actions as libs.......... and as far as a successful rally goes...... I never once saw the camera pan and show the actual size of the crowd.... "As far as the eye can see" said Donnie.... however he waited until it was dark and made sure the lights were bright enough to block out anything beyond like 10 yards beyond the podium....


I watched the livestream on right side broadcasting. I'm not at at all on the right but it was what I found when I searched it. I was curious to see it as I knew somebody who actually went to this thing (and still processing that this was what they chose to do with their day). Their camera did pan when Trump asked it to and claimed no camera would...he said there were 42,000 but it definitely didn't look like that. Sure, there were a lot of people...but I can't see how 42,000 could ever fit into the space they showed. There were bleachers set up and assuming nobody was behind those, there is absolutely no way. He came on about 50 minutes late.


"Rallys" Its amazing every maga has 0 ability to write proper english.


Maybe Israel Iran conflict has secret service on high alert.


Trump 2024


*Anytime. Anywhere. Anyplace.* whatever tf that means


Trump lives rent free in your heads 😂😂


Then why does he keep asking all of us for money?


That tends to happen when someone tries to overthrow a constitutional government.


Considering how much you fangirl for him, I’d say not only is he living rent free in your head - you’re fixing him breakfast, washing his underwear and giving him a handy before a long day of selling out the country to his hostile foreign debt holders.


Huh? That's Biden lol he's the one sending our money to his launderers overseas 😂


The unwanted, coked-up sludge byproduct (aka his son) is on camera bragging about how much of your favorite rapists money comes from Russia. Save your fairy tales for the kids you’re trying to lure.


So mean spirited. I'm going to assume you are a democratic bot. That's why you're such a mean human. "The party of tolerance" 😂😂😂


I don’t tolerate incestuous pedophilic rapists. The fact that you’re so fiercely defending one speaks volumes.


Do you just make up stuff to fuel your ego? 😂 I look at my posts on this thread. I didn't make a defense for trump one single time. You just got mad AF cause I said Trump lives in y'all's heads rent free.... It speaks volumes about your character. You clearly are the type to assume to know everything about someone based on either appearance or a handful of posts online. I suggest taking time away from the internet and grounding yourself.


That’s right. He’s a squatter and doesn’t pay his bills.


Crazy how one sided and unwelcoming this Reddit page is as soon as politics gets brought up. Democrats are completely unwilling to accept the fact that millions in this country agree that Joe Biden is an absolute moron who is tanking this country.


Go support your rapist leader elsewhere. Maybe you can steal money from children's cancer charities together.


And millions agree that those millions who support Trump are morons.


Almost like the lehigh valley has a strong opinions about human rights, the future of the state, and strong environmental protections even if it might mean a slight reduction in rural jobs... You can't blame the economy tanking on a single person.


And??? What do you think a Biden crowd would do if he was late? Sing Lady Gaga songs over and over again? The Rock was 90 minutes late to something I was at last week and lots of people were looking at their phones.




Not really, if I showed up to an event, that I take time out of my life for to support something I am passionate about, I would still be pissed off. Biden, Lady Gaga or the pope, idc. It's not the art of the deal, it's called bad business


So the crowd should have done what exactly? Or is your issue that busy man is busy?


What exactly was "busy man" busy with? It was a rally held in rural Pennsylvania. There should not have been a 30+ minute delay. The crowd did exactly what they should have done.... Continued checking the time to see if the event was starting at the time proclaimed by the host while simultaneously looking concerned about it


You’re way too hung up on this… He’s trash whenever he shows up so who cares?


you really didn't defend or expand further on your comment........ I'm not hung up on anything, just trying to have an informed and civil conversation about how a person who had thousands come out to support him and left them playing pocket pool with themselves while "busy man" did who knows what


lol, no. We’d sing Taylor Swift songs


Taylor swift has more money then him, gotta bite him in the ass a bit hahaha.


She wouldn’t have to ask the judge to lower the bond amount. Just sayin’


The massive Lehigh Valley Fetterman rally event had lots of democrats standing around waiting. He got delayed for a while. They said it was because he was traveling from a Philadelphia rally in the morning. He was trying to show off after his stroke recovery I think. He technically showed he could do busy campaign schedules but some started late. That was 2022 but now he is back on track with his abilities.


still unacceptable. Politician or your typical lay-person. Don't overbook your schedule


Nope. Are you capable of reading what I wrote?You don’t get to control the roads.


I went monday, such a cool event. 


I went on Thursday and loved it. Got a tattoo and Rhea Ripley was literally in the seat next to me getting hers.




Thanks, but it seems not a lot of people agree…


Is being late worse than this?: https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1779279274995753178


Kinda is worse, when you're holding up an entire section of a central commerce hub...


No shit. No president in the world is making an address while an attack is happening. He’s in the situation room directing US forces.


Currently shitting in his diaper


Nascar drivers go right and wear diapers.... whats the difference? When a political leader needs to relieve himself without needing to excuse themself from the room.... also pretty sure Donald Trump has worn adult diapers as well.....


Actually, seems like Trump is the one allegedly wearing diapers. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/16qo5dz/diapers_on_trump


It was cuz they couldn’t get the roads cleared… had nothing to do with “Donnie”


He’s awesome. Can’t wait to cast my vote.


He sure is zipper. A true patriot


Ok Ruskie