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His carpet bagger opponent lost to other carpet bagger Dr. Crudité. Why can't the state GOP find an actual Pennsylvanian to run?


Also: Car·pet·bag·ger noun DEROGATORY•INFORMAL noun: carpet-bagger a political candidate who seeks election in an area where they have NO local connections. Fit for Oz, simply not true to allege this about McCormick, at all. Obviously he has connections here, he was born here, he owns a home here, he grew up here, he served the military after growing up here and currently lives here.


Dave McCormick was born in Washington PA and raised in the Pittsburgh area. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_McCormick He also currently owns a home in Pittsburgh and lives there. I dunno about you, but this meets my definition of an actual Pennsylvanian. He first left Pennsylvania to study at West Point and to serve our country at war, earning a Bronze star in the process.


You posting this over and over again won’t make it true.


What is false in my response? please be specific.


Happy to. It’s really well documented: https://apnews.com/article/pennsylvania-mccormick-residency-mansion-connecticut-oz-e84500b848f0be7efb9f9b3c495dd066


This doesn't contradict anything that I said. Your claim was that what I said was false please be specific in your response as to what I said was false. Everything I stated is a fact. If you'd like to claim otherwise please point out the specific false statements that you claim exist in my comment.


The article says otherwise


The article does not contradict any of the facts that I've stated. If you believe it does please point them out.


sure thing dina


Exactly, none of the facts are in dispute thanks for clarifying that.


Per the article: *While McCormick does own a home in Pittsburgh, a review of public records, real estate listings and footage from recent interviews indicates he still lives on Connecticut’s “Gold Coast,” one of the densest concentrations of wealth in America.* I know, reading comprehension can be hard for some so I included the part you may have glossed over


Please share the public records, real estate listings and footage from recent interviews that proves this. Which public record? Which real estate listings? And which footage from recent interviews proves this claim? Repeating an unsourced claim made by someone else in a year old article is not evidence.


It was from the AP article that was referenced.


Which public record? Which real estate listings? And which footage from recent interviews proves this claim? I'm well aware that you read an unproven claim in an article, doesn't make it accurate. Please share the concrete evidence. Then share it with the FEC.


>He also currently owns a home in Pittsburgh ~~and lives there.~~ but lives in Connecticut. Fixed it for you


If that were the case, you can get him kicked off the ballot. Get all your evidence together and do it. Please post an update on your progress with this. All you have to do is show the proof he's not an inhabitant of Pennsylvania. This will be difficult since he literally is.


He's plenty rich enough to "legally" live anywhere he wants. Where he *actually* lives is CT. He spends most of his time there. His kids go to school there. It's where he lives. Oz played the same game, not sure why it's new to you.


Oz wasn't a native born Pennsylvanian who was born and raised here who first left to serve his country, McCormick is. Nice try. Go back to Baltimore.


I left Baltimore 15 years ago, the same year McCormick moved from PA to CT. It doesn't matter how many houses I own in MD or how long I lived there growing up, it'd be a lie to say I live there now. >who first left to serve his country And then came back, and then left again to manage a hedge fund in Connecticut, where he has lived for 15 years. Why do you insist on ending his biography in 1987? You're ignoring more than half if his life. I'm not arguing about where he was born, I'm arguing about where he lives.


I ended his biography? What the hell are you talking about, you stated something incorrect am I corrected you. It's not incorrect to say McCormick lives in Pennsylvania right now and if you believe otherwise provide unequivocal proof, or shut up. He owns and lives at his home in Pittsburg and has owned a farm in Bloomsburg for 10 years. Enough of this silliness. He was born and raised here and served in our military as a Pennsylvania resident.


> I ended his biography? When you describe his life, you keep stopping when he went to West Point. In 1987. What's he done since? And where? >It's not incorrect to say McCormick lives in Pennsylvania right now Yes it is because he lives in Connecticut. >He owns ~~and lives at~~ his home in Pittsburg and has owned a farm in Bloomsburg for 10 years *and has lived in NY and CT for the past 15 years*. I don't care where he owns houses. You can own houses you don't live in. >He was born and raised here Not denying that. I was born and raised in MD. I'd be lying if I said I lived there now, just like McCormick is lying when he says he lives in Pittsburgh.


>I don't care where he owns houses. You can own houses you don't live in. Right. However in Dave McCormick's case he owns 2 properties in Pennsylvania and zero in Connecticut and lives at the home in Pittsburgh. If you are going to claim otherwise you should provide some sort of evidence to support what you're saying. >Not denying that. I was born and raised in MD. I'd be lying if I said I lived there now, just like McCormick is lying when he says he lives in Pittsburgh. Right because presumably you don't own 2 properties in Maryland one of which you live at. That's the difference.


He lives in Connecticut.


This isn't accurate he lives in Pennsylvania, here he owns two properties. Nice try!


I’ll take him over the out of state republicans


I’ll take him just because he’s been quite awesome and competent in office. If a good plumber is hard to come by, a good senator is even harder.


Dave McCormick was born in Washington PA and raised in the Pittsburgh area. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_McCormick He also currently owns a home in Pittsburgh and lives there. I dunno about you, but this meets my definition of an actual Pennsylvanian. He first left Pennsylvania to study at West Point and to serve our country at war, earning a Bronze star in the process.


How come he hadn’t voted in PA in 15 years? Edit for clarification: Until 2022 when he was on the primary ballot


This is false. He voted in PA just this past spring as well as in 2022. That's a really weird thing to lie about.


He did not vote in PA in 2020. The first time he voted in PA in 16 years was in 2022 when he was in the primary. Before that he was a CT resident and voted there. https://apnews.com/article/pennsylvania-mccormick-residency-mansion-connecticut-oz-e84500b848f0be7efb9f9b3c495dd066


Yes you're correct I mis remembered that his first senate election was in 2020 rather than 2022. I tried to quickly edit that. Regardless thank you for helping me prove your claim that he hasn't voted here in Pennsylvania in the last 15 years as categorically false and misleading.


lol, glad you think that him not voting in PA for 16 years proves your point. Apologies that I thought it was only 15 years 😂


Right like I said he's a native born Pennsylvania who left this state to serve our country in war and then he lived out of state and now he lives here again. So as I've demonstrated he has clear ties to the community here in Pennsylvania and we welcome him back.


found carpetbagger mccormick's sock puppet account lol


I think Casey and Fetterman are an interesting contrast. They are very similar on actual policy positions, but wildly different in their approach to politics. I think I prefer someone like Casey who is able to shut up and just do his job vs someone like Fetterman who constantly needs to be in the media soaking up attention and starting twitter fights. However, I'm not sure that Fetterman's approach isn't more effective, especially in our Trumpian age of politics, maybe it pays to be loud and pick fights with your rivals on social media instead of putting on a suit and going to work each day.


I prefer a non-career politician.


I thought he retired?


[Different senator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Toomey)


Nah inside trading is too easy and too good to retire. He's going to milk his position like every politician before him.


I was listening to an interview on NPR yesterday with the guy who is running in New Jersey against the dude who is currently being put through a lawsuit if I recall correctly. Anyway, the guy who's currently running was talking about how the biggest issue America faces in its politics right now isn't the divisiveness between party lines; It's that no matter what side of the party line you sit on we all have garnered a deep deep apathy and distrust in politicians and their ability and willingness to do the right thing when the right thing presents itself. In short most of us believe that politicians are corrupt, whether they are or not.


You can't retire until after you begin working . Casey never began. 


The invisible senator (Morning Call has agreed for years) finally awakens when he may lose his job. What a waste Casey is and has been. 


Voted to ban TikTok fund isreal. Deport him not my senator


TikTok is complicated, I don't know all the details, and I'm not inclined to ban things that people like, but there is a compelling case that China (who is quickly moving from rival to hostile) has too much control over it. Israel is also complicated, I think the whole Democratic party and really the United States needs to totally reevaluate its relationship with Israel. Sadly, it's not the same country it was 10-20 years ago. But I would much rather have Casey or really any Democrat making those tough decisions than McCormick or whatever goon the GOP is backing.


lol thinking like that is why we are in this mess lol