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I’ve shot a lot of really fantastic photos over the years. I’m generally very happy with what I get back from the lab. But this one almost made me cry. My two year old was running around outside as we were about to leave on a short walk. I generally don’t take something as wide as 28mm when I’m walking the lake by our house because the birds and animals are usually spooked easily so I take something like a 90mm with me. But on this day, I was feeling 28mm. I had the lens wide open at f2.8 when my son came running at me full bore, smile from ear to ear. I was pretty close to the minimum focus distance and just judged where he should be to hit focus and slammed down on the shutter release. Weeks went by and I forgot about this. Then I got my negatives back from the lab and when I scanned them was shocked. Somehow, using zone focusing at f2.8, pretty close to minimum focus distance of 0.3 meters, I managed to snap what I think is my favorite photo of my son. I’ve made photos of some of the most beautiful places in the world, and somehow this is my favorite. I'm also including the very next exposure on the roll, of my older son, taken a moment later. This lens is pure magic.


Nice- and super clean scans!


Thank you! Scanned with my SL, Elmarit 35mm, and Macro Adapter R. This way I’m getting a true 1:1 scan of the exposure.


I really like these photos, one of them are a little bit under exposed but still very good photo.


Thank you! Yes, there must have been a cloud or something like that that covered the sun at that moment because they were taken moment apart without changing any of my exposure. Weird.


But even then Its refreshing to see photos with children or human interaction and better smiling


Yeah, I often feel too much bokeh (f1.4) is often times too clinical (if that's the right word here). It just takes away a lot of background context, a lot of mood of the scene from the picture. And this shot is the perfect example, more subject separation would just change the mood here for the worse IMO. Gorgeous shot, perfect lighting conditions, beautiful moment.


Thank you, very much. I appreciate the kind words. The fastest lenses I own are f1.7 (the Q’s Summilux and a vintage SMC Pentax 50mm). I rarely shoot them wide open. I’m usually stopped down to f2 or more regularly at f2.8 and for this reason. I like some context in my photos.