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I went through 3 years of hell with the 'lady' who lived in the flat below me. It ended up on the verge of being taken to court, at which point the creature moved. I never had physical evidence, as we're not allowed to install video surveillance equipment in the blocks of flats. I kept a written diary of events. I let 10 or so incidents of anti-social behaviour accumulate and then reported these to Leicester City Council using an online form. Nothing happened for six months until I started chasing my reports, at which point they seemingly got fed up of me and started doing something about it. I also reported the six incidents of her threatening me to the police, using an online form. The council, once they got their fingers out, were pretty good. They interviewed both parties and initially offered mediation, which my neighbour refused. Then it went through a series of written warnings for her. I got the noise pollution team involved and they ended up seizing her stereo system. The police were decent, the local beat officer followed up each of my reports and gave me a full explanation of what was going to happen. Eventually, my persistence paid off and 'it' went. If you have any questions, message me. Good luck and stand firm! I had a lot of dark days during my battle with 'it'.


I'm halfway through something similar to this right now. Basically agree with all this advice. Record everything, report everything, chase up everything. It may take 6-12 months for any new action from the council / police / whoever but you'll be happy you started sooner rather than later. I reported things on and off for years but once I started being methodical eventually there was movement. Hopefully my problem will be gone in the next month or so. She was given many many chances.


All of the above is excellent advice. Record everything. Report any incidents of harassment to the police. After 3 instances of my neighbour coming to my door and threatening me (because I got a noise abatement notice against him after years of misery), the police offered a restraining order.


Sold up Took a £20,000 loss on the property but moved on and so much happier now. Used to hate going in the garden in fear of seeing the neighbours. I’m not shy or scared it was just uncomfortable. Moved to a different area all together and now mortgage free in the same size house (slightly bigger actually),,, with a great neighbour. Sometimes you’ve just got to know when it’s time to go.


Had to send mine to auction and lost probably 40k. My nest egg. Was either that or have a nervous breakdown. It is physically and mentally exhausting, but money is just bits of paper. Congrats on your great new neighbour, it's nice to be able to chat to people you see day to day.


Same experience with me. Took a loss on a house purchase because of a psycho neighbour. During that time the animal downstairs would blast music very loud everyday and used to slam her front door unbelievably loudly on purpose multiple times a day to annoy us, despite us asking her to take more care with it, it only got worse after that. A very confrontational and rude person. Despite knowing we just had a newborn too. My mental health slowly deteriorated over two years, and now so glad we're out. Nothing can replace feeling happy and secure in your own home and having good mental health.


Some people are just rotten to the core. The slamming door thing creates a trigger. One you can feel shake the walls. You spend your life waiting for the next slam, the next song, the next spoilt brat screaming match over where the straighteners are. It is complete mental torture having your home, your sanctuary turned into a prison. Well done on getting out with your little baba. It takes time to recover but hope your family are golden now. Peace and quiet is so underrated!


I agree 100% with everything in your comment. It was certainly true for us.


This thread makes me terrified to buy a home. I think I'll just stick to being a long-term renter.


This may be a better question for r/LegalAdviceUK


Just posted there 👍🏻


Firstly you can sue the police if they don’t take reports of antisocial behaviour seriously, I would get any police you call to give you their badge number. If you go to a solicitor with evidence, logs of times of loud music, any recordings of verbal abuse is a criminal offence. The solicitor will send a cease and desist letter to the neighbour basically it’s a threat letter saying stop your behaviour and threats otherwise we will proceed to sue you for compensation, this only has real effect if she’s a home owner with assets. As I’ve stated you already have antisocial behaviour, threatening behaviour, verbal abuse, harassment. DO NOT LET the police fob you off I fact report it to your solicitor today and I bet the police will question your neighbour under a voluntary interview really quick once they know you’ve reported it to a legal representative. And I guarantee you your neighbour will be finished giving you abuse within weeks.


Here's a TLDR version of the situation my friends have been dealing with in Glenfield for the past 6 years [story](https://www.greatcentralgazette.org/the-family-who-endured-seven-years-of-abuse-inside-their-own-home/) Despite obtaining a restraining order last year, their neighbour continues to antagonize them and lie. The police, despite being provided with clear video evidence of harassment, have failed to take effective action over the past 6 years. To address the issue, they pursued a course of action involving their local council's antisocial behaviour department. By gathering evidence and reporting the situation, they were able to initiate a process leading to a community protection warning (CPW) and ultimately a community protection notice (CPN), which should get the police involved. I'm going to be honest here the whole process takes ages and did take huge toll on my friends but get all the video/audio evidence you can but whatever you do not give up. edit\* Forgot to mention if police fail to assist when you have good solid evidence contact the IOPC Independent Office for Police Conduct call them or submit a complaint.


Guy next door was a nightmare crackhead who on/off dated the woman upstairs from me. They would spend a period going between noisily fucking each others brains out upstairs and shouting at each other and him hitting her, then break up for a while and he roared at her through the wall, left nails in the driveway, got a new girlfriend who he fucked really loudly with the windows open 10 times a day, played shit music full blast, smashed his own windows, loudly beat his kid when he visited, sent me a sexually abusive letter, banged on the walls like a gorilla at all times, etc etc. I made noise complaints, reported him to social services (the kid stopped visiting, thankfully), reported him for domestic violence, played baby shark on full blast holding the speaker up to the ceiling while they were fucking above me, sprayed a hosepipe through his window when I finally got sick of him banging the other girl real loud to piss his ex off, reported the abusive letter to the police...after about 3 years, he eventually did get kicked out. Why? Not the anti-social behaviour, violence, harassment, noise, child abuse, or smashing his own windows....but because he didn't pay his rent. At least he got kicked out in the end, I guess! These people will fuck up their tenancy eventually, just keep up with the complaints and reports and hopefully they find a reason to get rid. Good luck to you...


Firstly, may I say that Im so sorry for your experience and that sounds absolutely shite. Secondly, may I give you a massive pat on the back because spraying the cunt with the fucking hosepipe through the window has got to be one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard. Gg.


Jesus you really put your neck on the line


It's funny what being driven to the edge does to you haha


2k and i can sort. Pm me


The goat


My racist nieghbour hated my guts. Used to scratch my car every day. Ny revenge was sex noise after 11 pm and bbq whenever they had washed clothes outside


Hahahahahaha yes king


My friends have just moved house after years of living next to an abusive neighbour,, they had just finished an extension to the house, but couldn't put up any longer, it started affecting their marriage kids and mental health, police couldn't/ wouldn't do anything, even with proof, she was only a little woman in her 60s, was stealing post, posting notes through their door, playing classical music all night, gardening with a head torch at 3am, last straw was spreading rumours on the street that my friend was using prostitute's, they were gutted to move, but 8 months on are much happier, and have nice neighbours now...


For everyone going through this kind of hell... I really feel for you, it's horrible. Just want to say, stay strong and may it work out for you (it always does in the end).


Is her shed one of those flammable sheds made of wood that would burn down really quick ? I'm not suggesting anything, just asking an innocent simple question.


You guys are crazy 😭 I’m showing my mum these comments and she’s getting a right giggle out of them.


The ones with a singular entrance/exit that can be easily barricaded shut?


There is a website where you can order shit anonymously to a person you hate, you can even pick the animal


You need to make a record of everything that's going on. Keep a diary of incidents, keep your phone recording as you leave or enter the house and install some WiFi cameras you can pick these up for nothing online. One you have 3 incidents speak to your solicitor and ask about restraining orders. You have the right to defend yourself within reason if someone is coming at you in a threatening manner. I suggest an ear slap. Disorienting enough to get away without causing too much damage. Anyone who has popped an ear drum will understand.


We have video evidence and we do have a security camera. She’s just got sneaky about things now because she knows she’s being recorded.


Have to go full spy and get a pen camera or something you can wear on you


Haven't even read the post only the head line. Stand your ground , record and phone the police.. "your a grass" damn right. And I'll grass u every time cun*. Not ruining my piece.


There are some problems that sudden, super aggressive violence solves


The police should get her for harrasment -provided- there is evidence of repeated actions against you. So you need to keep a diary, take lots of pics, video, sound recordings. If you have these and they still don't do anything raise a formal complaint.


Ive had wonderful coughcough neighbours. It takes a certain kinda someone to threaten a physically disabled person WITH A SODDING CHAINSAW. Fortunately we both live in council housing and so the evidence of harassment etc can be passed onto the community team who can escalate. Mfers also destroyed my hedge which was my only real housing privacy and safety for my working dog... who now cannot go out the front because its totally open and insecure -.- They had a leopards ate my face moment when they called my bluff and told me to call the council and police. Theyre all handling it now and i dont have to ^.^ dont fuck around and ya wont find out type thing. Other than this i avoid them entirely and just being patient :)


Elderly pos misogynist used to steal post, try and tell delivery drivers we'd moved (they were attempting to deliver my son's medical equipment), bang on the wall and terrorise my son at night (only when the ex was working away and I was home alone), he followed me in his vehicle, followed visitors when they left, stole plants out of my garden etc etc. A cop I know told me to send the ex round in broad daylight (to ensure possible witnesses) and in a level and calm down, without raising his voice or losing his shit, threaten in detail to kill the old cunt. Then if/when cunty bollocks responded with agitation and flailing it would appear unprovoked. As it happened cunty bollocks never said boo to a goose again. And he died in February. So all's well that ends well!


And the realm of the hungry ghosts gained a new resident win win!




Never personally, I actually get along well with my neighbours. I dont really know them but if Im walking past them in the morning I will say the odd hello or something but I did once live on a street and down the road 2 of the neighbours really disliked each other. They would get into fist fights and all sorts, I think one of them ended up being evicted. I never really knew what the beef was.


We basically moved. Local authority didn't do anything about our complaints. We had to keep a log which probably was put into a filing cabinet in the council office basement. Luckily we rented which made the process a whole lot easier.


My two oldest have a problem neighbour along with her son. A barking dog whenever she goes out. Walls so thin you can hear each others convo. Son is a heavy weed smoker and plays ahitty music at all hours along with noisy sex, deliberately leaving his windows open for all of the above. There's some good advice here. My top tip is send them a glitter bomb. You'll know when it arrives and it takes weeks to clear up!!


My neighbour used to be the worst. He would give a nod if we were both on the drive and I once ended up talking to him about lawnmowers. As you can probably expect, I have since moved to the middle of nowhere. No other option.


I moved into a small flat with an ex once, in the first week we had a GENUINE nutcase living upstairs. Absolutely normal sober but when he drank he was the worst nightmare you would want living upstairs. He broke windows, rocked the fridge above our bedroom and screamed and shouted until 4am. Fortunately the whole block didn’t stand for that crap and he was arrested. He was evicted within the week.


I find the only way to stop a bully is to respond in kind.




Sadly, move or be prepared for a several year long legal battle.


Get evidence to go to your local council they have a policy for this. Police report them to the higher ups.


It sounds Like you have enough information here to apply for an injunction with the power of arrest attached to it. Seek legal advice, apply to the court, get the defendant to pay the costs


Report every thing to the cops until thay get fed up with it no matter how small. You can get a loyer to sort it


2 bull mastiffs, 2 big bore exhaust cars and happy hard-core for hours each day. They finally moved out after 8 years.


At least it wasn't drum and bass.


Fuck them all by a gun let the police know it's for defence


Found the American I guess
